Forced to Wank

By James Robert

Published on Jan 25, 2023


Forced to Wank - Next Day at the Office - Part Eight

The man from my cabin ushered Andy and I into the restaurant. I could see our reflections in a mirror. Andy looked hot with his trendily cut short dirty blond hair and snoggable lips and his firm butt tight against his trousers, and I didn't look too bad myself, darker hair and bigger frame, my defined chest and nipples very evident against the tight white shirt I was wearing. The waiters looked Andy and me up and down, noticing our school uniforms and tightly fitting shirts and trousers, clearly displaying our cock and balls beneath their thin fabric. With a raised eyebrow between the waiters, they showed us to our table, hidden in an alcove, nicely decorated with a large white tablecloth and silver candelabra.

We sat down and the man from my cabin got out his laptop and two contracts. He asked me to read and sign them both. The first was the contract my boss had asked me to win for the company. The terms proposed in the document were challenging but were within my negotiation parameters so I happily signed it, even though it stated that I would be required to visit the Scotland office monthly.

The content of the second contract made my heart sink. All the videos of me would become the man from my cabin's property, and they would be put on the internet for subscribers to pay to see, with tasters available to the general public. I would need to produce additional videos weekly, filming me exposing myself in public, wanking, eating my cum, pissing on myself - whatever the man from my cabin and the subscribers requested. And each month I would need to get the train to Scotland to perform further depraved tasks with Andy (who didn't seem to have any say in the matter).

I hesitated to sign this contract - my hell would never end. The man then turned his laptop screen to us. There we both were, on video, on Xtube - Andy pissing into my mouth and then drinking down his own piss. He clicked to another one, this time my face filled the screen, and Andy was cumming over it, and then licking his cum off. The man had set up a subscription service and had created both our profiles. The thought that people could see me, my naked body, my face, performing all these degrading activities, both horrified me and turned me on.

The videos had already been watched thousands of times, and we read some of the comments left by viewers, saying how turned on they had been, calling me a cum and piss slave, and suggesting other debauched tasks for me to carry out.

Despite the humiliation and exposure, my body gave me away how much my debasement turned me on - my cock stiffened in my trousers, and my arousal was clear for the man from my cabin to see. He pushed the second contract over to me and I went ahead and signed it, my cock ruling my head, my arousal driving me to see where the next step of this journey would take me.

"Now to thank me for signing these contracts, get under the table and pleasure me" the man from my cabin said.

So I slipped down under the table and unzipped his fly, revealing black Hugo Boss boxer briefs. I remembered his cock from the brief glimpse I had had of it when he was pissing on me on the train, but before I got to see it again, he reached down and tied a napkin around my head, blindfolding me. So, feeling with my hands, I released his large penis from the confines of his boxer briefs, revelling in his manly scent as I took his thick shaft into my mouth. I was determined to show him how well I could suck cock - like a bizarre professional pride, and I enjoyed feeling him grow hard in my mouth. I licked up and down the shaft, tonguing his sensitive spot under his glans, alternately blowing and sucking along his length. I loved feeling the veins and the ridge of his glans and the hardness of his erect cock as I worked on him.

I heard the waiter come to the table to take the food order, but I kept on taking the man's swelling cock in my mouth, feeling it reach the back of my throat and smelling the sweat and shower gel in his pubes. He completely ignored me, carrying on a conversation with Andy as though I wasn't beneath the tablecloth giving him a blowjob. But I could tell he was getting close to cumming. And then he pushed me away, put a glass under the table, and I could hear his spunk hitting the side of the glass - jet after jet of it. He then put his cock back inside his briefs, and took off my blindfold. I waited for words of praise, but none were forthcoming.

As he didn't say anything, I resurfaced from under the table and sat back up on the banquette seat, with Andy next to me. He was talking about work with the man as if none of today's degrading activities had taken place, as if he wasn't sitting there wearing a boy's school uniform...

The man then cut into Andy's monologue about work to tell us "This is your starter - bread and dip" as he pointed to the bread basket that the waiter had brought, and the glass that he had recently filled with his fresh spunk. "And you'd better empty that glass" he threatened.

Andy and I looked at each other despairingly, and then, knowing better than to argue, I tore off some of the bread. Holding the crust I dipped the bread into the glass, seeing his cum coat its edge. I then lifted it to my mouth and took a bite, trying to avoid inhaling its tangy scent. It tasted salty and was gloopy on my tongue. I frowned in disgust at what I was eating. The man from my cabin just smiled and filmed us as we slowly ate the bread dipped in his cum mouthful by mouthful.

Eventually, when we had both had several bites, I wiped the bread around the edge of the glass to make sure we hadn't missed any of his cum - I didn't want any further punishments from him.

Despite the taste, I was glad for the food, as I had barely eaten during the day. Eating his cum felt like another step towards my total subservience to this man.

Soon afterwards, the main courses he had ordered arrived. There was one steaming plate of Penne Arrabiata, which smelt delicious, and two plates of plain pasta. As the waiter departed, the man from my cabin explained to us "You both need to produce your own sauce to go on that pasta" and gestured in the direction of our crotches. "Now get your cocks out."

And with that, sitting at the restaurant table, we unzipped our school trouser flies and pulled down the top of our boxer briefs so that our cock and balls were accessible and we could take hold of our penises. As I started wanking my dick in the restaurant, I pondered that 24 hours previously I would never have considered I would be doing anything like this, and reflected on my descent into public exposure and humiliation. My dick stiffened as I thought back to everything I had done, and everything I had seen fit Andy do, as I looked across at his firm, meaty uncut penis, which he was grasping in his hand, and his bushy dark pubes.

The thought that the waiter could pop his head round the corner at any moment heightened my senses, and it wasn't long before my cock was hard and throbbing, ready to pump out its load. I looked up at the man from my cabin, who was recording our humiliation, and he told me to stand up and ejaculate over the plate of food. The buzz of standing up and exposing my hard cock more blatantly to the restaurant pushed me over the edge, and with the skin retracted from around the purplish head I let fly streams of cum across the cooling pasta. I then sat back down, spent, my cock softening outside my trousers, my foreskin covering the head once more.

The sight of me cumming spurred Andy on, and his long erect shaft with its exposed pink head stiffened further as he too stood and jetted ropes of spunk over the plate of food.

Sitting there with our shrinking cocks still exposed, we picked up the cutlery and braced ourselves to eat the pasta covered with our cum. Just as we were about to tuck in, the man from my cabin switched out plates round. Now not only did we have to eat a plate of cum, we had to eat each others cum. He recorded the dejected looks on our faces as we started to eat. The food stuck in my throat - I could feel and taste the slimy texture, and the heat of the pasta was causing the tangy smell of the cum to waft up to my nose.

I was really struggling to eat the whole plate without gagging, and could see Andy was in a similar position. The man just recorded our misery for posterity and profit.

Finally we cleaned our plates. We sat back in our seats, wondering what he would ask of us next. It was not to be something we wanted to hear.

"Now I want to see you strip each other, and insert one of these into each other", and as he spoke, he blew out two of the candles on the candelabra in the middle of the table and pulled them out of their fittings.

My heart raced - anyone could come round the corner to our alcove at any moment, and yet he wanted us to be fully naked with something stuck up our arses?

Did I dare to refuse? I realised with a thud of horror that I had signed a contract committing to do things like this whenever the man from my cabin asked me to. Oh God, what had I done?

I glanced across at Andy, and he looked very uncomfortable - this was taking him well outside his comfort zone. But I could tell the man was getting impatient so I reached over to Andy's shirt and started loosening his tie before slipping it off. I then started unbuttoning his cheap white polycotton school shirt, exposing more of his hairless toned chest with every button I undid, until the shirt gaped open, his tanned chest and dark nipples in full view, along with the start of his treasure trail of hairs leading down from his navel. I initially left his shirt hanging open and started on his school trousers, rubbing my hand against his washboard stomach as I undid the catch and lowered his fly zipper. He sat still, barely believing that this was happening. I could see his heart thumping in his chest. Once I had undone his flies I grasped the Jockey boxer briefs he was wearing on by the waistband and started pushing them, along with his trousers, down his legs. He shuffled off his seat slightly to allow this to happen, and they slipped to his ankles, down his lightly haired legs. As I moved under the table to take off his shoes and socks I got a nice close up view of his smooth uncut cock and ballsac, and the bushy pubes surrounding them. I just wanted to slip his thick penis into my mouth and feel him grow hard. But I carried on stripping him.

I reached back up and took his shirt off completely. He was now completely naked in the restaurant, his tanned skin contrasting with the dark fabric of the seat he was perched in, his naked torso tempting anyone who might see him to look over the table edge to check out his cock and balls. I put his clothes on the seat next to the man from my cabin.

"Come on" said the man, gesturing at Andy to get on with stripping me.

Andy snapped into action, taking off my tie and swiftly unbuttoning my tight shirt, then taking it off, so I too had my hairier, defined chest on view in the restaurant. I held my breath, fearing that the waiter might return at any moment. I then felt Andy's fingers undoing my trousers and feeling beneath the fabric band of the snug-fitting superhero boxer briefs that he had been wearing previously. Then with a tug I was exposed, my cock semi-swollen from the exhibitionism and from checking out Andy's fit naked body exposed next to me. I could feel his hands against my hairy legs as he pulled my clothes off, unlacing my shoes and peeling off my socks.

The man, filming us once more, smiled with the satisfaction that we had followed his orders and were completely nude in a public place. He then pushed the candles towards us, saying "Go on then!"

I surreptitiously grabbed the olive oil pourer from the salad dressing rack on the table and crouched down on the floor. Andy joined me and I could feel the warmth of his body as we rubbed together in the confined space, concealed by the table cloth.

The man directed his smartphone camera at our entangled bodies and filmed us as we each lubed up the others arse with olive oil, working it in with our fingers. I slid first one, then a second digit into Andy's tight hole, feeling it squeeze tight against me. Once I had worked them in and out a few times I switched in the candle and pushed it in. Andy groaned at the sensation, the candle rubbing against his sensitive prostate, causing his cock to swell due to the large item inserted deep within him. He then lubed up my hole in the same way, sliding his fingers between my firm butt cheeks and into my crack, before forcing in the candle. My body resisted but eventually took it all the way in, only the thick end visible out of my arse.

"Now keep them there" said the man, and then he got up and walked away from the table. Andy and I stayed still under the table, our skin touching, the scent of the Lynx shower gel from earlier mingling with the olive oil on our fingers, which we wiped onto the tablecloth.

After a few minutes the man still hadn't returned. I gingerly put my head above the table and looked around. Lying on the table surface was a copy of each of the contracts, but his briefcase and laptop had gone. More worryingly, so had our clothes, which had been bundled up next to him. My heart lurched. I stuck my head back under the table and told Andy, "The bastard's gone, and he's taken our clothes."

Andy couldn't believe it. "No fucking way - not again" he said, his voice cracking at the vulnerable situation we were in.

We were going to have to get help from the waiters. There was no way we could get out without them seeing us, and wandering naked outside didn't seem a sensible plan. At least we still had our shoes and socks, as we had left them on the floor rather than putting them next to the man. So we each pulled a sock on over our cock and balls and moved to sit back at the table. Our pubes spilled over the edge of the sock, leaving very little to the imagination, but it gave us some sense of decency. We debated what to do about the candles inserted up our arses and agreed to remove them despite the man's order to keep them there - we didn't want more embarrassment with the waiters than necessary...

Finally one of the waiters came round the corner to clear the plates. He couldn't quite believe what he saw, and gave a surprised laugh, before calling to his colleague to come over.

They stood there, smiling at our embarrassed exposure. One of them said "Well stand up and show us what you've got then boys!" so we obeyed, displaying our manly bodies, our manhoods covered only with a sock.

The other one said to his colleague, "I knew they were kinky fuckers as soon as they walked through the door, grown men wearing tight little school uniforms. Now get the fuck out of my restaurant and take your bag with you."

And with that he moved the table to one side to let us out and started herding us towards the door.

I grabbed the contracts off the table and picked up my bag which the man from my cabin had left behind. And wearing nothing but a sock over my cock and a pair of shoes, we were escorted through the rest of the restaurant to the door. I could hear other diners looking up at us, and someone dropped their fork against their plate in surprise at the sight of two nearly naked men walking past. Andy looked like he wished the earth could open up and swallow him.

And then just as the waiter opened the door onto the street, he grabbed at the socks covering our penises and pushed us out onto the pavement. We were too startled to stop our exposure, and suddenly there we were, under the streetlights, with people passing by, naked but for our shoes, our uncut penises hanging out in full view.

How would I get home?

This is the continuation of my first story - Forced to Wank on the Overnight Train. I would welcome any comments or suggestions. It turns me on to know if you have been wanking to this story, and if you've done anything like the characters in this story.

My email address is

Thanks to all those who wrote in response to the first parts - I have tried to take some of the ideas on board.

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Next: Chapter 13: The Train Journey Home 1

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