Foreskin Sessions

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jul 17, 2013


Foreskin Sessions, Part 5 By

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We woke up around six the next morning, both of our pricks hard from full bladders. As Eric was coming at eight, we decided simply to drain our bladders.

Greg's house had two full bathrooms, which made it easy to shower and get ready. Greg put on a pair of shorts, as he'd be answering the door, but this wasn't necessary for me. We went into the kitchen, where Greg set the table and got ready to prepare breakfast.

Promptly at eight the bell rang, and Greg went to admit Eric. Greg introduced us and suggested that Greg doff his clothes. He did, and I got my first look at his package. Like us, he was a "grower," with a large circumcised glans at the end. This made his prick swing attractively from side to side as he walked, and although his tip was as bulky as ours, the ridge did not flare like ours did. I classified it as the "mushroom" type. The texture was dry and leathery, and about half an inch behind the corona was a thick brown scar ring, typical of a circumcision performed with a Gomco Clamp. As Greg put cups and a big carafe of coffee on the table while he prepared breakfast, Eric and I chatted.

"Well," I began, "you're pretty much as Greg described you. You're blond, with green eyes, and a nice trim build. Like me, you're a bubble-butt." Eric's eyes bored into mine as he said:

"I'm glad I came over, Jack. I noticed your foreskin covering that big helmet. That really turns me on, especially because you've got a nice nipple at the end. Okay to touch it?" Breakfast was not quite ready so I nodded assent. Eric reached out and began rolling my nipple between thumb and forefinger as I began to apply firm rhythmic squeezes to his glans. "That's making me throb deep inside," he commented as his prick began to engorge. Squeezing and rolling my foreskin nipple was also having an effect, and soon we were both rock-hard. I noticed that Eric's prick seemed to be about six inches, like mine. Just then Greg brought our plates over, and we smelled the delicious aroma of the food.

"You'll have to save that for later, guys," he said. "Let's eat." We polished off the servings, cleaning our plates thoroughly, as the meal was very tasty. We drank the rest of the coffee. When we were finished, Greg collected the dishes and set about washing them. He said:

"You guys go into the bedroom and put a towel on the bed. I'll be in soon." We did, and I watched Eric's heavy-ended prick swinging gracefully as he walked. I spread the towel in the center of the bed and we sat side by side on the edge. He grasped my foreskin nipple again and began rolling it as I gave his big mushroom several rhythmic squeezes. I lifted his prick and saw that he still had his gee-string, unlike many circumcised guys who'd had theirs removed. We were soon hard, and Eric asked me:

"Your skin still covers the end. It feels tight. Does it go back?"

"Oh, it goes back all right. Pull it down and you'll see." He began dragging my foreskin down my prick and he watched as the bulk of my helmet dilated it. It snapped down into the groove behind my flaring ridge, and Eric sniffed and said:

"I love the smell of an uncut cock. It's so erotic." I looked down at the rounded front dome of his glans and saw that his slit had pouted into an oval shape. I commented on this:

"Your slit opens up when you get hard. Greg's slit is longer, but stays closed." Eric responded:

"Your pee-hole opened up too, into a teardrop shape. I like that." As he spoke a drop of clear viscous fluid parted the lips of my orifice, and he bent over and licked it off the end of my helmet. "Your juice tastes salty," he remarked. The touch of his tongue was erotic, and I leaned over to lap at his glans. Just then Greg walked in and said:

"You guys got off to a flying start. That's good. Let me tell you what I have in mind. Jack and I are going to use the buddy sleeve. Eric, you can do Princeton with Jack, if you like. He's got a bubble butt like yours, and your dock won't be slamming into his balls." Eric reached out to tweak Greg's foreskin, saying:

"I like that idea. I like Jack's skin, with that cute nipple at the end." Eric's attention had made Greg's prick swell, it within seconds he was fully erect. Eric pushed his foreskin back and inhaled deeply. "Oh, Greg, yours smells so nice."

"I've started stretching it," he told Eric. "One of these days I'll have a nipple at the end just like Jack's." Now we were all ready for action, and Greg removed a buddy sleeve, condom, and a squeeze bottle of Astroglide from the bedside drawer. Removing the condom from its foil envelope, he squirted some Astro into it.

"This is one of those condoms with a bulge at the end. It's perfect for Eric because he's got a big head on his cock." As he spoke he unrolled the condom down Eric's prick, squeezing the air bubble out of it, and we saw that indeed there was a noticeable bulge at the end, a perfect fit for Eric's mushroom. Now lie on your left side, Jack, and let Eric slip I behind you. I law down and lifted my right leg, feeling Eric's prick slip in between my thighs. I felt him begin thrusting slowly as he put his arm over me, his hand on my chest. Greg lay down facing me and squirted lubricant into each end of the buddy sleeve. It was transparent like the other one, and I saw that instead of solid ridges, there were circular rows of buds lining the inside.

"This is the one you told me about," I said as he gently slipped the sleeve over my bare glans. "I can see the little bumps inside." Once it was half-way down my prick, he closed in and pushed his prick into the other end until his turgid front dome touched mine. It felt very warm, and the contact was very exciting. He began stroking the sleeve back and forth over our pricks. Just then Eric spoke:

"Jack's pee-hole opens up when he gets hard. It looks like a teardrop shape." Greg answered him:

"Yeah, it does. When we went head to head a few days ago, my first jets shot right down his dick because his hole acted like a funnel."" I added my comment:

"That was really hot, Eric. Nothing like that had happened to me before, and it triggered my orgasm right then." Eric was hugging me to him as he continued thrusting and withdrawing in long strokes, sliding along my perineum and nudging my balls with his glans. Eric spoke again:

"Think we should try to come together?" Greg answered him:

"We probably won't be able to synchronize the three of us. I think you ought to try to drop your load first, and then you can watch us come. I know you'll enjoy that, especially since the sleeve's transparent. If I shoot down Jack's hole again, you'll see a really good show."

"Okay, that'll work. I haven't come in a week, and I've got a heavy load to drop," Eric said, and I felt him increase his pace. I tightened my thigh muscles to squeeze his prick and help him along, and I heard him say: "Oh, Jack, that feels really good, that pressure on my dick. I know I'll be able to come fast now." I saw Greg twist the sleeve as he stroked and felt the little bumps slide sideways across my helmet, especially on the flaring ridge. I gasped as my prick jerked in response.

"Feels nice, doesn't it?" Greg murmured as he kept up the delicious twisting strokes, but at a very slow pace.

"Yeah," I whispered, "but don't make us come too soon."

"I'm going to go slowly, for a long build-up. We haven't come since the day before yesterday, and we've built up big loads. Between the long build-up and the buds rippling along our cock-heads, coming will be very intense." I remembered that Eric still had his frenulum, and I slipped my hand between my thighs, pressing a couple of fingers into the underside of his thrusting prick. Eric's prick twitched and I heard him moan.

"Oh, that's nice, that's really hot," as he thrust faster, eagerly absorbing the sensations. I explained to Greg what I was doing and added:

"Eric's going to come quickly now. Then he can watch us going head to head." Eric spoke:

"Just thinking of your hot tips throbbing against each other is erotic. I'll be coming soon." He was thrusting faster now, caught up in the excitement as I was squeezing his prick with my thigh muscles and pressing into his gee-string with my fingertips. His breathing became shallow and rapid, unlike ours which were still slow and relaxed. Greg was still taking slow strokes along our pricks with the buddy sleeve, which rippled over our sensitive nerve endings.

"I feel it all over my helmet but especially in my rim," I told Greg. "You're going to keep stroking us while we're coming, right?"

"Oh, yes, Jack. If you think it feels hot now, wait until your tip swells even more as you're coming, and I'll be stroking us fast. You'll throb hard then."

"I remember how hot it was the other day," I told him. "Feeling your tip throbbing against mine was heavenly." Greg's helmet was pressing against mine, and our front domes were somewhat flattened with the pressure. "I can feel our slits kissing."

"That's so hot, your slits kissing," Eric moaned breathlessly. He was hugging me hard, and with his chest pressed against my back I felt the tension building in his body. His abdomen slapped hard against my butt as he thrust vigorously along my perineum. I felt his shaft and glans going into their final swelling as he climbed his way up to orgasm. Feeling his excitement heightened my arousal as well, and it felt as if the sleeve's rounded buds were rasping against my flaring corona.

"Better stop when he starts to come," I told Greg. "I might lose it right then."

"Okay, I'll watch for that," he agreed as he continued to work the sleeve in a twisting stroke along our hot hard pricks, relentlessly pouring in delicious sensations. Eric was gasping loudly, his body pounding against mine as he fueled his arousal with hot hard thrusts. Suddenly his prick throbbed hard between my thighs as I heard him cry out:

"GAAAHHHH! GAAAAHHHH!" as his first discharge erupted into the condom. He pulled back and slammed into me again, forcing my prick deeper into the sleeve as he shot and loudly cried out again. Greg had stopped stroking the sleeve, and was listening as avidly as I was to Eric's orgasmic cries filling the air. His body slammed into mine again as his straining prick throbbed with his third ejaculation. He pulled back and thrust again in the frenzy of his orgasm, releasing another hot stream into the condom. I kept my fingers pressed into the frenular delta of his glans to maximize his sensations. He cried out again as his fifth load shot from his throbbing, straining glans.

He gave a few more thrusts, but had stopped shooting, and now was going, "AH-AH-AH" as the sensations subsided. His prick was still twitching slightly, but had lost its supreme hardness and was starting to soften. I felt his body start to relax and heard his breathing slow to normal.

"He's sliding into his daze," I said to Greg. "Let's wait a couple of minutes for him to revive before we resume, so that he can enjoy the spectacle. I'd lifted my thigh and felt Eric's penis slip out, taking the condom with it. I knew that in addition to the bulging tip, the condom also had a tight ring at the base, and would retain his juice.

"Eric really dropped a load," Greg said to me. "You got to feel it more than I did, since he was pumping into you. I heard him, though."

"Oh, it felt nice, Greg," I assured him. "His body was straining hard, and I felt every throb and twitch of his prick." We lay still for a minute, waiting, and then I felt Eric moving behind me. He got off the bed and came around behind Greg, reaching for a box of Kleenex. Grabbing several, he wrapped them around his prick and removed the condom. He took another couple of tissues and wrapped them around his shrunken prick to absorb the residue.

"Wow!" he exclaimed. "That was a hell of a come. You made it even hotter, squeezing my dick and pushing your fingers into the hot spot underneath. I drained myself."

"Now you can watch us drain ourselves," Greg replied as he resumed stroking, giving the sleeve a twist each time he changed directions. Eric sat sideways on the edge of the bed behind him, looking down at our joined pricks. Greg continued stroking, sending messages of pleasure into our nerve endings.

"You guys have big helmets and that sleeve's tight," he observed. "I know those little buds rippling over your tips feel terrific." I had to agree, as I felt the little bumps rasping along my flaring rim. Greg was stroking faster now, driven by the compelling sensations, working his way toward orgasm. His glans had lost its spongy feel and had firmed up, as mine had. I had to remind him to slow down, as we didn't want to come too soon.

"Yeah, I'll try to stretch it out," he murmured as he kept stroking with those delicious twists. We continued that way for another minute, and I felt the tension building up in my body. Eric reached over him and cupped his scrotum, adding to Greg's sensations. I felt that we'd reached that point where there's no use holding back any more. My breathing was becoming shallow and rapid, matching Greg's, and I knew we had to let events take their course. The sleeve was tight around our big tips, and now I felt the inrush of blood as my prick expanded in its final swelling. Greg's helmet hardened against mine and I heard Eric say:

"Your tips are getting darker, guys. You're getting close to blast-off." He was so right. I was breathing hard, and so was Greg, whose eyes had glazed over. He murmured:

"I can feel our rims are harder now."

"Feeling a tickle yet?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he whispered through gasping breaths. I sensed the tension in his body as I saw his abdominal muscles tighten and a slight tremor begin in his legs. Our front dome were pressing hard against each other. I was very tense, and now I felt a tickle in my corona.

"Tickling," I muttered through clenched teeth. The sensations skyrocketed, becoming a hot tingle, and then I cried out:

"TINGLE, AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" as the heavy pounding began deep inside me. A bolt of hot liquid seared its way up my urethra as the delicious agony of orgasm overwhelmed me. I felt the sperm slam through my orifice and spread between the flattened front domes of our helmets as Greg stroked the sleeve hard. His body jerked and he cried out helplessly as his glans throbbed against mine, releasing a torrent of hot liquid between us. Another hot throb ran through my prick as the second jet hurtled up my tube to pour out into the sleeve. Greg's prick throbbed against mine in response, and I felt more hot fluid against my glans.

"Man, you guys are coming hard," Eric said as Greg and I strained together in orgasm. I cried out again as the root of my prick throbbed for the third time, pumping out another flood of juice. Greg grunted hard and I felt his hot hard helmet throb against mine, releasing his cream. We were thrusting our helmets against each other in mindless frenzy as we yelped loudly and shot again, this time simultaneously. Greg twisted the sleeve hard in both directions and we grunted in unison as another heavy flow jetted from our straining orifices. I don't know why my eyes stayed open all through this, but I saw Eric's staring, fixed on our pricks as he enjoyed our orgasms vicariously.

Our pricks continued to twitch against each other, but no more throbbing discharges came, and I knew it was over. I felt my erection start to subside, as Greg's glans was no longer pressing hard against mine. Our breathing slowed, and our bodies relaxed. Creeping lassitude flowed over me, and I knew we were sinking into the daze that follows climax.

A couple of minutes later we started to recover. I saw that Eric was still looking down at us, although he'd removed his fingers from around Greg's scrotum. Our pricks had contracted so much that, although they had not slipped out of the sleeve, only the heads were still inside. The space between them was awash with our mixed discharges. Greg leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. He backed away slightly, pulling his glans out of the sleeve, and then he pulled it off my helmet. Our white-coated pricks flopped on our thighs as he dabbed at them with a corner of the towel so that we wouldn't drip onto the carpet when we got up.

He held the sleeve n the towel as we followed him into the bathroom, where he dropped the sleeve into the sink and the towel into the hamper. I became aware of how full my bladder was, and I thought the others were feeling the same thing after all the coffee we'd drunk. Greg turned on the hot water, and we slipped into the roomy shower stall. His foreskin and mine were still locked behind our flaring rims, ad Eric's glans was of course bare. The hot water sluicing over them produced the predictable reaction: yellow streams poured from our orifices to mix at the bottom and flow down the drain.

We'd showered a couple of hours before, so there was no need to soap up. Greg's shower had a head mounted at the end of a hose, and he unhooked it from its bracket to spray our crotches. He grasped my prick and ran his fingers over it, rubbing away any seminal residue. The he did the same to Eric, and finally to his prick. That done, he turned off the water and we dried ourselves Of course, Greg and I were careful to replace our hoods to cover the helmets completely. We got dressed and Greg asked me:

"You'll stay here tonight, right? "

"Yes, I can," I replied. "However, I have to drive back to Albuquerque tomorrow morning. I have to work too."

"Okay, no problem. Let's keep in touch, okay?"

"Better yet, come down to Albuquerque next weekend. That way you can meet Jim, my friend who's stretching his shaft-skin to produce a new hood for his prick."

"Okay," Greg replied. "Suppose I drive down after work Friday. That way I'll arrive late Friday evening and we'll have a whole day together before I have to drive back Sunday."

'Why don't you fly down?" Eric asked.

"Because the airlines suck," Greg answered. "I don't mind the airport security, but the airlines cram you into child-size seats with no legroom, and they pinch pennies by charging you for even a soda. If they feel they don't have enough passengers on a flight, they'll cancel it with no notice, leaving you stranded."

"I agree with that," I said. "I haven't flown the airlines for ten years." I pulled out my cell phone. "I'm going to call Jim right now, make sure he'll be free next Saturday." After a short conversation, I closed the phone and turned to Greg. "It's all set. Saturday it is." Then we went out to have lunch.

Continued in Part 6

Next: Chapter 6

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