Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Aug 24, 2009


Ry: I felt so uncomfortable with Nate inside of me but he loved it so much, I woke to an empty bed. I felt like someone stuck a lead pipe up my ass. I was in so much pain that i couldn't get up, and on top of it all i had a monstrous head ache. From the corner of my eye i saw Nate skipping up the hall "Hey babe good morning i made you breakfast" "Thanks Natey" He looked at my face and frowned "Ry are you ok?" " what" "you heard me" "Um" "serious" "no" "was it me?" "truth" "yea" "a little" "did i hurt you?" "no it's just that i'm a little uncomfortable with you fucking me i wasn't ready and i'm sorry i lied to you i wanted to make you happy" "Ry i told you i would wait for you, why don't you understand that. I asked you last night if you were ready and you said yes" "I'm sorry" "Ry don't cry, come here" "i can't move" "Did it hurt that bad?" "yes it feels like i was poked over and over again with a sharp thick pointy stick" Nate looked down towards his dick and then turned red "i'm sorry Ry" "I don't mean it that way, your dick isn't a pointy stick, and it felt good it's just the aftermath" "it really felt good?" "Yeah Nate it felt like i was complete" He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Nate is it still storming" "yeah and it's getting worse the water from the ocean is starting to hit the house" "Any word from Dave?" He looked down and said "he texted me a few hours ago saying that he won't be able to make it back and he said to me us back home" "oh" "i'm sorry Ry i know you wanted this to be a perfect but we, i ruined it" "Nate this week was more than i intentionally planned but overall i had fun and on the plus side i lost my virginity" Nate smirked and started to laugh. "And who did you loose your virginity to?" "Your mom" He jumped on top of me and started to tickle me "Nate your going to break me in two" "Geeze Ry whats with the fat jokes" he was sitting on my stomach now. "Nate your crushing my lungs" he smiled i looked at his dick and noticed it was hard. "so you like being on top" "hell yeah" he winked "nate this doesn't feel right" "what do you mean" "i mean why are we going sex crazy during a hurricane" "it's supposed to go away today" he moved so we were chest to chest, face to face. "Lets talk" "About how your dick is grinding the hell out of my leg" "ha ha sorry" he moved again so he was on his side "Well Natey what do you want to talk about" "Anything" "Ok" "Ry i want to get to know you better like on a personal level" "Oh ok" "whats your middle name?" "thats a random question" "come on" "Christopher" "cute ha ha, whats your biggest turn on" i turned red "Come on Ry" "well, umm," i swallowed hard "come on it's all right i'll tell you mine if it'll help" "ok" "well my biggest turn on is bubble buts" "Really" "yeah" he smacked my ass and laughed "Well Ry" "umm i guess eyes" "What do you mean" "I'm a sucker for green eyes and yours takes the cake, their not to light or not to dark they are perfect, they are shaped perfectly, and when you look at me i melt" Nate started to blush "wow" we were quiet for a few minutes "Whats your favorite sexual position?" "Nate i'm still, well i was a virgin i'm really not educated on this" "oh" "whats yours" "umm i..." "Come on Nate" "well umm i like " "It's ok you don't have to answer yet, ha ha what do you like better oral or anal" "Umm anal" "what about with me" "any sex is good" "Nate you horny bastard" we were both laughing

Nate: i started to pull down Ry's underwear "Are you sure you want to have sex right now" "yeah i'm a horny bastard" "Ok" "Ry if your still sore we don't have to have i mean we can like do something else" " No i'm fine i guess it's just that i don't know how you want me" "I want you on me" He climbed on top of me and started to play with my cock through my shorts, I pulled his underwear down the rest of the way "Nate i don't know if i'm ready for this" "do you want to stop" "no i just don't want to ride you" he looked down in embarrassment "Ry it's ok i want to do my favorite position anyway." I picked him up and placed his feet over my head and around my neck, I grabbed the bottle of lube and started finger fucking his ass "Nate that feels" "Feels like what" "Orgasmic" "we chuckled and i put some more lube on my dick. "You ready" "Yep" i pushed against him and i saw a tear fall from his eye "do you want me to stop?" "no it's ok it hurts a little" "i pushed in more till the head was all the way in "OWWW!" he was bucking his hips and trying to pull off, I placed my lips over his "It's ok" he stopped screaming "I can't belive how tight you are after one night" "Is that a good thing" "Yes" i started to pump a little faster "Nate you hit that spot again" "you mean hear" "oh god that feels soo good fuck me harder" i kept hammering down on his tight little bubble butt "Nate i think i'm gonna CUMM" He came all over my chest "Ry i'm no where near close" he pulled off me and got on his knees "You don't have to i'll just jack off....Oh god you suck like a pro, i motioned him to come back to the bed with me. He laid down and i got on top of him "So Nate this is your secret work out" "i smiled then winked at him, he grabbed my throbbing cock and put it in his mouth, his tongue swirled and danced around the head, i moaned louder. "Are you ready Ry" "he bobbed his head on my cock "Ohh babe that feels....orgasmic" i laughed then started to pound his face with my cock, i slid it in till i felt the back of his throat, he pulled out "why did you stop?" "I want to try something different" he pulled me on top of him again and stuck my dick in his mouth. It felt so good to sit on Ry while he was giving me head, I wrapped my hands around the back of his head and really started to fuck the shit out of his face, i hit the back of his throat again but only nine inches were down "Ry do you mind if i go deeper, i looked at him with puppy dog eyes" he bobbed again, I slowly moved down the back of his throat ti ll i heard him choke, That turned me on even more. I was almost in when he started to play with my balls "oh yeah Babe" the next thing he did surprised me, it felt as if he was literally trying to swallow my cock whole' this....feels...." I started thrusting harder "Ry I'm close" he took my rock hard dick out of his mouth and started to suck my hairy balls "MMMm Ry you make me feel so good" he went backt o my dick and plunged all the way down till his nose was brushing against my pubes "Ry I'm gonna cum" "Ry! I'm serious" "Ry I'm Cumming!!!!!!!!!" i bucked and pushed ry's head down till his nose was practically impeded in my pubes. I let go of the hold i had on him but he still kept his face between my crotch. He looked up and saw tears running down my eyes, He kissed me and i tasted my own cum "Nate why are you crying?" "What i'm not crying" Yes you were i saw the tears running down your face se" he moved his hand to my cheek and removed a small tear. "It's my allergies" "Stop lying just tell me why you were crying its ok" "No one has ever downed my whole cock before and , well Ry you make me feel like i'm somebody and well I Love you" "I love you too Nathan" "Ok Ryan Christopher" he smiled and i pulled him on top of me "You know Ry you never ate my breakfast i made you" "It's probably poison on a plate" "Yeah.....wait what" He stuck his tongue out and i toppled him "Round two already?" "ha ha no i don't think you'll last" i smirked at him and laughed "Hey" "is for horses" "smart ass" "sexy ass" "Shut up nate" he hit me with a pillow "hit me again and i'll hit you with my dick" "I don't believe you" "try me" "already have" "look whose the smart ass now" "smart and sexy" he hit me again and i climbed on top again in the same position as earlier, "you think i was kidding" "Oh no Nate is gonna pummel me with his lead pipe" we laughed for what seemed like forever when he said "I found a new song" "whats it called "The way i loved you" he played it "do you think i'm sensible" "sure Nate" "Ass" " i miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain it's 2am and i'm cursing your name, I'm so in love that i acted insane and thats the way i loved you" "Are you that crazy for me?" "Yes Nate, must we go over this every time we have sex" "Yes" he jumped on top of me and bite my ear "You little cumm swallowing bitch" "only your cum" he started to pinch my nipples "Ry are you fucking having your period you were never this horny before" "I was i just hide it" "Well your scaring me you sex crazed little pig" "Oink oink ha ha ready for round 2" "No i'm gonna put you in the pen you could play with the trough later" "Fine i'm tiered anyway Hey look". I turned my head to see the storm finally letting up. "wow finally we could go home" "No not that" he pointed out the window at a rainbow forming near the ocean "Wow thats beautiful" "just like your green eyes Nate" "Just like you Ry" i pulled him in for a hug and we walked out to the dock and sat down watching the sunset, This weekend wasn't as bad as i though it would be. I kissed him on the cheek "I love you Natey" "i love you too Ry"

Next: Chapter 15: Forever and Always III 2

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