Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Sep 20, 2009


Nate: Ryan looked so empty, so hurt and it was my fault, i want to talk to him so bad but he just ignores me, huh wheres dave when you need him.

"Hey Nate" "Hey Cj whats up" "A lot" "like" "well your ex Kelly she is all nice to everyone and she even asked me out" "What?" "yeah she did" "well what did you say?" "I turned her down i'm going out with melissa remember" "Oh sorry" "yeah what about you and..." "Shut up!" "Woah i'm sorry it's just that he used to be so nice to everyone and now he like snapped" "Don't you think i know that huh it's my fault he's acting so crazy" "He's not crazy!" "Well it sure looks like it to me" "Nate everybody has a boiling point and Ry reached his he takes every body's shit and its too much, if it were me i would have snapped a long time ago" "I miss him so much" "Your going to have to give it time" "But i don't want to" "You have to" "what should i say to him Cj he hates me" "That i don't know why don't you talk to one of his friends" "ok text me later" "k cya"

I walked towards my period three class, huh i was in this class with him too. He walked past me and gave me a glare.

"What do you want" "you" i mumbled "What the fuck is your problem" i didn't answer, "You see Nate thats your problem, that was our problem, lack of communication, ever since Mike passed in that accident we haven't been the same," "Ry i want to communicate with you but the thing is...." "One don't call me Ry only friends call me that two there shouldn't be a problem now get out of my way" "Or what Ry" "I said move" "Make me" "look Nate I don't want to do this" "Neither do i so just talk to me" "No" "Thats it" I picked him up and took him to the boys bathroom "sit down OWWW" he bit my arm "Get away from me" "No Not till you here me out" "I told you i was done with you Nate!" I slapped him across the face leaving a big red hand print on his cheek "" "You deserve it" "Get away from me" "No" "Nate please leave me alone" "Ry I'm sorry" "What?" "I'm

sorry for all the hell i put you through, i'm sorry for not listening or talking to you when you need me too, I'm sorry for the lack of trust between us, i'm sorry Ry, i truly am and if you can find it in your heart to forgive me it will..." "Look at us Nate, we used to be so close, but some where we went wrong" "Ry...." "Did you regret us Nate, Did you forget what it felt like when we were together" "No Ry everyday, and night i wish and pray for us" we stood there in the bathroom crying"Ry please don't hate me anymore" "Nate it's not that i hate you i can't hate you and since i can't i hide, i hide from the sorrow and the anger"we stood there looking at eachother for a few minutes "Nate" '"yeah" "I want to forgive you but i'm just not ready yet" "What do you mean" "Huh i just need a little time thats all" "Ok how much" "Nate you clearly don't know what i'm going through, you were my first. My first kiss, my first relationship, my first experience, and most important my first love" "Ry i.." "I want to be with you buti don't at the same time and until i can make compromise i think its best that we both just move on for the time being" "Ry...ok but until then you will always have my heart. Bye Ryan Shcaffer" "Bye Nathan Snedden." "Ry Wait" "What?" "Isit stil ok if we just like talked as friends and did things together as just friends" "Umm i don't know about the doing things together part but sure talk to me whenever" "Ok thanks"

Ry: I walked out of the bathroom and everyone was looking at me, I hate this, it feels like i'm in slow motion and everyone else is moving at the speed of light. Almost everyone knew about me and Nate Thanks to Kelly, but now that we're over it feels like lifes over itself. I wish Dave would come back but he is well in a better place right now, at least till he gets better, as most of the day passed 5th period was over i walked down the hall way the lunch bell rang, huh great i have no money on my account. As i walked in the cafeteria i saw Nate sitting alone, He motioned me to sit by him, so i walked through the crowd of people and sat right across from him.

"Nate whats wrong?" he looked all puffy and red "A lot of things Ry" "Do you want to talk" "I don't know if we should, you know with the whole relationship breaking down..." "I know i mean we still could talk as friends" "Ok fine" "Well?" "Huh where should i start" "At the top" "Ha ha I miss that about you, ok well I'm in way over my head with this stupid reaserch project" "For American Lit" "Yeah and my teammates on track and foot ball won't talk to me at all because we broke up" "Really?" "Yeah it's like they put me in an invisible cage" "Well what did they say?" "They said that i screwed up big time, that you are a nice guy and that if i don't learn to take care of the things i have then they'll leave and i'll be left alone" "Well Nate as a friend i won't leave you, but as a...." "I know ok" "Sorry"

"huh thats not the worst of it" "Well what is" "Kelly asked me out again" "What! you can't go out with her" "Why?" "Cause she is um ahh bad" "Ry it's not your choice though, and since your not my boyfriend anymore i can date whoever i want" "But Nate" "You went out with Jared" "Yeah but that was for like a day and he only used me" "What do you mean" "He just wanted to get in my pants" "Oh, im sorry, well did he?" "thats none of your business" "Sorry" "Yeah i'm sorry too, look Nate i gotta go i have to go see if the lunch peoples will let me slide with a free lunch today" "Why?" "I have no money" "Well what do you want?" "You cant buy me food Nate" "Yeah i can it's what friends do" the minute he said that i saw the old Nate, the one from the first time we went out, the one that i fell in love with

"You know what this reminds me of Ry" "What Nate" "the first time you were in my car and we went to mcdonalds" "Yeah i remember that, and you were going out with kelly then" i mumbled

He bought me a slice of pizza and a bottle of snapple apple, my favorite snapple "You know me too well" "I even put a little bit of hot sauce on it cause i know you like to spice things up" "Thanks Natey" "You haven't called me that since..." "Yeah i'm sorry if you dont want me to call you Natey then...." "Ry it's ok it brings back good memories" we sat there in silence for a few minutes, i finished my food and threw my empty plate away "Can i walk you back to your locker" "Sure" we got up and headed towards the staircase and up to the 4th floor "well Ry umm" "Yeah this is kinda awkward" he started to laugh "Thanks again for the lunch Nate" "No prob, well i better get going i have Spanish with blubber" "ha ha see you later Nate" "Bye" he moved closer to me and kissed me on the cheek "Don't worry i won't ever go out with kelly or anyone else, i love you and only you"

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Next: Chapter 17: Fearless 1

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