Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Jul 19, 2009


Forever and Always part 1 chapter 2

Finally it was spring break, a whole week off of work. But the best part is Nate and Dave are done with the State tests and i can finally hang out with them.

Nate: as i walked down the hallway i noticed Dave's upset face. "Whats wrong dude" "My parents said if i fail another test they'll take away my car till i'm 21." "thats harsh" "It's to much for me the state tests and all my other tests not to mention the SATs" "What are you saying" "Nothing just leave me alone" he walked away from me, huh I tried to help him.

The bell rang and school was over (for a week). There he was standing by my car door, with that cute smle and sexy bubble butt i was getting hard just thinking about him.

"So Nate what do we have planned for this week" those words went through me like a bullet, a full week with Ry, no kelly, no tests, no parents. just us "I was thinking we go to the beach" cool let me text Dave" "My parents own a condo down in Virginia, its a day trip if we go by car i think" "Alright, alright, I'll tell Dave." "Why do we have to include him?" "Cause he is our friend"

Dave: My phone rang, "Hello" "Hi dave do you have any plans this week" "No why?" "Cause we want to go to the beach" "Sure i guess, when are we leaving?" "Tonight" "Whoa that gives me time to pack" "Sorry about the rush" "its ok" "Dave you sound hurt whats wrong?" "Nothing" i really wanted to tell him that he belonged with me but i didn't have the courage,

It started pouring, i had everything packed so i headed for Ry's house, I waited out in the rain till he came out with a suitcase bigger than him "Shorty need some help?" "That would be nice" i grabbed the suitcase with one hand and threw it in the trunk.. Ry thanked me and went to the other side of the car to get in. I locked the doors and walked towards him "I can't help it if i want to kiss you in the rain so Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you Can't help it if there's no one else , I can't help myself" with that said i kissed him.

Ry: I pushed Dave off me "What are you doing" "You love taylor swift so i looked up your face book and one of her songs was your status and well i can't help myself" "Dave i have a boyfriend!" i said as nice as possible "he'll never know" i smacked Dave, he grabbed my wrist and twisted it. "now your going to be a good little boy and not tell Nate, do you understand?" i nodded my head "good and if you ever disobey me i'll brake your arm." i was crying this isn't the same Dave i knew.

Nate finally made it, he couldn't tell i was crying because of the rain. we got in the car and headed for Virginia. "hey Ry guess what i made, a cd for you" "thanks nate, you didn't let me guess" "ok mr sarcastic" "i own sarcasm" i felt safe knowing Nate was with me. He put in the cd and pushed play.

"look around turn the radio down he said "baby is something wrong i say nothing i was just thinking how we don't have a song and he said "our song is the slam of screen doors sneaking out late taping on you window,"

Nate was singing along, he kissed me and Dave gave me a dirty look i quickly pulled away from nate and he looked upset. "i'm sorry nate car sickness i don't want you to drown in puke" "it's ok babe i understand" i smiled at him, what did i do to deserve such a great guy. I felt really bad that i lied to him though

Dave: i can't think straight anymore, whats going on with my life. I know i love Ry i think. Why am i angry all of a sudden, i know it's my dads fault he left me and my mother by ourselves to think he said he'll be here when i graduate. "Can you turn the music down it's making me sick" i screamed. Nate quickly turned the radio off and it was quiet.

Nate: Geeze whats with Dave latley ever since that night with kelly he hasn't been the same. I started texting my cousin Jeremy to tell him that we'll be using his stuff while we are at the condo. He texted back saying it's alright when i got a text from my ex friend Dereck "So did you bust his cherry yet?" "I have no idea what you are talking about" "please spare me the bullshit i know you and Ryan are dating" "Fuck you" "I'll leave that to Ryan" I was so furious at this point that i needed to get out of the car. "Can we stop at a Restaurant I'm starving it's been five hours since we left town" "Ok by me" ry said "No" "Why Dave?" Ry asked "Cause i'm not hungry" "Please" "Fine!"

Ry: We stopped at Friendly's, Nate ran towards the bathroom, i could tell he was upset about something but what, "Next time i tell you no the answer is no" Dave said as he grabbed my arm and squeezed tightly "Ok I'm sorry please let go" he squeezed harder "Ow" i started to cry, then he realized that he was braking my arm "Ry I'm so sorry i didn't mean to, theres too much on my mind right now" " It's ok, Dave whats wrong?" "Nothing if you want me I'll be out in the car" "Dave Wait" "NO" i didn't try to stop him cause i was afraid of getting hurt again, great what kind of vacation is this both of my friends are upset and i can't help them. Why is it always me who is stuck in the middle. We ended up leaving without eating and for another hour the car was silent. "Dave what do you plan on doing first" "i don't know Ry, can we talk about this later i need to concentrate" "ok, what about you Nate?" "huh? what" "never mind" there i was sitting in a car with my boyfriend and best friend, i should've stayed home.

Nate:i was so fed up with Dereck's shit, he is now making fun of me and Ry cause Ry is still a virgin, but as much as it pains me to say it we have been dating over a month now and he won't put out. I haven't had sex in so long, "what are you thinking bout Nate" "nothing Ry" he looked sad, and here i was thinking about my self when i should be thinking about him. "yo Ry do you wanna listen to your ipod" "ok i guess" he sat with me in the back this time so we wouldn't bug david. We started to listen to one of his songs from his playlist. "what is this" "It's Decode by Paramore" "Oh" "do you wanna watch a movie" "on what" "my ipod silly" "ok" "what do you want to watch" "surprise me" he turned it side ways and a title screen came up. there was a deer in the forest drinking from a lake. "Ry what is this?" "twilight" "oh ok" two hours flew by quick thanks to that movie. When i glanced at Dave he glared at me. hmm whats going on

Dave: I hate how close Ryan and Nate are it makes me sick. I should be back there not him. "Hey how much further to your condo Nate?" " about half an hour" "hey you two look i see Dolphins" the way the light shined on Ry beautiful light brown eyes was heavenly. i must have stared too long cause i almost hit another car. Don't worry soon Ryan you'll get to no the real me

Next: Chapter 7: Forever and Always II 2

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