Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Sep 1, 2009


Forever and Always chapter 3 part 2

Weeks later

Priest: "Open your hearts to his family, he will be missed ever so dearly. Now we have a speaker hear today who was friends with our lost one."

Ry: " I wlii truly miss him, he was one of my best friends, I know we have hit it off on a rocky start but i will always feel connected to him."

Nate: "I can't believe he is gone just like that." "It's all my fault we weren't here for him

"Ry don't say that, there was nothing we could do" "I'm gonna miss him so much, he was more than a friend" "Ry please don't cry i can't bare to see you like this," "Nate if we never went to that stupid beach maybe none of this would have happened" "Ry, stop whats done is done" "But i can't help but feeling that this was our fault" "I know Ry, but you have to understand that we have no control over death or anything for that matter" "Nate" "Yeah" "please don't ever leave me" "I won't"

We walked out of the funeral home and we got into the car, huh poor Dave.

few hours later

"Ry do you want anything to eat?" "No" "You need to eat something" "No" "Ryan you do cut the fucking shit" "Shut the fuck up and leave me alone"

Ry: "Ry stop it with your god damn shit i'm tiered of this" "Leave me alone"

he stopped on the brakes and i flew in my seat

"Are you crazy you could have killed us" "Shut the fuck up"

Nate's facial expression looked scary, the veins in his wrist and arms were popping out

"Nate I'm sorry it's just that" "Ry I'm your fricking boy friend i'm trying to care for you and your pushing me to the curb" "Nate i'm sorry i'm just a little upset" "So am i but you don't see me acting all depressive" "maybe thats your problem"

He got closer to me his hand holding my

"Shut up for the last time" "Nate your hurting me....ow....stop please" "I'm sorry it's just....i....i have to go, get out of the car" "But Nate" "Ry he wasn't only your friend, i'm going to miss him too" "I know but" "Ry he was my best friend."

He drove me a few blocks away from my house. After i got out he quickly sped off. Why is everyone leaving me.

Nate: A lot has been on my mind lately i cant think any more ugh this is so hard, Some more days passed and we had to go to school,

Ry: Huh the worst class ever was my first, gym. It's not that i hated the class it's just that i hated the people in it. As i walked in the locker room it was completely empty, no one. I heard the dripping of a shower head so i went to see in any one was there. "hello?" No one answered, i turned around and bumped into my gym teacher

"Mr. Michaels you scared the crap out of me" "Sorry, hurry up Ryan or you'll be late for class" "Sorry i was just looking for my cloths" "Oh" "Can i have my locker combination again" "Sure"

He handed me a paper that said Locker 318 # 33, 26, 8

"Thanks" "No problem get dressed and get towards the feel" "Yes sir"

He laughed and walked away. I searched through out the locker room and i finally came across my locker, right next to the bathrooms. As soon as i got my pants off i heard a door slam, and out walked Aj Byzenski, the hottest senior guy in the school, but he has nothing on Nate. I looked over and saw another pair of legs, It was James Stach a freshmen, Hmm i knew they called Aj the fresh men rapper but i thought he was straight. James walked out with cum all over his face. I looked at him and he looked as if he saw a ghost,

"Like what you see" Aj smirked, not only was he hot he was a total asshole,

"Screw you" "I'll let you" "Go away" "You already have your pants off though" James quickly washed up and ran out "So Ry do you wanna have some fun" "No! Leave me alone" he smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Your little friend has another idea" "You better back of or your little friend will be inside out in a few seconds"

He walked back to his locker, which was three away from mine. He took his underwear, He was already hard he moved closer to me and put it by my ass, "Ohh i want your ass" "Too bad it's off the market get away from me." I grabbed his rock hard cock and bent it as far as i could "Oww you crazy bitch" I quickly got dressed and ran towards the field

We started running the mile and Aj ran right behind me "You have a really nice ass" "Shut up jog by some one else" "Ha ha you like it" he squeezed my butt I ran even faster "Wait up sexy" I finished in under 6 minutes "Ry are you on track" "yes coach Michales" "Good i was going to say with those legs you can go far" "Thanks" I rushed too the locker room and quickly got dressed hoping i wouldn't run into Aj, Thank god i made it to period 3 without seeing him,

Nate: "Hey Nate why aren't you going out with girls anymore" "Shut up Derrick i am i'm just a little to busy" "Yeah right your probably gay" "No i'm not fuck you i'll never like a guy thats disgusting" "ha ha yeah" "Your gay" "Your the one hanging out with that faggot Ryan" "He's not a faggot" "He's your butt buddy isn't he Nate" "Your retarted Derrick seriously lay off"

I turned my head and saw Ryan waiting by my locker, A silver tear fell from his eye, "Ry wait i..." he ran off "Oh now he is going to chase his boy friend" "i said shut it" i turned around and punched him in the nose.

I looked every where for him but i couldn't find him, huh just when things finally get back together the fall apart just like that.

Ry: I was in the sound proof room crying, when some one opened the door, it was Jared Goldnor, "Umm are you ok Ry?" "I don't know" "Do you wanna talk?" "What are you doing here?" "i was supposed to take my finale cause i'm leaving for vacation few days" "Oh sorry" "it's ok i'll wait till after" He sat next to me and put his arm around me "now tell me whats bugging you" "Well it started with Nate and................." "Oh well umm" he was speechless "Maybe this will help, he turned me around so i was facing him and he kissed me "Jared you have a girlfriend" "No i don't" "But i thought..." "Nope thats my older brother" "Oh you two look a lot alike" "yeah i know" "But what about Nate" "Forget him you have me" "I don't know" "Well i think we'll be greater than you and Nate will ever be" I looked at him, his short dark blond hair, the few freckles he has on his nose, his bluish

green eyes huh he was hot but i don't know"

Nate: I felt terrible, so i left school early to find something that will ease up the tension between me and Ry. The bell rung and there was no sign of him, I waited by my car but i guess he took the bus or something,

Later that night

I went to the mall to clear up my head and i saw Ry sitting at an empty table, I walked in and just then i saw Jared sit next to him " Hey jared what are you doing with my Boyfriend?" "Hey Nate apparently your not my boyfriend remember what you said" "Ry i didn't mean it" "YOU DON'T MEAN ANYTHING!" "Ry.." "Shut up, i'm sick of you using me, it's time that i turned a new leaf, Nathan Snedden it's over, I gave you a second chance and you blew it, To think all that time i wasted on you, You know what Nate i pity you, You are never gonna find some one who loves you because you'll hurt them anyway you can, I'm am sick of being nice it's time i started making decisions for myself benefit, I'm done playing games,what we had was nice, but you ruined it and i'm done! good bye Nathan"

He walked out with Jared, and Jared looked completely shocked, that wasn't the same Ryan i loved, he used to be a caring and sweet now he is well mean.

The next day

Ry: I walked in the School doors feeling refreshed, "Hey everyone look it's the faggot" "excuse me what did you say?" "You heard me faggot bitch" everyone was laughing at me "I dare you to say it again and i'll.." "you'll what you little faggot" i jumped n top of Derrick punching him in the face, " I had enough of your bull shit Derrick I'll make sure you wish you weren't born you fucking bitch" i grabbed his arm and pulled it back in a submission, " say you like sucking cock and i'll let you go" "No" i pulled harder "ok ok i love socking cock" "I can't hear you "I love sucking cock" "What do you want to do right now" "suck a fucking huge cock, i want it down my throat, i love men, please let go" i let go and then kicked him "From now on i'm not your little pushover, you say something about me and i'll kick your ass girl or guy" i walked off, but i felt so good . I went to my second period, the one i shared with Nate, hmm he isn't hear today i wonder why ha ha

Next: Chapter 16: Forever and Always III 3

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