Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Jul 9, 2009


Forever and Always part 3 Chapter 1

A week past since the whole Nate kissing me problem. Huh i'm so tired i had work four days straight eight hours each. My phone started beeping, i got a text. "Ryan will you please talk to me?" it was Nate. "No, how did you get my number."

"i got it from people"

"well quit texting me i don't want to talk to you"

" know i hurt you just please hear me out"

"No!" he texted back and i never answered him. an hour passed since and i had to get ready for work again. When i got there i met someone who i never seen before his name was Dave Cippiriano. " Hi are you new hear?"

"No, I've worked hear since last year, my name is David but you can call me dave or cippi"

"Hi my name is Ryan"

"So Ryan are you working counter or back?"

"Counter, what about you?"


"oh ok, thats cool" After six hours we both were off and since it was only three he asked me if i wanted to hang out, i told him sure. "we got in his car and drove off towards Dairy Queen. " So what sports do you play Ry" he called me Ry, nathan used to call me ry, "Umm track, winter track, cross country" he cut me off" Do you wrestle?"

" No too small"

" Oh i see"

"what sports do you play?"

"track and football" why would he ask if i wrestled if he didn't? "so Ry where do you want to go"

"i don't know"

"well i was thinking about going to the movies"

"ok what do you want to see"

"the unborn"

"cool" we got to the movie theater and Nathan happens to see me. " Hey Ry are you still mad at me?" i ignored him"

"well are you at least going to introduce me to your new friend?"

"huh nate this is dave and vise versa" i said in a bitchy tone. " what are you to going to see. " the unborn, what about you" dave answered. " Same thing how weird" (if i didn't know antbetter he was stalking me) "well we should all sit together"

"No dave!" Nate looked at me hurt and Dave was puzzled " i mean Nate's girlfriend would like to sit with him"

"Ry we broke up last saturday"

" Oh sorry" huh i felt bad, but not to bad. "so ry where do you wanna sit" they said in unison " whoa that was weird" i said. they looked at each other and laughed. The movie was about to start so we all went our seperate ways to get things dave went for food, i went to the bathroom and well i really don't know where Nate ran off. The bathroom door opened and Nate walked in, i was ready to die. "what do you want?"

" why so hostile?"

"because your a jerk"

" you do know i broke up with Kelly for you" here we go again with the bricks, " what about the other four"

"you heard about that to huh."

"yes i did just stay away from me"

" but i think i love you" " what did you say"

" you heard me" he just won't give up " that doesn't matter" i walked out he stood there with a hurt look on his face. " Hey ryan do you have work tomorrow?"

"no dave why?"

"does nate have work tomorrow?"

"he doesn't work, you didn't answer my question"

"well i just one us three free passes to cedar point tomorrow" great i get to hang out with Dave some more but with Nate tagging along something bad is bound to happen. We walked back in the theater to fin Nate sulking alone. "Hey dude whats wrong"

" Love struck dave"

"oh girl giving you a hard time."

"something like that"

"Shh! the movie is starting.

Three hours later Holy shit that movie scared the crap out of me. " well where are we off to next it's only six thirty"

" i don't know"

" Nate do you have any ideas."

"i was thinking we go swimming"

"Sure where at" (no dave, no he just wants to separate us) " lets go to the lake"

"i don't know nate thats pretty far"

"come on Ry please"

"Yah ry please " fine. what a long car drive, while dave was driving Nate accidentally touched my ass. when we made it to the lake it was about eight thirty. It was dark out and we really couldn't see in front of me, dave jumped in and Nate followed him. It took me a while to get in cause it was a little but seeing both Nate and Dave without a shirt was heaven. Nate was all muscle and his pecs were amazing, while Dave wasn't as in good shape as Nate he was a little hairy, I started swimming towards them when something touched my leg. I was freaking out when i felt something grab my ass and squeeze it.

I started to grab Ryan without him knowing, he jumped oh he is so cute. "Nate get off me" he whispered"

" I can't i'm that attracted to you" ' Stop dave is hear"


" Nate please"

"fine" i pulled off him i was now as hard as a rock. What does Dave have that i don't? I better looking I'm taller and well built, and I think i'm gay, Dave is straight. hmm does Ryan know that.

"Lets go it's getting late"

"ok dave" i sat in the back this time, so i could sleep when Nate decided to sit back there with me. "Hey i'm still a little hard do you wanna get together tonight"

"no Nate geeze do you ever quit"

"not on you baby" he started to put his had near my thigh and a jumped a little. " shh calm down it's all right."

" No stop" the car stopped and Dave walked out leaving the doors locked. Nate jumped on top of me "Now i'm going to bust your cherry little bitch."

"No nate stop please" i was crying out "He stripped me down and started to hump me "Nate your hurting me stop"

" shut up bitch before i really pound your ass" at that minute i woke up, it was just a dream. Nate was sitting in the front and i was alone in the back. " Hey Ryan are you ok"

"yeah nate"

" You were crying in your sleep, bad dream?"

" you couldn't imagine it"

"well thats what you get for watching a scary movie" Dave told us to go get some cloths cause we were heading for cedar point. We drove for another four hours and Dave rented a hotel "It's to late for me so we are stopping here" we all got out and went inside. it was a pretty nice hotel it wasn't five stars but it wasn't a dump either. Dave fell asleep on the floor and left the bed for me and Nate. "ha ha this is how i want you"

" excuse me?"

" in a bed with me" " no Nate" ( huh i say that a lot" i ended up kicking Nate in the center of his thigh, he started crying. " Oh 'm so sorry"

"now it hurts this is my bad leg"

" what should should i do' You can give me a leg massage"

"Alright Alright Alright." i started to rub his quads when he told me to rub where i kicked him. I started to rub his thigh and he was breathing heavily. he asked me if he can turn around. "Alright" he turned around and then took off his gym shorts. i started to rub him some more and he sported the biggest dick i've ever seen (ha ha i can't really say much considering this is the first dick i've ever seen besides mine and to add some icing to the cake i'm still a virgin) " can you go a little higher"


" a little higher"

" here?"

"a little bit higher" i was next to his balls when he told me to put my hands in his boxers. i move up a little higher and he moved down causing me to touch his balls. " I'm sorry i didn't mean to"

"I'ts alright it felt good" i grabbed his balls ant started to rub them then i felt something warm dripping on me "eww nate you just peed on me"

"thats not pee"

" I'm done i'm tired"

" Oki have to pee"

"i knew you peed on me" (remember i'm still a virgin no sexual experiences what so ever) after a few minutes he came out with a wet spot in his pants. "come here"


"just come here." i walked over and he stuck his finger in my mouth.

"what is this it taste salty and a little sweet"

"thats what dripped on your finger"

"Where did it come from?"

"my dick"

"what is it?"

"cum, and there will be a lot more where that came from. i crawled back in bed and fell asleep. Hmm i sorta liked the taste of that, cedar point tomorrow.

Next: Chapter 4

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