Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Jul 22, 2009


Forever And Always part 2 chapter 2

Ry: After was seemed like forever we finally made it to the condo."wow Nate it's huge" "Thats what she said", dave started to laugh, huh as long as they are both happy. I walked through the rooms and found the perfect one, it had a view of the ocean, the bed was queen size and it had a nice closet where i could fit all my things. "Ry what are you doing in there?" "this is going to be my room Nate, why did you want it?" "no i was hoping we would share a room" he looked at me with that not so innocent smile, "fine then, your moving in here" "Sweet" Dave gave me the dirtiest look you can possibly imagine "What the fuck i told you to listen to me" he whispered in my ear, "Well you never said i couldn't room with Nate and besides the last time you talked to me you told me to leave you alone remember" i said in a cocky ton. As soon as Nate left to the car Dave grabbed me by the throat " I'm telling you this once and one time only, you will do whatever i say, you will do whatever it takes to please me even if it means breaking Nate's heart" he loosened his grip on me "understand" "Dave stop thats not fair" he threw me against the wall, i got a little dizzy "life's not fair" i blacked out

Nate: "Hey Ry do you want to help me unpack?"....."Ry are you going to sit there and do nothing"...."Ry!" i ran towards him he didn't move. "Dave call 911 theres something wrong with Ry" "no there isn't" "how can you say that he is sitting there lifeless" "he told me he wasn't feeling well because of the ride and he passed out so i laid him down on the couch" "And why didn't he tell me this" "Probably because you were to concerned with your thoughts before that he didn't want to bother you" i felt like crap, is that what Ry was trying to tell me about earlier, ugh i can't remember. "He tried to tell you in the car and like i said you ignored him" what kind of boyfriend am i, I don't deserve Ry "I'll be back Dave can you keep an eye on him" "ok, but don't expect me to change any diapers" he started to laugh but i wasn't in the mood.

Dave: perfect everything was flowing smoothly, a few minutes passed and Ryan finally came through. "Dave wheres Nate?" "He stormed out because you were sleeping and he was unpacking, you really pissed him off" " oh i see" "Come on" "Where are we going" "You'll see" we made it out to the hot tub i quickly stripped down to my boxers and told him to come in. He was reluctant at first but then he stripped and got in. "Come here" "Why" "do you have to question everything." "yes it keeps me out of trouble" "i said get over here" I grabbed his arm and forced him to sit on my lap.

Ry: I felt something hard hit the bottom of my thigh, "Dave i need to finish unpacking." "you can finish later" He kissed me again "Dave get off" "no" He grabbed the back of my head and turned me around. "You are going to enjoy this" "Dave stop, please" "I can't Ry i love you that much" He forced my head towards his bellybutton, he pulled his boxers the rest of the way down "open your mouth" i didn't, and he started to choke me. I couldn't breath so i opened my mouth for air when i felt something go inside. "Just as i imagined it, nice and warm," he went down further "do you like my nine inches Ry" i couldn't speak, i realized that he put his dick in my mouth. I started to gag when he reached my throat. It was to thick for me to place behind my back teeth,"Oh yeah keep licking like that" he was moaning and pushing my head down further and further "ouch watch the fucking teeth!" he cracked me upside the head. I started crying my best friend, my working buddy, was raping me. He pushed my head down all the way, he was standing up and pumping his dick in my mouth "Oh yeah deep throat me baby" his pace quickened, then he pulled out and told me to open my mouth. Shot after shot of cum flew on my tongue the rest was all over the place. "oh yea next time i'm going to bust your cherry, what do i taste like" i couldn't look at him "Answer me" "you taste salty" "good i hoped you liked it cause there is more where that came from, go take a shower before Nate comes back" I climbed out and Dave squeezed my ass, i started to run towards the condo. i fell to the floor in my room and started to cry what am i going to do.

Nate: i wanted to be as far away from Ry as possible, all i do is hurt him, i'll text him and ask if he is ok "Ry are you all right?" bzzz "No Nate all you do is hurt me" "look Ry I'm sorry iall i think of is myself but not anymore will you forgive me?" bzzz "I think you better stay in another room tonight" I started to cry "whatever you want babe" Huh i messed up big time. bzzz"oh and when you get back please don't say anything to me it will only make me hurt more" "ok" i sat down by the water, i should have stayed and talked to him. i feel so disgusted with my self all i thought of was having sex and i only ended up hurting my boyfriend.

Dave: Ha Ha I just got done texting Nate with Ry's phone, this is going to be one great weekend. Nate's to stupid to realize that i'm manipulating Ryan. Everything is going perfect al i need to do is brake them up, and then Ryan will be mine.

Ry: I got out of the shower and Nate walked in, i figured he was still mad at me so i didn't say anything. He walked towards our room and grabbed his stuff. I looked at him he looked really upset. I walked in my room and cried myself asleep alone, thinking how i can patch thiings up with Nate.

Nate: He looked hurt when i walked in, I can't believe i did this to him again, i knew what he wanted to i took my things and headed for the other bed room. I fell asleep for about an hour when i walked to the bathroom and saw Ryan there. "Ry, i hope your not mad at me, i'm a terrible boy friend and" he cut me off "Nate I'm so sorry i so stupid" "No your not i am" i hugged him "Am i allowed in your room?" "of course" "I grabbed my things and put them back where they belong, then i picked up Ry, his hand gently brushed up against my cock making it twitch "I'm sorry" "it's ok i felt good" "Nate i know what you were thinking about" i looked down in shame "it's ok but right now I'm not ready (i wanted to tell him i was just raped and i'm more afraid of sex right now then I'll ever be) but maybe I will, maybe" "It's ok Ry i'll wait for you and besides i will always have my two little helpers to help me out when i need it" he looke at me strange "you know Ry Mr Right and Mr left" "umm?" "forget it lets sleep. I wrapped my arms around his waist and brought him closer to me i kissed the back of his neck when i noticed a bruise did i do that? hmm.

Next: Chapter 8: Forever and Always II 3

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