Forever and Always

By Curlybrok

Published on Apr 23, 2000


Hi All This is Curlybrok; I decide to write another story. First off the usual warning go here, if your underage or don't want to read gay erotic stories please leave now, however if your curious or just plain horny read on... LOL. This story is not meant imply the sexuality of the characters in it. If you have questions or comments please email, I love to get email. Now on with the story, oh if you're curious this story is about N Sync.

Forever & Always Chapter 3 Curlybrok

Justin and JC stood on the stage waiting for practice to start. They stood facing each other and whispering softly to each other. "Justin!" JC said. "What?" Justin said innocently. Just then Jason walked by then looking at his clipboard as he came up to Justin and JC he stopped looked at the two young men then looked at Justin's hand. "I think he meant your hand is on his crotch." Jason said, and then looked back at his clipboard. Justin and JC turn bright red, Jason smiled evilly to himself, and continued to walk to the stage. Justin looked at JC; "I think I woke someone up." Justin said with a grin. JC looked at Justin, "You don't play fair at all, how am I suppose to practice, now that you have me all hard?" JC asked. Justin smiled and walked to the stage. JC walked to the stage trying to get control of himself.

"JC are you having trouble walking?" Jason asked. "It's his fault." JC said pointing to Justin. "What did I do?" Justin said with a grin on his face. "You are such a tease." Jason said. "I know." Justin said giggling. JC sat down on one of the couches on the stage and Justin walked over to him. "I'm sorry babe." Justin said as he sat down. "No you're not." JC said. Justin gave JC a puppy dog look and JC began to melt. "You make it so hard for people to stay mad at you." JC said. Justin just smiled, "I'll make it up to you tonight." Justin said.

"Ok guys, Darren is feeling sick today so he won't be here to help with practice, so we are still going to practice, so lets start with the opening number, and then we'll see how things go, if we can get the first 3 songs down this morning then you'll have the afternoon off after we get a sound check in" Jason said. The guys nodded, and got into their positions for the first song. Jason took a seat off stage, and watched as the guys began their routine. Jeff came and sat down next to Jason and worked on some of the paperwork that needed to be done for the tour. "So how is practice going?" Jeff asked Jason. "Its going ok, they just started." Jason said. Jeff nodded and went back to working on his paperwork.

An hour passed and the guys had finally finished the first half of practice, they had gotten the first set down and were ready for a break. "Ok, guys fifteen minutes do what you need too, just be back here in fifteen minutes." Jason said. "Is that enough time?" Chris joked as he looked at Justin and JC. "Chris you need to see a professional." Jason said. Joey laughed and headed back stage dragging Chris along with him before he could respond.

After a short break the guys returned to the stage and practice some more on the songs. Jason ended up in his temporary office making phone calls and finalizing tour date and accommodations. "Allison I need the paperwork for the New York dates." Jason yelled out as Allison walked back his office. "I'll have it for you in a minute." Allison yelled back continuing her walked to her office.

Practice continued for most of the day. The guys finally finished up around 3:30 and head back to the hotel for a meeting on planning their next video for the song 'It's gonna be me'. "I was thinking maybe a clubs scene would be a good start?" Joey said. "Do you always think about clubs?" Lance asked. Joey stuck his tongue out at Lance. "Yeah that might work out pretty good, If we have this girl sitting at the bar looking in the crowd and she sees this guy, whom she like a lot but is afraid to go up and ask him to dance or something like that." JC said. "I like that idea, we could have the guy walk up to her and ask her to dance or whatever and she's not sure if she should, because she has been hurt so many times before." Justin said, adding on to JC's idea. "He could try and convince her to come and dance with him or whatever, showing her that he is a great guy and not like all the other." Lance said. "She could finally go and dance with him, and then we could have a scene where he like picks her up to go on a date and brings flowers and chocolate and she is still unsure but slow goes along with it and toward the end she finally sees he is a great guy." Chris said. "I think we got something coming together here." JC said. "And all because of my idea." Joey said. "Yeah you keep thinking that." Justin laughed. The guys soon began to get hungry and Jason called down to room service and had supper brought up to them.

When supper arrived the guys took a break from planning the video to eat and discuss some other matters of the up coming tour and promos for the next few weeks. "Tomorrow we have a pretty busy schedule, first off we have a promo at Virgin Mega Store for an autograph signing, then we have a concert tomorrow night for Justin's charity. Then we have the weekend off, yes that is right you get the weekend off." Jason said. On Monday we hit the road for a few promos here in the USA. We have a radio interview, Tuesday in Los Angeles, you'll be on Rosie on Friday so we are flying back Thursday, you have an MTV show on Saturday and then it back to Los Angeles for some autograph signings and a couple small concerts." Jason finished up his list of things for the next week.

"When are we going to be starting our major practices for the tour?" Lance asked. "Probably after we get back from Los Angeles the second time, we'll be in Orlando and we should be there for about 3 weeks. Then we have some more promos and Max Martin has a song he would like you guys to take a look at and possible use for your next album." Jason said. "Do we have any time off during that 3 weeks we are in Orlando?" JC said asked. "You have weekends off, and I think two days their that three weeks." Jason replied. "We also have an autograph signing and a few other small promos down there." Jason said. JC yawned, as did Justin. "Well if there aren't anymore questions, the rest of the evening is yours to do with as you please." Jason said.

After the meeting and supper was over Justin and JC head to their room. JC lay back on the bed exhausted from the day's activities. Justin meanwhile walked over to the stereo and placed a CD in the player, he pushed play and skipped to the track he wanted to listen too. Justin walked back over to the bed and lay down next to JC as the song slowly began to play in the background.

I'll be good for you baby (yeah)

I'll be good for you

I ain't gonna take my love away

And now I'll love you more girl everyday

I'll be good for you

My baby girl its plain to see

That our love was meant to be

Justin turned on his side to look at JC as he laid on the bed in silence. Justin rolled on top of JC and smiled down at his best friend and lover. Justin kissed JC's lips; both young men closed their eyes and allowed their lips to touch. The kiss started off slowly, their lips touched and released each other briefly. Their mouths parted slightly and allowed their tongues to become part of the passionate kiss. Justin moaned as his lips meet with JC's. Their mouths parted again this time allowing their tongues to touch and slid into each other's mouths. Justin gently sucked upon JC's tongue, before releasing JC's tongue and sending his own into JC's mouth to taste the essence of JC's lips and tongue. Their lips parted again and their eyes opened and looked into each other's crystal blue seas of love.

I know that your heart is anticipating

And my love is on your mind

Well don't you worry I won't keep you waiting

Cause I ain't never seen a lady so fine... yeah

JC wrapped his arms around Justin and they kissed again. Their lips touched, and slowly parted to allow their tongues to dance in a romantic and passionate act of affection. JC's hands began to feel all of Justin's tight young body. JC was exploring each of Justin's muscles and curves of his strong young back. Justin's hands rested on JC's strong firm chest. Their eyes again where closed, as they bodies touched and began to become hot and aroused from the gentle kissing and touches.

I know you want me too its in your eyes, they say you do

Their telling me you'll open your heart to me

Cause if you want me to

I'll sacrifice my world for you and show you the way love is suppose to be

Justin's lips trailed to JC's ear lobe. Justin gently bit JC's ear lobe and began to lick the outside edge of JC's ear with is tongue. JC began to moan and felt himself becoming hard from all the intense pleasure that they were experiencing and giving each other. JC trailed his hands slowly down Justin's firm body, JC felt every curve, muscle, hot spot and part of Justin's back as his hands made their way slowly to Justin's firm tight ass. Justin continued to moan as he felt JC's hands caressing his ass. JC moaned softly in Justin's ear as Justin's lips trailed to JC's sensitive neck. Justin licked and sucked gently upon the tender flesh.

I'll be good for you I ain't gonna take my love away

And now I'll love you more girl everyday

I'll be good for you my baby girl its plain to see

That our love was meant to be

Justin moved his lips back to JC's after he left a small red mark on JC's neck. JC's tongue parted Justin's red lips and gentle entered Justin's waiting mouth. Their lips parted and both young men breathed heavily trying to catch their breath. "Justin, Oh God you're hot." JC said. Justin smiled, "you're turning me on baby." JC smiled up at Justin and kissed his lips before pulling back. Justin slowly brought his legs forward and straddled JC's waist sitting on JC's hardening penis. JC moan as he felt the pressure of Justin's weight resting on his hard cock. Justin placed his hands on JC's firm chest.

Now I know you thing I must be faking

I promised all these things right form the start

So don't you rush into decision-making

Cause I just wrote this song to tell you my heart

JC looked up at Justin, he saw pure love in Justin's baby blue orbs. Justin began to slowly unbutton JC's baby blue button up shirt. JC breathe heavily as he felt Justin's hands making their way down his chest and abs. Justin then pull JC's shirt from out of his pants and opened it revealing JC's chest, which was lightly covered with hair. Justin smiled down at JC with a mischievous grin. Justin leaned forward and began to gently kiss JC's chest, his tongue touched JC's right nipple, Justin lick and kissed JC's nipple. He then gently bit it causing JC to moan. Justin the moved his mouth to JC's left nipple and continued his teasing of JC's chest.

I wanna be with you and girl there is nothing I won't do

To make you see that this is where you should be

Cause baby we can do anything you wanna do

Girl I wanna be a part of you fantasy

JC closed his eyes and enjoyed the intense pleasure he was receiving from Justin's warm mouth. Justin's began to kiss JC's chest and work his way down to JC's abs and tight stomach. JC grabbed a hold of the blankets on the bed and moan. Justin was giving him pleasure like he never felt before. JC was becoming overwhelmed with all the intense pleasure. Justin lifted his head and looked up at JC. JC had his eyes closed and gentle moans were escaping his lips. Justin moved his hands to JC's waist and began to unbutton JC's jeans. JC sighed as he feels the pressure being released from his body. Justin slowly tugged JC's jeans down his body and then dropped them on to the floor. Justin turned back to face JC and smiled up at JC who was looked down at Justin.

I'll be good for you I ain't gonna take my love away

And now I'll love you more girl everyday

I'll be good for you, so good my baby girl its plain to see

That our love was meant to be... yeah

Justin moved his hands up JC's body feeling JC's hot flesh on his hands. JC's moans became more intense with every touch of Justin's soft hands. Justin began to kiss up JC's body from his abs; Justin teased JC with his slow gentle kisses. This was driving JC's passion, the more he felt Justin touch him the more he wanted to be with Justin in everyway. Justin's finally reached JC's and JC wrapped his arms around Justin and they began to kiss. Their tongue meet in an erotic dance, the lips brushed against each other. JC began to turn them so that Justin was now on the bottom. JC released Justin's tender red lips and stared down at the young blonde before him. He smiled as he straddled Justin's hips.

I'll be good for you

I can be good for you

Tell me what you want to do whatcha want

Baby girl its plain to see that our love was meant to be

JC pulled Justin's shirt off his body, and then pinned Justin's arms and began to kiss and lick Justin's brown nipples. Justin moaned and squirmed below JC. JC smiled mischievously as he teased Justin's young body. JC lick around Justin's navel causing the young blonde to moan loudly. JC smiled to himself and continued to tease Justin's navel with his tongue, gentle rubbing against it, then allowing his tongue to dip into Justin's navel. Justin closed his eyes and moaned, and squirmed around more on the bed. JC then released Justin's arms and brought his hands to Justin's pants.

I'll be good for you

I can be good for you

Tell me what you want to do, oh yeah

Baby girl its plain to see that our love was meant to be

So Good, So Good

JC unbutton Justin's jeans and then slowly pulled them down Justin's smooth young body. Justin sighed, as he feels JC remove his tight fitting jeans. JC smiled and then began to rub his smooth hands on Justin's young body. Justin continued to moan and JC soon laid himself down onto of Justin. They both began to kiss and roll around on the bed, JC remained on top as they stopped rolling around, Justin's arms were wrapped around JC's muscular back. JC released a soft moan as he and Justin kissed lightly.

I'll be good for you

I can be good for you

Tell me what you want to do; tell me what you want to do

Baby girl its plain to see that our love was meant to be

So Good, So good

Justin and JC released each other's lips and gasped for air, they were both breathing heavily from all the intense kissing and making out. Justin looked into JC's crystal blue eyes, "I love you Josh." Justin said. JC lightly kissed Justin's lips, "I love you too Justin." They kissed again, then JC pulled the covers back on the bed and they both laid down under the covers. JC laid on top of Justin and they continued to kiss lightly. Justin reached his hands down to JC's black Tommy boxers, and slowly worked them down JC's firm ass and strong legs. JC sigh, feeling relieved. Justin used his feet to finish remove JC's boxers. They soon roll and Justin was on top, JC soon removed Justin's white Tommy boxers. Justin smiled and kissed JC's lips.

I'll be good for you

I can be good for you

Tell me what you want to do; can I know, I know

Baby girl its plain to see that our love was meant to be

They rolled again and JC was back on top of Justin's naked body. Justin moaned as he felt JC's hips thrusting against his. They were both very hard and becoming closer to cumming. Justin closed his eyes and wrapped his arms tightly around JC, they were both moaning from the pleasure of just touching each other. JC kissed Justin's lips again, allowing his tongue to enter Justin's mouth, their bodies were now rubbing against each other more and more, cause both young men to become closer and closer to releasing themselves.

I'll be good for you

I could be good for you; I could be good for you baby

Tell me what you want to do

Baby girl its plain to see that our love was meant to be

JC tightened his hold on Justin as he felt his balls constrict and his juices raising through his body, JC released a strong moan as he felt himself cum between his and Justin's bodies. As Justin felt JC's warm cum hit his abs he released himself all over JC's abs and chest. They moaned as they felt themselves cumming together. JC clasped on Justin's body as he finished cumming. Justin relaxed after he had spent all of his cum on their hot sweaty bodies.

I'll be good for you

I ain't gonna take my love away

And now I'll love you more girl everyday

I'll be good for you

My baby girl its plain to see

That our love was meant to be yeah, yeah

JC finally caught his breath and kissed Justin, "That was the most intense making out session I have ever had." JC smiled down at Justin. Justin kissed JC's lips and nodded, he was too tired to speak. JC rolled off of Justin, and wrapped his arms around the younger boy. He pulled Justin to him, "I love you Just." JC said. "I love you too JC." Justin said softly in his sleep. JC smiled happily and laid his head next to Justin's and drifted to sleep, holding Justin in his arms.

Next: Chapter 3

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