Forever and Always

By Peanut Shields

Published on Jul 28, 2009


Nate: "Ry, Ry! Ryan where are you" there was no answer i was left alone in the house by myself. I can't believe i just did that, whats wrong with me. I'll try his Cell. "Ry I'm sorry comeback i wasn't thinking straight." "Nate your never thinking straight, everything is a game to you" "Ry please I'm sorry" "Well save, like you said before this is the last time you'll be hurting me." "Ry come back lets talk" "No your the one who wanted to end things and you told me to get out, I'm not coming back and you can't make me." "Ry come on stop this" "Why Nate Your the one who said you hated me" "I never said that." "No but the look on your face did" "Where are you" "Gone out of your life" he hung up. Arhg I hate myself, i made a promise and i broke it Ry is right.

Ry: I was crying sitting on the board walk alone, "Hey kid are you alright?" "Yeah" "ok just making sure" it was already 8 and it was getting cold, i had no where to go , no home to stay in. No boyfriend to hold me and tell me it was ok. Why was this happening. I need to get out of here, i need to go home. "Ry whats wrong" "Leave me alone" "Geeze all i did was ask" "Why did you come back" "for you" "Really?" "Yea, do you want something to eat or drink?" "No i don't feel good" "Hold on i'll get you some seltzer water" "thanks" He came back with a cup in his hand. "here" "Thanks" ......."Yuck dave whats in this" "Tylenol" "Oh well it's nasty" "But it'll help" "I don't think it will" "Oh it will Ry trust me" "sadly i don't" i looked at him and the look on his face didn't change, "Dave i am going for a walk"

Nate: I checked my phone again and i came across a message that i haven't read, "Meet me by the carnival tomorrow night" hmm, I grabbed my things and headed out for the board walk..

Dave: "Do you want to take a boat out?" "I don't know dave i feel funny" "Ha ha why" "i think i ate something bad" "like?" "that stale popcorn i found" "Ry why would you eat stale popcorn?" "I have no money on me cause ileft it at the house and nothing in life is free" "unless you take it from a dumpster" "Shut up dave" "Hey you can be a little nicer" "No i want you to leave me alone" "I can't do that" "Yes you can good bye Dave" "Where are you going?" "Far away from you and Nate. Ha ha you know what Dave you both have something in common, you both like to hurt me" he left me sitting there by myself.

Ry: I couldn't see straight and everything was blurry. i dialed Nate's number "Nate I'm sorry , i i i just can't think right now, i know how you can forgive me lets goto the sandbar meet you there" "Ry don't..." "i hung up what am i doing

Nate: I bumped into Dave "Did you see Ry" "No he ran off" "Great" "do you know where he is going" "The sand bar" "Shit lets go" "How, why" He punched me right in the face "what was that for?" "For saying why, you are such an ass hole, Ry could drown and you don't even care" "I do care" "yeah right then why did you throw him out" "Because of you" "What did i do" "you took off in your car and he went looking for you" we were both fist fighting each other. "He deserves so much better than you" "Yeah like who" "me" i punched him in the nose he tackled me to the ground . "Well at least i don't make him eat stale popcorn and sleep under the dock" "What are you talking about" "You heard me" "i never did that to Ry" "Not intentionally" I hit him sqaure in the jaw and he started bleeding "Get off" "I hate you" "I hate you too" "poor ry had nowhere to go nothing to eat he had no one and it's all your fault" "it's your fault your the reason we got in an argument" "My fault" he punched me in the stomach "it's nobody's fault but yours, he loved you so much that he would do anything for you, when you through him out you practically killed him" I punched him back "Screw you david" "Too bad i already did your boyfriend" "What?" "you heard me i already screwed your boyfriend" I was furious, i was about to punch Dave in the face when i remembered the promise i made "You know what Dave" "What" "i don't believe you and i can care less your not my boyfriend and your definitely not Ry's, oh and fyi you never will be. I walked over to the dock and rented a boat, Don't worry Ry I'm coming.

Ry: Where am i, Why is it so bright, "Come on, come on" who's voice is that, is in Nate, but he hates me, "Who's there?, Nate is that you"

Nate: Me and Dave sat there, around Ry. Tears where running down our faces, "Come on Ry" kissed his Fore head it was pale and very cold. "This is all my fault" "No it's mine Dave, if i never kicked him out this wouldn't have happened" "Yeah but i was with him before, and he ran off and i didn't stop him" We looked at each other and knew that we both loved him.

An hour earlier.

Nate: i got in the boat and searched the whole sand bar, i wasn't giving up on him "Hey kid whats that in the water near the shore. " i dont know hurry up go over there" we stopped near it and i dove in. "kid are you fucking crazy your going to get eaten by sharks" i didn't answer him. I moved closer to it and found out it was a body, but not just anybody it was Ry's. I swam back to shore with him and started to cry."he's dead, he's dead and it's my fault" "Nate pull yourself together" "Not now Dave" "he's still warm we can still save him" "call 911" already did" "Do you know how to do cpr Nate?" "yeah i think" "fine breath when i tell you to, 1..2..3..4..5 Breath, 1..2.3..4..5.. Breath.. "1..2.3..4..5 Breath" Cough cough cough "He's breathing" "but he won't open his eyes" "Ry come on wake up, come on Ry"

Present time

Dave: he still didn't open his eyes, huh this wasn't Nates fault it was mine i gave him the roofies. "excuse me are you too family?" "No i'm his boyfriend" "and i'm his best friend" "oh ok the doctor will be in shortly" how could this have happened, i could go to jail, I'm as bad as Kelly "He seems to be ok but it looks like he is just sleeping but.." "but what do you mean by but" "your his boyfriend right" "yes" "well Ryan hear had an extreme dose of Rohypnol" "whats that" "umm Roofies" "well had did he take it" "orally and by the looks of it was taken in a liquid" "Dave you were with Ry did he get anything to drink" "I'm not sure he had a cup in his hands" "This is all my fault" "i'm not finished, since he had such a high dosage he might not remember what happened these past few weeks" "how many do you think" "6, but we are not sure exactly it might only be one, we scanned his brain and it's working fine so all he needs is rest" "ok sir" "Nate do you want me to get anything for you?" "No dave i just want to sit here. it was silent the rest of the Night

Next: Chapter 11: Forever and Always II 6

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