Foreskin Sessions

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jul 4, 2013


Foreskin Sessions, Part 3


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After very little discussion, Greg and I chose an Asian Restaurant a couple of blocks away. We began with sushi and then chose several assorted items from the buffet. When we'd finished, we stopped at an adult shop we'd noticed halfway between his hotel and mine. Finding a buddy sleeve among the many sex toys they stocked wasn't hard, and at the counter Greg asked for a small squeeze bottle of Astroglide. He wanted to pay for both the buddy sleeve ($14) and the Astroglide ($3) but I suggested we simply split the bill, as we'd both be using them. Leaving the store we decided to go back to my hotel, as surely the maid had had time to make the bed and clean the room.

We found the room as pristine as the day I'd arrived, and we undressed. I peeled back the covers on the bed, but we sat on the couch.

"Well, after this morning, think you've got any energy left?" he asked.

"I don't know, really. How about you?"

"Maybe the best way is to find out," he said as his hand found my crotch. Grasping my long foreskin nipple, he began rolling it between thumb and index finger, as he had before. I began squeezing his glans through the thin foreskin. Our pricks slowly became tumescent, and within a couple of minutes we had full erections.

"Well, Greg, we still seem to have some energy."

"I see that, but I think we should plan on going slowly. This'll be the second time in one day, and we're real people, not like the characters in porn novels who are eager to go again two minutes after they've come." I had to agree with him, and told him so. I pulled up gently on his hood, as it had slid down off his big helmet.

"As I told you this morning, when you're hard you almost look circumcised," I told him as I let go of his foreskin and it slid back down, dilating the opening. "However, your tip's glossy, like mine. If you'd been cut, the texture would be dry and leathery."

"Yeah, and it would be less sensitive, and I wouldn't have the nerve endings in my foreskin," he said.

"We can continue like this for a while, Greg, but I think we should be really worked up before we use that buddy sleeve."

"I agree," he said as he slid my foreskin part-way down, dilating my long nipple. "It's not enough that we show a couple of drops of lube. We ought to be so hot our balls tighten up." As he said this, he twisted my foreskin around my corona in that delicious sideways stroke that unfailingly excited both of us. More drops of lubricant flowed from his long slit, and I spread them in small circles around the front dome of his glans, and his prick twitched in response.

"That direct action on my tip always does it to me," he said. "If I'd been cut, it wouldn't be that sensitive." As his prick twitched more drops appeared, and I used them to massage his glans lightly with my fingertips, working over the broad upper surface, around the flaring corona, and down to the delta underneath to caress his frenulum. This provoked several deep sighs from him, and he reciprocated, dipping a fingertip into the lube that filled my pouting slit and spreading it over my tip as he held the skin tightly back. The effect on me was instantaneous and my prick twitched in response, secreting more lubricant that he spread over the compound curves of my helmet.

"You've got a really beautiful helmet," he said as he gently massaged it. His words added to my excitement, and we both knew that sex talk always enhanced our arousal.

"Yours is nice too," I told him as I leaned over to probe his long slit with my tongue-tip. "I like the salty taste of your juice too." He sighed deeply as his prick twitched again. After running my tongue around his flaring ridge and licking at his frenulum, I straightened up. He immediate bent over and I felt his tongue working at my pouting orifice. My prick twitched at his touch, and as he worked his tongue around my corona I felt more drops of lubricant crawling up my urethra to emerge from my meatus. I cupped his balls and gently kneaded them.

"Your syrup is tasty too," he said as he lifted his head. Lubricant flowed steadily from his long slit, and I kissed him on the lips as I continued to stimulate his prick. I felt him tug down on my prick, tensing my gee-string and pulling the front of my glans down. "I like to make your helmet dip," he said as we broke from our long kiss. I pulled down on his prick, and watched his helmet dip too.

"Yours does it too," I remarked. He kept the tension on my gee-string as he continued to massage my helmet, and I felt my scrotum tightening. I tickled his scrotal hairs and saw that his balls were drawing up against his body. I released his prick and got up to spread a towel on the bed.

"I'd like to go tip to tip with you," I told him. "Feeling our helmets sliding against each other should feel really hot." He joined me on the bed and we lay facing each other, pressing our swollen helmets together. The lips of our slits kissed as we pressed them together, and Greg spoke:

"That warm smooth friction is terrific. Let's put them lengthwise and rub the undersides together." We snuggled closer until our pricks were parallel rubbing the undersides of our tips together, feeling our frenulums sliding against each other, which aroused us even more. Our pricks twitched against each other, and our scrotums were drawn up tightly.

"I think we're ready," he said, and pulled the buddy sleeve out of its package and squirted some Astroglide into each end, rotating the sleeve to spread it evenly inside. As I held my foreskin back to make sure the helmet was totally exposed, Greg slipped the sleeve onto my prick.

"It's a tight fit," I said, and he replied:

"More friction that way. We'll have to go slow and easy or we'll shoot off too fast." I saw him pushing his big tip into the other end of the sleeve, easing it slowly towards my glans until they met in the middle. Again, our slits kissed as they pressed together. Greg thrust forward slightly, crushing our front domes together.

"I'm going to start working it back and forth," he said as he started stroking our pricks with the sleeve. Feeling his hot hard glans against mine as the sleeve's ridges snapped back and forth over my flaring corona was super-exciting.

"Oh wow," I exclaimed. "I don't know how long we'll last."

"We'll make it last," he said. "I'm going to go very slowly. This is our second time today, and I think we'll be slower this time. Let's try to come together."

"Well, we did this morning," I replied. "I think we can do it again."

"Those ridges are really pounding my helmet," he said. "Especially around the rim. I can see they're doing the same for you."

"Yeah, it's not only the friction, but each one is compressing my corona as it rides over it." I knew he was feeling exactly the same sensations.

"I'm glad the sleeve's transparent," he said. "That way, we'll be able to see when our tips get darker."

"I like that too, Greg. I like to watch the color change as we get closer."

"I'm pretty sure we can come at the same time," he said. Since we're facing each other, we can look into each other's eyes, watch the expressions, and see when our muscles start tightening. Since that sleeve's pretty tight, I don't know if I'll be able to feel your tip hardening, but I'll see the color change." He kept sliding the sleeve between us, so slowly that I distinctly felt each ridge as it snapped over my corona.

"I really like this sleeve," I told him. "I've never docked with anyone, but I know the inside of my foreskin's pretty smooth. It doesn't have these terrific ridges."

"I think you're right," he said. "Maybe I'm not really missing anything after all. Still, I'd like to have more length, like you. I think that looks really sexy."

"What's sexy for me is when you roll my nipple between two fingers," I explained. "That's a really dlicate sensation." Greg replied:

"Well, if I had a nipple at the end you'd be able to roll it like I did yours. I'd really love that."

"This is really nice;" I said. "You're getting me more aroused with your words, as well as with the sleeve." I felt his front dome press harder against mine compressing it slightly, and knew he was becoming more aroused too. Now he gave the sleeve a couple of twists, which changed the sensations somewhat.

"These sleeves are hot sellers in the adult stores," he said. "I can see why guys, especially cut guys use this as a masturbation sleeve. The sleeve I have at home is a little different. It doesn't have ridges like this one. It has circular rows of little bumps. You can really feel it when you twist the sleeve around your dick. I would have chosen that model if I'd seen it in the store."

"We'll have to try your sleeve when I visit you," I told him.

"We will for sure. You can keep this one." The tension slowly built within my body, and I knew he was getting closer to the point of release because his breathing had become more rapid and shallow, as mine had.

"Greg, I know we're getting closer. I hope we can really come together."

"I'm sure we will. Maybe not at the same second, but very close. If you start coming first, I'll feel your tip throbbing against mine, and your hot juice pouring over the front of my helmet. That's going to set me off being that close. When we get to that stage I'll pump this sleeve as fast as I can, and that will make me come."

"Or vice versa," I added. "Just thinking of your hard tip throbbing against mine is a turn-on."

"For me too," he said. "We'll really be coming together."

"I'll try to keep my eyes open," I said. "Watching your face when you come will make it hotter for me. So will hearing your moans." I was caressing his body as I spoke.

"Me too. I didn't see your expression this morning because I was behind you. Yesterday, when you came, your balls were in front of my eyes, not your face. I could hear you, though, and it was music to my ears.

"My prick feels so hot and hard," I murmured. I know yours is too because I can feel your tip against mine." My breathing was more rapid now, and I knew it wouldn't be long before the explosion. I saw Grag's abdominal muscles tightening, and knew he was close too.

"Yeah, we're getting there," he whispered. "I'll keep my tip pressed hard against your helmet so you can feel me throbbing." I looked down between us.

"I think your helmet's gotten darker," I whispered. "We're both very close." At this point, my mind was tightly focused on the sensations in my prick and the slightest movement of Greg's body, ignoring the world beyond.

"Getting a tickle in my rim," he gasped. So was I.

"Tingling HARD!, OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!" he cried out as I felt the tickle intensify. Suddenly I felt his glans throb hard against mine, and at the same moment, a burning sensation shot from his tip into my urethra, triggering the explosion deep inside me. He'd shot his first jet right into my glans!

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" I cried out as my first eruption shot up my prick to pour out against his throbbing front dome. His fist blurred as he whipped the sleeve back and forth between us, and the ridges rippled over my corona, heightening my sensations. His face was contorted, lips drawn back from his teeth, fiery eyes staring into mine as he sucked in air.

Another jet poured out of his long slit, coating my front dome as it blended with my thick juice. I cried out again as my prick throbbed with another hot ejaculation that splashed against Greg's glans. His body shuddered as he bucked his hips, thrusting his prick hard against mine as another blast of hot sperm erupted from his slit. Our cries of ecstasy filled the room as we responded to the sweet agony of our orgasms. My prick throbbed and shot back, blowing another copious discharge into the sleeve to mix with his and spread over our straining helmets.

"GAHHHHH!" he yelped as I felt his tip throb again, releasing another blast of hot cream. My prick throbbed and let go another stream as I cried out helplessly, tumbling in the free-fall of orgasm. Another sobbing cry, and he poured a fifth load into the sleeve between our straining pricks, and a split-second later another hot spasm deep inside me gushed another torrent to shoot up my urethra, slamming past the lips of my pouting orifice.

Greg stopped stroking the sleeve, and I sensed it was all over. My prick was swimming in thick, viscous fluid inside the sleeve, twitching, but losing the supreme hardness of that final erection. My body began to relax, and I sensed that he, too, was starting to sink into a daze. We were very still, and I felt that the pressure of his glans against mine had lessened as our pricks were softening. I closed my eyes, abandoning myself to the mind-deadening afterglow.

Some time later full awareness returned to me, and I became aware that my prick had completely subsided, and had slipped out of the sleeve, which was drooling our juices from its end onto the towel. Greg's shrunken glans was barely inside his end, and a slight movement of his body let it slip out. I saw that our pricks were coated with white cream along their lengths, our foreskins still locked back behind our coronas.

"What happened, Jack?" he asked." When I started coming I sensed that there was something different from the way you came the last two times." I struggled to explain:

"Well, you know how firmly our pricks were pressed together at the tips so we'd feel each other's throbs? Well, our holes must have been perfectly aligned, because when I felt your first throb your jet shot right down my urethra! Your cream felt so burning hot that it triggered my orgasm right then!

"Oh, wow!" he exclaimed. "That must have been really intense for you!"

"It was, Greg, it was! Did I shoot into your hole?" He shook his head.

"No, I'm afraid you didn't. I wish you had. I've never had another guy's juice shooting down into my dick. I can imagine that felt really hot for you."

"It was, Greg. Once that happened, I wouldn't have been able to hold back my climax for a second. You just sent me into orbit." I caressed his cheek and kissed him fervently on the lips. "You made it more intense for me than I'd ever anticipated."

"Well, it'll be something to remember," he replied. "It made it hotter for me, too, because your dick was throbbing so hard against mine that I had more intense spasms than this morning.

"Ready for a shower?" I asked. "We've got to get cleaned up." I led him into the bathroom, where we let the hot water have its effect. As our foreskins had not descended over our tips, the hot water made us pee, rinsing out the last of the sperm, and after we'd drained ourselves, I grasped his prick, running my fingertip into the groove behind the ridge to dislodge any residual cream.

"Yeah, that's nice," he murmured. "Our dicks were just swimming in cream inside that sleeve. I know it's all over me, but what about your long skin? He grasped my prick tugging hard to stretch the skin out behind my glans working his fingertip into my groove and into the wrinkles. Holding my prick out, he milked my urethra all the way from behind my scrotum to the end, forcing out any residual drops of urine. I did the same to him, and then delicately replaced his hood over the precious head. He pulled my long foreskin, watching avidly as it ran downhill over the taper of my helmet to form a nipple beyond it.

"That nipple on the end of your dick is cute," he said. "I'd like to stretch my skin out that way. That would make it more attractive." We shut off the shower and dried each other, and then got dressed. We went out to a pizza joint, where we split a mushroom and anchovy pizza.

"I'll be driving home tomorrow," he told me.

"You drove from Denver?" I asked.

"No, I hate the airlines. They try to cram you into these child-size seats with no legroom, and half the time the flights are delayed or get cancelled."

"Funny, Greg, but I feel the same way. I drove from Albuquerque. You can't see much from 35,000 feet and driving is much more scenic."

"When did you plan to go home?" he asked. "Maybe you could stop in Denver and see me."

"I have another few days here, but if you want, I could follow you home."

"That would be great!" Greg exclaimed. "You could stay a couple of days."

Continued in Part 4.

Next: Chapter 4

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