Foreskin Sessions

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jul 25, 2013


Foreskin Sessions, Part 6 By

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That Friday evening I stayed up late waiting for Greg. To my surprise, he arrived around ten.

"You must have flown over the road," I exclaimed.

"No, I just left work a bit early and kept the cruise control six miles over the limit. No problems. I didn't even see any troopers." He hugged me and kissed me.

"Let's have a couple of beers and hit the sack," I suggested. "We'll save ourselves for the morning. Jim's coming at eight." We drank a couple of beers each and after some desultory conversation, we went into the bedroom and stripped down.

"Hey, your prick's taped up," I said.

"Yeah. I started after you left Monday morning. I've been keeping it on 24 hours a day and I think I've already got a little more length."

"I hope so," I told him. "I'd love to see your foreskin with a nipple on it." We climbed into bed and fell asleep in each other's arms.

We got up at six, and as my three-bedroom house has two bathrooms, we didn't conflict. In the kitchen I got ready to prepare breakfast. I had a bathing suit and short-sleeved shirt on, as I'd be the one going to the door. A couple of minutes after eight, the bell rang, and I admitted Jim. I made the introductions and Jim remarked:

"Are you restoring too?" as he noted the tape ring on Greg's penis.

"I'm uncut," Greg informed him. "I just want more length so that I can have a nipple at the end like Jack's skin." As he spoke, Jim removed his clothes and Greg got a view of his taped penis. Like us, Jim was a "grower" and a ring of white tape held his stretching shaft skin ahead of his bulky glans.

"Oh, I hope I can stretch mine that far someday," Jim said wistfully. "I'm sure I had a nipple when I was born, because most baby boys do, but they cut it off." I started to prepare the typical American breakfast, ham, eggs, hash browns, and toast, politically incorrect because of the calorie count but so delicious. Greg eyed Jim, and I was sure he noted that Jim was about my height, with a similar slender build and an attractive bubble butt. Unlike me, he was blond with blue eyes.

"Yeah, boys start to grow into their skins as they get older," Greg agreed. "Can you take the tape off so I can see how much you've stretched so far" Jim stripped the tape ring from his prick while Greg removed his.

"Your foreskin has a nice pucker at the end and covers your tip completely," Jim observed. "That's a head start on that nipple."

"You've got your glans half-covered already," Greg added. He reached out and pushed Jim's new hood back into the groove behind the glans. "Oh, you've got a nice big helmet shape, like Jack. It's gotten shiny from being covered."

"Yes, keeping it covered constantly has made it more sensitive too," Jim told him. At this point I put the steaming plates on the table, and we sat down to eat. Jim had slipped his hood forward again. After we'd finished we went into the bedroom, where I spread a towel on the queen-sized mattress.

"What shall we do?" I asked them. "Anyone got any ideas?"

"I'd like to see more of that new foreskin," Greg answered as we sat on the edge of the bed and he reached for Jim's prick.

"Get into a `69' position and you can get a good view of each other," I suggested. They did, and Jim picked up Greg's prick, still soft, and inserted his tongue into the pucker, probing for the slit. Greg wrapped his lips around Jim's half-exposed glans and I could see his tongue working around the front dome. Jim's slit was shorter than Greg's, and remained closed even with erection.

"Oh, you've got a long slit," Jim remarked. Their pricks were quickly expanding under the stimulation. "I like the smell and taste of your foreskin too."

"You really know what to do with a dick with skin," Greg told him. "I like that." He closed his mouth around Jim's prick again, this time pushing the hood back with his lips, making Jim sigh. Jim inserted his tongue into Greg's foreskin again and I saw the bulge pushing back to the corona and working down and around the thick ridge. Jim's prick was at its full six inches now, and Greg's almost there. Greg pulled back for a moment and said:

"You've got a nice helmet head like Jack's. That's a beautiful flaring ridge." His tongue worked all around the ridge and then down into the groove, ending up underneath at the frenulum. "Oh, you've still got your banjo string. I'm glad that didn't get cut off."

"Me too," Jim said. "That's a hot spot on my penis, like my ridge is."

"You guys really turn each other on," I remarked. My prick had started swelling just from vicarious excitement as I watched, and now I began sliding my long foreskin in short strokes, the nipple dilating as I pulled it back over the front dome of my helmet.

"I haven't come since Jack phoned me from Denver to tell me you were coming down," Jim told Greg.

"Me neither," Greg replied. "That's why I'm so damned horny."

"I haven't either," I contributed. "We've all built up big loads." I did have a feeling of urgency as a result. "We should take our time, so that we have very intense orgasms when we finally unload. Greg, would you like to go head to head with Jim inside a sleeve?""

"Love it," he said quickly. "I brought my special sleeve down with me." He reached for my prick, giving it a few long strokes that got me hard in seconds.

"Oh, you'll love that one Jim," I said. "It's got little bumps inside that feel so good as they slide over your helmet and ridge. Lie on your left side so that I can do Princeton with you." I got out a condom, the kind with the big bulge at the front to accommodate a big glans like mine, and squirted a few drops of lubricant inside it before unrolling it down my shaft. The condom had a tight ring that clamped the base of my shaft, constricting the veins and making my erection harder.

I saw that both Greg and Jim had drops of natural lubricant parting the lips of their slits, visible evidence of their horniness. Greg retrieved the buddy sleeve from his suitcase and I handed him the bottle to lubricate the inside. He slipped one end over his prick and got into position facing Jim on the towel. Pushing back on Jim's shaft-skin to ensure that his helmet was completely exposed, he pushed the other end onto Jim's prick. Jim's circumcision scar was hardly visible, unlike Eric's thick brown ring.

"Oh, that feels so good on my penis," Jim exclaimed. "Those little buds stroking my ridge...." He sighed deeply. He lifted his thigh to let me slip in, and then lowered it, trapping my penis against his perineum.

"Jim's bubble butt will prevent your tip from banging his balls," Greg told me as he began stroking the buddy sleeve back and forth between their bodies. Actually, I already knew that, as Jim and I had done Princeton many times. I began thrusting slowly, trying to control my excitement while deriving maximum sensations from the delicious friction. I had a good view peering over Jim's shoulder as I kept thrusting.

"Jack, I can feel your high ridge sliding against my skin," Jim told me. I put my right arm over his body and around his chest, hugging him to me as I kept thrusting slowly. Then Greg spoke:

"Your balls are tight, Jim." I guessed that Greg's scrotum was also drawn up against his body, given his excitement.

"Your tip's pressed so hard against mine, Greg," Jim whispered. "It's so warm." Now Greg twisted the sleeve to produce the erotic sideways friction that's so stimulating and I heard Jim's shivering gasp:

"Oh-oh-oh," as the little nubs caressed and compressed his flaring corona and the twin lobes under the glans. I was getting vicarious stimulation from their excitement, and I felt a twitch deep inside as a drop of natural lubricant began its long crawl up my urethra. With all that, I knew that they were more likely to come before I did because the bumps inside the sleeve were more stimulating than the smooth interior of the condom.

"Jack and I did Princeton with each other but I've never gone head to head inside a buddy sleeve," Jim said. "We stroked each other head to head and with our dicks parallel, underside to underside. I've read about docking, but I'd never done it and never met anyone who had."

"It's a new experience for you," I told him, "and I'm glad you're having it with Greg. We did this last weekend and it was so hot I can't describe it to you." I knew that, for the three of us, the sex talk was adding to our excitement.

"Our heads were pressed against each other," I continued, "and our slits were kissing as Greg stroked the sleeve back and forth. We got more excited and our tips swelled even more and turned darker purple. They lost their spongy feel and became harder just before we unloaded."

"I can imagine, because I'm getting those little bumps rubbing against my glans right now," Jim replied. "I'm pretty sure you didn't last long until you started coming."

"Long enough," I told him. "Greg started coming just a split-second before I did, and when he shot, his jet went right into my pee-hole and down my prick an inch or two. It felt so hot."

"Jeez," Jim whispered. "He shot right down your hole? That must have been super. Did it make you come?"

"Did it? When I felt that hot juice burning its way down my urethra I lost it right then. My prick throbbed and I shot a big load all over the front of his glans. That made him shoot again and we were really into it."

"That's mind-blowing," Jim said. I kept thrusting at a steady pace was we spoke, feeling the sensations build up in my prick as I tried to remain relaxed.

"All that hot juice shooting inside the sleeve was very exciting," Greg told him. "I felt it squirting against the front of my mushroom, and then going back around the rim and into the groove behind it. It's lot different than shooting inside a condom." I noted the strain in his voice, and knew he was approaching his point of no return.

"Do you stop stroking when you start coming?" Jim asked. "Does your tip get too sensitive?"

"No," Greg answered. "I keep going straight through. What about you?"

"I don't get too sensitive either. I'm glad. You can just keep stroking while we're blowing our loads." I heard the strain in Jim's voice too, and noted that his breathing had become shallow and rapid.

"We're close," murmured Greg.

"I know," Jim replied. Meanwhile, I felt the flow of lubricant seeping from my orifice, making the condom more slippery and cushioning my helmet.

"You get a tickle or tingle in your tip just before you come?" Greg asked.

"Yeah, I do," whispered Jim in a strained voice.

"Me too," Greg said. "Just tell me when it starts." He was now stroking faster in response to the increased urgency brought about by the intense stimulation, and I knew they would come before I did.

"You guys are ahead of me, but go ahead," I said. "I want to feel you come from the other side." Neither replied, as they were both caught up in their sensations.

"Got a tickle" Jim whispered. Greg didn't reply but his fist was flying, stroking the sleeve in a fury over their turgid pricks. My breathing became rapid now.

"TINGLE!" Jim shouted, and then I felt his body jerk hard against mine as he started grunting:

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" and started to come. A second later Greg joined in:

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" and I knew his prick was throbbing hard, discharging his sperm into the sleeve, coating Jim's tip. Jim's body jerked again, straining against mine, as a second wave of sensation hit him and he blew another load. Both were caught up in the frenzy of a hot orgasm, unaware of anything else. I felt my shaft and glans swell and harden even more as my climax neared, and then Greg and Jim yelped again, their helpless cries of ecstasy filling the air, as they ejaculated again.

Now I was moaning as my excitement rose and when Jim's body jerked again I felt his thigh muscles tighten, squeezing my prick hard as I thrust between them. Jim's hips bucked, exerting more pressure on my hot hard prick, and suddenly I felt a hot tingle pervading my glans, spreading down my shaft as it exploded.

Jim's thigh muscles crimped my penis again, and the heavy pounding of my orgasm began deep inside me. I cried out, joining Greg and Jim in their sweet agony, as my hips slammed against Jim's butt. I felt my prick throb hard as the delicious sensations overwhelmed my consciousness. Hot liquid seared my urethra as it shot towards my tip, and I cried out again as I thrust and sent another jet of thick juice into the condom, coating my prick and softening the sensations. My helmet bumped Jim's tight scrotum repeatedly as jet after burning jet erupted from my thrusting, throbbing glans.

I was still thrusting and ejaculating as I sensed that Greg and Jim had gone still. I was covered in sweat as my last powerful jet shot into the condom, coating my prick and swelling the latex sheath. My prick was still twitching as it dribbled a few final drops. I began to relax as my breathing returned to normal and my erection started subsiding. We sank into a daze and were still for a few minutes. Jim was the first to speak:

"That was mind-blowing," he said. "I never felt anything like that. Your tip throbbing against mine while the sleeve stroked mine was terrific."

"Now you know what a buddy sleeve does for you," Greg told him. "It's better than docking, I think." I contributed my view:

"Hardly any guys have long enough foreskins to dock another guy's helmet."

"Jack, you started coming after we did?" asked Greg.

"Right," I replied. "When Jim started coming, his thigh muscles tightened around my prick and that's when I blew my load. It was terrific for me too."

"You were pretty loud. I heard you," Greg told me.

"Oh, you guys were louder than I was," I corrected. "You made the bed shake too."

"Your body was slamming into me," Jim offered. "You had a really hot climax."

"I did," I admitted. Jim raised his thigh and I slipped my soft prick out, holding the condom by its base to keep it from slipping off. As I got up, I saw that their soft pricks were barely in the sleeve, and that their combined ejaculations had begun to leak out at the ends. Greg pulled back and then pulled the sleeve off Jim's glans. Most of their juices poured out onto the towel.

"My bladder's full from the coffee," I said. "Yours must be too."

"Oh, yes," said Greg. "That made our orgasms hotter." He and Jim got up and followed me into the bathroom, where I threw the condom into the wastebasket, the towel into the hamper, and the sleeve into the sink. My shower stall is big enough so that we all fit in comfortably, and I turned on the water. It sprayed over us, running down our bodies and our pricks.

"That hot water always makes me pee," Greg stated, and as he spoke a yellow steam poured from his long slit, followed by mine and Jim's.

"That'll flush out us good," Jim said, as we had done this together many times after sex. He lovingly clasped my prick, running his fingertips around the exposed glans and corona, and then pushing my foreskin back hard to expose the groove behind the glans, rubbing away the residue there. Greg grasped Jim's prick, washing it clean under the stream.

"Here, I'll do you," I said as I grasped Greg's soft penis and made sure all the creamy residue rinsed away under the hot water. When I'd finished, I pulled his foreskin down to protect the precious head. Jim pulled my long foreskin down until the nipple extended beyond the bulge of my helmet. Greg pulled Jim's new hood down as far as it would go, halfway down the helmet, and I shut off the water. We dried each other, and I took a roll of white tape from my medicine cabinet over the sink. Jim stretched his new hood out as far as it would go, wrapping a ring of tape around it to keep it tensed over his big glans. Greg pulled his pucker out into a nipple and used tape to hold it.

"We worked up an appetite," I said. "There's a good Chinese Restaurant nearby. Anybody interested in Chinese food?" Jim and Greg raised their hands. "There's no need for all of us to get dressed," I said. "I'll go get some take-out while you two get better acquainted." I put on my clothes and went for the food.

Continued in Part 7

Next: Chapter 7

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