Forced to Submit

By Alex Dubois

Published on May 30, 2022


Forced to Submit

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This story is purely a work of fiction. All of the characters are depicted as 18 years old or above. Be advised some of the chapters include consensual-non-consent scenes, homophobic depictions, as well as language some readers may find offensive. Please be aware I do not condone any violence or hatred towards the LGBTQ+ community.

If you are under the age of 18 or it is illegal to read this in your country, please stop now. If you have any feedback, I would love to hear from you! Any dominant alphas are more than welcome to email me in general as well ;)

Chapter 2 --

My boyfriend's sweat was dripping onto me as I held onto him tightly. His cock was still buried deep inside of me, pulsing more cum into my hole. The both of us were panting together. My hand was caressing his back, moving from his slightly hairy ass, up to his neck and back. He pushed in me once more and I moaned slightly. He then looked at me and said, "your turn, babe?" with a smile.

He began to pull out slowly as I squeezed my hole tight again as to not let his cum drip out.

I shook my head no in response to him. "I wanted this to be all about you on your birthday," I smiled back at him. In truth, however, I actually wanted to jerk off on my own once he left. Seeing Cris in my mind had driven my thoughts crazy. I wanted to explore it further to see if maybe it would go away once I finished.

"Are you sure?" Alex asked, reaching down to grab onto my own pulsing member.

I moaned a bit but put my hand over his and shook my head `no' once more. "I'm okay, babe." I kissed him intently on his lips, then one on both cheeks. "Let's wash up and make that pizza I promised you."

When we got into the shower, he began placing soap on my backside. While he began spreading it across my ass cheeks, my head was flooding with questions.

"Do you like being called sir?" was the first thing that I blurted out, fortuitously.

He looked at me for a moment, surprised. "I'm not really sure," he replied. "You appeared to have enjoyed it, and that turned me on seeing you like that. So I decided to take it a step further and call you my bitch." He winked at me and licked his lips lustfully.

I laughed and planted another kiss on his cheek. "It's just that we've never talked to each other like that before and I'm not sure where it came from."

He looked down. "I'm not really sure either. I guess it's just something I've seen in porn and wanted to try with you. The name calling that is." He paused. "Did you enjoy it?"

I looked at him. "I think I did. Maybe I was just enjoying it because you seemed to like it as well." I tried to make up an excuse.

Our sex life, though rare, was very vanilla up until this point. He would usually start by sucking me, then I would do the same to him, and at some point he'd either rim me or have me sit on him and ride him for a bit. We would sometimes change positions, however, most of the time we would stay in one until one or both of us came. Tonight was different. It was wilder.

I decided not to press the matter any longer. We finished in the shower, dried ourselves and went out into the kitchen after we finished getting dressed. I grabbed my shirt that was on the kitchen countertop from when we started and made sure to put it on properly this time. Just as I did that, my mother walked in through the door. She did not appear to be impressed that Alex was over this late, especially since it was only him and I at home.

"Alex, your parents will be wondering where you are. You may want to get going soon." She didn't care that his parents may have been wondering about him. He's twenty-one years of age and well capable of taking care of himself. She said that because she didn't want him around. My mom never outright talked about it; however, I believe she didn't care much for gays. And I'm quite certain she knew about me and Alex being together.

"We were just going to have cake for his birthday and then I will walk him home," I replied.

"He can pack it in a container and walk home on his lonesome. It's a quiet neighborhood, I'm sure he's old enough to walk himself."

I went to say something, but Alex interrupted. "Thank you for the service tonight, Ms. Greene. Your son and I had a good time." He grabbed the cake from the counter and went to put his shoes on.

How I wanted to scream at her for that. She didn't even wish him a happy birthday. Why was she so cold-hearted?

I stood next to Alex while he put his shoes on. "Thanks for coming over. I'm sorry again about dinner. And well... you know what else," I laughed, rolling my eyes over at my mother who was hanging up her work uniform in the utility closet.

"I had a wonderful night, Arlo," he quickly planted a kiss on my right cheek without her noticing. "And thank you so much for the tickets. You have no idea how excited I am to go and see that with you." With that, he turned and began walking down the steps and onto the sidewalk.

When I closed the door I knew I had to say something to her. "What was that?" I inquired, begrudgingly.

She turned her head with indignation. "Excuse me?"

"You couldn't have even wished him a happy birthday? He tries to be kind to you, you know. The least you can do is show him some respect."

"The same respect you show me by inviting your friend over to fuck under my roof?" She spat back at me.

I was caught off guard by that. Was she guessing or did she know?

"Mom, Alex and I are just friends, I've told you! He's my best friend and I think he deserves a bit of respect from you! It's more than I get from you." I can tell she didn't like that. "What was that at the restaurant, anyways? You could see they were the ones that chose to cause problems with me and Alex, not the other way around."

"If you only knew how to keep your mouth shut and respect your superiors, then maybe it wouldn't have escalated to that point."

"My superiors? You must be joking. Cris and his group of ingrates are not my superiors."

She rolled her eyes. "Arlo, do you think we're wealthy?"

I couldn't tell if she had changed the subject. "What?" I answered abruptly, and with confusion in my voice.

"I said do you think we are a wealthy family" I found it hard to believe she'd even consider us a family. More like housemates living in contempt of one another. "Do you not know which family runs this town? Hell, probably even the state?"

I still couldn't tell if she was changing the subject or if this had some correlation to our discussion moments before. "Yes, mom. The Marks family," I had said that with impudence. Talking of Cris, even with the thoughts I had had prior that evening, still made me cringe at the very mention of his family name.

"And do you believe continuously disrespecting that boy and his friends will get you anywhere in life?" She looked at me as though I didn't know anything at all in this world. "I know how he talks to you. I know what his friends do to you. I know they took the food you ordered for their own then made Alex pay for it."

Wait, what? Did Alex pay for their meals? Was that what he was doing standing at the counter when he said he had to use the washroom before we left? I felt a sudden bit of rage but decided not to let my mom see it.

She continued: "You're still healthy and alive," I sneered at that. Physically I believed I was healthy, though mentally not so much. Mostly due to her parenting skills. "If those boys want to continue to call you names, so what? You're going to ruin any chances of ever getting a real job in this town just because they hurt your feelings?"

This was how she always talked to me. There was no support from her. "I find it funny that you still believe I'll be looking for work here for the rest of my life. Once Alex and I have enough money we'll be getting as far away from here as possible."

"Good, then," she stated, almost enthusiastically. "But come fall, if you haven't moved out or started a real job, I'll start charging rent." She turned and walked to her bedroom.

I was glad the conversation was over. I put away the cake we never got to eat and went for my room as well. My mind began racing with so many thoughts. I knew I couldn't stay at that diner for longer than I had already been there. Within the few weeks of working there since graduation my relationship with my mom had drastically deteriorated. We never got along extremely well beforehand; however, I originally believed working together may have brought us closer. Not that I cared, but it would have been nice not to be at each other's throats all the time. I was wrong on that endeavour.

I still didn't have enough to move out for September, and August was approaching. My plan with Alex was to save a couple thousand each by working all summer, then move out together until we could save enough to apply for theatre school.

How I envied Cris when it came to his financial situation. His family owns a farm-equipment manufacturing company that's worth hundreds of millions. It's the reason our town exists. From what I understand, it was cheaper to build the factories about thirty minutes from the nearest city, so they built our town around it. Cris' grandfather started the company, and if I understood correctly, Cris would be going to university in September in the city closest to us to get his business and marketing degree and one day take over his parents' roles as CEO.

He doesn't have to work a day in his life, and he gets everything for free,' I thought. Meanwhile I bust my ass while he enjoys his summer football league just for him to take my food that we worked hard for. And worse, for Alex to pay for it?' I began to feel outraged at that again.

I immediately pulled out my phone and began typing out my frustration with Alex. We didn't even get to eat the food, and he thought it was okay to pay for those fuckers and the food they ate?

As I was about to hit send, I remembered it was his birthday and did not want to upset him. I figured it was best to bring it up later.

I decided to go to bed. As I lay down my thoughts began drifting to Cris again. I hated the man with a passion. Faint memories of our high school days together drifted through my mind at first. The way he'd find every way possible to make sure I hated school and my life. How could one person be so cruel, yet have so much?

When my brain said that I felt my cock twitch slightly. I remembered closing my eyes as Alex penetrated my hole and seeing Cris stare back at me. His square jaw, those crystal blue eyes, the curls of his hair. All of him was stuck in my mind like glue. Yes, he's handsome,' I thought, but he's still a privileged asshole.' My cock twitched further. `I'm only attracted to his face, not how he acts or who he is.'

I pulled my boxers down a tad and reached for the lube I had in the drawer next to my bed. I first opened my phone and began looking at pictures of Alex he had sent to me a few months ago. His hand was over his hard dick in them, jerking it upwards, as his heavy balls drove up with it. My thoughts changed, and my head began to swoon as I thought of looking at Cris once more.

I knew I shouldn't have but I looked him up online next and found his Facebook page. The first pic on his profile was of him shirtless on a beach.

`How did I not notice how ripped he was before?' I asked myself.

His body was sculpted like a Greek God. His dark nipples were about the size of a quarter, and his pecs bulged out of his chest. I would imagine grabbing onto them would be like holding onto the smoothest, softest rocks your hands could touch. His abs were well defined. He did well in this picture to accentuate his upper torso. His shoulders were broad, his biceps round and muscular. There wasn't a single bit of fat I could see on this man. He wasn't bulky, nor did he look like an extreme body builder by any means. He was just a perfect specimen of a human, and yet I hated him for all he had done to me in the past. That hate somehow turned to lust as I began jerking my hand up and down on my now-lubed six-inch cock.

I'm only jerking off at the sight of him,' I tried to justify what I was doing to myself. He's just sexy, that doesn't change my thoughts on who he is.' I closed my eyes and began imagining it was him behind me instead of Alex tonight. `How could I betray my boyfriend in my thoughts like this?'

I pushed that out of my head and returned to Cris. I imagined him sliding his hand over my chest and flicking my nipple with his index finger as he pushed inside me with his thick cock. How I could only imagine how big it must be.

Take my cock, bitch,' I heard his voice say in my thoughts. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed my boyfriend saying that to me until now. I wanted him to call me his bitch. Maybe I even wanted Cris to say it? No, you just like his body, that's all.'

I returned my eyes to his photo. I gazed at his swimwear. He wore bright red swim shorts that soaked onto his lower body. I tried to look closer. I couldn't believe my eyes when I noticed the imprint of his dick hanging against his right thigh. I couldn't tell if he was hard or not. The thing was massive. I almost hoped for whatever chick he was fucking that his cock was hard in that picture, otherwise he could tear them apart if it got any bigger. It had to be 7" easily. Perhaps even 8?

That got my mind racing again. I pictured myself laying on my back, my legs spread wide, and my hole begging to be penetrated. "Please fuck me, Sir," I whispered. My cock was pulsing so much precum onto my hand. I don't believe it had ever been this wet from jerking off before. "Please fuck my tight hole with your big cock."

I imagined him holding my legs back as he aimed his love stick right at my hole. His thick cock teased me, pushing the head against it, spreading as much precum as he could.

"I need your cum, Sir. Please give it to me." Until this night, I had never whispered to myself while jerking off before.

His cock entered and I found myself jerking rapidly, building to a climax. I couldn't hold out much longer. I was begging for it harder, hoping maybe I would open my eyes and see him there. His heavy balls hung low and smacked against my ass as he pushed deeper inside me, stretching me with his baby maker.

I felt a rush of embarrassment and humiliation as my thoughts drifted to him spitting at me as his cock lay buried deep in me. `Did I like it when he spat at me at the diner?' I asked myself. I imagined him doing it again. My cock was on the very edge of exploding.

`I'm going to own this hole, bitch. You're mine!'

`Yes, please own me Sir! Fuck me whenever you please!'

The first volley of cum spattered against the headboard, nearly hitting my face. I began shooting rapidly, thinking of him finishing in me at the same time. I spent the next few minutes lying on my bed, wondering what just happened.

How could I have jerked off to the thought of another man fucking me on my boyfriend's birthday, and to Cristian Marks of all people? In my sudden guilt and shame, I also felt a sense of jealousy and hopelessness... It was only a fantasy.

I grabbed a dirty shirt off the floor and used it to wipe my own cum off myself before going straight to bed.

The next day I woke to a message from Troy asking if I wanted to have a movie night with Alex and himself this weekend. That gave me something to look forward to.

I messaged Alex next and told him of the plan. He responded abruptly with an "OK". That was the first time he had ever sent me such an unresponsive, almost callous message. Had I done something wrong? Obviously I knew last night wasn't perfect for either of us, though I didn't believe any of it was my fault. Did he somehow know about my thoughts surrounding Cris?

"Everything OK?" I sent.

No response.

I decided not to think too much of it and get myself ready for work. I was working a late shift tonight, with my mom. Nothing ever prepared me enough for these kinds of nights.

The night went fairly smooth, however. Neither Cris nor his idiot friends came in to eat that night, which was a huge relief. I didn't know if I'd be able to look at him again after what I pondered over last night.

At around 7PM my mom came to me and informed me I was to be delivering a large order of burgers and fries to the local high school.

"But we don't do delivery," I stated.

"We do if Mr. Marks orders it," she declared.

I felt my face go red when she said the last name. `Mr. Marks as in the father or the son?' I thought.

"He's ordered the football league's meal tonight for when they finish practice. Take my car, and don't be too long. I still need you to close up."

There were 28 meals in total. I was hoping, slightly, that all of it would become cold or soggy by the time we arrived. I hated most of the players on that team. Most of them graduated with me, or a couple years before.

When I arrived at the football field, I met Mr. Marks, the CEO of `Marks Farming Equipment'. He was just as tall as his son and appeared just as athletically inclined. For a man of nearly fifty, he definitely was handsome. His hair, though much shorter than Cris', was the same color. Not a speck of grey was to be seen upon it.

"Hi--uh, Mr. Marks, right?" I asked shyly.

"Yes, kid. Put everything inside the locker rooms," he said, while not paying much attention to me. He handed me a set of keys I assumed unlocked the doors to the school. His gaze was focused on the boys practicing for their next game.

That's strange,' I thought. There are only about a dozen players on the field. I thought there were nearly thirty?' Cris wasn't anywhere to be seen either. I was relieved of that.

I pulled my mom's vehicle which held the dinner contents for our towns' "heroes" next to the entrance to the school gymnasium. Before going inside I opened my phone to see if I had received a reply from Alex. It had been almost the entire day since his very brief text that morning. There was nothing. I sent him another message: "Mind if I call you tonight?"

I waited a couple of minutes and still, nothing. `Whatever,' I thought. I then went to unlock the door that led into the gymnasium, which would then take me to the men's locker room.

My heart was beating fast. I never thought I'd ever have to step foot in this hellhole again, but here I was. I swung the heavy door open and placed a rock at its foot so as to hold it from closing. I knew I'd have to make a few trips with the amount of food that was to be placed in the locker room.

I grabbed the first few boxes and began walking towards a door with the sign that said "Men" in gold letters. If any town knew how to place subliminal messages of misogyny within it, it was ours. The "Women's" bathroom door sign was painted grey with the paint stripping off. I shook my head at that and went to push the door open with my back, as my hands were full.

When the door propped open slightly, I stopped. I could hear faint voices coming from within the locker room. My heart stopped when I realized it was Cris'.

"You're going to have to learn to respect us a lot more if you want that money so badly, cunt," I heard his voice say sternly.

There was a pause and then the sound of a rough-hitting slap echoing through the walls. A faint moan in pain followed.

"Fucking fag's a freak. He doesn't deserve to kiss our feet." That voice wasn't Cris'. I believed it to be Lucas', one of his best friends.

I felt bad for whichever poor soul was forced to this level of humility. I had been in that place far too many times before. I wanted to leave immediately, but somehow my body wouldn't move. I couldn't tell if I was paralyzed because I was afraid of making noise, leading to me being discovered and taking place of whomever was being tortured. Perhaps I was also curious. Curious to see if I might be able to help, or curious to find out who it was.

I placed the boxes to my left, next to the doorway and pulled out my phone to record the audio. If anything, I might get video or audio evidence of Cris' assault, which I might be able to take into the police to put an end to his tyranny. I doubted if the local sheriff would even do anything about it in this town.

I held the door open slightly and began listening once more.

I could hear what sounded like spit flying out of people's mouths aggressively. I could only imagine the amount of humiliation and agony this person was going through. I wanted to help, but knowing how yesterday went, I'd only get myself in worse trouble.

"I didn't hear a `thank you', bitch!" Cris bellowed.

"Thank you, Sirs." I froze in place when I heard the voice. It couldn't be. It had to be someone else. There was no way Alex was the one being humiliated and tortured.

"Thank us for what?" One of Cris' other teammates, Taylor, beckoned.

"Thank you for giving me your spit, and for allowing me to worship you."

My eyes began watering as I discovered, without a doubt, that it was my boyfriend thanking these assholes for making his life unbearable at this moment.

"You still think you deserve my money that my father works so hard for, do you, bitch?" Cris said as I could hear heavy-hitting slaps upon Alex's face once more.

"Mhmm," he whimpered in reply.

There had to have been at least a dozen guys there, standing around, humiliating my boyfriend, as a roar of laughter echoed through the locker room at that response.

"You don't deserve anything, bitch!" Even when Cris used to bully and harass me, he had never sounded as aggressive as he did right now. "You came to me, begging for money so you could escape this town. At first I thought I could make you work for it for a bit. Now I realize you're far too much fun to abuse. I don't think I can ever let you leave."

Did Alex go to Cris asking for money for him to leave this forsaken town? Even if it meant the level of torture he would have to endure for God knows how long? Even if he was doing it for that reason, it didn't lessen the tears streaming down my face.

"Please, Sirs," Alex begged, "I am begging you to allow me this opportunity. You have every word that all of it will be paid back in full, with interest. I can't afford school by working on my own and I--"

A hard thump could be heard around the corner from where I imagined they all stood. It sounded as though someone (most likely Cris) had punched him. "I don't want to hear it. You know your worth, fag, and it's not receiving gifts from me. You're lucky enough I'm even spending my time that I could be resourcefully using to practice for our game tomorrow on you. You don't deserve to even see day light. Such a pathetic, worthless little pussy."

The team roared with laughter again.

"Let's just let the fag suck our cocks then get back to it," Taylor recommended.

It took a few seconds before Cris spoke up. "Would you like that, fag?" He asked. "Would you like for use to pump your throat full of our kids?"

"Y--Yes Sir," I heard him whimper in response.

"Well then beg for it, bitch. You know the drill."

`Drill? Has he done this before?' I shivered at the thought.

"Pl--Please use my throat for your pleasure, Sir's. Please make this fag happy with your cum."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The way he said it, it sounded as though he actually wanted it.

"I don't care what makes you happy, bitch. Open wide."

I could hear a pair of pants come down and soon Alex began to gag.

"Fucking little pussy, quit gagging and take my fucking cock!" Cris shouted, while sounding like he was thrusting back and forth.

I could hear more pants become unbuckled and drop to the floor.

The gagging abruptly stopped and the sound of spit shooting out of Cris' mouth was heard next. "What does a good fag say?" He mocked.

"Thank you so much, Sir! Thank you for giving me your c--"

"Shut up and swallow my cock, you dumb cocksucker," Cris interrupted, apparently shoving his cock back down his throat, forcing him to gag.

"The fag should be paying us for this honor," said one of the teammates.

"This is every pussy boy's dream right here," replied another.

"And every chick's," stated one more.

"At least this fag knows how to suck better than most chick's we know," said Lucas.

"Would you all shut the fuck up while I focus on shooting my sperm down this fucking hole?" Cris yelled, annoyed with his teammates.

While this was all happening, and while the tears continued streaming down my cheeks, I noticed my cock was pressed firmly against my pants as hard as a rock.

Was I turned on by this?' I thought. My tears only slightly subsided as butterflies grew in my stomach. No, I don't want this,' I protested at my body's reaction. `I don't want this for me, nor Alex.'

"You fucking love my cock, don't you, bitch?" It wasn't really a question.

"Rmph" was what I could hear in reply.

"Don't worry fag, you'll be getting lots of it this summer. I expect you here every night we have practice from now on. Unless we get some dumb broads to follow us around, that is."

"Mlthnk you thher," Alex said while I pictured Cris' thick cock sliding down his throat.

The team laughed at that.

"What was that, faggot? I couldn't hear you," he mocked.

While gagging, I could tell Alex struggled to get out the same sentence. "Ggank you thher," he repeated, slightly clearer than before.

A slap against his cheeks bellowed through the air.

"Use your tongue more, bitch. Make my cock wet as if I'm gonna put it in your pussy next."

Alex moaned once more.

I heard him pull out again. The hardest slap could be heard next. "Use your fucking teeth on my dick again and you'll lose every single fucking one of them. Got that, cunt?" He shouted.

I could tell Alex was in pain. He whimpered, sounding as though he was crying. "Yes Sir. I'm very sorry, Sir!"

"Shut the fuck up and get back on my dick."

The gagging went on for some time. I wanted to do something, but I didn't know what. Perhaps I could pull the fire alarm. That might make them scramble. My body remained paralyzed, however. I somehow didn't think I even wanted to move. Apart of me wanted to wait and hear what might happen next. Was I really turned on by the sound of my boyfriend cheating on me with another guy's cock in his mouth? And not just any guy; Cristian-fucking-Marks. Perhaps Alex didn't want to be doing this, though. Perhaps he was forced to.

Cris began to grunt heavily. I thought maybe he was getting close to a climax.

"You're going to swallow every last fucking drop of my cum. Do you understand me, bitch?" He said, aggressively. "Then I'm going to piss down your throat and you'll be free to move your whore mouth onto the rest of the team. Got it, faggot?"

"Mhmm," he moaned in response.

"Open that throat wide." He made a few more strongly sounding grunts, and momentarily began slowing his pace. "Every-- Last-- Drop!" I could tell he was cumming. I couldn't see anything, but I could imagine the load being shot down my boyfriend's throat was massive as the climax seemed to last an eternity.

Even I hoped, for Alex's sake, that he did as Cris said. I could only imagine what would happen in this case if he didn't obey and swallow it all.

"Mmph, fuck bitch!" He shouted, coming to the end of his climax. "You fucking love that shit, don't you? Fucking keep my cock in there. Keep that throat open too. Here comes that golden gift you love so much!"

I could hear laughter coming from the teammates. "What a fucking wimp," Kyle acknowledged.

"This bitch should just be tied up here for us to use whenever we want. Bet she'd love that too," one of the other jocks implied.

Did one of them just refer to my boyfriend as "she"?

"Keep swallowing that piss, you fucking waste of space." Cris was adamant to say everything possible that would degrade him further.

My tears continued to flow more and more as I thought of that. I hoped to God my boyfriend was only doing this as he was forced to. How could these men be so cruel?

"That's it. Few more drops, piss-boy." He paused. "Now open your mouth and show me you've swallowed it all." Another pause. I heard a small splatter hit his tongue and believed it to be another watt of spit. "Now lick my cock clean then get to my friends. Hope your jaw isn't too sore from that. You'll be working out a lot of loads tonight." He laughed along with his football buddies. "Even if it is sore, we'll still use that cunt mouth of yours either way, don't worry."

A few more seconds went by before I heard "my turn, bitch. Open that fucking mouth again." I didn't know whose voice it belonged to, but I didn't want this to go on for him for much longer.

Why am I so weak?' I asked myself. I should be in there fighting for him, not standing out here like a fucking wimp.'

At that, I heard footsteps approaching from the other side of the door I held open slightly. I quickly turned around and ran back to the car. Without much thought, I threw all the contents of the to-go boxes out of it with haste and drove off before whomever was walking towards the exit of the locker room made it outside of the gymnasium.

I didn't know what to think of what just happened. My mind was racing in every direction, and I couldn't make my thoughts clear.

"What the fuck is going to happen now?" I asked as I drove back to the restaurant.

End of Chapter 2

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