Forced to Wank

By James Robert

Published on Nov 14, 2012


Forced to Wank - Next Day at the Office - Part One

So, to recap, I had been caught wanking on the overnight train in my cabin, and the man who caught me had forced me to continue, making sure as I came I was seen by people on the station platform. He had then pushed me out of the cabin naked, which led to me being bound in a storage room, having to give head, being forced to run in the nude outside, having to wank over myself, be pissed on, and piss over myself.

He had then left me to my own devices and, naked as the day I was born, I had managed to get another cabin to sleep in for the remainder of the journey.

The next morning, on arrival, I stayed in the cabin until I thought everyone was off the train, and then, wrapped in the bedsheet, I headed back to my original cabin. Against all my worst fears, the bag was there, as were all my clothes. So I used my wash kit to clean off the final reminders of the nights activities, pulled on my clothes, and headed for the business meeting. It was as if the events of the previous night had never happened.

I wasn't a hotshot or anything, but I had worked my way up in my company and was now trusted to negotiate medium sized customer deals - this was the reason I had been travelling up to Scotland.

I arrived at the customer's office and introduced myself at reception. After a short wait an attractive young man walked over to greet me. He looked to be in his early twenties and was slim and stylish in a well cut single breasted suit. He had short dark blond hair that was waxed in a trendy style, and looked like he had a decent sized package beneath his snug suit trousers. He said he was the supply chain manager for Scotland, so I assumed he would be running the negotiation meeting. And I had an inkling that he might be gay. Something about his look or manner or the way I think I spotted him looking me up and down. Maybe this negotiation would go well, I thought to myself.

I followed his pert arse in his well fitting suit round a maze of corridors until we reached the internal meeting room that was to be our base for the day. I followed him into the room, smiling. The smile was soon wiped off my face. There on the other side of the table was my cabin mate from the night before, the man who had forced me to wank off and lick up my own cum, and who had later on pissed all over me. Immediately my stomach lurched. The look of shock and horror on my face must have been quite evident. And it would explain why he left me alone on the train in the end, rather than dragging out my humiliation there. The guy who had collected me seemed to be unaware of my reaction, and explained that it would be his manager who would be leading the discussions today.

The man looked over to me, said "I think this might be an interesting negotiation" and kicked off discussions, as though nothing had happened the night before.

The meeting progressed as such meetings normally do, although I was still so distracted by his presence that I wasn't on the ball at all, missing opportunities to upsell other products and to ensure that I got the highest margin possible.

After a while he suggested we take a short break and he and his younger colleague went off to confer. As soon as they came back I felt the atmosphere was different - there was a glint in the younger man's eyes that suggested he was looking forward to the way the next session was going to progress. And so it proved.

"So Andy, as I was saying, you really have to watch out for older guys who might be perving on you" the guy from my cabin said to his colleague, deliberately loud enough for me to hear. I blanched, my secret had clearly now been shared with the younger lad.

"We are very keen to see how far you are willing to go to get this deal inked today" said the man from my cabin in his role as lead negotiator, "and I was saying how readily you showed off your body on the train. And Andy here was wondering what a guy in his thirties would look like, so he can see how he might look in ten years' time. So we were thinking that, for you to have a chance of winning this deal, you should provide us with a bit of an anatomy lesson. So if you would like to start by taking your shirt off..."

I blushed and felt sick to the bottom of my stomach. I didn't want my private and professional lives to get tangled up like this. I started to express my resistance but he interjected "And if you are thinking about refusing, I'm sure your employer would be interested in what you were getting up to on a train in front of a prospective customer, pissing on yourself with the toilet cubicle door open, for example." And with that, my fate was sealed. I could not think of a way of getting out of doing this.

I hesitantly shucked off my suit jacket and hung it on the back of a chair. I then slowly started to unbutton my shirt, initially keeping my top button and tie done up so that only flashes of my trim, hairy chest were visible. I untucked it from my trousers, then, swallowing heavily, not quite believing that I was about to strip off some of my clothes in a customers internal meeting room, I undid my top button and loosened my tie.

My shirt flapped open, showing my pert nipples and defined hairy chest, with a trail of hair down to my belly button and then below, heading into my suit trousers. I looked back up at them, and they were looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to take my shirt right off. Their unyielding silence continued. No escape route came to mind, so with a resigned look on my face that they noticed, I took off my shirt and tie and folded them on the chair.

I stood in the meeting room bare-chested, my heart thumping. The two men looked me up and down. "So Andy," the lead negotiator explained, "You can see from his chest that even in their thirties, men can keep good definition - perhaps slightly bulkier than in their twenties. Look at the hair on his chest and his firm pecs. See his hard nipples. Look how the hair leads down to his navel. Now I think we should see how their legs develop over time". My face had reddened as he had discussed my body in front of me, and now he looked at me again. My stomach turned. They wanted me to take off my trousers? Here, where anyone could come into the room at any moment?

My internal thoughts were broken by his voice saying "Shoes and socks first".

In a bit of a daze at the request I undid my laces and took my shoes off, slowly slipping my socks down over my ankles and off my feet, leaving me standing in the meeting room barefoot, my feet tickled by the scratchy carpet tiles. I felt quite sick as I began to unbuckle my belt, knowing their eyes were fixed on my body as it was exposed to them. My hands shook slightly as I undid my trousers and unzipped the fly. The weight of the belt around the waistband meant my trousers simply dropped to the floor. "Tidy them away" said the man. I stepped out of them, picked them off the floor, and folded them onto the meeting room chair.

Looking over at Andy I could see a distinct bulge in the front of his close-fitting suit trousers - clearly the act of watching a man being forced to strip off his clothes was turning him on. For my part I felt strangely detached from my own body, not really believing that I was standing in an office meeting room in front of two fully clothed young men, wearing only my regulation black Calvin Klein boxer briefs, which were hugging my package tightly.

"As you can see, Andy," the man continued, "men in their thirties can still retain good muscle tone in their legs. Perhaps you would like to feel them?" And with that, Andy walked over and I felt the touch of his warm hand as he gripped and stroked my leg. He then moved up and ran his hand across my chest, over my hard nipples and down to my belly button. I felt violated - no-one was asking for my consent, but the touch of another man's hand on my skin was electric.

"Perhaps we should now see if there are any other changes that come with age" smiled the man, knowing I was now only in my boxers.

"Please, you can't be serious" I begged as the thought of being naked in front of them hit home.

"I don't think you have any choice in the matter" he retorted cruelly, staring at me with disdain. And so, slowly, I pulled down my boxer briefs. My pubes came into view first, then the stem of my cock, before it flopped out into sight above my ball-sac. I let the briefs slide down my lightly haired legs to the ground, then bent over and picked them up. I stacked them on the pile of my clothes on the chair and stood there, my hands protecting my modesty as best they could while their eyes scanned over my body.

"Don't be shy," said the man as he walked over and slapped my hands out of the way of my cock, revealing my flaccid uncut penis to the room.

"So as you can see, Andy, just because someone is older it doesn't mean that their penis is any bigger." My face reddened at his comments. But I could now clearly see the outline of Andy's throbbing erect penis in his trousers, so my limp state wasn't putting him off at all.

"Now pull the foreskin back" he demanded. How demeaning this was, to be their plaything. But I skinned it back, revealing the reddish-pink head to the room, and feeling the cold air conditioning against it.

"Now get it erect, so Andy can see how an older man's cock looks." I stared at him, hoping he might be joking, but he gave no sign of humour, and was getting irritated by my reluctance. He leant over his laptop and started an email, while connecting his laptop display to the meeting room screen. I saw with horror my bosses name in the email header, my name in the title, and a video file attached to the mail. He double clicked the video file, and there I was, lying on the floor in the toilet cubicle, pissing over myself, swallowing my own piss down.

I felt sick. "Please don't send it" I begged, and started to wank my cock. It was really difficult to get an erection, as I was so nervous, but I focused on Andy's swelling cock and imagined how he might look with his clothes off, and slowly my penis grew in my hand. Once it stood erect I moved my hand away so they could see it, jutting out from my dark pubes, the head glistening under the meeting room lights. They then made no mention of it, but I could see Andy smiling as he looked at me naked and hard in front of him.

"Now turn around so we can see your arse" was the next order, and I wearily obeyed, showing them my firm buttocks and bending forwards so they could see my slightly hairy arse crack.

They made me stand like that for a couple of minutes, my penis drooping, taking in the sight of me, their supplier, completely exposed in front of them, showing my body off in humiliating fashion. I prayed that no-one would come in.

"Right, let us continue the negotiation" the man said brusquely. "Sit down". And so I sat naked on the office chair, feeling its itchy cheap material chafing my buttocks and balls, while they sat fully clothed at the other end of the table, watching me.

How was this negotiation going to turn out?

This is the continuation of my first story - Forced to Wank on the Overnight Train. I would welcome any comments or suggestions. It turns me on to know if you have been wanking to this story. Please let me know where you think I should take the story, and what should happen to the characters?

My email address is

Thanks to all those who wrote in response to the first parts - I have tried to take some of the ideas on board.

Next: Chapter 6: Next Day at the Office 2

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