Forced to Submit

By Alex Dubois

Published on Jun 9, 2022


Forced to Submit

I apologize for this next chapter of "Forced to Submit" taking so long. I was away on holiday but was eager to write it. Thank you all for your patience, and I do hope you enjoy!

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This story is purely a work of fiction. All of the characters are depicted as 18 years old or above. Be advised some of the chapters include consensual-non-consent scenes, homophobic depictions, as well as language some readers may find offensive. Please be aware I do not condone any violence or hatred towards the LGBTQ+ community.

If you are under the age of 18 or it is illegal to read this in your country, please stop now.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, I would love to hear from you! Any dominant alphas are more than welcome to email me in general as well ;)

Chapter 3 --

I stopped my mom's car outside of the diner. My arms were shaking. I could hardly think. Everything had happened so fast, and I didn't know what to do or think of what had just happened back at the school. My mind was replaying everything I had heard.

He couldn't have been cheating on me with that fucker,' was the main thing that kept looping around in my head. He had to have been forced. That's not like him. He wouldn't be doing that willingly.' At this point I was mainly hopeful that what I thought was true.

I decided to try and clear my mind of it by getting back to work. Nothing helped, however. My hands shook from anxiety as I delivered food to tables. I was afraid I'd drop them. My words stumbled over each other as I tried to talk to coworkers and guests alike.

`Only one more hour,' I thought as I began to close up the diner.

When the time came to leave, my mom asked if I would like a ride home. That was something she never asked. I declined, however, as I needed to clear my thoughts. Besides, our house was only a couple of blocks, anyways. Not even sure why she drove in the first place.

Everything replayed itself in my head once more. The sound of Alex bobbing up and down on Cris' cock, the words of Cris and his bully friends humiliating and degrading my boyfriend of three years, and worst of all, the way Alex begged for it all, and sounded genuinely thankful for it.

I didn't believe he'd wanted it truly. I couldn't believe it. My boyfriend, the man who was always faithful, even when our best friend Troy would make passes at him. The same boyfriend that would top me, and in a recent case "dominate" me. It didn't seem real. None of it did.

Alex hadn't even messaged me at all that day. He didn't even reply to my message asking if he wanted to go to Troy's for a movie night tomorrow. That wasn't like him at all.

He must have been forced, then,' I came to conclusion. If he was quiet all day, then something must have been bothering him and this must've been it.'

When I got home I decided to message him one last time: "Not sure why you've been ignoring me all day," I typed. "Can you please let me know you're OK when you see this?"

I put my phone down and got ready for bed.

As I lay there, I couldn't help but think of the events one more time. "Would you like for us to pump your throat full of our kids?" Cris' voice echoed in my head like a drum.

My own cock began hardening as I thought of it. I tried to shake it out of my mind. I didn't want that. Not for me, not for Alex, not for anyone.

Who would want that level of degradation and humiliation willingly?' I couldn't believe Alex wanted that. Yet now, with my cock pressed hard against my sweatpants, I couldn't believe this either. He's just a self-entitled, privileged, cocky asshole. He doesn't deserve anything... So why is my cock so hard?'

I reached into my pants and pulled it out. It was only then that I realized precum soaked my underwear and cock. I tried to make an excuse as to why I had precame so much. `It's from not jerking off the past couple of days,' was the best excuse I could come up with. Deep down, however, I knew I was lying to myself, unsure why.

My right hand softly stroked up and down as I recalled the night again. Hearing Cris' voice, the voice of a jock football player, echo through the walls of that locker room was enough to spew a few more spurts of precum. My cock was soaked by this point.

"Beg for it, bitch." My cock was twitching rapidly, just from those words. "Swallow my cock, you dumb cocksucker."

I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined myself on my knees, taking place of Alex. Looking up at him, seeing his chiseled body, the body sculpted like a Greek God. I stuck my tongue out, imagining it was about to be placed on his (what I imagine to be) beautiful cock.

"Please give it to me, Sir," I moaned, softly.

"Thank me for giving it to you, bitch," his stern, manly voice replied.

"Thank you, Sir!" I said in anticipation.

I could only imagine how good his cum tasted. I had swallowed Alex's on a number of occasions. At first I found it repulsive, but over time I grew to crave it. Now, I found myself craving the taste of another man's cock juice.

I imagined Cris saying a manner of things I normally would find degrading and infuriating; "Suck my cock to the shaft, fag. Worship it like your life depends on it. Make me happy, cocksucker," etc. My mind was flooded with ideas I would have been utterly revolted by only a few days ago, yet here I was jerking my cock off rapidly, nearly ready to explode.

"Be a good fag and make love to your man's cock. That's what you were born to do, bitch."

"Yes, Sir!" I moaned in response. "Thank you, Sir." My dick was pulsing like never before. I don't believe I had ever precame as much as I was now. I was repeating the words "Thank you, Sir" over and over, imagining his cock pushing deep into my throat, making me gag and tear up. I said it once more as my cock finally let go and shot a massive wad of cum past my shoulder and onto the headboard behind me once again. My orgasms were never this intense.

After a few moments I sighed as I wasn't sure what I had just done. I almost immediately felt repulsed by Cris and his flock of ill-brained boys once more. The thought of him made me sick to my stomach. `Then why were you so turned on by him a moment ago?' I wondered.

I put that thought behind me, cleaned myself up and crawled into bed.

When I woke, I received two messages from Alex. "Hey babe, I'm really sorry about last night. I was going through a lot with my dad and needed some space. I hope you can forgive me for not replying?" I scoffed at that. The next message read: "I will be at Troy's tonight. Are you coming?"

I decided to wait a bit to reply to that. I got dressed, ate breakfast, then pondered over what I was going to do that afternoon before going to Troy's. I had the day off, which seemed to be a bit unusual for me as I didn't get that much anymore. I decided to put on the tv and play some video games.

After about an hour of doing so I received another text from Troy: "Movie night at my place, be here at five and bring booze." He said with a winky face emoji.

I smiled at that and replied with: "Will be there babes!"

I then decided it was time to reply to Alex's message: "It's okay, babe. I understand. I hope you're feeling better today. Meet at my place for four to walk over to Troy's?"

I felt it might be better to wait to talk about this with Alex. He did seem a bit bothered yesterday. Perhaps he was telling the truth, and maybe that as well as the trauma he was put through with Cris added more heartache to his day. I still wanted to bring it up but needed to wait for the right time.

He quickly responded with "Perfect, I'll see you then!" And a heart emoji.

Not long after; however, I received an email from an unknown address that was blocked. It arrived in my junk email, which was something I refreshed often as I was never sure if I'd get important emails through there or not.

I opened the email, which read: "Your bf loves our cocks."

My heart sank again, and I felt as though I might pass out. Tears immediately began streaming down my face as there was a picture attached with the email. The picture showed my boyfriends face, tears flowing down his sides, his hair tangled and in a mess, and spit coming out of the edges of his mouth. His face was full of something else. Eight big cocks, most of which were cut, and two uncut, gathered around in a circle, covering my boyfriend's spit-covered face, with one of them stuffed inside his mouth.

I was no longer able to stand and fell flat onto the couch behind me in tears. I was so conflicted in my thoughts. On one hand, I had literally just shot one of my biggest loads imagining me in his place, and on the other, I was repulsed, infuriated, and heartbroken by what I was gazing upon.

One of the dicks in the picture was hidden. It must have belonged to the person that took the picture, as the camera was facing right down onto it, square and centre. That cock was buried right in my boyfriend's mouth, all the way to the base.

It must have been the smallest one,' I tried to make some twisted light of the situation. This guy clearly wanted to hide it from the pic, and obviously it's not big enough for Alex, either. He even gags and can't swallow my own 6" member fully.'

Saying that to myself didn't help to calm me in the slightest.

I tried replying to the email: "Who the fuck are you, asshole? Delete this picture NOW!" I hit send, but quickly received an automated response saying it could not be delivered.

I wanted to break my phone; I was so mad. I didn't want to believe he was cheating on me. I couldn't believe such a thing. He was so loyal, loving, and caring. I never gave him blue balls or anything like that, and I always tried to make our dates special. He had to have been forced to do that, there was no other way!

At the same as my wholeheartedly raging and heartbroken emotions, I couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of jealousy as well. I tried to hide those feelings and decided it would be best to forget about this and focus on my video game until Alex arrived in a few hours.

It was four-thirty by the time he got to my place. I answered the door almost as fast as he had knocked.

He gave me a big grin when he saw me and went to put his arms around me in an embrace. "I missed you," he stated, as though nothing had happened.

I wasn't sure how to act. I didn't smile, and sort-of just stood there as he hugged me tightly. He planted a kiss on my cheek and looked me in the eyes.

"What?" He asked, playfully. "You didn't miss me?"

I grinned as well, slightly, and looked down. "I did." I wanted to bring it up right away, but I knew now was not the right time. "We should get going if we're going to be at Troy's for five. Want to stop at the convenience store and buy some booze on our way?"

"No need to," he said, holding up a case of beer. "I'm twenty-one now, remember?" He winked at me.

"Thank you for doing that. Even if it is beer," I laughed, knowing Alex knew I despised beer.

The walk went well, actually. It was as though nothing had happened. We discussed my work for a bit, then I asked him what was going on with him and his dad.

"He wants me to go to school in the fall."

"Alex, that's amazing! Did he say if he'd help pay for it?"

"He wants me to go to school HERE in the fall," he stated, putting emphasis on `here'.

We didn't have a college or university in our town. The closest was about half an hour away. That was the same university Cris planned to attend.

"Oh," I said, somewhat disappointed. "Well are you going to?" I asked.

"I told him no. I don't want to go there, they don't have a theatre program, and you and I both want to get into that... together."

"Theatre school could take ages to save up for, Alex."

"Yes, but at least I'd be doing something I love and not what my father wants me to do."

"What does he want you to do?" I asked, expecting to hear something neither of us wanted Alex to get a degree in.

"He wants me to get a bachelor's degree in religious studies so I can become a pastor like him," he sighed.

I knew it would be something neither of us wanted.

"Was he upset at you telling him no?" I half-knew the answer.

"Of course he was. It's my father, one of the biggest assholes in this shithole of a town. I don't want to be a fucking pastor, Arlo. You know that. And I think you don't want that for me, either. But I have a plan to get us both out of here, and soon."

My ears peaked as he said that. "What plan, Arlo?" I believed I already knew of what he spoke.

"Don't worry about it, babe," he said, planting a kiss on my cheek and beckoning for me to go in front of him as we began walking up the pathway to Troy's family home.

I grew slightly annoyed at that. He was avoiding the question on purpose.

Troy greeted us in his flamboyant, sassy-as-always fashion. He wore a mesh tank top, had beads draped around his neck, and skin-tight ripped jeans. "Hey fags and fag-ets," he shouted for the whole neighborhood to hear.

Alex wanted to punch him for shouting that so loudly. "Troy, keep your voice down!"

"Oh relax, girl! My mama already know you two beatin' each other's assholes, and no one else gon' care around here."

We couldn't help but smile as he embraced the two of us at the door. As annoying and obnoxious as he could be, Troy was our best friend. Well, he was originally Alex's best friend, but being a year younger than Alex and a year older than myself, he was my last and only friend in high school after Alex graduated two years before me.

When we got inside, Troy's mom was in the kitchen ready to welcome us as well. "Here's my two other sons'!" She said, gleefully. In a way, Mrs. Devin's was like the mother I never had. Her and I even had a few heart-to-hearts on occasion. Something my mother and I never had. "Where you two been?" She approached the two of us ready to give us both one of her famous bear hugs.

"Hi Mrs. Devin's, how are you?" I said, warmly embracing her in return.

"Arlo, how many times do I have to ask you to call me Maya?" She planted a kiss on both our cheeks.

Troy's family of three didn't have much, at least in comparison to my mother and I. He had a younger sister that was always out with her friends. His dad had also passed away when he was younger, which is why we connected so much. The three-bedroom home was a bit rundown, but Mrs. Devin's kept it neat and organized.

After catching up with her for a bit, and her sharing a drink with us, she said she'd let us be and went for her room. Troy put the latest superhero movie on Netflix, and we all cuddled together on the couch.

After about an hour or so into the movie, Alex gazed down at his phone. I tried my best to pretend I didn't notice, but I wanted nothing more than to snatch it out of his hands.

"I'm really sorry guys, but I have to go!" He said as he sat up and began putting his jacket around each arm.

"You just got here!" Troy protested.

"I know, but my dad needs me back home. I promise I'll make it up to you!"

"Alex, I thought you told your parents you were going to be out late?" I asked, suspiciously.

"I tried, but you know my dad, Arlo."

He put his shoes on in a hurry and headed out the door, not so much as to even look back at us.

"Men..." Troy said, sarcastically as he rolled his eyes and hit the play button.

"I've, uh, got to go as well. I'm sorry, Troy!" I put my jacket on and ignored Troy's protests.

"What about our movie night?" He exclaimed.

"I promise we'll make it up to you, Troy!" I genuinely felt terrible for leaving him. I hadn't seen him in a while and was looking forward to what used to be a regular occasion for the three of us. But I knew where Alex was headed off to and I had to stop him.

He seemed annoyed but just said, "Alright, well wear protection babes."

I snickered at that. "We're not going to fuck, if that's what you think."


"I promise, Troy, that's not what we're doing!"

"Well if you're gonna leave me then at least make it worth it and have some fun." He crossed his arms and began to pout.

I wanted to stay and carry out the rest of the night, but I didn't have long. Alex could have actually gone home, but I figured he was heading to the school again and I planned on catching him before that.

"We WILL make it up to you, Troy, I promise," I said, closing the door behind me and running down the street after my boyfriend.

I couldn't find him along the way but ran in the direction of the school. I wasn't sure what I was going to do when I caught up to him, but I knew I needed to stop him.

When I arrived at the school, I could see the football team was at their practice again. Just then, I could also see Alex walking into the gymnasium side-entrance with the door propped open.

I ran as fast as I could, hoping to beat him to the locker rooms. As I entered the gym, Alex's hand was placed on the locker room door, ready to head inside.

"Alex, wait!" I called after him.

I could tell his heart jumped out of his chest as he heard that. Startled, he turned back. "Arlo, what are you doing here! D--Did you follow me??" He seemed upset.

"Alex, I know what you're going to do," I said, matter-of-factly. "Please don't," I was pleading. "We will find another way to get the money for theatre school! Don't lower yourself to his level."

"Arlo, you don't understand," his eyes began to tear up. "I can't leave."

I stared at him for a moment, unsure of what he meant by that. I went to speak up, but just then a familiar, evil voice was heard entering the gym.

Cris was laughing with his teammates as three others walked behind him. He stopped laughing when he noticed the two of us together.

"Well, well, well..." he said, ominously. "I could handle one fag being here, but not two. Here to suck our cocks as well, boy?" He was looking at me.

"Fuck you, Cris!" I spat. "Neither of us are going to be your punching bags anymore. I don't care who you or your father are, you don't get to treat us like this!"

Him and his teammates laughed. "You just don't get life, do you? Dropped on your head too many times as a baby, huh fag?" The four of them approached us. "Let me tell you a little something, bitch-boy. You don't get to talk to ME or any of my friends that way. You don't get to disrespect us, because we fucking own you, your wimp of a boyfriend, and even your worthless diner your mother is so proud of."

I felt a spur of rage coarse its way through my body. "Go to hell, you privileged asshole!"

"Arlo, please!" Alex pleaded with me to stop.

"No, Alex!" I spat back at him. "He needs to learn he can't walk his way through life and continue to abuse people!"

"Woah woah woah!" Cris looked at me confused. "I don't abuse PEOPLE. I abuse FAGS!" He was right at my face now.

"Shut the fuck up!" With as much might as I possibly could muster, I punched him right in his stomach.

He didn't even move an inch. In fact, it even seemed to cause a bit of soreness in my knuckles. He only stood there and laughed.

"Go on, fag, try again," he tempted.

I looked up at him with disgust. My arms flew at him again, this time trying to push him back. He didn't budge an inch.

His friends were all laughing at me, and I could tell even Alex looked a little embarrassed by it.

"I'll let you in on a little secret, okay boy?" He crouched down to face me. "Never go against someone twice your size." He then grabbed me and spun me around, pulling me into him and squeezing. I felt as though my ribs were going to break into a million little pieces. I could hardly breathe at his hold on me.

"Pl.. please Cris," I managed to muster out of me.

"Please what, bitch?" I could tell he was feeling a bit outraged at my attempt to harm him.

"Pl- please stop."

He threw me to the ground.

"Grab him," he said to his friends. Cole approached me and took hold of me as I looked upon Cris now walking towards my boyfriend.

"You're going to see how I really abuse your kind," he said. "Make sure he sees all of this."

Without saying anything, Alex dropped to his knees, tears coming down the side of his face. He stared up at his abuser, with puppy dog eyes.

"Open, fag!" Cris' voice bellowed across the room.

Alex opened his mouth. Cris bent over slightly and spat right into his mouth. Closing his mouth and swallowing, Alex then thanked him for the abusive action Cris just took upon him.

"Down," he ordered my boyfriend.

Alex knelt to the floor and began kissing Cris' white cleats.

"Lick `em, faggot."

Alex's tongue began moving up and down the right shoe, even rubbing it over the areas with dirt and grass stuck to it. Cris moved his head forward slightly and spat down onto the same shoe. Alex moved his tongue over it as fast as he could, swallowing every bit of it.

Tears were rapidly coming down my face. A range of emotions ran through my head; anger, sadness, frustration, and even... jealousy? No. Not that one. I wanted nothing more than to see Cris beaten to a pulp right now.

"See, Arlo," he began. "Your faggy boyfriend here isn't doing this because I'm forcing him to. He enjoys worshipping me, because unlike you, he knows his place in this world."

"You goddamn liar!" I shouted at him, trying to break free of my captor holding tightly to my arms he had placed behind my back.

"You still don't believe me? Look at me, cunt," he was talking to Alex. Alex looked right into his eyes. "Am I forcing you?" Alex looked over at me, unsure what to do or say. "Did I say you could look over at him, fag?" Cris shouted forcefully.

"N- No, Sir," Alex stumbled.

"Then fucking tell me."

"No, you aren't forcing me, Sir."

Cris smirked at me.

"I don't believe you, Cris. You're forcing him, I know you are!"

He only laughed at me again. "What more do you want the fag to say?"

Alex looked back over at me, sadness in his eyes. "It's true, Arlo. He's not forcing me." He looked down. "I wanted this."

I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I could barely even think. My head was racing so fast with so many different thoughts. `How could he do this to me?'

"You see, fag, you're all the same," Cris mentioned in a manipulative tone. "Your little wimpy boyfriend here came to me a few months ago begging for me to give him a loan so you two could prance away to fairyland or wherever the fuck you want to go."

Cris' teammates laughed at that.

"He expected I would just give it to him. Now which one of us is the privileged one then, huh?" He used his left cleat to push Alex's head back down onto the right shoe and Alex continued making love to it. "I'm a good man, however, and I knew this boy had to be taught that nothing comes free in life. I figured it would be a win-win for him, so I proposed he suck my cock when my actual bitches aren't around to give it to me. And in return I'd give him what he asked for. But you see, Arlo, your pussy boyfriend was just too much fun to punch around, so I've decided to make him work a bit harder for it."

I was balling at this point. I wanted to leave, I wanted to turn away and run back to my house and cry myself to sleep.

"Only thing is, your boyfriend actually started to enjoy it. Aren't I right, fag?"

Alex nodded his head up and down as much he could.

"He's been coming here almost every night to stuff his face full of as much cock as he can. He's grown quite good at it, too."

I tried to break free, but Coles arms were too strong for me to even budge a little.

"OK that's enough, bitch!" Cris shouted at him, kicking him off his feet. Cris then walked up to me, grabbing hold of my face, and forcing me to look right at him. "Don't act as if you didn't wish you were in his position."

I looked down towards my feet.

"Tell you what then, you submit to me as well and I'll rethink Alex's proposition to give you two a loan so you can get the fuck out of my town."

I ignored him. No way in hell was I going to give this bully what he wanted. I may have had different feelings about him when I was in private, but this asshole didn't deserve any of this.

I felt a slap as hard as a bullet train hit my face. I think I may have even seen stars. I tried to regain myself, but Cris grabbed my face once more.

"You answer me when I'm talking to you, do you understand that bitch?" He shouted. I continued to ignore him, not wanting to give into his wicked games.

He raised his hand to bring it against my cheek once more. "Wait! Wait, please! Don't do this, Cris." I was sobbing, fearful he might break my jaw with a second slap.

"You have to learn to respect your superiors, so either you submit to me, or I send your beloved boyfriend to the hospital..."

I looked up at him, the same puppy dog eyes that Alex portrayed moments before were now strewn upon mine own.

"Beating you up would be too easy. Let's see how you do watching a fellow fag get the life beaten out of it."

Alex began to whimper, fearful of what Cris could do to him. Seeing as Cris was nearly twice my height, packed with muscle, and practically raised to beat other guys that challenged him, I figured Alex wouldn't last two seconds. As angry as I was with him for what he had done and how unfaithful he was to me, it was the last thing I wanted for him.

"Not Alex," I protested. "Beat me up, I don't care! Just don't touch him!"

I could see this was adding the fuel to Cris' fire that kept his sadistic touch to him. He was grinning, probably thinking that was exactly what he wanted to hear. He ignored my arguments. "Drop to your knees and begin worshipping me or watch as my teammates break every bone in his body."

I couldn't do as he said. I could not bring myself to even want to touch him. I knew now that my fantasy thoughts last night were just that: a fantasy. The real man standing in front of me; the sick, twisted, hallow-hearted bully that towered over me was so much worse than I ever imagined.

Knowing that it would have been Cris' teammates Lucas and Taylor doing the beating on Alex, I thought maybe he'd have a better chance. Cris would have shown no mercy, but at least those two showed me mercy in the past when they would beat me in high school.

"What's it going to be?" he demanded a response.

I looked at my feet again, and solemnly I replied. "Don't you dare touch him!" I looked at Cris and spat at him right in his handsome, devilish face.

Furious, he snapped his fingers and Taylor, and Lucas ran over to Alex, kicking him on the ground, and punching him in his stomach. Cris, in his own rage, pushed Cole off of me and pulled me into him, squeezing the life out of me once more.

"You chose wrong, dumbass." I could hardly breathe. "How do you think your lover boy is going to like you now that you've just sent him to a week in the hospital?"

My heart skipped a beat. How could I have done that? Why didn't I just do as Cris said? "Cris, no! Please! I'm sorry! Please, stop hurting him!" I was struggling with all of my might to break free. Alex was in pain, curled into a ball on the ground with his arms covering his head. "Please, you'll kill him!" I begged for them to stop.

"You know what to do to get us to stop, boy!"

I knew what I had to do, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Don't do it, Arlo!" Alex screamed as he was kicked in his stomach. "I'll be... fine! Just get out of here!"

"Someone shut that fag up, will you?" Cris bellowed. He leaned down and whispered into my ear. "You're not going anywhere until you drop to your knees and show me the fucking respect I deserve."

I had never hated anyone more than I did this man. Kicking at his shins was no use in my attempt for him to let me go.

"Say you submit, and I'll let you go."

It was the only way. I couldn't stand the sight of these bullies hurting my boyfriend anymore. I thought I could do this one time and then I'd be free to run away. Just once and it would be over with.

"Okay!" I shouted. "Okay, I submit! Please, stop hurting him!"

"Please, what?" There he went asking for me to call him the same thing as he did back in the diner.

I cried in defeat. "Please, Sir! Stop them from hurting Alex!"

He nodded his head, and the two jocks walked away as Alex remained curled in a ball on the floor.

"Then get on your FUCKING knees and start worshipping me, faggot!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I wanted to run to Alex to check and see if he was OK. How could I be so stupid as to allow them to do that. I had no choice but to drop to my knees in front of the man I loathed so much.

I looked up at him, with those same puppy dog eyes. It was like standing at the foot of a skyscraper, trying to see the top. He towered over me in his football uniform.

"You have no idea how much your life is about to change. BOTH of your lives," he said, gazing over at Alex as well. "Now get your face in my crotch and start sniffing."

End of Chapter 3

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Next: Chapter 4

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