Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Jul 26, 2009


Ry: I woke up to an even hornier Nate. I was part way off the bed with my head dangling off."Morning babe" I smiled at him. He got up a stood over me. "lets go take a shower" "ok" as i tried to get up Nate sat on me, his soft dick was just passing my lips. "Nate your crushing me" "Aww come on i don't way that much i only gained like 12 pounds" "come n i can't breath" "Fine kiss me" "i can't your up there" "i mean kiss me" he looked down at his semi hard dick and smirked, so i decided to kiss his dick. "Hmm not feeling it maybe a french kiss." "please Nate" "I'm waiting" Ihad no choice but to french kiss Nat's cock, but it felt goodto knw that he wanted it that badly. We got up and put underwear on and walked out.

Dave: I wanted to tell Ry the truth but i walked in on him and Nate sleeping naked, That bitch i told him to stay away from him. They both walked out in underwear and Nate's Dick was as hard as ever huh i hate him. "Hey we need food anyone wanna go for a grocery run" "I will" perfect Nate was going to leave and Ry would be hear with me. Nate pulled out of the drive way and me and Ry were left alone. "Dave i'm going t take a shower" "cool, hurry up though we are going for a walk later" "ok" this was my chance, i waited till ry got in and started to run the water. I walked in his room and Grabbed Nates cell, Ha ha that idiot always leaves it out in the open. I sent a text to Ry's phone saying to meet him down the beach tomorrow night. I snuck in the bathroom " Dave what are you doing in here get out" "I'm getting my wallet quit being a pussy" i grabbed Ry's phone and texted Nate to meet him down by the Carnival tomorrow night.

I opened the curtain and punched Ryan in the arm next time i walk in anywhere you'll be a polite little bitch do you got that" "yes i'm sorry"

Nate: Hmm, I should have took Ry with me i have no idea what to buy. I still can't get over his bruises. I knowhe said he got them from my friends but i think there from something else. "plastic or paper?" "huh what?" "plastic or paper sir?" "paper" i walked out of the store when i realized i left my keys in the car, great the car door is locked and the keys are in side. after a few minutes of thinking i decided to call back at the condo, Where's my phone? Shit! The windows were open but i didn't want the horn to go off. "I had no choice so i slide my hand in side and the car alarm went off. "Excuse me sir are you having a problem?" "yeah i sota locked my self out of my car" "Can i see your license and proof of insurance" "I handed him my license "My insurance papers are in the car" "ok" He let me get in the car to get it. Whoa that was a close call.

Ry: i got out of the shower and quickly got dressed. "Hey Ry come here" afraid of getting another beaten i walked over to Dave. "yes Dave how can i help you?" "Hmm i don't know turn around" i did as i was told. Dave started to grab my ass. "hmm firm yet perky i like" "your such a pig" he punched my leg and i wobbled over, he then picked my up and put me on his lap. "Do you feel that Ry" i nodded my head, he pulled down his swim trunks and told me to kiss him. "Come on Ry i saw you and Nate do this now you better suck my cock or i'll break your neck" I had no choice i was afraid

Dave: "Ahh yeah thats what i'm talking about" i stood up over Ry and laid on top of him "Dave i can't breath get off" I started to fuck his face " Ohh Ry your mouth is so warm" I pumped faster and faster until i was tired of it "suck my balls bitch" "No" Crack! I smacked him over his head. "Ow" "now suck" he put one in his mouth and polled it around then the other, soon he had both in his mouth "Ohh yeah keep going" He wrapped his hand around my dick and started to jerk it "I' m going to cum start sucking my cock" he played with my balls and sucked on my dick "Ahh yeah" Shot after shot flew in his mouth " Your such a great cocksuker i'm glad i trained you" I smiled at him and he gave me a dirty look. Still a little hard i whacked his face with my dick causing my cum to get all over the place. "Ha ha you like that bitch now say you liked it" "I like it" "more emotion" "i loved it are you happy"

"Yes" "i got up and sat down on him, my ass covering his face "Dave i cant breath" "Hmm maybe you'll be easier to fuck" "Dave!" "ok ok" my bals covered his face "are you ready for Round 2" Honk honk "Damit Nate's back" "thank god" "shut up" i punched him in stomach. "I can't breath cough cough" "take it like man" he fell to the floor and started whimpering "come here it's ok, don't cry" "please leave me alone" "i can't do that i love you" "why is ry crying?" "umm he found out his dog was hit by a car and isn't doing to well" "oh babe i'm so sorry.

Ry: he moved in close to kiss me but i pushed away, i didn't want him to taste dave's sour cum. "i'm sorry Nate i just want to lie down" "Ok" he looked hurt and it made me worse "Nate will you lie down with me, please?" "umm ok" i got up all shakily and he picked me up and carried me to our room, "do you want anything?" "i want you to lay with me, if thats ok with you?" "ah ok" he crawled in bed and turned on the tv. "Hey Nate you asked me questions before now it's my" "ok" "when you got that text from derek, you know the night i slept over, well how did he know we were together?" "Huh i knew this was going to come up sooner or later, Well Ry a lot of talk goes around in the guys locker room. That day Derek said i was going to fuck the nicest guys ass till he bleeds, Well he kept making a joke about it so i left my phone at home. Well before that he texted me saying are you going to bust his cherry tonight."

"So Derek had no idea that you were with me" "Yeah" "I have one more question" "Hold on i have a question for you" "ok" "do you really think your invisible?" "I don't understand" "That song invisible" "Oh....yeah" "Well i don't think you are. When i first meet you all i could see was you. I wished and hoped everyday that you would notice me. The day that i asked you to borrow your spandex my heart skipped a few beats" "Nate can you promise me something?" "Sure any thing" "no matter what happens you won't jump to conclusions and that you will still love me" "Ry whats wrong?" "Answer Me!" "yes no matter what Ry i'll always love you" "ok" "no tell me whats wrong" "nothing i just needed to hear that" "Ok come here" i moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me. "What was your question" "I think i have an answer" he kissed my fore head. I looked at him and he

looked at me. "do you wanna do something" "i don't know do you want to?" "Only if you do" "lie back. He lied on his back and i started to play with his biceps. "Wow Nate your body is huge" "i work out a lot' i lied there on his chest i could feel his heart beat. "hold on ry i owe you" he jumped on top of my back and started rubbing it. I felt his dick grind into my ass, "Nate i don't think i'm ready to go that far" "Don't worry" he pulled my ants down and started to rub my ass. Nate was driving me crazy. "Nate can we wait till later?" "sure" i can't wait for our little night swim tonight.

Nate: I walked out of the room. and bumped into Dave. "oh sorry" "it's cool, so what are you to doing later on today.?" "I don't know if Ryan's going to be ok with going out so we might stay here." "oh come on we have 3 days left." "Hmm i don't know i'll go ask him" I walked into Ry's room and he looked so peacful. "Hey babe Dave wants to know if we are going out tonight, i wouldn't mind but i wanted to know if you wanted know if you wanted to go" "Ok lets." He got up and got dressed and we headed for Dave's car.

Dave: "Ok before we go out i need to stop in this one place" i jumped out of the car "do you have the money?" "here it is" i took the bag and stashed it in my pocket, and ran back in the car. "where are we going Dave?' 'home i'm not feeling well" "oh ok i didn't really want to go anywhere any way" "do you guys want to stop and geet a drink?" "Sure" I stopedin grabbed us each soda and we went home.

1 hour later.

Nate: "I'm not feeling so good" smash

Ry: "Nate are you ok?" "What he didn't tell you?" "Tell me what dave?" "that he was bite by something the other day." "Oh what did he say?" "i don't know much lets just lay him down in his bed" "ok." We laced Nate in his room, he acted as if he was Drunk hmm. "Well well well are you ready for round 2" "Dave leave me the fuck alone" "What did i tell you you fucking bastard." "I'm sorry" "Thats more like it." he moved closer and i stepped back "what do you wanna do tonight." "stay here with my boyfriend" He grabbed my arms and picked me up "we're going swimming" He told me i had five minutes to change and if i wasn't ready he'll beat me. "Ok lets go" Again he picked me up and we headed for the beach. "Dave i don't want to go swimming it's too dark." "Oh well" "come on Dave please" "I said no" "What happened to the old Dave that i loved?" "He died when you ripped his

heart out" "Dave please i don't want to.." splash he threw me in.

Dave: "now we are going to have some fun" I stripped and jumped in the water, it wasn't cold but it wasn't hot either. "lets play a game." "I don't like games" "Shut up" i held him under the water. "ok i love games" "the game is called any thing to please Dave, what ever Dave wants Dave gets. Hmm what does Dave want now, i know he wants Ryan to get over here and give Dave a hug." He walked over to me and wrapped his small arms around me. "Not that kind of hug" He moved his hands slowly under the water and started to play with my cock.."Now thats the kind of hugs Dave likes, why Don't you kiss it" "No Dave I'm done with all of this" "no your not now get under the fucking water" i hit him again. He dived under and tried to swim away but i held him down and started to gasp for air. "This isn't working lets go" We walked back up to my car and i told him to get in. "Where are we going?" "Some where quiet"

"What about Nate?" "He's fine" i parked the car and told Ry, to kiss it again because he hurt it's feelings. "Oh yeah you little fucking bitch keep it up.

Ry: "Dave get off" He jumped on top of me. "Take off your pants" "No" "Take them off" i slid them down half way "All the way" He pulled it down. "Come here sit on Big Dave's lap" "No" "yes" he jerked me towards him until he finally got what he wanted. "Dave stop I'm still a virgin" "That makes it better" "Dave lease this isn't right." "Oh it's right for me and You" "Dave if you truly love me you'll let me go" "No i don't want to loose you again" "Dave....." He looked at me tears running Down his face "But i love you" "i love you to but not in this way, please dave Stop" "get out of the car" i got out "Where are you going?" "Far away from here" he pulled out and left me in the middle of no where.

Nate: I woke up it was 2in the afternoon, where's Ry, and Dave. There was a note on the fridge. "Nate I went out to have some fun i didn't want to wake you love Ry." "i can't believe it he left me here by myself. When he wasn't feeling well i stuck by him. Here i am Always thinking that i'm the one hurting him when its the other way around. The door swung open. "Nate your ok" "have fun last night" "You know about that! Nate i can explain" "No need you love to hurt me now it's my turn" "What are you saying" "It's over!" He looked shocked and hurt, "Nate your breaking up with me over" "Shut up Ry i don't want to hear your excuses" "What happened to our promise" "It washed away with the tide" "But Nate" he was crying hysterically. I felt like shit i wanted to hurt him anyway i could. "Get out" "Where am i going to go?" "Find Dave" "What do you think i've been trying to do." "What do you mean?" "Dave took off and since i can't rent a car i was walking, and searching for him. I didn't want to wake you up because you didn't look well when i stopped in to check on you." he ran out the Door "Ry"and slammed it in my face, did i say i felt like shit before, well now i'm worse.

Dave: Ha Ha My plan worked. Stupid Nate hurt Ry and i made Ry believe i was hurt now all i have to do is slip him the same Roofies i did Nate and then I'll have him right where i want him.

Next: Chapter 10: Forever and Always II 5

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