Forced to Wank

By James Robert

Published on Dec 31, 2012


Forced to Wank - Next Day at the Office - Part Six

So there I was, running across the field wearing as many clothes as I could, with Andy watching my departure. I shouted back at him "Grab the rest of the clothes and follow me" and he suddenly moved into action, scooping up the remaining scraps of clothes from the muddy ground in front of the boys, and legging it after me. Luckily none of the lads gave chase - they must have felt like they'd had their sport with us.

Andy caught up with me as I reached the edge of the building, and I found a secluded corner in which to get my breath back. Andy was still naked, his fine but muddy body on display, but as soon as we stopped he put on my boxer briefs to hide his meaty uncut penis and bushy pubes from view, his hairy treasure trail down from his belly button now the only indication of what lay beneath.

I took off the second suit jacket and trousers and handed them to Andy for him to put on. Slipping on the two parts of the shirt that the man from my cabin had cut in half, he was able to give the pretence that he had a proper shirt on underneath the suit jacket.

I said to him "This is all your fault. If you hadn't agreed to humiliate me, he could never have done any of the things he's made us do today."

Andy hung his head, ashamed. "I am really sorry, but he offered me the chance to see you naked and I couldn't resist."

"Well you've seen much more than that now, haven't you?" I retorted.

We busied ourselves trying to find our shoes and socks, eventually discovering them in an ornamental hedge bordering the field.

We then took stock. However much I hated the thought, I needed to go back into the office as my wallet and all my work stuff was still in there. Andy agreed to help me.

We walked round the building to reception. God, we must have looked a state. Andy stopped me before we got to reception, licked his hand, and wiped a streak of mud from my cheek. I was sure I could smell the urine and cum that was drying on our bodies, along with the smell of grass and mud that covered our legs.

As soon as we walked into reception, my heart sank. There was the man from my cabin, on his mobile phone. He beckoned me over so I went to him, and could overhear his conversation.

"Yes David," I heard, "the negotiation is going well, but he just needs to go that bit further. Perhaps you can speak to him." Oh no, he was talking to my boss. He handed the phone over to me. My boss then told me in no uncertain terms that I had better go that bit further to ensure we won the contract as the company needed a decent new name client in these difficult times, and if we won the contract it would give us a real foothold into the Scottish marketplace.

I swallowed hard. This wasn't what I wanted to hear - I had been planning to return saying I couldn't do the deal, just to get away from there - but that would clearly be career limiting. What would I be willing to do to get this deal signed?

The man from my cabin interrupted my reveries and took his phone back. Smirking, he said "So it looks like you're going to need to go a bit further to get this contract in the bag."

"But luckily for you, I am ready to sign. There will just be a little extra contract that you'll need to sign too. However, for me to sign a contract with you, you need to look and smell respectable, as I'm going to take you out to a restaurant before you get your train home tonight. At the moment, you smell of piss and cum, and look like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards. So you'd better go and find somewhere to clean up and put on fresh clothes, before I change my mind."

"I'll be back here in reception in an hour." And with that, the man from my cabin turned and walked back through the barriers, leaving Andy and I staring after him from the office reception area.

"Where are we going to be able to clean up and get clean clothes?" Andy wondered aloud.

And then I had a brainwave. "Quick, come with me" I said, and we headed back out of the building and along the path towards the sports pavilion. "I bet there are showers in there" I said to Andy as we sneaked up the steps and into the men's changing room.

The team of sixth formers were still out training on the playing field, so we had the place to ourselves. Their school uniforms and towels were all hanging from hooks and piled on their sports bags.

I peered round a couple of corners and found the communal shower room. I then headed back to the changing room, and said to Andy "Quick, let's get in and out before the lads finish their practice" and started stripping down. Andy followed my lead, leaving our clothes in a pile on the side, and I was soon able to appreciate his naked body once more, his hazelnut coloured nipples on his taut chest, his treasure trail leading to his bushy pubes and uncut cock. Our legs and bodies were now caked in dried mud from our earlier exertions on the pitch. We grabbed a Lynx shower gel from one of the boy's bags, and headed into the shower.

Despite the time pressure, I wasn't going to miss the chance to check Andy out as we both soaped down, me lathering up my hairy chest and pubes, watching him tweak his nipples as he rubbed in the shower gel. Checking each other out, our penises began to swell. I looked across at his lithe body and pretty face with its snoggable lips, wondering if I would get to enjoy their touch against my skin again.

However, realising that we needed to get out of the changing room before the team got back from their practice, we swiftly rinsed down and stepped back into the cold changing room.

We each took one of the boys towels and dried off with it, hanging it back up on the hook we had taken it from, and then looked round the changing room for clean clothes that would fit us. We each found a pair of the boys boxer briefs, Andy choosing a pair with a comic strip motif, while the ones I picked were Jockey branded. I remembered back to the previous night on the train, when I had regretted stealing someone else's briefs, and hoped this wouldn't be a similar experience.

In the rush, it was difficult to find a pair that were a good fit, so I had ended up with a pair that were also a bit tight, holding my package in snugly. I then found a pair of school trousers to put on. We were really hurrying now, conscious that the games lesson could end at any time, selecting things that were nowhere near a perfect fit, and skinny fit trousers must be the current teen fashion, as both Andy's large penis and my smaller package were on prominent view in the trousers we picked.

We grabbed a shirt, tie, and blazer each, then found some socks, and put them all on, along with our own shoes. We smiled at each other, now dressed as two school boys, and were about to head out the door when we heard the voices of the returning team.

"Quick, in the loos" I whispered, and we rushed into the disabled toilet and locked ourselves in. In the mirror we looked at ourselves and, despite the tenseness of the situation, we laughed at the way we looked, dressed as sixth formers. Andy looked really hot, his nipples showing through the white polycotton short, his package filling out the front of the cheap black trousers. And I didn't look too bad either, my toned chest filling out the white shirt I had squeezed on, and my muscular legs tight against the slim fit school trousers I was wearing.

Standing in the toilet in silence, we became aware of whispered voices outside the toilet door and pricked up our ears to try and hear what was being said. Then, without any warning, someone managed to release the catch on the door and let themselves into the disabled toilet where we were hiding, locking the door again behind them.

It was Daniel, our degrading ringleader from the rugby pitch, and one of his henchmen.

"I thought it would be you in here," he said, "I saw your abandoned clothes on the floor in the changing room. And it looks like you've been stealing from my teammates, " he added, spotting us in school uniform, "Well you're going to have to earn those clothes".

"Please let us go" I begged, but he replied "Get on your knees" and we both knelt down in front of him and his friend.

He then started to undo the top of his rugby shorts, untying the knot around the waist and unbuttoning the fly. I watched in awe as he flopped out his huge cock. Even soft, it was longer than mine when erect. I was mesmerised in front of it.

He then turned to his friend and said "Come on, Matt, get yours out too. I'm going to see if they can suck me better than you can."

Matt looked sheepish and embarrassed that Daniel had exposed his cock-sucking tendancy to us, but undid his own fly and got out a respectable shaft of uncut meat, which grew in his hand as he realised he'd soon be forcing it down our throats.

Daniel turned to me and said "Open Wide!" and he started thrusting his huge penis into my mouth. I ran my hands along his toned calf muscles as I took him in, feeling the hairs on his legs. It all seemed so incongruous, his angelic face with thick dark eyebrows, kissable lips, and short dark hair, with this huge uncut monster now pummelling my throat. I could feel his hardness swelling in my mouth as I wrapped my lips around his shaft.

I could see Andy in the mirror, his mouth also filled with Matt's dick, taking his full length so Matt's pubes were pushed against Andy's nose, where he would have been sniffing the smell of sweat and teen boy.

Despite being almost twice this boy's age, I was turned on by his huge cock and his domination of me, and could feel my own dick throbbing in the tight school trousers I was wearing.

He withdrew from my throat and slapped his hard dick across my face, smearing me in my spit and his precum. It must have been nine inches long and was thick too. My dick felt inadequate in comparison, as he ordered me to lick along the length, pulling the foreskin forward to lick its underside and taste his precum. He then got me to lick down to his pubes, tasting his sweat and feeling the heat of his hard, pulsing cock.

He looked down at me as he fed his penis back into my mouth, pushing it right to the back of my throat and making me gag, as he said "Swallow my spunk, mister, and see what it's like to have a real man's cock in your mouth," and with that his cock went rigid and his semen started spurting out, down my throat. I struggled not to choke on it, and he pulled back slightly, to ensure that it pooled in my mouth, around my tongue and tastebuds, so I would get to truly taste it, and then he told me to swallow it and clean him off.

I put my tongue in around his uncut head, licking the skin clean, and feeling humiliated and more like the schoolboy I was dressed as rather than the successful businessman I had been until yesterday.

I looked across at Andy, who was in a similar position, using his tongue to clean round Matt's spent uncut cock, trying to avoid getting pubes into his mouth. Andy's face was streaked with cum, so Matt must have decided to leave his mark visible to humiliate Andy further.

I couldn't believe we were taking orders from teenage boys.

We started to hear voices coming from the changing room - angry voices from the members of the team.

"Where are my pants?"

"Who's stolen my trousers?"

"Which bastard used my towel?"

Daniel smiled and unlocked the door, saying "Time for you to face the music..."

How were we going to escape them?

This is the continuation of my first story - Forced to Wank on the Overnight Train. I would welcome any comments or suggestions. It turns me on to know if you have been wanking to this story. Please let me know where you think I should take the story, and what should happen to the characters?

My email address is

Thanks to all those who wrote in response to the first parts - I have tried to take some of the ideas on board.

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Next: Chapter 11: Next Day at the Office 7

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