Foreskin Sessions

By Jack Santoro

Published on Aug 2, 2013


Foreskin Sessions, Part7 By

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Upon my return we sat down to eat. I'd undressed before sitting down, while Jim and Greg had never dressed, so we sat there with out equipment in full view. Jim and Greg had prominent taped nipples in front of their glans bulges while mine dangled naturally.

"How long do you intend to continue taping?" Greg asked.

"As long as it takes," was Jim's reply. I already knew that Jim was absolutely determined to have a hood on his penis and I was flattered that he wanted one like mine.

"I guess I'll keep at it until I have a nipple like Jack's," Greg said. "It really looks sexy." Despite our being busy eating, and despite our having discharged copious loads shortly before, we were getting excited again. By the time we'd finished and I'd cleared the table, our pricks were at least semi-hard, Jim's and Greg's straining at the tape rings.

"That's putting more tension on the skin," I commented. You'll get more stretch that way." We returned to the bedroom, where Jim and Greg removed their tape rings, and we saw Jim's big purple helmet slide forward, leaving the covering hood behind.

"Jim's getting cock syrup already," Greg pointed out, nodding toward Jim's prick where a clear drop parted the lips of his slit. Greg started sliding his foreskin up and down, firming up his erection, while Jim's hand drifted to mine, grasping my nipple and rolling it. I sighed at the delicious sensation.

"I think we should bring each other off orally this afternoon," Greg suggested.

"Good idea," I concurred. "This time we should make sure to come separately, not simultaneously. I know that sharing the magic moment sounds romantic, but it's even nicer to have a clear head and watch the other guy's face as he comes, watch his prick spurt, feel his prick throb, and hear his moans." This proposal struck a responsive chord, as they both nodded eagerly. I spread another towel on the bed and we lay down on it, Jim and Greg in a "69" position. Jim grasped Greg's shaft between two fingers and slipped his tongue into Greg's pucker, while Greg wrapped his lips around Jim's exposed corona. I leaned over them, fingers cupping their scrotums, and felt Greg's fingers sliding my hood up and down in long slow gliding strokes. I was soon fully hard.

"Let's take our time, too," I suggested. "We've got all afternoon." Greg pulled back long enough to agree:

"Yes, with a long build-up we'll come harder." He went back to working on Jim's swollen helmet. I saw the bulge of Jim's tongue probing under Greg's hood, caressing the swollen mushroom inside. Both of their scrotums were tightening up under my fingertip strokes.

Now Jim's fingers drew Greg's foreskin back, completely exposing Greg's glans, and his tongue worked around the corona, up one side and down the other, probing into the v-groove underneath. His lips wrapped around Greg's glans and he began the familiar pumping motion, accompanying it with strokes of the foreskin. Greg removed his mouth from Jim's helmet and began lightly stroking the wet, slippery glans with a fingertip, caressing the corona and then pressing into the frenular delta containing the super-hot gee-string. This provoked a gasp from Jim, who redoubled his pumps on Greg's glans, stroking his foreskin in time with his lips. After a minute or so, Jim broke off to say:

"You're going to come before I do. Your tip's more sensitive." I watched as Jim resumed his task and Greg continued to work my foreskin in slow, languid strokes to maintain my erection. Greg's breathing was faster now, and I felt the tension build up in his body. Jim was pumping his glans and foreskin vigorously, and Greg started moaning. Suddenly, he broke off, releasing Jim's penis.

"Stop! I'm getting there too fast! I know I blew a big load this morning, but I've been saving up for a week and I'm still horny." he exclaimed. He turned to me and I felt his tongue probing my foreskin nipple, pressing in to tickle my pee-hole. I sighed in delight as my prick twitched in response. Meanwhile, Jim had moved over to cup my balls, gently kneading them. He was on his knees, his erection standing out proudly before him, the purple helmet glistening with Greg's saliva. I lay back as they stimulated my package, enjoying the sensations coursing through my prick and balls. Greg's breathing was returning to normal, and a minute later he said:

"Okay, I guess we can get back to it," releasing my prick and turning to face Jim again. Jim resumed his "69" position with him, and put his mouth on Greg's purple mushroom, wrapping his fingers around the shaft. Jim's lips moved back and forth along Greg's glans while his fist pumped Greg's foreskin, bringing it up as his lips withdrew, and pushing it back as his mouth moved forward to engulf the mushroom. Greg grasped Jim's erection, squeezing it rhythmically.

Greg's breathing sped up and became shallow. I cupped my fingers around Greg's and Jim's balls once more, gently kneading and waiting for the inevitable explosion. The tension was building up again in Greg's body, and I felt sure that this time there'd be no stopping, as Greg really needed release. Jim was now going faster, making Greg moan in response, and I saw Greg's abdomen tighten up. A slight tremor began in his legs as his eyes closed and his jaw dropped open. His entire body seemed to stiffen aand suddenly he grunted:

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" as I felt the first pulse in his urethra behind his balls. Jim moaned as his Adam's apple worked to swallow the first surge that had shot from Greg's glans. Greg's face was contorted, as if he were being tortured, as the sweet agony of orgasm swept over him. He grunted again as I felt another throb in his urethra, and Jim's throat moved to swallow that eruption. Greg's hips bucked, thrusting his prick deeper into Jim's mouth as he released a third gush. Jim was working frantically to keep up.

I watched avidly, enjoying the vicarious excitement as Greg's climax unfolded in front of my eyes. My other hand closed around my prick, stroking slightly, unable to resist. I felt the tickle of a drop of natural lubricant begin to crawl up my urethra.

Greg cried out again as he thrust his prick deeper into Jim's mouth and I knew his fourth blast of cream had shot down Jim's throat. Jim was experienced, and didn't cough as he swallowed. Another grunt escaped Greg's lips as he shot his fifth load into Jim's mouth, and then he became still, the tension slowly leaving his body as his breathing slowed. Jim raised his head and smiled at me

"Boy, he really blew a load! After this morning, too."

"Well, he had been saving it up for a week," I replied. We watched as Greg sank into his daze and remained there for a couple of minutes. Jim milked his prick, catching the residue in a Kleenex.

"It was so hot, feeling his big mushroom throbbing in my mouth," Jim said. His prick was rock-hard, shaft skin tight and drawn back from his helmet, and I reached for it and stroked him slowly, bringing his stretched shaft skin halfway up the glans, as far as it would go. My foreskin was fully forward, engulfing my tip completely, and Jim stroked it lightly, sliding it up and down.

"I was watching his face as he came," I said. "That was hot too, and I watched you swallowing his cream."

"He almost drowned me," Jim replied. Greg was now stirring, soft moans escaping his lips.

"I feel like I've been hit by an express train," he whispered. I laid a hand on his chest.

"You had a really hot come," I told him. "It was so exciting to watch and hear." He opened his eyes and got up on one elbow.

"Jim's dick is really hard and he needs to drop a load now," he said. He shuffled forward and wrapped his lips around Jim's engorged helmet. I reached for a plug-in vibrator on the bedside table, and pressed it against the underside of Jim's shaft, setting it to LOW. Jim's fingers fell away from my prick as the new sensations captured all of his attention. From this point, he would be withdrawing from the world outside his body, concentrating on the compelling thrills flooding his prick.

"This'll help make it hotter for you, Jim," I explained. I knew that the vibrator's pulses would carry along his shaft into his helmet, and that Greg would feel them in his mouth. Jim's scrotum contracted as his body became tenser. Greg continued to suck on Jim's glans, and twisted his head to apply sideways friction to the corona. Jim's breathing was becoming shallow and rapid with the rising excitement.

My penis remained hard, as watching and feeling the action was having its effect on me. I was in no danger of getting to orgasm, but also in no danger of going soft. My imagination was going full-bore as I watched as Greg continued to stimulate Jim's glans with his lips and tongue, caressing the corona, perhaps tickling his slit with his tongue, and I continued to work the underside of the shaft with the vibrator's tip. I knew well the effect the vibrator was having on Jim, as we'd used it in our play on other occasions.

Jim's abdominal muscles tightened as he approached the point of no return. Greg was caressing the insides of his thighs with one hand as he continued his lip and tongue action on the engorged helmet. Jim threw his head back and his jaw dropped as he began moaning softly "ah-ah-ah-ah-ah." His hands tightened into fists, and although I knew he was trying to remain relaxed to prolong the sensations, he was getting closer to the brink. I decided that I'd keep the vibrator on LOW to avoid over-stimulating him, but that I'd switch to HIGH when he started coming.

Now Greg was pumping his head up and down on Jim's glans, urging him on to the magic moment, and it was having its effect. Jim began gasping and a tremor began in his legs. I kept the vibrator tip moving up and down the underside of his shaft. Jim took a deep breath and then I heard:

"AH-AH-AH-AH-AH!" as he tumbled over the brink into the free-fall of orgasm. I switched the vibrator to HIGH, sending a flood of intense sensations into his prick to heighten his orgasm, and I saw Greg swallow hard. Jim grunted loudly as the friction and vibrations in his prick grew to a crescendo, and his hips bucked, thrusting his straining prick deeply into Greg's mouth. Greg swallowed hard again as Jim's second release flooded his mouth. He pulled back momentarily, exposing Jim's throbbing purple glans, and I pressed the vibrator right into the hot spot, the v-groove on the underside of his helmet. Jim yelped again as Greg once more enveloped his helmet with his lips to catch the next surge, and I pulled the vibrator back down his shaft.

I saw Greg swallow again, expertly downing the torrent of sperm, as he twisted his head to give Jim sideways friction along his flaring rim. Jim filled the air with another groan as his face contorted as if he were being tortured. He thrust into Greg's mouth as a fourth spasm gripped him, and Greg swallowed again. His chest heaved as the mind-numbing orgasm dominated his body, and I saw his hips buck a fifth time. I knew he was spurting another hot load to coat Greg's tongue and palate, totally consumed by the hot sensations filling him. Now Jim's cries became more of a soft "oh, oh, oh, oh," and I knew that main event was over.

Jim's body noticeably relaxed, and I turned off the vibrator. Greg swallowed again, but I knew that this was only because of the residual seepage. Both were still, and now I saw Jim's erection gradually lose its hardness. Greg and I watched as Jim's body relaxed and his erection subsided.

"I think he came as hard as you did," I observed. "He shot a hell of a load into your mouth." I began milking his urethra to force out residual sperm.

"I know," Greg replied. "I swallowed it. The vibrator made it hotter for him, I'm sure."

"I've used the vibrator on him before," I said. "He likes it. A vibrator's good for cut guys because it reaches the deep-seated nerve endings, and they get more sensation than from friction alone, much more." Greg's fingers again reached for my prick, sliding my long foreskin languidly, as we watched Jim open his eyes and come out of his daze.

"That was good," he said. "I think I came even harder than this morning. That vibrator really did it for me." His warm fingers closed around my scrotum, cupping my balls firmly. I lay back to enjoy the sensations of both of them working on me. Now Greg slipped his tongue inside my hood and I felt him tickling my pee-hole. Meanwhile, Jim had picked up the vibrator and turned it on, pressing it against the underside of my glans. The vibrations penetrated the foreskin, impinging on my gee-string and heightening my sensations.

"I'm going to skin you back now," Greg told me as his fingers firmly pushed my foreskin down the shaft, where it snapped down into the deep groove behind my corona and locked there. "I like that teardrop shaped hole you've got, he said, and I felt his tongue-tip probing it. Jim was now pressing the vibrator against my bared gee-string, pushing me inexorably towards the edge.

"You've got cock-syrup," Greg advised. "I like the salty taste." He was licking the drops away from where they'd appeared on the front dome of my helmet as the vibrator's buzzing invaded my glans. I had been hard the longest, and knew it wouldn't take much more to push me into the free-fall of orgasm.

"His tip's dark purple now," Jim told Greg. "He's close." Now he was running the vibrator the full length of my shaft, spreading the stimulation instead of focusing solely on my frenulum. Greg's lips moved to engulf my glans. He began pumping his mouth up and down my glans while his tongue-tip kept tickling and probing my meatus.

"Your balls are really tight now," Jim told me. "You're close to coming." I knew my helmet had lost its spongy feel and had gone into its final hardness between Greg's lips. I also knew that he could feel the change. The tension was building in my body and my breathing became shallower and faster.

Greg's lips felt so sensual as they ran over my superheated nerve endings, and I knew he was pushing me closer to the brink. Then he rotated his head, and I felt a tickle begin in my hard flaring ridge. My abdominal muscles tightened, my eyes closed, and I started moaning. I felt Greg run his teeth down the broad upper surface of my glans and the tickle became a hot tingle. Hot sparks of sensation stabbed deeply into my glans and shaft and the thud-thud-thud of orgasm began deep within me.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" I grunted loudly as the first stream of cream burst into my urethra, searing the lining as it surged toward the tip. Jim turned the vibrator to HIGH and pressed it hard against the underside of my shaft. I cried out again as my hips bucked, thrusting my glans deeper into Greg's mouth as it shot another torrent of cream down his throat.

My mind was totally turned inward, ignoring the outside world as the delicious agony of orgasm flooded my body. I was grunting and gasping, hips bucking again, as my prick throbbed and blew another surge of sperm into Greg's mouth. The vibrator's heavy pulses spread up and down my shaft, from the helmet down to the root of my prick, heightening my sensations as they always did. The delicious friction of Greg's tongue and lips pervaded my glans as it throbbed and tingled in orgasm.

I grunted and sobbed as another heavy pulse of semen flooded my urethra, hurtling upward to explode into Greg's mouth. My legs were trembling hard as my hips bucked again. Another hard contraction deep inside me sent a gush of sperm up my tube as I cried out helplessly. Another mind-numbing throb filled my glans and shaft as I shot another load, my last one. Now my prick kept twitching, but was only seeping as the tension started to leave my body.

I felt Greg's probing finger running up the underside of my prick, milking the residue. Then he spoke:

"Time for another shower?" I agreed and we went into the bathroom, where I turned on the shower and we got in. As usual, the hot water running over our pricks made us pee, flushing out any remaining cream. Greg and I carefully pulled each other's hoods as far back as they would go to expose the gullies behind our coronas, for a thorough flush, and then pulled them forward to protect the precious heads. We emerged from the shower and dried ourselves, and Greg and Jim taped their skins forward before we went back into the bedroom for a nap.

The end.

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