Forced to Wank

By James Robert

Published on Mar 17, 2023


Forced to Wank - The Train Journey Home - Part One

This follows on from Forced to Wank on the Overnight Train and Forced to Wank - Next Day at the Office...

To recap, I had been caught wanking on the sleeper train up to Scotland, and the man who caught me had forced me to continue and then thrown me out of my cabin. My night had got worse after that, and didn't get better the next day when I turned up at the supplier to find the man who had caught me was their chief negotiator. I ended up stripping out of my clothes in the office, having to perform sex acts with one of his colleagues, Andy, and then, with Andy, we had to collect our clothes from a rugby pitch where a group of sixth form students were training. As the man was disgusted by our muddy clothes we stole some school uniforms from the students. He then took us to a restaurant where we once again had to strip out of our clothes, and he then abandoned us...

I could not believe this was happening. There I was, in the middle of the High Street, naked except for my shoes, feeling the cold, damp air against my skin, with Andy naked by my side, his toned smooth body, limp uncut cock and dark bush of pubes illuminated by the street lights.

A couple of girls wolf-whistled us from a passing car, causing me to clutch my overnight bag closely in front of my penis and balls, and for Andy to shield his package from view with his hands. How were we going to find some clothes to cover our modesty?

I looked for an alleyway, somewhere darker where we could hide from the passers-by in the street. People were walking past us on their way out for the evening, mostly doing that very British thing of pretending we weren't there whilst scanning their eyes over our naked bodies, gawping at our defined chests and muscular hairy legs.

My eyes were searching out somewhere we could hide, when suddenly I caught a glimpse of something that looked like white shirt material hanging over the edge of a rubbish bin on the street.

I dashed over to it and was overjoyed to find the clothes we had been wearing in the restaurant. There was a slight whiff from the bin, but I reached in and took the trousers, shirts, ties, and boxer briefs out from amongst the food wrappers, bottles, and old newspapers in the bin.

"Thank God" said Andy, trembling at the thought that someone he knew might spot him naked on the high street of his hometown. We each grabbed the clothes that fitted us best, slipped off our shoes so we could feel the damp cold paving slabs of the pavement against our feet, and then started to dress. I watched as Andy pulled the superhero boxer briefs (that I had been wearing not so long ago) up his lightly haired legs, and watched as his smooth uncut penis, large balls, and hairy bush were covered by the tight briefs. He then started buttoning his shirt, hiding his treasure trail, smooth chest, and dark nipples from view.

I rushed to catch up, pulling on the Jockey boxer briefs and covering my smaller uncut penis and dark pubes. I then hid my muscular legs from view as I pulled up the school trousers, before covering my hairy chest and nipples, hard from the cold and the exhibitionism.

We both shivered, feeling the cold air through the white polycotton shirts, now that the adrenalin from the fear of exposure was starting to subside. Andy reached in the trouser pocket and found the man from my cabin had left him his keys and work pass. With relief, he then said "Well I had better be getting home. I just hope to God that no-one I know has seen me."

"And I guess we better get used to the fact that we'll be seeing and doing things with each other every month from now on" I added.

Andy looked downcast at the thought of being exposed, humiliated, and exploited by the man from my cabin, and I couldn't think of any way for him to avoid it. But my cock did swell a little in my briefs at the thought of having to perform each month with this fit, sexy young man whose cum I had eaten, whose piss I had drunk, and whose toned body I had seen fully exposed in front of me.

And with that, Andy turned and headed off down the high street, leaving me along for the first time since arriving at the office that morning. How long ago that seemed.

I walked back along the road towards the train station, found a pub, and went in. I sat down at a table and went through the bag to see what the man from my cabin had left me.

He didn't seem to have taken anything - my work documents were all there, as were my wallet and mobile phone, and my return ticket home. There were even some of my clothes that I hadn't yet worn. I would change into them when I was safely in my cabin on the train.

I was a bit nervous that he might be on the train, but I hoped that I could make my way on board discretely and hide out of harms way in my cabin all night.

How differently things would turn out.

I waited in the pub until the train was about to leave, then walked purposefully into the station and around to the platform on the far right where the overnight train was waiting. It was just about to depart, so no-one else was boarding. I got in, unseen by anyone other than the guard, who slammed the door behind him, and gave the signal for departure to the driver. I was on my way home!

My sense of relief did not last long. I looked at my cabin number and realised that I would have to walk the length of the train to reach my berth for the night. I set off nervously, hoping the man from my cabin would not be in the restaurant tonight as I passed through. He wasn't there, so with my heart pounding from the tension, I kept on going. All was well until I reached the next carriage. There were school scarves hanging along the passageway and I could hear some rowdy shouting and chatter. I wondered what was going on but thought nothing of it, and continued along the corridor. Suddenly, in front of me, were two lads in school uniform. It was Daniel and Matt.

"Well it's just your bad luck to have caught us as we head off on our rugby tour of England, isn't it, or are you wanting more of what you had earlier?" Daniel said with glee as he moved menacingly towards me. Behind me I could hear voices of other lads approaching, returning to their cabins.

One of them turned the corner past the toilet into the corridor and I saw he was wearing an ill- fitting, muddy old clothes. He saw me wearing the school uniform and let out a roar "You bastard, give me my clothes back" and with force he pushed me against one of the cabin doors, which opened and sent me sprawling backwards against the floor.

He followed me in and stood towering above me, with Daniel and Matt following closely behind to see what he would do next.

My heart somersaulted in my chest. "I'm really sorry," I stammered, but he ignored me and said "Take those clothes off and give them back to me."

I was in no position to resist. I started to stand up to take them off but he said "Stay down there, like the worm that you are. You don't deserve to be on a level with us."

So with the hardwearing carpet tufts rubbing against me, I unbuttoned the shirt and undid the tie. The shirt gaped open, revealing my hairy, defined chest and pink nipples to the boys standing fully clothed above me. I slipped the shirt off, and undid my shoes and took off my remaining sock. I then unbuckled the cheap polyester trousers and slipped them down my legs and off my feet. I was now just wearing the Jockey boxer briefs. With a gulp I realised that they wouldn't let me stop until I was fully naked, so put my hands into the waistband and slid the boxer briefs down.

My soft uncut penis, bush of pubes, and ballsac came into view. With the briefs fully off I lay on the floor, with the three boys looking down at my naked body, sniggering to themselves that they had this power over me.

The boy then started to strip out of my suit so he could put his own clothes back on. He lay my old clothes on the bunk bed behind him. First the jacket, then the muddy shirt, and then the suit trousers. At which point I discovered that he had gone commando, his heavy cock flopping into view. His teenage body was hairier than mine - he was a well developed lad. There were swirls of hair across his chest and around his dark nipples, and it then led from his chest down his firm stomach and below, joining with his nest of pubes which encircled his thick member, and then on down his legs.

I looked up at his manly physique looming over me and felt very inadequate.

"May I have my suit back, please?" I enquired.

"You'll have to earn it" he said, as he put his school uniform back on, covering his lean hirsute body back up. He then continued "Now I really need a piss, but can't be bothered to go to the loo. Open your mouth, worm." This he said in a determined tone. He undid his fly and fished his thick, soft penis out, flopping it into my mouth, and skinning it back slightly so the pink glans could be seen. A few seconds later and I felt it start to swell, followed by a jet of piss which hit the back of my throat.

I swallowed the acrid tasting liquid as quickly as I could, but some splashed out onto my body, matting the hairs on my chest and dripping down to the floor.

Worryingly, despite this humiliation, my dick started to fill out and rise up of its own accord. The more I swallowed his piss down, the harder my dick got.

I didn't understand it. There I was, kneeling naked on the scratchy carpet of an overnight train cabin, with my stomach full of an 18 year old's piss, and the hair on my chest soaked with it, and yet I had grown hard as he pushed his thick penis into my open mouth and relieved himself.

And the boys in the cabin had seen my arousal "Look at the dirty bastard, he's boning up on drinking Martin's piss." They shook their heads in disbelief as Martin put his cock back into the Jockey briefs and zipped his fly back up.

I asked the boys pleadingly if I could have my suit back now.

"You need to do more than that to earn it" Daniel laughed, and suggested they all got on the top bunk. "Now take our shoes and socks off and give our feet a tongue bath." I was repulsed. But I was also naked in the cabin with the door open and I needed my clothes back. I stood up, untied their shoes and placed them on the floor, and slipped off their socks. Daniel and Matt's feet were pretty much hairless, whereas Martin's, like his body, were quite hirsute.

I tentatively licked them up and down, trying not to dwell on the sweaty taste and the smell of socks that permeated around. Matt took photos on his phone of me licking their feet and sucking on their toes.

"God, he's such lowlife" said Martin, amazed at what they could get me to do.

After a few minutes Daniel said "Right, enough of that." But I could see that my ministrations to their sensitive feet had aroused them as they readjusted their packages in their trousers to hide their swollen cocks.

"Now get yourself hard and go out into the corridor and knock on the rest of the team's cabin doors to let them know you're here with us. The exact phrase I want you to say is 'Hello, I am your slave for the night. I will be waiting in cabin 16 for you to use me however you wish.'"

"Please, no" I begged. "You three can do anything you like to me, but please don't humiliate me in front of everyone and make me do this." I swallowed hard, hoping my plea would be listened to.

Either way I really wasn't going to be getting much sleep tonight. What would happen to me?

This is the continuation of my second story - Forced to Wank - Next Day at the Office. I would welcome any comments or suggestions. It turns me on to know if you have been wanking to this story, and if you've done anything like the characters in this story.

My email address is

Thanks to all those who wrote in response to the earlier parts - I have tried to take some of the ideas on board.

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Next: Chapter 14: The Train Journey Home 2

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