Forever and Always

By Curlybrok

Published on Sep 29, 2000


Hi All This is Curlybrok; I decide to write another story. First off the usual warning go here, if your underage or don't want to read gay erotic stories please leave now, however if your curious or just plain horny read on... LOL. This story is not meant imply the sexuality of the characters in it. If you have questions or comments please email, I love to get email. Now on with the story, oh if you're curious this story is about N Sync

Forever & Always Chapter 5 Curlybrok

"We'll pick you up at the airport at 8am tomorrow. Yes, Mom, We've been watering the plants." Justin said. "Mom, everything is fine, we'll see you tomorrow." Justin said. "Ok honey, I'll see you tomorrow." Lynn said and hung up the phone. "Oh God, that woman is going to driving me up a wall with all her worrying, you'd think I was fourteen again." Justin said after hanging up the phone.

"Justin she is only being a mother and looking out for you, and her plants." JC said with a laugh. "Funny." Justin said sarcastically. JC laid back down on Justin's bed with his feet in Justin's lap. "JC?" Justin said. "Yeah Just." JC said. "I'm real scared about telling my mom about... you know..." Justin said just barely loud enough for JC to hear. JC sat up in the bed and then pulled Justin into his lap. He rested Justin's back against his chest. "Just, you don't have to tell her if you're not ready." JC said. "I know, but... Josh I want us to be able to act normal like we do with the guys." Justin said. "I know you do Just, but I want you to feel comfortable with telling her. Why don't you sleep on it tonight, and you can decide tomorrow if you want to tell her." JC said.

Justin nodded, and rested against JC's firm body. "Lets go to sleep Just, we'll talk more tomorrow before we go get your mom at the airport." JC said. Justin closed his eyes, as JC wrapped his arms around him. Justin smiled and drifted to sleep, JC meanwhile laid-back holding Justin in his arms, he soon drifted to sleep thinking about Justin.

Lynn Harliss unlocked the front door to her Orlando home. She had an angered look upon her face, it was 9am, and her son had not picked her up at the airport. Thankfully, Nikki was able to give her a ride home. Lynn walked into the house and placed her bags by the stairs. "Justin? Josh? Are you home?" Lynn asked from the stairs. She received no response. "Hmm... where are those two?" Lynn said. She walked into the kitchen, no Justin or Josh. Lynn walked around the down stairs of the house but was unable to find her son and his best friend. "Maybe they over slept." Lynn said as she head up the stairs. She check each room as she walked down the hallway, "I'd figure Josh to still be asleep, his room is empty." Lynn said to herself. She reached Justin's room his door was closed. Lynn knocked, "Justin?" Lynn said as he opened the door.

Justin lay in his bed, his head resting on JC's chest with JC's arms wrapped around him. Both young men had a smile on their face as they slept soundly. Lynn stood at the doorway her face held a look of shook, her mind wasn't sure what to do. "Justin, honey." Lynn said softly almost unheard. Lynn stood there for a few moments, before forcing herself to close the door and walk away. Lynn went back downstairs picked up her bags and carried them to her room, she began emptying them, she tried to get her mind off what she just saw.

An hour later, Justin blinked his eyes open he smiled as he felt JC's arms around him. Justin looked up at JC who was still asleep beneath him. Justin looked from JC's angelic face over to the clock. It read 10:15am, "Oh shit." Justin said. "Josh wake up, its 10:15, my mom's plane landed 2 hours ago." Justin said frantically. JC awoke with a jump, "What?" JC said confused. "We have to get up, my mom's plane landed two hours ago, she's probably already upset that we're not there." Justin as he grabbed his pants from the floor, JC got out of bed and quickly got ready. Both young men walked out of Justin's room. "Oh shit, I need my keys Justin said as he went back into his room and picked them up off his dresser.

"All set?" JC asked. "Yeah lets go." Justin said as he and JC quickly began to walk down the hallway. Lynn stepped into the hall as she heard the two young men walking down the hallway. "Ma... Mom." Justin said. "Justin." Lynn said softly with no emotion. "Ha... How did you get home?" Justin asked. "Nikki give me a ride, about an hour ago." Lynn said still no emotion in her voice. Fear struck Justin as he realized his mother must have seen him and JC in bed together. "We're sorry we weren't there Lynn, we over slept." JC said. Lynn slowly moved her eyes from her son to JC, a man she trusted with her son, a man she look to, to protect her baby. JC looked back at a woman he consider to be his second mother, yet he sensed uneasiness.

"Mommy." Justin said softly. Lynn's eyes moved to her son, she looked into his eyes and saw a little boy that was scared, that same little boy who would cry late at night after hearing his parents fight, that same little boy who and wanting his mommy to hug him, and tell him everything was alright, and that she loved him. "Mommy." Justin said again. "I... Justin, We need to talk." Lynn said. Lynn, Justin and JC walked down stairs to the living room.

Justin sat down on the couch, JC sat beside him, and Lynn meanwhile took a seat in one for the large chairs in the room. "Mom, I can explain." Justin said. Lynn placed her finger over her lips, "Shh, let me start Justin." Lynn said. Justin nodded, "I waited this morning at the airport for nearly an hour before Nikki offered me a ride home because my son, who had promised me he'd be there to pick me up was no where in sight. When I finally got home and looked for him, I finally find him. Do you know where I found him?" Lynn said. Justin nodded; tears began to form in his eyes. JC hesitantly placed his right hand on Justin back trying to comfort him. "I found him sleeping in the arms of another man." Lynn said.

The tears finally broke through the floodgates and began to run down Justin's face. "Mommy, I wasn't in just any man's arms. I was in the arms of the man I love and who loves me." Justin said as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "I know Justin, I could see that." Lynn said. "I didn't want you to find out this way." Justin said. Lynn sighed, "Justin, I've had an hour to think about this, I'm still adjusting and it's going to take a while for me to adjust, but I will support your decisions even if they aren't the ones I would have made for you. I also want you to know that if my son wants to be with, love and have a life with a man, that I'm happy its Josh." Lynn said.

Justin stood up and walked over to his mother, he hugged her and cried on her shoulder. "I love you Justin, no matter what." Lynn said. "I love you too mommy." Justin said. Lynn and Justin finally released each other, both of them wiping the tears from their eyes. Lynn motioned for JC to come over to them. JC stood and walked over to them, Lynn hugged him, "He's my baby, please watch out for him." Lynn said. "I promise." JC said. Lynn released JC, "Why don't you too get cleaned up and I'll make something for lunch." Lynn said. Both boys nodded and headed upstairs to get cleaned up.

Lynn headed to the kitchen to work on lunch. JC and Justin ran up the stairs and into Justin's room. Both young men quickly stripped down to their boxers, then head into Justin's bathroom to take a shower and clean up.

Twenty minutes later, both young men where sitting it the kitchen eating lunch with Lynn. As expected, she was giving them the third degree. Midway through Jason walked into the kitchen, and kissed him mother on the cheek. "So how is everyone doing?" Jason asked as he looked around the room. "We're fine." JC said. "So how was your plane ride home mom?" Jason asked. "Fine, the trip from the airport to home was long." Lynn said. "Huh? It's a twenty minute drive on a good day?" Jason said. "We overslept." Justin said looked down at his plate. "Ah I see." Jason said. "Justin is something bothering you?" Jason asked. "No, I'm just tired that's all." Justin said. "We don't have to head over to meet the guys at Joey's till 4 so if you want to take a nap or something we'll wait." Jason said. Justin nodded and headed up to laid down for a quick nap. "I'm going for a swim." JC said and headed to get changed.

Jason took a glass out of the cupboard, and then took the pitcher of ice tea out of the refrigerator. He poured a glass then replaced the pitcher in the fridge. Jason sat down across from Lynn. Jason looked at Lynn, "So when did they tell you?" Jason asked. Lynn looked at Jason, "Tell me what?" Lynn said trying to act as if she didn't know what Jason was talking about. "I know you know, so don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about." Jason said. "I don't know what you talking about." Lynn said. "You saw them in bed together when you got home." Jason said. "How did you know?" Lynn asked. "Several reasons, one being that right now there is so much tension in this house, that if someone snaps there is going to be one hell of a fight." Jason said. "Its not what I wanted for him." Lynn said plainly. "I know, but it's not something you can change either." Jason said. "The hell I can't, he's my son and he's living under my roof." Lynn said. Jason shook his head. "If you do anything to destroy what they have, Justin will be the one who gets hurt the most, and you could easily destroy any relationship you have with him." Jason said.

"I don't give a damn, my son is not queer." Lynn said. "No, he's not queer, he's gay, and you'd better start giving a damn, because you're the one who he holds in the highest regards. If you break them up you'll destroy him and I'll never forgive you for it." Jason said angrily, he stood emptied the contents of his glass into the sink, placed his glass on the sink and walked out of the room.

JC had heard everything as he was coming down the stairs, tears had been streaming down his face, and he quickly went up the stairs as he heard Jason coming out of the kitchen. Jason walked out on to the patio and sat in one of the lounge chairs looking out at the beautiful day. "How can she be so mean, damn it." Jason said to himself.

JC had closed the door to his room and locked it, he laid face down on his bed crying, he felt so hurt, it had only been a few hours since he and Justin had spoken to Lynn and she was understanding, she said she was fine with it all. What hurt most was she had lied to both of them, and Justin was the one who would be in the most pain. JC stood from his bed, wiped his tears and quickly packed some of his things, tears flowed constantly from his eyes, and his eyes began to stink, as his heart ached. He tried to convince himself that what he was doing was the best thing for Justin. JC walked into his bathroom to wash his face and try to compose himself. He then grabbed his duffle bag; he looked around the room once before leaving. JC walked down the hall, as he passed Justin's room he looked in and saw Justin sleeping. JC could feel the tears trying to break the floodgates again. JC placed a note beside Justin, "I'm sorry Justin." JC said softly, then quickly left.

Jason lay back in his lounge chair, and was lost in his thoughts, he never heard JC's jeep leaving, nor did anyone else in the house. Lynn walked to her room; it was at the end of the hall a ways from Justin's room. Lynn laid down on her bed; soon sleep over took her tired body.

Several hours had past since Justin had gone to sleep. He awoke feeling a little better; he rolled on to his side back. His eyes look up at the ceiling, as his arms stretched out he feel something on the bed. Justin picked up the small note. It was address to him; he noticed the hand writing as JC's. Justin smiled and thought JC had written him a love note. Justin slowly opened the note and began to read:

Dear Justin;

I love you with all my heart, all my mind, all my body and soul. That only makes this more difficult. I'm so, so sorry Justin, when you awake I'll be gone. It's for the best; I can't stay here and make you suffer. It's best if I don't say what happened to make leave, just know that I will always love you, and well never love anyone like I do you. Please find it in you're heart to forgive me.

With all my love,


Tears were flowing down Justin's face he wanted to know why JC would leave? Justin cried on his bed. He never heard Jason walking into his room. Jason looked at Justin puzzled, 'She would have done anything, would?' Jason thought. "Justin, what's wrong?" Jason asked. Justin looked at Jason, tears in his eyes. "He's gone." Justin said. "Who's gone Justin?" Jason asked. "J... Josh." Justin said breaking down into tears again. Jason walked over to Justin, "What do you mean Josh is gone?" Jason asked. Justin handed Jason the note. Jason quickly read the note, "Come on Justin, and let's find him." Jason said. Justin nodded, and Jason took out his cell phone, he called Lance. "Lance, its Jason. JC is gone." Jason said into the phone. "Gone where?" Lance asked confused. "He left Justin a note saying he was leaving." Jason said. "What, why?" Lance asked. "I can't say now, I'll tell you later." Jason quietly enough so Justin wouldn't here. "Ok, where do you want us to start looking?" Lance asked. "Go to the airport and look to see if you can find his Jeep there, me and Justin will look around here, and the bus station." Jason said. "Ok, I'll call Joey and Chris and have them help me search the airport." Lance said. "Ok, call me if you find him." Jason said. "Ok, I'll call you the minute I know anything." Lance said. "Lets go Justin." Jason said and they left to fine JC.

JC knocked on the door. A few moments later, Karen Chasez opened the door. "Josh, what are you doing here?" Karen asked.

To be continued...

Well that's where it ends for this part. So what will happen, honestly I'm not sure yet, I've got a few ideas of what I want to do. Well let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 5

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