Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Jul 11, 2009


Forever an Always part four chapter 1

We finally made it to the theme park. i wonder what we are going to go on first.

"Hey ry lets go on the tilt a whirl"

"No Dave i want to go on the water rides"

"Guys stop fighting we are going to go on a roller coaster"

"Fine " they said in unison

now was my chance to get closer to Dave, but how. I thought to my self when it hit me a haunted house ride.

"Hey Dave will you go on the haunted house ride with me?"

"Sure what about Nate?"

"Yeah what about me?"

"I'll go on with Dave First then Nate"


"sorry you guys it's my girlfriend can you go with Nate i'll catch you two later."

What did he say, he had a girlfriend and didn't tell me, here i am once again torn into pieces. Me and Nate got on the ride after a few rooms it started to get scary. I grabbed his hand and buried my face in his chest to hide from the random monsters popping out. To my surprise during the haunted bride's room Nate kissed me. My heart jumped a little.

"Nate I..I.."

"Shh we are getting to the good part"

A bus jumped out in front of us and i jumped fifteen feet in the air. I got off the ride and rushed towards the bathroom. I started crying in a stall, Nate walked in and it made me worse.

Nate I'm so sorry for treating you like dirt" sniff " How come you didn't say i told you so?"

"Because Ry i really do like you and i don't want to hurt you"

he hugged me and i hugged him, we stood there for at least 8 minutes

' I wish i could hold you like this all the time"

"Nate i can't explain how sorry i am, will you give me a second chance, i totally understand if you don't"

"Like i said before babe i love you"

those words touched my heart, but what am i going to say to dave.. I just can't go up to him and tell him i only hanged out with him cause i liked him. Huh maybe He'll be a good friend. So me and Nate walked out to find Dave sitting on the bench crying.

"Hey dave whats wrong"

"My girlfriend broke up with me"

"How long have you two been going out"

"Nate thats none of your business"

"It's alright Ry, we have been going out since 8th grade and since i'm a junior i guess thats about 4yrs, our anniversary is next monday"

I felt bad for Dave. i wanted to go on more rides with Nate but i didn't want to leave him alone.

Its bad enough that she dumped him before his anniversary but to call him instead of talking face to face, that girl was a real bitch.

"Do you want to go on any rides with us?

"I don't know there is one ride that i wanted to go on"

"What we will go on it"

"The Millennium Force but if we go on that it will be the last ride we have school tomorrow"

"Ok it's fine with me what about you Nate?"


we got in line Me and Nate sat in the back while Dave said he'll get on the next one. When went over the hill Nate kissed my cheek and there was a flash.

"Nate what if Dave sees the picture"

'it's alright"

when we got off we waited for Dave when he didn't show we knew something was up. We looked through the whole park and still couldn't find him, we even made an announcement but he still didn't show. we finally agreed to see if he was back at the car.

"Dave we've been looking for you what"

"so when were you going to tell me" he cut me off

"dave i don't understand"

he showed me and Nate the picture

"to think i broke up with Alissa for you"

"Dave I had no idea seriously" i felt like dirt

"well good luck finding a ride back to town cause i'm gone."

he threw our stuff out of the car and left.

"great just great what are we going to do now""

"i don't know Nate"

"hold on i think i can jack a car"

"no don't, there's a bus stop down the rode lets start walking.

we walked, and then waited an hour for the bus to show up.

"looks like we aren't going to school tomorrow"

i sighed and looked out the window thinking did i make the right choice, for the rest of the night i thought about dave. The worst part of it all is i still have to work with him. i hate how life is full of Drama. I woke up to Nate running his fingers through my hair, i had that dream again but instead of Nate rapping me it was Dave.

"are you hungry babe"

"starved what about you"

"i'm only hungry for you"

"Nate your so corny"

"you love it"

he's right i do love it, some old lady caught us making googly eyes to each other. she walked up to me and whispered in my ear "he's a keeper you better take care of him, what a hunky heartthrob" she walked away and winked at him.

"what was that about?"

"thats for me to know and you to find out"


he started tickleing me

"ok ok please stop"

"Who's your hottie"

"You Nate you"

"will you go out with me?"

"Of course"

"ha ha i knew you would"

"Alright, alright"

"I'm kidding"

"I know"

"hey do you have your i pod"

"yeah why"

he grabbed it from my pocket and started to play love story

"Are you my juliet cause i want to be your romeo"

"ahh Nate"

He blushed when the old lady winked at him again. "I'll be your juliet any time." she said with a smile

"Nate your like ten shades of red"

he just smiled and kissed my forehead. He held me the rest of the ride. When we finally got back home it was eight o'clock so we decided to go home cause our parents must be worried. We got to his house to find kelly sitting in his room.

"i was wondering when you'll get back"

"How did you get in my house"

"you leave a key in the little flower pot next to the lawn gnome, Hi Ryan i din't know you were friends with my boyfriend"

"I'm not your boyfriend anymore get over it"

"No Nate I'll never get over it now tell me you love me or else"

"Or else what"

i felt like i didn't belong in the room with those two but nate motioned me to stay

"I'll tell my daddy the chief of police you beat me and rapped me"

"you can't do that"

"Watch me"

"You wouldn't have proof"

"I have a sperm sample all i need is the bruises and your screwed now tell me you love me"

She was crazy i didn't know what to do, Nate looked me in the eyes and mouthed that he was sorry.

"I love you, there are you happy now"

"No kiss me"


She reached for her phone

"Are you sure about that?" He looked at me again except this time he started to cry, he kissed her, and i felt a little betrayed but he had to or he would go to jail for something he didn't do.

"Now thats my Nate come on your taking me out"

"I can't i have to take Ryan home"

"Oh i forgot he was here" she walked up to me and pulled me out of the room. "Listen you little bastard you say one word to anyone about this i'll make your life a living hell you got that" I nodded, i was scared, her dad was the chief of police and she was the most popular girl in school.

"Starting tomorrow Nate you'll say that I'm your girlfriend again and you will like it, Oh and by the way cancel your plans tomorrow we are going on a date."

I felt helpless i couldn't do anything she was treating him like a dog and i stood there.

"Nate can you take me home?"

"I don't know"

"Go ahead Nate but you beter be back in ten minutes"

"But kelly it's a forty minute drive to my house"

"I don't care he'll have to go faster"

"I can't kell"

"Fine hurry up"

we rushed out and jumped in the car.

"Ryan i'm so sorry i didn't know she was this crazy" he was crying

"Nate It's ok"

his phone started ringing"what do you want kelly"

"I just called to tell you that as soon as school is over tomorrow we will be going to my house"

"i can't i have practice tomorrow"

"Too bad"

"Kelly this isn't fair"

"Life isn't fair Nate"

he hung up"Don't worry we'll get through this some how"

He pulled in the lot and kissed me on the lips "i love you babe"

"i love you too, and don't let her get to you"

he drove off

great now my friend hates me and my boyfriend is being controlled by a physco bitch

life isn't fair.

Next: Chapter 5

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