Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Dec 22, 2009


Nate: I can't believe i lied to Ry again, he puts so much trust in me and i lied, i don't want to loose him but if i keep this up he will break up with me again. My phone started vibrating in my pocket "Hello" "Nate can you do me a favor?" "Yeah Ry what is it?" "Can you pick me up i missed the bus" "Sure if you need rides just ask ok" "Ok thanks Natey" "Ha ha your welcome peanut" "Hey" "Is for horses" "Remember Nate I own Sarcasm" I walked out to my car and drove off to Ry's House.

"Hey Ry lets go we're going to be late" "I'm sorry" "It's ok" "I missed riding in your car it doesn't smell funny like Cj's" "Hey Ry" "What" "Do you have band tournament or anything like that next saturday and sunday?" "No" "Well me and a few friends are going camping do you want to come?" "Umm let me think about it this week and i'll notify you later" "Ok"

We finally made it to the school it was about a half hour away from my house. When we got out of the car the few friends that were talking near the parking lot stopped and stared at us "Omg Nate you are back together with Ryan" "Yeah gina" "Kiss him once please" "Yeah Nate kiss him you guys are so cute together" "Ha ha Really?" i looked over at Ry who was now by my side. He looked sorta uncomfortable around my friends. i looked at Gina and then her boyfriend who looked confused. "Come on Nate he is waiting" i looked at Ry again and he had a smile on his face "Come on Natey we don't want to disappoint Gina and Hillary or there boy friends" I bent over and planted one on Ry "Wow Ry i really missed your soft kisses" "I missed your sloppy ones" he laughed "Hey Ry what lunch are you in today?" "C" "cool do you want to sit with me?" "Ok" After that being said we went our separate ways, he went to his locker and i went to the locker room to get my books.

"Hey Dereck i heard that the two faggots are back together" "i fucking Hate Ryan he is a little...." "Say another word and i will kill you" "Some ones protective of his bitch" I went to swing at him when he stopped me "I wouldn't do that if i were you, you'd be suspended, that means you won't be able to play football and you won't be able to protect poor defenseless Ryan" "Dereck Your a fucking pussy" "Oh i'm sorry i heard your not straight anymore" "Shut the fuck up" "Hey You Two Break It Up!" "Yes coach Michaels" we said in unison "This isn't over Dereck" "No it's not, I'm going to widdle my way into screwing up your relationship with Ry, and then i'm going to hurt him bad and there is nothing you can do about it."

Ry: i walked into the cafeteria "Hey Ry" "Um hi do i know you" "We are Nate's friends" "Oh ok well i'm Ryan" "Hi i'm Chris this is Aj, Mark, Jeremy, Tyler, Matt and George" "Hi" "Do you mind if we ask you a few questions" "As long as they aren't hurtful ones" "Don't worry they aren't " "Ok" "How is Nate in bed" they started laughing "Umm thats none of your...." "How big is he" "You guys are...." "Do you moan or scream his name" "Stop..." "Does he like it when you give him head" "Would you guys shut up!" "shh shh here comes Nate "Hey Ry I brought your favorite, and i see your making friends with my friends" "Yeah umm about that i think i'm going to sit with my friends" "Why babe" i looked at his friends and they snickered "Well do yoou want to sit with your friends or just me i don't want to put you on the spot or anything its just going to take some time to get used to" "Ok well do you..." "No stay and talk with your friends i'll see you later" "Bye Ry" "Bye Nathan"

Nate: Ry never calls me Nathan unless i'm in trouble or he's upset. by the tone of his voice he didn't sound mad The rest of lunch was boring all my friends talked about was football, i wanted to talk to Ry. I glanced over and i saw him sitting alone. "Hey You guys i'm going to sit with Ry" they ignored me "Ok whats wrong" "Wha.." i must of startled him because he jumped "you heard me" "Well it's nothing" "if its bugging you then it is something Ry" "It's not......" "Ry just tell me" "Fine but promise me you won't be mad" "I won't" "Ok well i don't like your friends" "Why?" "They are jerks" "Well i don't think you can be picking sides when you just met them" "But Nate when you weren't there they made fun of me" "What did they say?" "They said stuff about us having sex and things about what you do to me and things like that" "Look Ry i really don't know who to believe hear" "Your boyfriend" "Ry i can't just take sides like that" "Why?" "Ry Right Now Is Not A Good Time!" i must have been shouting cause he had a scared look on his face "I'm sorry i have to go" "Ry wait its not that..." he left the cafeteria. "Whats wrong Nate?" "Nothing Matt" "Is it boy troubles" "Sorta" "Well you can tell us we are your friends" "Well Ry thinks you guys were making fun of him and i have a lot on my mind right now" "Oh well we dis say a few things" they all looked at me with a guilty look "Thanks you guys, I'm supposed to be there for him and i'm torn apart between you guys, i should have trusted him" I stormed off to chase after Ry.

I looked over and over and i finally found him on the third floor bathroom. "Ry can we talk please" "I really don't want to talk Nate" "Ry i should have believed you i'm sorry" "Nate whats wrong with you latley your acting all hostile" "It's too complicated" "Too complicated to tell me" "No it's just i can't" "Tell me but you would rather tell your friends" "Ry thats not ...." "Nathan Snedden if you don't tell me right now we are done" I started to cry "Thats the reason why i don't want to tell you i don't want you to leave me" "I swear i won't" "Really?" "Yes Nate" "Ok well...I...might.....have.....Aids" "What but How i mean wait" "I lied to you before this is why i didn't want to tell you" "Lied to me about what" "When we broke up i was devastated i started sleeping with random guys and girls till one of those guys wanted to well top me and i'm not a bottom person. I didn't tell

you because i thought it would ruin our chance together" "Nate i don't know what to say" "Do you still love me?"

Ry: He was balling his eyes out "Is that the reason you didn't want to have sex, i mean after we got back together" "yes" "Nate no matter what i will still love you but...." "You don't want me anymore because i fucking have Aids" "Nathan you don't know that for sure and i was going to say you should have told me and were you checked at all?" "No" "Well how do you know" "Because the guy that called me well i was seeing him, before we got back together, but he called and told me to get checked because he is Hiv positive." "Nate i'm so sorry" "its ok, but its you i'm worried about" "why" "Well if i do have Aids you might have it and there are people in this school who don't like you". "i don't understand" "well Ry when two people love eachother they..." " I know that i mean the people" " I over heard someone talking about hurting you" "why?" "it doesn't matter i'll be here to protect you no matter what." "Thanks Natey" "You don't need to thank me"

Nate started to walk away from me "Nate where are you going?" "I need to get stuff done" "ok i'll see you later text me please" "don't worry i will"

I Took the bus home and my phone vibrated "=(" "oh no Nate dont tell me what happened" "I'm sitting waiting for the results" "Well when you get them call me!!!!!" "ok Ry im scraed" "I love you no matter what i will never leave you" "Ok ttyl" "bye"

Nate: Sitting in the doctors office hearing all the people choke and cough from the swine flu is so much fun "Mr. Snedden will you please step in the room please" i walked over with my phone held tightly in my hand. "Nate we have some bad news" i dropped my phone and began to cry.

Next: Chapter 20: Fearless 4

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