Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Oct 13, 2009


Ry: Saturday was our band tournament against like 7 other schools we didn't do that bad we placed third like we do every year. Cj took me home and i didn't get back till 1 in the morning not saying that we did anything it was just a really long tournament.

"Hey Ry do you wanna go to the mall later"

"Sure just take me home around 7 i have other plans"

"Ok" When i got home i fell straight asleep it was hard to do anything but i decided to text my secret admirer. "Who is this?"

"You'll see"

"Why don't you tell me now to save the trouble"

"I can't it will ruin the surprise"

"Well i don't know when i'll be there i'll be at them all hanging out with my friends"

"Oh really"

"Yeah and by the way how did you get my number"

"Your friends"

"Hmm i think i know who you are"

"No you don't but you do know one thing"


"I love you =)" that was the last message i saw then i drifted to sleep

I woke up around two i came downstairs and Cj was talking with my mom "Well it's about time"

"How long have you been here Cj"

"Since Noon"

"Oh ha ha"

"My your manners in front of guest"

"Mom Cj isn'ta guest he just jumped the border and snuck in our house"

"Yeah i did ha ha" my mom rolled her eyes and walked in the other room "Geeze Ry your mom is hot"

"Cj your a pig"

"Oink oink"

"let me take a shower"

"Can i join"

"No you idiot my mom is in the other room"

"Hey i was kidding"

"well don't kid to loud you asshole"

"Watch your language peanut"

"Yes mommy"

"Ha ha peanut"

"Yeah it's my nickname"

"Ha ha wait till i tell everyone this"

"Cj don't be a jerk"

"Im only kidding" I walked into the bathroom and ran the water for my shower, i quickly picked out a pair of cloths and jumped in.

Huh the hot water on my body feels so good. It feels so good but it brings back so many memories. I remember the first time i took a shower with Nate. I feel of his wet body against mine was so godly. I miss him but it seems like he doesn't have the time to talk or do anything anymore, it feels like he doesn't have time for me. I started to cry a little so i got out of the shower and got dressed. I wonder what he is doing now huh i wish i talked to him more friday night.

I walked out of the bathroom "Well you look nice"

"Thanks Cj"


"Yeah just let me get my phone"

"Ok" it wasn't a long drive to the mall but it was definitely quiet, Cj didn't say a word to me. "So Cj where do you want to go first?"

"I don't know"

"huh ok"

"Am i doing something wrong"

"Well Cj when you asked me to go to the mall i was expecting you new what you wanted to do. Look we are standing in the middle of the food court like a bunch of dummies"

"Well sorry"

"hey don't be cocky with me"

"I'm sorry im just a little tired ok." I never seen Cj angry before so it scared me. We started walking and a word wasn't said between usi think he is mad at me. "Ry.....Hello...Ry!"

"I'm sorry it's just...."

"You think i'm mad at you don't you"

"a little"

"Well i'm not i'm just cranky"

"ok" as we turned the corner i saw Nate, he was with another girl. "He easy Ry" Cj must have known i was getting jealous.

"Oh Ry i didn't know you were going to be here"

"Yeah can i talk to you."

"Sure" we walked away from Cj and that girl. "So Ry whats up"

"Umm can i ask you a question"


"You can't get mad"


"Ok first of all Nate are you gay or straight and second of all who the hell is she"

"Wow i like jealousy on you, well she is my cousin first of all and she got me a modeling job for American Eagle, and like i said before i love you i didn't go out with anyone since and well i haven't had well sex since."



"Nate i'm so sorry"

"For what?"

"Well i was umm with Cj and we sorta well i didn't but"

"Ry i already know Thats why i was at your table yesterday you thought i didn't see you glimpse over but i did"

"Its not just that i lost trust in you when you were completely faithful when i wasn't even when we aren't going out"

"It's ok its my choice"

"But look at me i turned into a whore im sleeping with anyone now a days and i don't even use protection."

"Ry stop your babbling on about nothing"

"its not nothing huh even tonight i have plans on meeting some one"

"Oh really who?"

"I don't know but he said he was my secret admirer"



"Well i don't know what to say about that but igot to go that girl she is also my manager"

"Ok bye Natey"

"By Ry"

10 pm came quick i grabbed my cell and i pod and started walking to the park. As i was walking countless thoughts ran through my head, what kind of guy is he, is he one of my friends, what if its an old pedophile, all my questions will be answered in a matter of minutes, i was nervous and excited usually when you get a text from a random number you ignore it but i didn't. As i approached the park gates i saw a guy in a hoodie with our school insignia on it sitting on a bench, His back was toward me so i didn't see his face but he had a box in his hand. I couldn't muster words up i was too scared to speak, this guy can be a rapist and i was that stupid to go.

"Umm hi I'm"

"I know who you are and i've been waiting" the voice sounded so familiar. He got up from the bench but didn't turn around "Do you know who i am Ry"

"i think i do but i don't remember"

"oh you will remember me"

"I don't i'm sorry"

"You said forever and always"

"Oh my god you can be one of two people"

"Which one do you think i am?"

"Your not dave so that leaves....." He turned around and pulled his hood down "How did you get my.."


"Then he"

"planne d this with me not entirely but he played a great part"

"Natey i don't know what to say"

"Then just listen"


"I haven't been with anyone since we broke up, as i recall you said that you weren't ready to get back together because of the fights and the fact that you were unsure where our relationship was going and you wanted some time apart. Well its been at least four months since I've been with you, it's been four months since i was with anyone sexually either. I told you that i wouldn't be with anyone but you that i love and only you. What i'm trying to say is Ryan will you give me a second chance"

"Of course i will Nate I missed you so much and I want you so bad"


"Yes i want all of you"

"Explain to me"

"I want your beautiful green eyes, Your amazing rock hard muscles. Your dark brown hair that you tak forever to do in the morning (he laughed a bit) Your rock hard ass and your well very long thick umm friend, and most importantly i want your love"

"You have it and my friend here got a little bigger since the last time you had a talk with it"

"I missed you so much"

"Can i call you my loving boyfriend again?"

"Yes Natey but..."

"But what"

"we need pet names for each other"

"Ok why?"

"Cause its cute"

"Ok we'll think ot that later lets go i left the car on"

"but i can't i have well we have school"

"So you can sleep over my house and your mom will understand"

"Yeah but what about cloths and stuff"

"Already picked some up for you"

"You really planned this did you"

"Yeah i called your mom three days ago"

"Your smarter than you look you know" I looked at his face he looks so much more mature than he used to, he let his sideburns grow down to his beard thingy ha ha it's more like peach fuzz, but anyway the moonlight really brought out his true beauty.

Nae: His purple eyes are so hot. Every time he looks at me i get a little hard "What are you staring at?"

" Your amazing face"

"Thanks" He changed so much. His curly brown hair is shorter, he grew a little not much but its still shoes,and his ass well thats a story itself but to put it simple it makes me drool. "Nate can i ask you something"


"Ok i want to ask you if we can hold off the sex"

"Sure i wasn't ready to hit it off with sex either"

"I want to i mean well I definitely want to but i'm not sure if well you want to and if we are ready"

"Well i'm ready when you are"

"Well i am but are you like well do you want to"

"Of course i do i love you"

Ry: We got to his house and he quickly ripped off his shirt. He started to pull my shirt off and at the same time he fumbled with my pants. To my surprise he got both off at the same time. He pulled me on top of him and started to kiss me "Nate"


"I you.... happy"



"i slid his boxers off and started to play with his now 12 in dick "Wow you weren't kidding" He smiled at me. He sat up. "Are you ready Nate"

"YES" I moved my head in between his legs. I kissed his dick "Oh i missed this and you so much." i wrapped my tongue around his swollen head, "OHHH" I plunged my face down his rock hard pole "Oh my god Ry" i couldn't get down all the way it was too big "I'm sorry Nate i can't get all of it"

"That doesn't matter to me" he smiled and patted my head as went down on his cock "Ry i'm gonna cum"

Nate: Looking down into his purple eyes was too much for me and i cummed down the back of his throat "Ry you didn't have to"

"I wanted to and i needed to taste you again"

"Let me help you"

"No need i wanted you that bad that i already cam"



"Will you hold me when we sleep together like we used to"

"Of course i will come here."

"I moved up towards him still between his legs "So what did i taste like"

"Like a sweet piece of candy"

"ok candy man its time for bed" He wrapped his hands around me and we fell asleep like that, with my head on his chest and his hands running through my hair

Next: Chapter 19: Fearless 3

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