Forced to Grow Up

Published on Apr 8, 2013


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. All persons are also fiction and have no bearing on anyone living or dead. It deals with male to male sex, BDSM, torture, Degradation and Death. Anyone reading this story should know that it is illegal in some States and Provinces to view this type of material.



Well I guess I was ready. In less than two hours, I'd be on a C-17 enroute to my third tour in Afghanistan. Last tour too I hoped, I was due to retire after almost 25 years. Just 3 short years to go. I had everything packed, most of my personal gear was in storage, I signed my will and my orders were sitting on my desk.

I opened my small refrigerator. Damn I had timed it perfect, only two beers left. I grabbed one, sat in my easy chair and put my feet up. I was just about to crack it open when someone knocked at my door.

"Enter." I yelled.

A very well put together Master Sergeant stepped inside. He stopped and saluted. I just waved my hand.

"What is it Master Sergeant?"

He walked up to me and handed me a brown envelope and a clip board.

"I need you to sign Sir." I signed the clip board.

I looked at the Sergeant Major as I tore open the envelope. From the Green Beret I knew he was Second Special Forces. He had Master Parachutist badge above his name tag. Tompkins, BA. I also the ribbons for two Silver Stars, 2 Bronze Stars, 2 Purple Hearts, plus assorted others, some I didn't recognize. From the hash marks on one sleeve he had have been in at least 25 years, but sure didn't look it.

He was obviously waiting for my response.

I read the message and then read it again.

"What the fuck is this?" I said as I sat upright.

Two things stood out. One was to report no later than 0800 hours tomorrow and in Class A's. Shit how was I supposed to get to Washington in under 12 hours and my Class A uniform was in storage at the main Barracks.

"You got wheels?"

"Yes Sir."

"Lets go." We both walked out to a desert cam humvee.

"Main Barracks." He just drove off.

All this time the sergeant Major had a sort of smile on his face. I picked up my Class A's and black jump boots and he drove me back to my BOQ.

As I stripped out of desert uniform, he still stood smiling.

"What is so fucking funny Sergeant Major?"

"Well Sir. You are taking it a lot better than I did. I was roused out of a very good sleep at 0300 this morning. I haven't worn Class A's in five years and wasn't even sure I'd fit. Then without so much as a thank you I was pushed aboard an Air force Special Missions aircraft and sent here to get you." "You were sent to get me? That means we are going to working together."

I believe so Sir, but I know as much as you at this point."

I figured I'd grab a quick shower before I dressed and just stripped. As I slipped off my boxers, I heard an intake of breath.

When I looked at the sergeant Major, he was looking at my dick.

"Problem?" I said smiling.

"You're hung like the proverbial horse Sir."

Then something clicked in my mind.

Are you Gay Sergeant Major?"

"Yes Sir."

"Well maybe that's why we're teamed together. What's your billet?"

"Intelligence Sir. Just like you."

"Well too bad we don't have time to find out more of what we both like."

I just turned and headed into the shower. Damn he was very well put together, love to see what's hidden under that uniform, but figured if we teamed I might just find out. To be honest I loved much younger guys, in the seventeen to twenty one range, but never turned down sex from anyone. As long as they were into sucking and fucking and the reverse, I was happy. I had had several, well more than several over my 23 years in the US Army.

I walked out and pulled on clean boxers and a t-shirt. Then slipped on my trousers. After heavy socks put on my jump boots. After I bloused my trousers over my boots, I stood up and put my shirt on. Then tie.

I heard the Sergeant Major whistle.

"Well Sir, I knew the name but it only connected when I saw this."

"Just a bunch of junk with someone else's blood on them."

"Don't you believe that for a minute Sir. You got some of these for who you brought back, not for the ones you lost."

"You have your opinion SGT MAJ, I have mine."

I put the tunic on and grabbed my valise. The Sgt Maj. grabbed my duffle. I looked around my room. Well just another cubby hole on another base. I wondered where I'd be next. At least I didn't have to wear the fucking medals until the next morning.

The Sgt Maj. Drove to the Air Base, we dropped the Humvee at Administration and boarded the Air Force Special Missions Jet. Soon after that we were in the air. Well the flight was boring but a hell of a lot more comfortable than a C-17. We landed at Andrews as 2130 and an Army staff car took us to the Washington Hilton. Fuck another surprise, I figured we'd be in transient quarters at Meyer.

Hell they even booked us a suite, which meant we could be in Washington for a while. I stripped to my boxers and ordered a six pack of cold beer. The Sgt Maj. Walked into the living room in boxers too. Damn he was well put together. He signed for the beer, grabbed two and sat down. Gave me a wonderful view of his heavy balls and not bad sized cock hidden under the loose boxers.

We watched CNN and got no hint of our next assignment. CNN had the uncanny ability to find things out. I also used them to glean intelligence from overseas reporters.

We both headed for our separate beds about 2200. 0530 comes damn early plus all that traveling to day.

Getting up at 0530 had never been a problem for me. I showered and started to get ready for the Chief of Staff. Fucking full medals today. Well that's Class A's. Only added about 10 pounds to my tunic.

Before dressing I ordered a continental breakfast for two and lots of coffee. We both ate in silence, both wondering what this was all about.

I went back and finished dressing. I walked out to be greeted by the SGT MAJ. He too was wearing the CMH. Well at least we looked almost the same.

"What's that big star for Sir?" He asked.

"OBE. Order of the British Empire."

"Never heard of an officer here getting one."

"Very few of us."

"Does that make you s knight or something?" He chuckled.


We left at 0645, knowing Washington traffic can be a bitch on a Monday and finding one office among 70 odd thousand in the Pentagon can take time. Damn, a staff car was waiting for us. Not only that, a guide to the office we wanted. Long fucking walk still.

At exactly 0755 we walked into the outer office of the Chief of Staff for Intelligence. Two minutes later we were inside standing front of the desk of that same officer. I knew him as soon as I walked in and knew I hated the son of a bitch. He was another of these appointees that didn't know shit about intelligence and never would.

"Colonel Harisford Reporting as ordered Sir."

"SGT MAJ. Tompkins Reporting as ordered Sir."

"Coffee?" He said without so much as an acknowledgment.

Before we could answer.

"Sir down, we have a few minutes before the others arrive."

"What's this about Sir?" I asked after we had coffee.

"To be honest I have no idea. I was ordered to find the best intelligence officer and NCO in the US Army and bring them here ASAP. I asked personnel to find them and your two names came up. So now you are here."

A few minutes later the Chief of Staff United States Army walked in with a civilian. He just waved me down as I went to stand. He grabbed cup of coffee and sat down.

"Charlie, I am afraid I have to ask you to leave."

"What!" The Chief of Staff for Intelligence said.

"Sorry Charlie, but my orders come straight from the President. Only one person in this office besides these three will know what's going on."

He stormed from the office and I almost laughed out loud. I was very surprised when the civilian pulled an electronic devise out of his brief case, turned it on and set it in the middle of the table. I knew what it was. I had one in my kit back at the hotel. It was a very sophisticated jamming devise. It would jam every kind of listening devise with in 25 yards as well as jam cameras.

"Anything said in this room can never leak. It might cost the lives of thousands." He said.

Now I was intrigued.

"Before I start I will introduce myself. My name is Gerald Smyth. I am Director General of INTERPOL. I asked for help from your countries Secretary of State. Your President signed off on that help after finding out why I wanted the two best Intelligence Specialists they had."

"Gentlemen this is all about boys. Specifically boys between the ages of sixteen and nineteen. Over the last five years almost 12,000 boys have just vanished."

"Vanished? What exactly do you mean vanished?"

"Well to put it simply, about 11,300 boys have been reported missing. None to date have been found. At first we just filed the reports under missing, with notes to police forces to watch for them. Then some of those boys showed up on Gay and Straight websites, both clothed and nude. Then it was turned over to our cyber crime unit. Once the whole scope of it became known we figured we were going need outside help. You two are going to be that outside help."

"Why us? We both deal in Military Intelligence."

"Exactly. You can put a different spin on this. We can't even go near some of these places. They smell cop almost immediately."

"What you need is a real good Hacker."

"You have one in mind?"

"Yes I do. He is about the best I ever met. He's doing 10-20 at Leavenworth. He was caught in bed with three 15 year old boys."

"Why would he be in Leavenworth?"

"He was a sergeant in Intelligence at the time. He was convicted, got a DD and 10-20 years. I put him there."

"You put him there and now you think he will work for you?"

"Well it won't be as simple as that. I'll need his DD removed and his record cleared. I also want a few other guys I know. If I am going to be of any use to INTERPOL I'm going to need a team of Specialists."

"Tell me Colonel, are there any countries you haven't been too?"

"A few Sir."

"Well you might just get to visit those too. Effective immediately you are both Special Deputies of The United States Marshalls Office." The General handed over two large envelopes.

"You'll find anything you need in those envelopes. No uniforms from now on. Your only contact from now on will be this man. You tell him what you want and I'll make it happen."

The civilian shut off that electronic device and then both the General and him left. WE walked out to the same corporal that had led us to the office. Twenty minutes later we were back in the staff car heading to our hotel.

When we got back to our suite, I knew this must have been in the works for a while. There were several packages waiting for us. One addressed to each of us. When I looked, there was a complete set of civilian clothes right down to boxer briefs and socks and shoes. All in my correct sizes.

When I opened the envelope the General had given me I found US Marshals Identification and badge plus several credit cards all in my name. We had barely time to think when someone knocked at our door. The SGT MAJ. Answered and a man who identified himself as from the Marshalls had us sign for two Glock 10mm pistols and shoulder holsters. He just left after we signed for both.

"Fuck they sure are in a hurry." Barry said.

"Yeah." I said, grabbed the packages and headed for my bedroom.

I changed. I don't recall when the last time I had worn civilian clothes. They sure felt different, but all were in correct sizes.

I went out and ordered some more beer. Barry came out in civilian clothes. Well one thing I knew we both looked like cops. That was why I wanted some specialized people. We could never get close to anyone perpetrating these kidnappings, if that's what they were.

"Okay, first off you might as well call me John. We are going to be working together so this Sir shit won't work."

"Sounds fine John.

I opened my brief case and pulled out the same device the civilian had used in the office and switched it on.

"Jesus, where did you get that from?"

"Friend in the CIA gave it to me my last tour overseas." "Now, I know three guys I want to get. However I need six and I figured you might know of three. We definitely need Metcalf. Weather the General can get him out or not is the question."

"You really want that cocksucker? He's a real hard ass. Even loves to torture the kids he fucks."

"What the difference Barry. So do I, so do you. So were all the same. To be honest I'd love to fuck your ass or shove my dick down your throat and I wouldn't be gentle about it Barry."

I could tell he liked the idea. His cock was getting hard.

"As long as you like to receive as hard as you give John, I'm game."

"Wouldn't have it any other way Barry."

"Okay besides Metcalf, who else you want in our gang of fags?"

"Silverman, Washington, and Mary."

"Jesus, you really do like hard sex. Sgt. Washington has a bigger dick than you do. I know Silverman is overseas and have no idea where Mary is. If we want real bad asses, I guess maybe we need Corry, he's likes to use electro torture before he fucks and Nelson, he's loves the use of whips. Had both, and man I was sore a week after."

"Okay that's five. Any other ideas?"

"Only one, but I doubt we can get him. His name Burton, ex-Marine, he's with the CIA working as an interrogator. He was almost cashiered from the Marines after he was caught torturing a young Marine. The CIA grabbed him."

"Perfect, we need an interrogator." We were about to continue when someone else knocked on our door. The civilian came in. He didn't comment on the device on the table, just grabbed a beer and sat down.

"Do you have a list of the people you want?" He asked.

I handed him the list and he just put it in his brief case. He pulled out two very thick files. He handed one to each of us.

"In those files are a complete list of every young man that has disappeared in the last five years. They are listed by country, Name, age and description. We have individual files on all in our data banks in Geneva. When you are in the safe house we have set aside for you and you have all the equipment you need, you will have full access to those files or any other you may need."

"I already presumed you would not want to work out of our Headquarters."

"Now, you will need these. They are weapon permits. They will allow you to carry concealed weapons in any of the member States of INTERPOL and ASIAPOL. For the others we can make individual arrangements."

"Next, at the end of this week, Friday, there will be a Jet aircraft waiting for you at Dulles Commercial ramp. It will be for your exclusive use. Also any other aircraft including helicopters, can be arranged for at a moments notice."

"The Individual Metcalf will be delivered to your aircraft before you leave Friday. I have been told by your General that you have in effect a blank check. If you notice inside that file I gave you almost 3000 of those missing young men came from the US. Your President is very unhappy about that and wants something done."

"He, like myself know that those are only the reported missing. How many are missing that are unreported."

"We'll find out Sir. You can be sure of that."

"Well your reputation precedes you Colonel, so if anyone can find out what is going on I'm sure it is you and your team. You won't see me again I hope until you have found out we need to know."

He closed his brief case and stood up. He shook both our hands and left.

"So four days in Washington." Barry said.

"Yeah." I walked into my bedroom and stripped to my boxer briefs.

I walked back into the living room. Barry was standing at the mini bar with a fresh beer in his hand.

"Well it looks like you have something in mind." He said as I walked up to him.

I swung my fist up between his legs and connected with his balls. He groaned, I hadn't hit him hard, but hard enough so he knew what I wanted. As he dropped his hand to his nuts, I backhanded him across the face.

"Get your fucking clothes off boy."

"Yes Sir." He started to strip.

As he bent to remove his jeans, I pushed him to the floor and ripped off his shorts. Without even hesitating I rammed two fingers into his ass. Damn I think it was lubed.

"You lube in already boy?" "Boy Scouts told me to always be prepared."

"Good." I grabbed his ball sack and using it as a handle rammed my dick into his ass.

He screamed at my abrupt entry. I didn't care, I just used his balls as a handle as I rode his butt. Sure felt nice. He was tight and smooth inside. As I came close, I pulled out, spun him around and rammed my dick into his mouth.

I pushed him flat on his back and turned around as I just dropped my weight onto his face, forcing my cock into his throat. He was gagging and chocking. I lifted up a little before just dropping my weight again and again. I leaned down and took one his balls into my mouth. Then I bit down on it as hard as I could without actually biting it off. That brought a gargled scream around my cock. I just slowly chewed his ball as I fucked his face. It didn't take me long to blow. He swallowed, well not much choice with my ten inch cock in his throat. I finally just pulled off and stood up.

"Not bad Barry. Not bad at all."

He just laid still trying to catch his breathe. When he finally sat up I handed him his beer and sat down.

He took a long pull from the beer and sat on the couch.

"Damn I thought you were going to bite my ball off." He smiled.

"Very intense John. Very intense."

"Glad you liked it. Let you return the favor later."

"Sounds cool."

"I'm about ready to blow after that. Want to suck me off?"


He just stood up and walked to my chair. This might be intense too, he had about eight inches of very thick uncut meat. He just grabbed my head and rammed it in my mouth. Using both hands he fucked my face hard. I thought my jaw would dislocate he was so thick, but had had much larger and thicker cocks shoved down my throat. After I got used to it I gave him the best blow job he hah had in a long time. When he came it was thick and very bitter, but I just swallowed. After he came he just held it inside my mouth as he went down. I knew what was coming and damn quick he was pissing in my mouth. Two beers and coffee all came out and I just swallowed it down. He pulled out and walked over and sat down.

"Thanks John needed that."

"So did I Barry. So did I."

I picked up the phone and got connected to the US Army tie lines. Then connected to Fort Hood Texas. I ordered all my personal stuff to be shipped to Dulles, priority Triple A1; I gave them my authorization number the General had included in the envelope. After I was done Barry did the same thing.

"Well I think we going to need more civilian clothes. Lets go spend some of Uncle Sam's Money."

"Good idea, especially if you are going to be ripping my underwear to shreds every time you fuck me." Barry laughed.

We both spent near a thousand dollars each. The next four days were pretty much the same. We brutalized each other during the day, but just slept together at night. Enjoying either sucking or fucking before sleep. Friday morning we checked out and took a cab to Dulles Commercial ramp. Both our personal items had arrived and had been loaded on the Challenger Jet. When we walked on board Metcalf was sitting in handcuffs with two MP's standing beside him.

"Take the handcuffs off and get the fuck out." I ordered.

As soon as the MP's were off the aircraft, another civilian, this one armed closed up the aircraft. He then disappeared up front. As we buckled up, Metcalf spoke up.

"Fuck, if I had known it was you I would have refused."

"Shut up and buckle up or would you prefer I toss you out at say 10,000 feet."

He shut up.

Another civilian walked out from the front of the aircraft.

"My Name is Gustaff Mahler Colonel. I am your chief pilot. That other young man is Fredrick. He is the lover of my co-pilot Henri. This I do not mind as I am like you Colonel a deviant or as you prefer Gay. I too like young men, but I do not have to abduct them off the street. There are many boys who for a few dollars will do anything in almost all countries of the world."

"We three are all ex-East German Air Force. I will fly you and anyone you wish any where in the world. This Aircraft has very long legs. We will fly from here direct to Geneva. If you need other forms of transportation I will supply it."

"This Aircraft is brand new. We picked it up in Canada at the plant. It is registered to a private Corporation. The Corporations is only on paper, but it has permission to land in every single country in the world but two. When you have decided what other equipment you want installed we will install it as you require."

"Now we go."

"Thank you. What do you prefer to be called?"

"You may call us by name. We will call you Colonel. It is easier for us."

"Very well Gustaff. Lets go."

After we were in the air Fredrick brought all cold beers and sandwiches.

"Just who the fuck are you Colonel?" Metcalf asked.

I then explained everything to Gary Metcalf. I also told him what I expected from him in deciding what equipment, computers etc, he would need to hack into any website in the world. He would also have the same equipment installed in this aircraft.

"Metcalf, you no longer have a record in the United States or anywhere. You also have an honorable discharge with all back pay and allowances."

"How the fuck did you manage that?"

"Friends in high places."

"Gary, I don't care what you like. If you want to buy boys to fuck, suck or torture, be my guest. However if you ever snuff one of those boys, I will have every one of my team including myself fuck you until your almost dead. Then I'll slice your nuts off and hang you with piano wire from the ceiling with your balls in your throat."

He chuckled. "Guess I won't fuck up Colonel."

In reality I really respected what Gary could do. He had been with me on four tours overseas. I knew he had had both Iraqi and Afghan boys. None he had ever snuffed. He also had a bad habit of going AWOL just when I needed him the most. We were both at Fort Bliss. I needed his expertise and went looking for him. My self and the two MP's found him whipping a boy as he shoved his dick into the boys mouth. Two other boys were strung up waiting his attention. I knew he had paid to do what he was doing to all three and they had agreed, but the MP's took it another way. At his courts Marshal I could only relate what I had seen. That got him 10-20 in Leavenworth.

Once he had agreed he became very enthusiastic. I gave him a pad and pen and he started to write down what he required. With an unlimited expense account he listed almost a page of equipment. He tore it off and handed it to me. To me it was just gibberish. I could use a computer but didn't know shit about them. Gustaff came in and sat down. I handed him the list.

"That's for the safe house." I said.

"Mien Got! Do you plan on breaking into your NSA?"

Gary looked up and smiled.

"I already did that once."


"It's true Gustaff. I needed information on an Afghan National. I asked the NSA for all they had on him. They refused so I had Gary hack their system. It took him less than an hour and I had my man. He was shot by Special Forces coordinating an attack on the Presidential Palace."

"I have a few things to tell you Colonel. This aircraft and passengers will never be checked by Customs in any of the countries it is allowed to land in. How or who was able to do that must have the power of God on their side. Next, your safe house is a small walled estate about 30 minutes from the airport. Everything you need or require will be delivered as soon as they know what you want. All the men you requested will be delivered to the house as well. It will be up to you to brief them. We will be landing at about 2230 hours Geneva Time. The Corporation that owns this aircraft has a hanger at the airport. We will always arrive there and leave from there."

This was getting more interesting all the time. I knew who the man he referred to. No one ever turned down a request from the most powerful man in the world. President Wilson knew the power he wielded and had no compunction in using it if it gained more power for the United States.

No country in this wide world ever turned down a request from him. To do so meant he would either send in his Marines or more importantly cut off that nation from economic ties. The two Countries I was sure we couldn't land in were Iran and North Korea, the only two he had no power over. I doubted in my mind that would last very much longer.

When we landed we taxied right into a hanger. As we stepped off, I saw armed security guards.

"They are from the Swiss Army. They don't know why they have been ordered to guard this hanger or your safe house. To them it does not matter. They have orders to kill anyone who approaches or tries to enter either place."

We climbed into a black Mercedes Limo and were whisked to our new home.


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Next: Chapter 2

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