Forceable Entry

By Randall Kerrigan

Published on Jun 27, 2002



Disclaimer I: This is a work of adult fiction dealing with homosexual sex between consenting adult males. If this is offensive to you, or you are underneath the age of legal majority in you state, country, or other municipality, please don't read it.

Disclaimer II: This is a work of FICTION. That means it's not real. It is meant to imply nothing about the actual character or sexuality of the people involved. It's only make-believe. If you have any comments on the story, or just want to chat, send me an email at

Finally... the Rock had returned to the WWE. Although he was drafted to Smackdown he was planning to compete on both shows. He had managed to get Vince to let him have a match on Raw. If Rock won the match then he would be able to appear on both shows, but if he lost he'd be complete control of McMahon. Rock's history with McMahon was nothing but bad history and Rock didn't wanna be at that bastard's command. Rock's opponent-- The Undertaker. One of Mr. McMahon's toughest "boys". Rock had managed to win the match with the RockBottom. After he was awarded the victory he decided to perform the People's Elbow on Undertaker out of spite. While Rock was trash talking to Taker, Brock Lesnar slid into the ring clotheslining the People's Champ from behind. Rock tried to climb to his feet but Brock kicked him back down. He picked Rock up performing a spinning powerbomb on him. Rock's back slammed into the mat, but Brock didn't let go. He pulled Rock back up nailing a second powerbomb, followed by a third. Rock was now in a fetal position on the mat, but the Next Big Thing wasn't done. He picked the Rock back up before performing his signature move the F-5 on him.

Within minutes Rocky was helped back into the trainer's room. He could barely move after the assault. The trainer left the room to give Rock some time to sleep off the soreness. That's when he made his entrance. Brock Lesnar, the Next Big Thing. And a big thing he was. 6'4", 295 pounds of pure muscle. Brock stood at the foot of the table, taking in the sight of the dark man before him. He made sure to let Rock win the match before attacking. He wanted to make sure this man would be here every Monday night.

Brock walked along the table, running his finger up Rock's leg. Past his thighs, over his tight abs, and over his broad chest. Stopping long enough to rub a finger over his caramel colored nipple. He stepped back to take gaze down at the sleeping beauty below. Brock leaned forward to capture the man's lips with his own. Feeling the wet lips against his own, Rock was roused from his sleep, shocked to find another man kissing him. The shock causing his lips to part. Never one to be accused of not taking advantage, Brock slipped his tongue into the Rock's mouth. Rock tried to reach up and stop him, but Brock caught both of his wrists, slamming them back down to the table.

Before Rock could regain too much strength Brock climbed onto the table, straddling Rock and pinning him down, never breaking the kiss. Rock was surprised to feel himself growing hard, even through this invasion. Rock wasn't the only one to notice this. Brock also noticed the growing hardness near his ass. He lifted his ass a bit before grinding himself against Rock's growing hard on. A grin crossed Brock's face. That evil grin that could send shivers down anyone's spine. The grin that made you know he was thinking something truly evil.

"Oh, so that's what you want, huh?" Brock asked, rhetorically.

Brock swung his leg over Rock, climbing off the table. The second Rock was free he made a move to get up. Brock backhanded him before he knew what was happening. Rock fell back down on the table, before Brock slammed a fist into Rock's chest. Rock curled up, holding his chest in pain.

Brock reached over and tore Rock's wrestling trunks from his body, allowing Rock's hardening dick to bounce free. Brock grinned at the sight of the naked wrestler before him. He reached over and lightly stroked Rocky's dick, getting it to it's full hardness. He released Rock before removing his own tights. He spread the Rock's legs before climbing between them on the end of the table. He grabbed Rock's arms from his chest, pinning them above the Brahma Bull's head with one large hand.

With his other hand he lined his massive cock at the People's Ass and plowing it in with one unlubed thrust. The pain in Rocky's chest subsided only for the searing pain in his ass to rip through him. Rock's scream seemed loud enough that the live audience should've heard. This just made Brock's evil grin to grow twice as large.

Brock began thrusting in and out of Rock's ass, prompting loud groans from the man below him. Brock's free hand clamped over Rock's mouth, never stopping his thrusts. Rock felt like he was gonna die from the sheer pain ripping through his body. Brock's large cock was tearing away at Rock's ass. Deep, throaty groans were pouring from Brock's mouth as he continued tearing up the People's Ass. Rock tried to squeeze his legs around Brock's waist to inflict some pain on the evil man above him, but all he succeeded in was helping Brock to dig deeper into his ass.

As if the tightness of Rock's ass wasn't enough for Brock, when Rock wrapped his legs around him Brock couldn't help but spill his seed deep in the ass of the Rock. Brock gave Rock's ass a few more thrusts just for the sake of causing more pain, before withdrawing himself. He released the Rock's arms who couldn't move now, no matter how much he wanted to attack the psychotic bastard above him.

Brock rolled his shoulders and flexed his pec muscles down at the bitch below him before climbing off the table and sliding his trunks back on. Rock rolled over to look away from the man that just raped him, curling up to try and ease the pain. Brock grinned before slapping the Rock's ass hard enough to send him falling from the table to the floor below.

"Thanks bitch." Brock spat at him before walking out, leaving him laying on the floor, naked and hurt.


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