Forced to Submit

By Alex Dubois

Published on Aug 30, 2022


Forced to Submit

I apologize for this next chapter of "Forced to Submit" taking so long. Lots has happened since the last chapter, and I did my very best with what little time I had to provide you with it. Thank you all for your patience, and I do hope you enjoy!

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This story is purely a work of fiction. All of the characters are depicted as 18 years old or above. Be advised some of the chapters include consensual-non-consent scenes, homophobic depictions, as well as language some readers may find offensive. Please be aware I do not condone any violence or hatred towards the LGBTQ+ community.

If you are under the age of 18 or it is illegal to read this in your country, please stop now.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, I would love to hear from you! Any dominant alphas are more than welcome to email me in general as well ;)

Chapter 4 --

I could hear Alex's small pleas to try and get me out of this as I fell to my knees. I couldn't understand what he was trying to make out, but I knew he wanted me as far away from here as possible. A single tear dropped from the corner of my eyes thinking about his pain.

I wanted to cater to him, to run over and hold him and tell him everything would be okay. None of that was possible at this moment, however. My job now was to worship this Alpha God-jock that stood before me, or at least do as he commands of me.

My eyes lowered to his crotch. Whatever lay behind the fabric of his football shorts was a beast, preparing itself to leap and destroy anything that could free it from its chamber.

I slowly encroached the growing bulge, reluctantly, though a small leap in my stomach made me think I might enjoy this. I shunned that thought away.

Whatever thoughts I may have had before of Cris using me lustfully were only a dream. I did not ever think I would be in the position I am with him now. Though knowing what was about to happen and how he had been treating myself and my boyfriend could only lead to impending doom.

The small fantasy I had been having this past week now stared me directly in the face (literally), and all I wanted to do was run and hide. Fantasies are fantasies for a reason. This was much darker; I could already tell.

"The fuck are you waiting for, fuckface?" the man above me roared. "Get your face in there, or you'll get the same as your sissy friend over there." He pointed to Alex, still curled in a ball on the ground.

I gave in to his will, pushing my face forward and inhaling all of his scent.

It was strong.

The smell of sweat mixed with stale cum and piss loomed in my nostrils for as long as I breathed in, and then some. It wasn't a bad smell by any means. Knowing who the scent belonged to, I wanted to pull away and cough in disgust, but my cock twitching said otherwise.

I felt a forceful hand push against the back of my head, bringing me closer to a now rock-hard bulge pressing against my face.

He wasn't wearing a cup, so either he had prepared for this, or he didn't wear one in general. I could feel the outline of his cock moving up right side of my face. It felt smooth.

"Breathe it all in fag," he said in a somewhat soothing tone. "I want you to remember this smell anytime I enter the room. Get your fag clit all hard thinking about it." He snickered at that last part.

Hearing his voice command me in real life had my cock pushing against my pants, begging to be set free.

I reached down with my left hand and began rubbing at my own crotch. Suddenly I felt a hand pull at my hair and push my head back from Cris' bulge. Using his left hand to hold my head in place by my hair, he swung his right hand at the left side of my face. The force of his slap was so strong that I actually believed I was just struck by a train.

He lowered his head closer to mine and spat three hocks of spit on my red face. "If I ever catch you touching your little sissy clit in front of me I'll stomp so hard on your balls you'll never want to touch it again," he growled.

I wanted to reach up and sooth the pain running through the side of my face but knew that if I did I may be risking another strike.

Little did I know that I could have anyways as another blow came, this time to the right side. "Anytime I tell you something you fucking answer me, bitch!"

I wanted to cry my face hurt so bad. I knew well enough that staying silent for too long would result in yet another blow to my face, therefor I quickly answered with a "yes, Sir!"

Another hock of spit landed on my face. "What do you say when I correct you?"

I had to think for a second, but it hit me just as he raised his hand to strike again. "Thank you, Sir!"

An evil grin appeared on his face, while his friends laughed behind me. "See, fags can be taught!" he beckoned to them.

I was thankful I had answered correctly. I feared another hit would land me in the hospital.

Using his right hand again, he pushed my head forcefully back to his crotch. "Now start using that tongue of yours, just like my girls do. I want you to get the entire outline of my cock."

My tongue stuck out with as much might as I could, despite my jaw being extremely sore from the slaps. I began lightly flicking it up and down while my head slowly moved the circumference of his (what I already believed to be) massive cock. I wanted to do the best job I could, in hopes I wouldn't be delivered another blow to my face, or worse. For some reason, I also wanted to give him as much pleasure as I possibly could. Unsure as to why, my tongue massaged the perimeter of his member, hoping I would hear some sign that I was doing a good job. That sign didn't come, unfortunately, and I was left trying harder and harder to please him because of it.

"I bet your cunt mouth wants to feel the real thing, doesn't it?" he called down to me, letting go of my head.

I looked up with pleading eyes. "Yes, please Sir."

`Where did that come from?' I wondered to myself. Suddenly I was begging like a willing bitch to get a taste of his cock. Perhaps I was getting into this a lot more than I wanted to admit.

"Why?" was all he replied with.

I was confused, and my face said so. "Sorry, Sir?"

His tone grew more aggressive. "Why should I let you have it, bitch?"

My mind was racing with so many excuses. Wanting to provide the best one, I blurted out: "Because you deserve a mouth to use for your please, Sir!"

He smirked again. Perhaps that was the signal that he was pleased. "I can use any mouth I want, so why yours?"

I knew I needed to convince him more. "Because I'm a fag and want nothing more than to worship your cock..."

He didn't move. He didn't say anything. His facial expression stayed the same for a moment or two, then came the third slap.

I fell over, clutching the side of my face. I looked up at him. He reached down and pulled me back up by my hair, pushing my hand away from my face.

"You will ALWAYS address me as Sir, do you understand that, faggot?" he yelled.

I was now crying uncontrollably. "Y--yes, Sir!"

"Stop crying like a pussy and get my cock out."

I slowly brought my hands up and placed them at the lace holding his shorts together.

He slapped my hands away quickly. "What are you?" he asked.

I was, again, confused. "I'm..."

I must have taken too long to reply as he answered for me. "You're a fucking faggot... Do fags get to use their hands?"

"No, Sir!" I was proud I could answer that for him.

"Only my bitches can use their hands. You're not my fucking bitch. You're just a fag." And with that, he shoved my head back into his crotch. "Now get my pants down."

My mouth began searching around the lace to find the string to pull with my teeth to get it undone. When I found it, I tugged, but I must've pulled the wrong one as I only made the string tighter. I began panicking.

"You really don't want this cock, do you, huh fag?"

"I want it, Sir!" To my surprise I really did want it. My cock had never been this hard before. His slaps hurt more than anything he'd ever done to me before, but I could care less about that now. I was finally going to see what his cock looked like in the flesh.

My teeth were scrambling to find the other side of the string. "You have ten second to get my pants down, fag. Ten..."

My heart leaped.

"Nine... Eight... Seven... Get it down or I beat you to a pulp. Five... Four..."

I almost cried with joy when I finally found it and was able to successfully loosen the string, freeing it front his pants. With the final three seconds, I pulled hard at the top of the shorts with my head and pushed them to the ground.

As they fell, I felt a soft whack against my chin, then a soft landing against my cheek. When I looked over my jaw fell to the floor.

Resting alongside my face was the biggest cock I had ever seen. It must have been ten inches. It was uncut, but the foreskin only slightly gripped the head. I had never tasted or felt an uncut cock before. Alex was cut and he was my first and only. Suddenly I could feel my mouth watering.

Looking up at my bully with an expression that must have read awe, envy, and excitement, I could tell by his smirk he was happy with himself. "Go ahead, cocksucker," he said. "Show me what fags are useful for."

And with his verbal consent, I moved my face less than a hairs-width away from his cock, breathing in all of his manly scent. I closed my eyes in bliss, knowing that this is truly what I had been wanting, despite how I got here. I stuck out my tongue and traced it along the head. The taste was unbelievable; both musky and sweet. I tasted his precum on my lower lip as I traced my tongue further up the shaft. I closed my mouth and savored the salty flavor.

Cris laughed at my enjoyment. "I knew you always wanted this, fag. I should have been pummeling you with my cock as well as my fists through high school."

"Yes, Sir," I moaned in response.

The flat of my tongue ran up the shaft until my nose hit his pubes. They were gorgeous. A full black bush made the tip of my nose tickle, though I loved it.

Alex had always shaved his pubic hair, so this was also a first. I thought the look and feel were extremely sexy.

I took another breath, taking in the manly smell once more, before moving my tongue back down the side of his member. I lifted the cock to rest on my face, while I licked the underside from the base back to the head. His precum leaked onto my face while I did this. I used my tongue to lick it up as best I could.

His cock twitched, making it bounce in the air slightly. That's when I noticed his heavy sack beneath. It was the only part that seemed to be shaved. I could tell his balls were full as they hung low.

Cris must have noticed me admiring them and said, "well, what are you waiting for? Bathe my balls with your tongue."

He didn't have to tell me twice.

I swung my head slightly lower and began licking each of the heavy things gently, almost as though I was making love to them. I tried to get my mouth around one of them, but it didn't seem like it would fit. I had to lightly push my head into them in order for it to fall into my mouth with ease.

I used my tongue to swirl it in my mouth as I gently sucked on it. I didn't want to upset him, but I thought he might enjoy it if I gently caressed his other half with my hand.

I took the risk and began lightly toying it with my fingers while I bathed his rick rock in my mouth.

Half expecting another slap, I was shocked to hear him moan.

I looked up as best I could with his balls still in my mouth and his cock looming above me. I witnessed him with his eyes closed, enjoying the pleasure I was giving him.

It gave me enough joy for a lifetime in the moment knowing I was pleasing him. Pleasing the man that made my life a living hell for so many years, and maybe still would. The man that seemed to be ruining my relationship with my boyfriend. And the man I so badly wanted to worship.

I let the right side fall out of my mouth as I switched and moved to the left side.

I felt a single drop of precum hit the back of my neck. His cockhead must have been resting just slightly above that.

Continuing to use my hands to caress his sack, I moved my head back to his shaft and pressed my tongue against the precum that was leaking from the tip.

There was so much of it, and it tasted like heaven. I widened my mouth and slid my tongue under the head. I then closed my lips around it and began gently sucking. I heard him sigh in pleasure as I did so. This brought me more joy.

Pushing my head forward, his cock began to disappear bit by bit. My mouth was salivating immensely by this point, making his cock well lubricated to slide to the back of my throat.

I was only able to get a few inches in before I began gagging from the thickness of it. Cris didn't seem to care, however, and placed his hand on the back of my head once more. He pushed me down until I felt like I was about to puke.

His cock had a slight downward curve to it, which made it much easier to slide down without hitting the back of my esophagus.

Tears began running down my face as he continued stretching my throat and pushing further back. I couldn't handle it anymore and knew that if he kept going I might throw up, so I placed my hands on his muscular thighs and tried pushing off. To no avail, Cris held my head in place. I thought I might pass out from the lack of air. Snot was coming out of my nose, and I was gagging more and more fiercely.

His hands were so strong at the back of my head, I couldn't do anything but take it. I thought in that moment he might kill me with his cock.

Instead, Cris pushed me off just as I thought I might pass out finally and he struck another blow to my face.

"Your breathing doesn't matter to me, fag!" he bellowed, kicking my side, and placing his hands on the back of my head once more. "Now swallow it like a good bitch!"

His cock slid down my throat again, this time pushing it in deeper than before. I opened my eyes, thinking my lips must be close to the base. Unfortunately for me, however, I still had a few more inches to swallow and I didn't think Cris would give up until I had taken all of them.

While I gagged, I realized I was staring at the same bush from the photo I was sent earlier. This was the cock that was buried in my boyfriend's mouth. I had hoped not all of the cocks were ginormous from that picture.

At that moment it all dawned on me what was happening and how I got here. I began to panic. I wanted to push Cris off of me and run. I realized who this man was and what I was doing. He was my bully. My tormentor. The same guy that beat me up so bad right before my first ever high school play that I had to drop out and the show had to be canceled. He was the same guy that broke my first phone because I chose to look him in the eye once. The same guy that prevented me from ever having a serious friend in my life besides Alex and Troy. And here I was with his cock buried down my throat, trying my best to please him just moments before.

I turned my gaze as best I could to see Alex in the corner of my eye watching from his position on the ground, tears streaming down his face. I wanted to grab him and run out of here. I was a good runner, but I didn't think Alex could keep up, and I wouldn't be leaving him behind.

I was brought back to what my mouth was doing again when Cris pushed his cock into me with one final thrust, pushing my nose right into his pubes.

Unwillingly, my cock twitched when I realized his full hardon was buried in me to the base.

"Suck it, fag," he commanded.

I did. With all of my might I used my cheeks to begin sucking, hoping this would all be over with soon. Thankfully, his cock had just enough of a curve to it for me to still be able to breathe through my nose with the full might of it stuck down my throat. I tried to move my head up and down slightly, but immediately began gagging again.

This must have amused Cris, as he used both hands on the side of my head to forcefully begin moving my head back and forth. A part of the shaft hit my uvula, making it harder for me to hold back from retching.

"Be a good fag and worship my fucking cock!"

"Ylesh, shlur." I tried my best to respond with his cock down my throat.

Eventually, Cris pulled out in a single thrust, causing me to gag. Holding my head with one hand, he began jerking his cock full of my throat slime. "Do you want my cum, fag?"

`I want this to be over with,' I thought, as more tears came down the side of my face.

Instead I quickly, and convincingly replied with yet another "yes, Sir!"

"Nothing in this world comes free, so I need you to do something else for me," he replied in an almost menacing tone.

"What's that, Sir?" I pondered at his request.

"Look into the camera, bitch!"

Cris turned my head to face Taylor, Lucas, and Cole. It was then that I noticed two of them had their phones out and appeared to be filming this.

`How long have they been filming for?' My heart sank. If this got out, I'd never be able to show my face in this shithole of a town again.

The three of them were laughing.

"Tell the camera something for me..." He laughed with them. "Tell the camera you and your fag boyfriend are done. You'll never show yourselves together again in my town ever again."

What was he asking of me? Was all of this for real?' My head was racing. Was he really so cruel that he won't ever allow me to see my boyfriend again?'

"Say it now, faggot! Break up with him right to his face!"

I looked over at Alex. His face was puffy and red from how much he had been crying. Tears began streaming down my own face.

"No, I'm sorry, I can't!" I pleaded back at him.

"I thought you might say no," his devilish grin came back to his face. "If you don't do as I say, I'll not only post this video all over social media, but your faggy boyfriend will disappear... forever."

I was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Please, Cris, I'll do anything! Please! You can't do this!" I felt as though my life was over forever.

All Cris could do in response was laugh at my misery. "You fags are so selfish. You want to parade around my town holding hands in front of me, then suck my cock and still expect to go back to normal?"

I didn't know what to say back. How could he be so cruel to me? To US?

"Say it now, or this video gets sent to everyone you know."

I had to act fast. I had to get out of this nightmare. But I knew there was nothing I could do.

"If you say it, you'll get to drink up all of my warm, heavy baby-juice." Cris and his friends all laughed together.

My gaze met Alex again, whose head was hung low. I swallowed, unsure of what to say or do. Alex tilted his head up and met my gaze. In a moment of pity for both of us, he slightly nodded his head, motioning for me to do as Cris said.

I didn't want to. I hope Alex knew I didn't want to. This bully I was trying so hard to please had done everything possible to destroy my life and now he had finally pulled the last straw, and I had no alternative but to submit and allow him to rule over my life, just as he had always done.

I swallowed and turned my gaze to the camera, choking back my tears.

"I promise I will never see Alex again, Sir. I promise never to show ourselves together in this town again."

A train of emotions was flying through my head. I felt as though I had just murdered my boyfriend. At least, it felt the same. I didn't even know if I'd ever be able to speak to him again.

"Good faggot!" Cris patted my head, mockingly. "Now turn back to me."

With tears filling my eyes, I turned back to face Cris who now had his own phone out and was filming me on my knees, inches from his hardon.

"Look into the camera and tell me you love my cock, boy."

What was the point. If I didn't do as he says, he'd find some twisted way to punish me, or worse: Alex.

Defeated, I did as I was told. "I love your cock, Sir."

"Oh, come on fagboy, you can do better than that! Tell me how much you really love cock!"

"I love it so much, Sir. I love feeling it all at the back of my throat and worshipping every inch of it." Somehow, I felt as though a small portion of that was true. Though, I didn't want to think about that, right now.

"Good, then be a good fag and suck my cock until I shoot down your throat."

He pushed my head back on it. I began bobbing up and down, sucking with all my might. My jaw was sore and aching so much that I thought I might pass out from the pain.

His cock head was sliding in and out of every inch, hitting the back of my throat every time, causing me to gag harder and harder.

Instinctively, and not entirely sure why, I moved my left hand back to his heavy sack and began gently caressing it. I could feel his balls lifting and tensing up. His thrusts grew heavier, and his breathing was intensified. I knew his load would be coming soon.

"You want this cum, bitch?" He demanded an answer.

"Y--Yelsh, Thiir" I mustered to get out once more.

"Fucking take my cock then!" He thrust his cock in and out of me faster and faster, holding a stronger grip on my head than before. "Fucking drink my cum cocksucker!"

With his final degrading message to me, he thrust once more to the back of my throat. I felt his balls lift and his cock twitch as he let out a big gasp and a grunt. He collapsed over my head slightly, pushing my head down to the base and forcing his cum down my throat.

"Take it, bitch!" He repeated.

I couldn't taste much of it, as none of it was hitting my tongue, but I could feel the immensity of it flowing down to my stomach. He must have shot half a pint in me.

I did my very best to swallow it all, hoping none would come up as he pulled out. Thankfully, my best was good enough and not a drop was missed as his cock came thrusting out of me slowly.

"You're not done until you lick my cock clean, fag," he ordered.

I stuck out my tongue again and began licking and sucking around the head, trying to get any more drops of cum I could. I was able to get a small taste of it on my tongue from his piss slit. It tasted salty and sweet at the same time, not something I would be opposed to drinking again in all honesty. I moved my mouth around the top of his long shaft and licked all the way to the base. I then moved around the underside of his cock and did the same there.

Sucking the head once more, he then pushed me off and told me to get up further on my knees. I did as he asked, and he told me to open wide. Again, doing as he said so as to not piss him off, he stuck the tip of his cock back in me.

I had a feeling I knew what was coming but didn't want to believe it.

"Any falls out of your mouth and you're licking it up off the ground. Get that, bitch?"

"Yes, Sir," I nodded.

He let out a sigh of relief as the first stream began hitting my tongue. It was repulsive at first, and I thought I would accidentally retch and spit it all up on him, but I worked through it. Eventually, it started to taste alright and not as bad as before. Still very salty and it had an odd taste to it, but nothing I felt I couldn't handle.

The man could pee for days with how much he was shooting into me. I thought he would literally fill me up by the time he was done.

"Suck it clean and drink every last fucking drop!"

I did as he demanded.

He then pulled out of me, his flaccid cock still almost as big as it was hard.

"Full of my babies and my piss. The perfect fag meal." Him and his friends all laughed at that. He then bent down and stared me right in the eyes. "Remember what you promised me, fag. And remember the consequences." He then turned to Cole and pointed to Alex, still lying on the ground in defeat. "Take that pussy home. Use his mouth if you want but get these two fags apart."

Cole nodded his head and walked over to Alex. He snatched him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him to his feet, pushing him in front. "Get walking, fag!" Cole shouted.

To my knowledge, that was the last I may ever get to see of Alex, and I wasn't even given the chance to say goodbye. The tears began running again.

"Awe, faggy wants to say goodbye to his sissy girlfriend," Cris mocked me. "Very well, go say goodbye then!" Cris kicked me forward.

For once, I actually believed Cris might have the slightest bit of a heart as I tried to get up to give Alex a hug and tell him everything would be okay. All of my spirit was crushed, however, when Cris forced me back to my knees and beckoned for Cole to bring Alex over.

"Fags get to say goodbye to one another in a proper way," he said, spinning Alex around so his backside was facing me. "Now go on, kiss your boyfriend goodbye." The four of them laughed as I was forced to kiss Alex's ass four times.

I had never been more humiliated than I was now. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

Cole pulled Alex and out the gymnasium door the two went.

"I'm not as bad a guy as you think, Arlo," Cris mentioned over to myself. "I don't want to release those videos. Do anything stupid, however, and you'll be forced out of this town for good with nothing in your name." His devilish grin returned. "Taylor, Lucas," he beckoned to his other friends. "Use him however you want then toss him out. I'm going to shower."

End of Chapter 4

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