Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Jul 24, 2009


Forever and Always part 3 Chapter 2

Ry: I woke up to Nate's dick poking me in the back, i slowly tried to get out of bed"Babe where you going" "Umm the bathroom" i couldn't tell him that it was uncomfortable for me cause it would hurt him and i don't want him to be mad at me anymore. I left to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee . Hmm i wonder what todays going to be like. "Hey Ry can you get me a cup?" "Sure how do you want it" "Thats what she said" "Is everything a joke to you" "No not everything" "Yeah right Nate i bet you, you can't name one thing" "You" he kissed me on the cheek. "Hey love birds get dressed it's already 11" "Where are we going Dave" "The Beach"

Everyone was dressed but me i couldn't find my bathing suits. "are you almost done Ry?" "No Dave i can't find anything" "Hold on" a few minutes later he came back in with my white bathing suit "Where did you get that?" "I found it in the car" "Oh well can i have it?" "Here" he handed me the bathing suit and i waited for him to leave"Whats wrong to small" he said with a grin on his face "No I'm waiting for you to leave" "why can't i stay?" "cause i don't want you to see me naked" he didn't move so i went towards the bathroom. I opened the door and bumped into a naked Nate "Nate I'm so sorry" "Why you are my boyfriend aren't you?" "Yeah" "then stop covering your eyes" i opened my eyes to my surprise there he stood all 6 feet of hot "Can i ask you something Ry" "ok" "how come you didn't have a problem with me changing in front of you the night you gave me your spandex" "back then Nate i was afraid in fact i was terrified. I thought you would beat me up if i didn't give you my spandex, and i thought you'll make fun of me for looking at you. To tell you the truth i gave you my spandex out of fear" "You were that afraid of me?" "Yeah" "Why?" "you see your friends and what they do to me on the daily basis there isn't i day that i go to school with out getting tormented by them" I'm sorry Ry i had no idea, are you still afraid of looking at me now?" "No (yes dave is ready to beat me just for talking to you) i don't think so" "Well from now on I'll change with you" "Ok"

Nate: He started to strip and my eyes could help but trace every inch of his body. He wasn't muscular but he was well toned. I slowly made my way down to his legs, they weren't that hairy but they were nice to look at. He walked up to me and shut my mouth. "If you keep it open to long you'll start to drool" i smiled at him he turned around and stated to pull his underwear down. I couldn't turn my gaze from his ass. It was well defined, but a bubble butt all at one time. I moved closer to him and gently brushed my hand against it "you know i love you right" "who doesn't" he smiled at me and pulled up his tight fitting shorts. Well i'm ready, Nate your still hard.. I mean undressed" he blushed in embarrassment "Yeah i got to fix that" i winked at him. "Well Nate you better hurry up cause i want to swim" we left towards the dock, "It's supposed to be a scorcher this week" "Really Dave?" "Yeah Ry don't you watch the news?" "No i always miss it" "Hey Ry can you do me a favor" "Yeah what do you need Nate?" "Can you put sun tan lotion on my back" "Alright, Alright ,Alright" He poured a dab of cold lotion into his hands and started to rub my back, i jumped a little because of it "Are you ok nate?" "Yeah it's just cold" he giggled, I had to kneel down a bit because he was so short but it was worth it. Once he finished the top half i stood up. I never really realized how short he was he was just past my belly button, almost to my chest. He started to rub my bottom half and i couldn't help but get hard. "There Nate all done" "I'll be right back" Where are you going?" i didn't answer . he followed me to the bathroom. "Stay here" "Why" "because i need to be alone for five minutes" "ok" "I'm not trying to separate us i just need to take care of something" "ok i understand" he smiled at me that sexy smile that i've seen on him since i first started to like him.

Dave: Hmm Nate and Ryan seem a little to close for my comfort i need to find away to brake them up but how.... i know

Ry: we raced down the beach and jumped in the water, Nate kept splashing, tickling and throwing me under water. "Come here Ry" "Why" "i want to show you something" He told me to get on his back which i did and he swam out. "Where are we going?" "The sand bar" "Are you kidding me thats dangerous, not to mention all the sea creatures that lurk under neath us" "don't worry when i was 13 my dad made me swim out hear every night" after a few minutes we finally made it "You can get off now" "I'm afraid what if i drown" "Don't worry i'm sure we ar on the hill thing" "ok" i got off and stood it was pretty deep for me it was up to my throat "Nate i'm scared" give me your hand" I grabbed his hand and at that very moment i felt safe like nothing can hurt me, we swam a bit further till i went under because it was too deep. "Oh my god Ry are you ok""yeah just a little shocked" "Do you want to go back?" "only if you do" "Get on" he started to swim back "Wait Nate i don't want to go yet" "ok" we swam back to the sand bar. I went underwater to get something cold against my face. "Ry where are you, Ry? Ok your scaring me" i went up be hind him and started to rub him through his shorts "Ry you don't have to" "But i want to" i didn't want him to break up with me because i wouldn't put out "Oh babe that feels so good" i slipped my hands in his shorts and played with all ten inches on nate "Wow Nate your bigger that i thought you were" i started to play with his balls "oh god squeeze it tighter" i did and he started to buck and pull back "Ry I'm cumming" He pushed me off because he was sensitive "Come here i need to take care of you" "no need i already cummed" "Wow" "You didn't last long Nate" " Do you know how long it's been since i had good sex" we swam for another hour than we decided to head back "Ok lets take a shower and we'll go on a date" "Together?" "well yeah unless you want to shower by yourself?" "Well i'm not sure if i'm ready to go that far" "It's ok i promise i won't do anything fast what do i look like Dave" "Excuse me" "You know Dave Benner, the one night stander, at least thats what they call him at school" "oh sorry spaced out for a moment" i thought he found out what happened between me and Dave.

Nate: We got in the shower stall i stripped Ry down, There i was again starring at Ry's ass. I grabbed a bottle of body wash and started to wash his back making my way down to his ass. I started to run my fingers through his crack and he jumped a bit. I then probed deeper and touched his hole. Apparently i probed to deep cause my finger slipped inside and ry screamed "Nate stop" but it was too late he cummed all over the floor "Wow do i have that much of an effect on you?" "You have no idea" he turned around and got on his knees "Are you sure about this?" "it's for you and i know you want it" i pulled him back up and kissed him "lets wait till tonight" "fine" he grabbed my cock and played with it again "I still can't get over how big you are" "your not that bad yourself" "he blushed and jerked me off faster, soon after i cummed in his hands. He brought it up to his face and licked it off "what did it taste like" "Dejavu" "really thats a weird taste" "no this happened before except we weren't wet" "Oh i remember thats when you kicked me" "yeah what ever happened to that bad leg you swam fine today" "It was healed when i asked you out and you said yes" We both got dressed and left money and a note on the fridge for Dave

Ry: we walked the board walk, Nate bought me a milkshake and he rented a boat "Ry we need to talk" "about?" "you bruises where did they come from" he stared at me with such intensity that i couldn't tell him the truth he'll kill dave "your friends hurt me" "come here" i move closer and he hugged me"i won't let them touch you ever again" he pulled out my old note book "i've seen what you wrote in here" i looked away from him in embarrassment "I just wanna show you she don't even know you, Baby let me love you, let me want you You just see right through me But if you only knew me We could be a beautiful miracle,unbelievable, Instead of just invisible, She can't see the way your eyes ,Light up when you smile,.." "Do you really think my eyes light up when i smile?" "Yes Nate." "Was this a taylor swift song?" "Yep" "Cute, lets get home"

We walked in the house it was quiet and the lights were out '"come on i don't want to wake up dave" we got to our bed and Nate stripped me in under 10 seconds "Someones anxious" "Ry before we, you know umm i wanted to ask you how far do you want to go?" "Wow Nate i didn't know you cared that much, i don't know" "Well then I won't go all the way till your ready" "Thanks Nate" He took off his cloths and pulled me on top of him. I started to suck on his bottom lip then i move to his pecs, i gently rolled my tongue around them "Hmm Ry flip over" My head was by his belly button, He flipped again but this time he started to suck my dick, "Nate i i i ....oh god," he stuck his finger back up my ass.

Nate: it didn't take long for Ryan to cum, he tasted sweet just like his personality. He pulled me to the edge of the bed and got on his knees again "You don't have to oh god...." he stuck my dick in his mouth, for a person who never had sex before he was pretty good, he rolled his tongue across my head wich made me jump in pleasure "Ry how did you get so good" he mumbled something but i couldn't hear him "Geeze nate you weren't this thick before i can hardly get it in my mouth" i smiled at him and grabbed the back of his curly black hair. He started to deep throat me "" it felt so good. "Ry stop i'm going to cum" he went down again "Ry stop!" he kept going "Ry oh ahhh!" he pulled of and opened his mouth he squeezed my balls again and unconsciously i grabbed his head and started to pump my dick in his mouth. "Oh god ry that felt so good" he swallowed every drop except for a little bit that was stuck in between his dimples "Come on lets go to bed" "Alright alright alright" i was shaking in bed and Ry asked me if i was cold "No babe your body is enough heat for me" "then why are you shaking?" "the sex was mind blowing" "Oh" he giggled again and we fell asleep in a spooning position

Next: Chapter 9: Forever and Always II 4

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