Forever and Always

By Curlybrok

Published on Mar 14, 2000


Hi All This is Curlybrok; I decide to write another story. First off the usual warning go here, if your underage or don't want to read gay erotic stories please leave now, however if your curious or just plain horny read on... LOL. This story is not meant imply the sexuality of the characters in it. If you have questions or comments please email, I love to get email. Now on with the story, oh if you're curious this story is about N Sync.

Forever & Always Chapter 1 Curlybrok

They kissed passionately, heat radiating from their firm bodies. Their passion filled cries spread throughout the room permuting the air surrounding them. The blonde laid on top of the older boy, rubbing his hands over his chest. The older boy's arms were wrapped around the blonde's upper body as the blonde fucked the older boy. "oh... God... I love you." The blonde moaned as his thrusts became quicker and more intense. "Oh baby... I love you." The older boy said. The blonde moved his hands down the older boy's chest to his abs rubbing them as he made his way down to the boy's rock hard cock. He wrapped his hand around he older boy's manhood and began to jack him off in time with his thrusting. The older boy allowed his tongue to slip into the blonde's mouth as they kissed. Their kiss became more and more passionate, as sweat drops formed on their bodies. The blonde's hair was drenched with sweat, he continued to make love the older boy, thrusting his penis into the older boy's tight ass. His thrust caused his penis to rub against the older boy's prostate sending shockwaves of pleasure through his body.

"Oh baby I love you so much." The blonde said. "I love you too." The older boys said as he felt himself drifting closer to orgasm. "I'm almost there." The older boys said. The blonde increased his thrust and speed at which he fucked the older boy. "Oh... God... I'm almost there." The blonde said. The older boy wrapped his arms around the blonde and kissed him passionately as he released his cum between the two sweating bodies. "Oh, God." The older boy cried out as he came. The blonde felt the cum of the older boys hit his abs and he was sent over the edge as he felt the older boy's ass tighten around his cock, he thrusted his cock into the older boy one final time reaching as far in the older boy as he could as he released his love juices into the older boy. His whole body tense as he cried out and orgasmed. "I love you Justin." The older boy said.

JC shot up in bed covered in sweat. He looked at the other bed in the room to see if Justin had awakened. The young blonde slept peacefully in the second bed. JC wiped the sweat from his face. He laid back down and placed his left arm on his forehead, and closed his eyes. As he lay there JC noticed that his boxers were wet, he pulled the covers back and quietly as possible walked over to the bathroom and closed the door. JC leaned back against the door and closed his eyes; tears began to stream down his angelic face. "Why do I have these feelings for Justin?" JC asked himself. JC wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up. He walked to the sink and wet a face cloth; JC wiped the sweat from his face, and tried to clear his mind of the dream. It was a repeating dream one, which he fought to control. JC remembered when he first meet Justin those many years ago on MMC. He had even had a crush on Justin way back then, for as long as he could remember he had always had feeling for Justin. He had always managed to control his feelings, but now it had become too hard.

JC finally walked back into the room, as his eyes adjusted back to the dark room he noticed that Justin was sitting up in bed. Fear began to fill JC's body as he saw his band mate and best friend looking at him. 'Oh God, what if I screamed his name during my dream?' JC Thought and began to panic. He walked over to the bed quickly and got under the covers. "Something wrong Josh?" Justin asked. JC shook his head, "No, just had to pee." JC said, hoping Justin would drop the subject. Justin nodded and lay back down. "Josh, you know if there is ever anything bothering you, you can tell me." Justin said. "I know Just, I'm fine, but thanks for asking." JC said. 'I want to tell him, but I'm scared.' JC said to himself, he felt the tears wanting to be released but held them back.

JC knocked on the bathroom door, trying to hurry Justin up. "Justin are you almost done." JC said. Just then Justin opened the door and walked out of the bathroom naked. "Justin do you mind not walking around naked." JC said as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Justin looked back at the bathroom door, "Ok something is wrong with him." Justin said. He began to search through his clothes for something to wear. Justin dressed then sat on his bed and waited for JC to come out of the bathroom. JC emerged a few minutes later completely dressed. Justin looked up at JC and their eyes meet, one set holding care and compassion the other worry and fear. "Josh, I think we need to talk." Justin stated calmly and clearly.

JC stood frozen; fear suddenly filled his body as he stood there looking into Justin's eyes. "Justin can this wait, we're going to be late." JC said. "No Josh it can't." Justin said. "Josh something is wrong, you haven't been acting like yourself for the last three weeks." Justin said. "Justin its nothing, please just drop it." JC said. Justin shook his head, "Josh I've looked up to you since way back when we were on MMC together, I have always told you when something was wrong with me." Justin said. "Justin there is nothing wrong with me I'm fine." JC stated. JC began to walk for the door when Justin stood and quickly came up behind him, just as JC open the door Justin slammed it shut, JC turned to face Justin. "Don't give me that crap JC I know you better then anyone else and I know when there is something wrong, and whatever the fuck it is you'd better start talking." Justin said his voice raised.

JC fell to his knees and began to cry, he buried his face into Justin's chest. Justin was shocked, this wasn't the response he was looking for, the person he looked up to all his life was now crying in his arms. Justin had always looked up to JC as the strong older brother he wished he had, but as he looked down at the older boy holding on to him he saw a fragile and scared child, looking for someone to protect him. Justin placed his hands on JC's arms and lifted him up. Justin looked into JC's eyes, he saw pain and fear, he pulled JC to him and they walked to the bed. Justin and JC sat down, JC looked at Justin tears streaming down his face. "Hold me." JC requested softly. Justin tightened his grip on JC and held the older boy closer to him, JC cried freely on Justin's shoulders releasing the pain and fear that he held inside for so long. He wanted to tell Justin everything but he words wouldn't come out.

Justin didn't know what to do he had always looked up to JC for the answers, now JC was looking to Justin for that same help, and the same answers. Justin continued to hold JC as the older boy cried himself to sleep. Justin laid JC down on the bed and wrapped him in a blanket. Justin stood and made a few phone calls, he then lay down next to JC on the bed and watched he older boy sleep, soon Justin too felt the affect of sleep slowly creeping up on him and he closed his eyes.

"Where are JC and Justin?" Chris asked as he walked into Lance's room. "Justin said that JC wasn't feeling well today and asked if they could get the day off." Lance said. "Oh, what did Jeff and Jason say to that?" Chris asked. "Jason is working at MTV on preparing for tomorrow's TRL appearance and Jeff was the only one I could reach and he agreed to give us the day off, and said he'd let Jason know about JC being ill and that he'd given us the day off." Lance said. Chris nodded, "So what are we going to do today." "I was thinking of going to the mall, and then grab lunch in the hotel restaurant." Lance said. "What are you going to do Joey?" Chris asked. "I was planning on going with Lance." Joey said. "Mind if I join you guys?" Chris asked. "Sure if you want." Lance said. "Cool." Chris said. "I'll leave a message for Justin to let him know that we went to the mall." Lance said. Joey and Chris nodded and Lance left a message on Justin and JC's hotel room voice mail.

After Lance finished leaving a message, he called down to the front desk and got them to have a limo brought up front for them to go to the mall. Lance grabbed a jacket and the guys headed down to the limo and left for the mall. Meanwhile Justin and JC slept peacefully and closely on JC's bed. JC awoke and blinked his eyes open, as his eyes focused he saw Justin angelic face, he looked peaceful and cute to JC. Before JC knew what he was doing he kissed Justin on the lips. JC quickly pulled back, the kiss had caused Justin to slowly awaken. JC looked at Justin slightly afraid of Justin's reaction. Justin looked at JC, "I'm sorry Justin." JC said. Justin looked at JC confused. "Sorry for what?" Justin asked. "I... I did something I shouldn't have." JC said. "What did you do?" Justin asked still confused. "I... I... Justin I kissed you." JC said. "What do you mean, JC if you had kissed me I would have remembered it." Justin said sitting up on the bed. JC sat up and shook his head, "You were asleep." JC said looking away from Justin. "Justin, I don't know how to say this, but please try to understand." JC said. Justin give JC his full attention. "You said you wanted to know what was bothering me, well, Umm... Justin I've had this crush on someone who I can't have." JC said. "Who is it?" Justin asked. "It's a very special person, who is kinda, funny, who is wonderful and compassionate, he's also my best friend." JC said slowly and clearly. Justin sat there and looked at JC.

JC began to become frighten as Justin sat there silent. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you." JC said tears filled his eyes as he stood to leave. Justin grabbed JC's arm and JC turned to look at Justin the tears fighting to break through. "So does this mean you love me?" Justin asked. JC sat back down, "Yes, Justin I love you very much, and yes I'm gay." JC said anticipating Justin's next question. "Your not mad, are you?" JC asked. Justin shook his head, "No, JC I'm not mad. JC I have something I need to tell you." Justin said. "You want me to change rooms don't you?" JC asked. Justin shook his head, "No JC I... What I'm trying to say is that. JC I love you too." Justin said. JC looked at Justin, JC leaned forward and pressed his lips to Justin's. Justin began to return the kiss moving his lips with JC's. Justin parted his lips and JC slid his tongue into Justin's mouth. Justin began to suck upon JC's tongue and caress it with his own tongue. JC moaned in the kiss, JC slid his tongue back into his mouth and released Justin lips.

JC and Justin's eyes meet, "So now what?" Justin asked. "I'm not sure, well would you... umm? Justin do you want to be my boyfriend?" JC asked. "JC I love you and I want to be with you in every way possible, I don't care what anyone else says." Justin said. "So do I Justin, I love you so much, and I want to be with you. Even if the other guys don't approve." JC said. Justin smiled and give JC a quickly kiss on the lips. "Justin, I'm hungry how about we go get something to eat." JC said. "I'm hungry too, how about we go to the mall and we can do some shopping and get something to eat at the same time." Justin said. "That sound cool, just leave a message for the guys so they'll know where we are." JC said. Justin nodded and left a message on Lance's voice mail.

Lance, Chris and Joey sat at the food court in the mall, after shopping for most of the afternoon. "So what do you think Justin and JC are doing right?" Chris asked. "Knowing JC he's probably sleeping and Justin is probably dying his hair." Joey laughed. "Joey, you're so mean." Lance said. "I am not, its true JC is always sleeping anytime we are off, and Justin dyes his hair." Joey said. "He doesn't dye it every time we are off, but you are right about JC." Lance said. "I do not sleep every time we are off." JC said, as he stood behind Lance. "Holy fuck." Lance yelled as he nearly jumped clear across the food court. Everyone but Lance laughed hysterically. "That was not funny JC." Lance said. "I thought it was." Joey said. "Shut up or your walking back to the hotel." Lance said. "I'll just get in with JC and Justin." Joey said. "Ha, not after you made fun of me and my hair you don't." Justin said. "Looks like you're out of luck." Chris said. Joey groaned and finished his fries. "So what are you guys doing here, I thought you were sick." Lance said to JC. "Sick?" JC said. "That's what Justin told me." Lance said looking at Justin. "It's a long story and this isn't the place to get into it." Justin said.

"You're going to have a lot of explaining to do then." Lance said sternly to Justin. "Lance back off." JC said in a angered tone. "What?" Lance said. "You heard me, back off." JC said again. "Guys enough." Chris said, trying to prevent a fight. "So what are you guys doing here?" Joey asked. "We were hungry and wanted to do some shopping." Justin said. "Oh, did you guys eat yet?" Joey asked. "Yeah, and finished our shopping when we saw you guys here, we were actually just about to leave." Justin said. "So were we, and we should probably do that before we draw a crowd of people." Chris said. "Yeah that's a good idea." JC said.

The ride back to the hotel was a long one, which caused Justin to fall asleep on JC's shoulder; JC too was asleep resting his head on top of Justin's. "So when do you think they got together?" Chris asked to Joey. Joey smiled, "Don't know but I think it was rather recently." "What are you guys talking about?" Lance asked in a whisper. "Don't worry about it Lance you'll know soon enough." Joey said. "Well I want to know now." Lance said. "Shh. You'll wake them up, you'll find out later Lance." Chris said as the limo pulled up to the front door of the hotel.

Joey woke up JC and Justin, and the guys headed inside. Lance walked to his room clearly upset over the day's events, "What's up his ass?" JC said. "It sure ain't what's going to be up Justin's ass." Joey laughed. Chris punched Joey in the shoulder as JC and Justin both turned around to face them. "What did you say?" Justin asked. "Nothing." Chris said. "Joey what did you say?" Justin asked again. "I said, it sure ain't what's going to be up your ass." Joey said. "And what is that suppose to mean?" Justin asked. "It means nothing." Chris said trying to avoid another fight. "It means that we know about you and JC." Joey said. "What do you know about me and JC?" Justin asked. Chris finally gave in, "We know that you two are gay, and in love with each other." "What are you talking about?" Justin asked as fear took control of his body and mind. "Justin don't deny it, we know all about it, and don't make us get the proof." Joey said. "What proof?" Justin asked. "Well there is the picture you have of JC that you jack off too, and then there is the time you we're jacking off on the tour bus moaning JC's name and thought everyone was asleep." Chris said. JC looked at Justin who wanted to crawl under a rock and hide.

"Oh and then there is the time JC wrote J.C. + J.T. on the mirror in the bus bathroom after a shower, it showed up when I took a shower afterwards." Joey commented. "Well I don't know what to say?" JC said. "How about that we're right and that we can have front row seats when you two fuck." Chris laughed. "Well you are right, but there ain't no way I'm letting you two watch." Justin said. "So you guys are ok with this?" JC asked. "Sure, why wouldn't we be?" Joey asked. "How about because two of your friends are gay and in love with each other." JC said. "Right you're my friends and I don't care if your gay or straight or bi or whatever, you're still my friends and that isn't going to change." Joey said. "Same here." Chris said. "Thanks guys that means a lot." Justin said. "Anytime Just." Joey said with a smile. "If I give you guys fifty bucks can I watch?" Chris asked. "NO!" JC and Justin both said. Joey laughed, "Well we'll see you guys tomorrow we're going to relax." JC said. "Ok, have fun, just don't moan too loud, we want to be able to sleep tonight." Chris said.

JC and Justin entered their room; JC closed and locked the door so that they wouldn't be disturbed. Justin sat on his bed with his back against the pillows and invited JC to join him, which JC did. Justin had his arms wrapped around JC and the two new lovers laid in silence, allowing the warmth of their bodies to spread their love to each other. They were soon fast asleep fully clothed, with smiles of love and happiness painted on their faces.

It was late night, around 2am. Justin sat on the bed beside JC who was fast asleep of in dreamland. Justin rested his back against the pillows and wrote in his journal, it had become his refuge, his one possession that allowed him to express himself freely and without worry. He had begun to write it several years earlier about the time he had told his mother he was gay. She had taken it hard at first blaming herself for her sons being gay. Justin started the journal so he could put all this feelings and thought he wanted to say down on paper, he hope one day he would be able to tell his mother all feelings and pain he had.

Justin remembered the day his mother found his journal he had forgotten to put it away after finishing an entry. When he returned from the studio that day he found his mother in his room reading it and crying. They talked for hours that night, Justin finally was able to express everything that had built up inside of him, the years of hiding, denying himself, the prays he had prayed for God to take this away from him, till he finally accepted it, accepted himself. Justin remembered telling his mother how alone he felt, he could never have a relationship in public, it would destroy both him and his career. The public wasn't as opened mind as a small few. He turned to the page, which held the entry that he wrote that night. He read it silently to himself. 'I don't feel so alone tonight. Mom and I talk till late in the night. I think she finally has accepted me. I hope and pray she has. I feel a great pressure taken off of me, I hope one day I can find someone to love me like she does. I know it took her sometime to adjust, but she told me she would never have loved me any less.' Justin paused, she actually has been more caring and watchful for me, and I just hope she can accept her son being with a man now. I know its not just any man, its JC. Justin smiled to himself and looked down at the angel sleeping next to him.

JC was covered with the blankets and curled into a tight ball to keep warm. He had a small smile on his face; his breathing was slow and regular. Justin returned his attention to his journal and began his entry. 'Today I found the man of my dreams, and the one I want to spend all my life with. Mom, I know you would never have picked such a life for me, but I know you also have come to accept this life I am living. Sometimes God wants us to live our lives a certain way, we each have a small price to pay to get to heaven. However, today my way just became a little easy and less scared. I fell in love a long time ago, and today I professed that undying love to Josh. I love him, and he loves me. I feel complete now mom, I don't feel alone anymore. I don't really know how to describe it, its just complete warmth and happiness. I don't have to fake a smile or hide the hurt I feel, it's all gone. I hope you can accept this mom. It's late now and its time for me to go to sleep, thank you mom.' With that Justin ended his journal entry and placed it on the nightstand, he lay back down in bed under the covers and pulled JC to him. Justin wrapped his strong arms around JC and he soon drifted to sleep. Hold his friend and life long love.

'BEEP... BEEP... BEEP...' JC jumped from his sleep as he heard the sound of the alarm clock ringing through the room. JC reached for the alarm clock and turned it off. He then laid his head back down onto his pillow and closed his eyes; sleep began to take over his tired body. Justin hadn't moved during the incident he stayed sound asleep. Both young men slept in total happiness and relaxations. The worries and stress of the world seemed to pass them by. An earth shattering bang came ringing through the room awakening its occupations. Justin shot up in bed, and looked around the room, as his eyes fell upon the clock it showed 8:30am, Justin quickly turned t JC. "JC wake up we're late." Justin said. "Huh?" JC said. "JC get up we're late." Justin repeated. JC turned to quickly to Justin. "I thought it was all a dream." JC said. "It's real baby, but dreams might all that is left of us if Jason gets a hold of us." Justin said. JC nodded and jumped to his feet.

Justin ran to the door to see who was there. Justin looked to see who it was before opening the door. "Shit, its Jason." Justin whispered. JC quickly ran to the bathroom to get ready. "We just lost track of time Jase, we'll be there in a few minutes." Justin said, hoping Jason would go away. "Nice try Just, open up." Jason said. Justin conceded and opened the door. Jason walked in and looked at Justin. "Ready huh? So I suppose your going to MTV in your boxers?" Jason asked. "Umm... Well you see... Its like this..." "Save the story Justin I already know, as you probably know Chris has a big mouth." Jason said. "And how would you know that?" JC shot from the bathroom. "Watch it boy, don't make me come over there." Jason joked.

"Hey leave my man alone." Justin joked, putting up his fist. "Down boy, and who said he was your man?" Jason asked. Justin went white and JC dropped his toothbrush. "Gottcha." Jason said as he laughed. "Fuck you." Justin said. "Really?" Jason asked. "Hey watch it boy." JC said. "Boy??? Boy??? Who are you calling boy." Jason said. "The same little man hitting on my boyfriend." JC said. "Well I'd love to continue this but I have work to do." Jason said. "You suck." JC said. "Yes and so do the both of you." Jason laughed. "Josh give it up he's gonna win." Justin said. "Fine. You Win." JC said. "Ok, Come on Justin your mine now." Jason said. "I don't think so, even if you weren't my brother I wouldn't go with you." Justin said. "Oh, that hurt." Jason said clutching his chest. "Yeah, Yeah, go fuck Jeff so I can get ready." Justin said. "Fine, can't say I didn't offer." Jason said. Justin laughed and went into the bathroom; Jason turned and left to get back to work.

Forever & Always Chapter 2 Curlybrok

"This is TRL for Tuesday March 21st. Today we have N Sync and they are going to be performing a couple songs live, in this special edition of TRL." Carson said. The fans began to scream loudly waiting for N Sync to come on stage with Carson. Meanwhile backstage the guys were getting ready to come on. "Justin and JC are you too ready?" Lance asked. JC waved Lance on as he kissed Justin. Lance gave JC a scolding look. Justin opened his eyes and looked at Lance and saw the look. He released JC's, "Lance is pissed." Justin whispered. JC turned around to look at Lance then turned back to Justin and kissed Justin again, just as Jason walked in. "You two need a room, you suck face more then Monica sucks dick." Jason laughed breaking the tension in the room.

"Carson is just about ready for you guys." Jason said. "We should probably get going right?" Justin asked as JC hung onto Justin's waist. "Yes, you're going to sing It's Gonna Be Me, and This I Promise You." Jason said. "Ok, we should be all set then." Lance said returning to a more calm state.

"Lets hear it for N Sync." Carson said as he invited N Sync onto the stage. The guys came on stage and stood where the guest usually stood, and waited for the cheering to die down. After a few minutes the cheering died down and Carson went on. "Hey guys, thanks for coming back to TRL for this two hour special, which we're devoting to your new album. No Strings Attached." Carson said as he held up the album. "MTV bought ten thousand copies and hand them out." Carson said. The guys cheered along with the fans. "So what have you guys been up to lately?" Carson asked. "We've currently on a month long TV tour. We've been in New York since @MTV week two weeks ago. We've been on MTV, Saturday Night Live, Good Morning America, Rosie, and today TRL." Justin said. "Wow, I'm tired just thinking of doing that." Carson said. The guys laughed, we'll were pretty tired ourselves, but its all be loads of fun." JC said.

"What are you're plans for the future?" Carson asked. "We are planning a No Strings Attached Tour, in which we plan on hitting every state in the country as well as a few Canadian Provinces." Lance said. "When are you starting this tour?" The tour is schedule to start in May in Atlanta and end in September in Orlando." Justin said. "What are you plans between now and then?" Carson asked. "We'll we have a few album promos coming up, we are heading to Europe next month, then we have a few signing here in the US, at Virgin Mega Store and several other place." JC said. "Do you guys have any time off?" Carson asked. The guys laughed. "We have two weeks off coming up next month and we have a two weeks off during the tour." Joey said.

"Well I was told you guys are going to perform two songs for us from your new album." Carson said. "Yes, we're going to be performing 'It's Gonna Be Me' and 'This I Promise You'." Justin said. The guys stood and got setup to sing 'This I Promise You.' The guys sat on their stools and waited for the music to leak through the speakers.

When the visions around you Bring tears to your eyes And all that surrounds you Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength I'll give you hope Keeping your faith When it's gone

The one you should you call Was standing here all along I will take you into my arms And hold you right where you belong

Till the day my life if through This I promise you This I promise you

I've loved you forever In the life times before And I promise you never Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word I give you my heart This is a battle we've won And with this flower

Forever has now begun Just close your eyes each loving day, (each loving day) And know this feeling wont go away

Till the day my life if through This I promise you This I promise you

Over and over I fall, over and over I fall When I hear you call Without you in my life baby I just wouldn't be living at all

And I will take you into my arms, (I will take you in my arms) And hold you right where you belong, (right where you belong) Till the day my life if through This I promise you This I promise you, baby

Just close your eyes each loving day, (each loving day) And know this feeling wont go away, no

Every word I say is true This I promise you Every word I say is true This I promise you

I Promise you

The fans cheered loudly as the guys finished the performance. "That was awesome guys." Carson said as he came back on stage. "Let's hear it for N Sync." Carson said. The crowd cheered again, louder then before. The guys smiled towards the audience. "We are going to continue after this with more of N Sync and TRL." Carson said.

The show went of air and the guys sat back down, their microphones we're turned off and the guys relaxed for a short time, JC sat next to Justin again. "Hey, baby how are you?" JC asked. I'm doing fine, I can't wait for this to be over so we can have sometime to ourselves. "Hey everyone look, JC and Justin are talking." One of the fans said, however not being able to hear what they were saying. Lance looked towards Justin and JC and a frown appeared on his face. Jason ran on stage during the break and whispered something into Justin's ear then ran off and waved to the fans. "Hey wasn't that Justin's older brother?" one of the fans asked.

"Hey everyone we are back." Carson said as the show came back from break. "We're going to take some questions from the audience." Carson said. Several hands went up and microphones where hand out to a few. "So what's your question for the guys?" Carson asked. "Hi, guys I'm Ashley, and I want to know if you guys have anyone special you are seeing." Ashley said. "We'll I'm seeing someone right now who I have known for a long time, and we are very happy together." JC said. "Same for me." Justin said. "I'm still single." Lance said. "Same for me." Chris said. "Well I have someone who I am seeing, and can't wait to get back to Orlando to see her." Joey said.

"Do you find it hard to have a personal life with being in this group?" Carson asked. "We knew when we started N Sync there would be lots of sacrifices, and this is just one of them, however we try to keep as much of our personal lives our to the press as we can." Justin said. "Next question." Carson said as he pointed to another fan. "Hi I'm Jennifer, and my question if for Justin. What's it like working with your brother?" Jennifer asked. "It's great we have a blast, he's really cool and always has a joke to crack which helps making our schedule less stressful." Justin said. "Are you two ever in competition for the same girlfriend?" Carson asked. "Not really, although we have both had a thing for Britney when we were younger, but I won." Justin laughed. "I let him win." Jason said from off stage. "I just let him think that." Justin laughed. "Oh isn't that cute. A brotherly feud on National TV." JC laughed, as did everyone else in the studio. "Well to avoid World War three we are going to move on to your next song." Carson laughed.

The music began to leak through the speakers and the beat fell upon the ears of the guys of N Sync. The fans began to cheer loudly as they heard the music and in anticipation of the guys singing.

Oh yeah You might been hurt babe That ain't no lie Seen them all come and go, Oh oh I remember you told me

That it made you believe In no where no cry Maybe that's why

Every little thing I do Never seems enough for you You don't wanna lose it again But I'm not like them

Baby when you cry, love me Did you love somebody? Guess what its gonna be me

Ain't got no choice babe But to move on And you know ain't no time to waste So just do buy, do buy, do see

But in the end you know its gonna be me You can't deny, so just tell me why

Every little thing I do Never seems enough for you You don't wanna lose it again But I'm not like them

Baby when you cry, love me Did you love somebody? Guess what its gonna be me

It's gonna be me Oh yeah

There comes a day when I'll be the one you'll see

It's gonna be me It's gonna be me It's gonna be me It's gonna be me It's gonna be me

All that I do, is not enough for you Don't wanna lose it But I'm not like that When finally, finally you get too much

Guess what Every little thing I do Never seems enough for you You don't wanna lose it again But I'm not like them

Baby when you cry, love me Did you love somebody? Guess what its gonna be me

Every little thing I do Never seems enough for you You don't wanna lose it again But I'm not like them

Baby when you cry, love me Did you love somebody? Guess what its gonna be me

The music faded out and the fans cheered loudly for the guys of N Sync and the song they just finished performing. "We'll be back with more of N Sync and TRL after this." Carson said. "Wow, that was awesome." One of the fans said during the break. Jason came back on stage for a moment to speak with JC and Justin, and then headed back off stage before the show came back from break. "Well guys that was an awesome performance." Carson said. "That's just part of the album, there is a lot more great songs on the album." JC said. "We'll I'm sure that our audience and your fans can't wait to get home and pop it in the CD player and have a listen to it." Carson said. "Well I'm going to listen to it after this." Justin said. "I don't think you'll be alone." Carson said. "Well everyone this has been TRL for Tuesday March 21st with N Sync." Carson said. The show ended and the guys signed a few autographs before heading backstage to change and head back to the hotel.

The limo pulled into the underground parking garage and came to a stop at the elevator where security was waiting for the guys. Security made sure the area was clear of all people and the guys were escorted to the elevators then up to their floor. "Breakfast is in mine and Jeff's room at 9:00 tomorrow morning, be there if you want breakfast. Then you'll have the day off to do with as you like." Jason said. "Ok, see you then." Joey said. "Hey Joe, want to go out to a club?" Chris asked. "Yeah sure, I just need to change and shower first." Joey said. "Ok, how about we me in my room in about an hour." Chris said. "Ok, see you then." Joey said as he head into his room. "Hey Lance you want to come?" Chris asked. "Umm. Yeah I'll go." Lance said. "Just, JC?" Chris asked. "Nah, we have other plans." Justin said. "Alright." Chris said. Everyone parted and headed to their rooms.

Justin and JC finished eating room service they had order, Justin had made plans to spend the night alone with JC, so that they could have some quiet romantic time. Even thought they have been together has friends for many years, they had never share romantic time alone. "I love you Josh." Justin said. "I love you too Justin." JC said. The two lovers lay in bed only in their boxers hold each other and kissing. In the background the No Strings Attached CD was playing softly. "Justin, there is something I want to give you when we are both ready?" JC said. "What's that?" Justin asked. "I want to give you me, I want to give you all of me." JC said. "I want to give you all of me too, JC. When we are ready." Justin said. JC kissed Justin's lips and held the younger boy in his arms. "I love you JC." Justin said. "I love you too Just." JC said. The two young men lay their head down, and spooned together, JC holding Justin the covers wrapped tightly around them as their minds drifted into an area of complete and total relaxation. A place where dreams live, are created and grow into our wildest fantasies.

To be continued...

Hey all this is CurlyBrok; well here you have it a Justin and JC story. I hope you like it, I'll be posting part 2 (Chapters 3 to 5) by this weekend, and there will be LOTS of SEX!!! And I promise no quickies you'll have enough material to really get off... LOL. So what did you think, and what would you like see happen in the story, I do have parts of the next couple chapters planned, but I'm always open to ideas.

Special thanks goes out to all those who have read my stories and who help in picking a title, I did say a song would be include and it will be part of the next set of chapters, I am nearly done writing it.

Also BSBNSYNC.COM is going to be up by the end of the week, we are nearly finished changing servers. We are going to be connected to TWO T3 lines and several T1s. so check out the new increased speed.

If you have suggestions for the story or comments, questions or just want to say hi email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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