Force of One

By Dash Jarrod

Published on Dec 12, 2002


Disclaimer: This story is totally fictional. If any of the characters resemble anyone from your life, that is just coincidence. Any celebrity involved in this story may or may not be homosexual. If you are under 18 please don't read.

Thanks to anyone that has responded to me about my story. I have been enjoying writing it; I just hope that you enjoy reading it as much. Thanks to Alex and Dustin for letting me make them into characters.

Sorry about the delay of the posting of this chapter. At first I was waiting for responses to my last chapter but then I had a bad case of writers-block. Don't you just hate it when that happens?

Character list so far: Matthew-Powers: telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, control over magnetism, control over the weather, and a healing factor

Age: 19

Body type: semi-muscular yet skinny

Features: 6'1", blonde hair, blue eyes, and 140# Andrew-Power: telepathy

Age: 18

Body type: muscular but skinny

Features: greenish eyes, black hair, 5'11", and 140# Bobby-Power: ability to produce ice

Age: 19

Body type: muscular

Features: 5'10", 140#, blonde hair, and blue eyes Aaron-Power: unlimited teleportational range, absorption and redirection of energy, some telepathy (mind-speak and reading minds)

Age: 17

Body type: slim but muscular

Features: light brown hair, green eyes, 5'11", and 135# Jake-Power: limited acceleration of mental and physical processes, increased agility, speed, and strength

Age: 18

Body type: slim but muscular

Features: dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes, 6', and 140#

After the weekend, in which I went home and got some needed things, school was pretty much the same. Except that today I had another meeting with Professor X. I think he still wants to check up on me. I want to ask him which celebrities are in cahoots with us as well, I wonder if I have earned their trust yet. If I haven't, then I will just have to continue to do my best to earn it. I bet its tough to earn their trust around here. Considering if they allow you to be privy to their secrets, it would be so easy to out those secrets and screw them over.

I, myself, would never tell anyone's secrets. If someone tells me something in confidentiality, then I don't want to lose their trust by telling other people. That would just be rude of me, and I try to be the nicest person I can be. This makes me wonder why so many people don't like me.

Anyways, when I got to the Professor's office, he telepathically asked me to come in and sit down. I didn't fly there this time because I wasn't on my way out of my lesson; I got excused from class this morning to go see him. I guess this meeting will be more in-depth than the first one or the second. I just hope that nothing bad is going to happen during this meeting. When we began, he started out with the usual questions: How are you doing, Do you like school, Have you made any new friends since we last talked, How do you think your training lessons are going, How do you think you are doing with your powers. After these questions he asked, "Why do you think you were excused from classes today to come and visit with me?"

To this I replied, "I don't know, I just figured this was going to be a longer meeting than our earlier ones." He then asked, "What do you think of Miss Jean Gray?"

I answered, "I think she is a really nice person, that she is very honest with everyone she knows, that she is a great teacher and a great help to me for my learning, why?"

"She has asked that I take over your lessons because she thinks that I will be better equipped to help you with your telepathy."

This shocked me and I think it was evident on my face because he continued to say, "She asked this because you are quite possibly the quickest study and most natural telepath that she has ever come across. So, she wants me to take over because the next thing you are learning about will be very important for you if you ever need to use your power in battle, and it will be very difficult and detailed. She wants me to teach you because I am only a telepath and a very powerful one at that. Do you have any questions?"

I did have so many questions, but I didn't know how to put them into words. I was able to ask, "Why didn't she tell me, why did you tell me?"

"She has a class to teach and she isn't going to be teaching your lesson this afternoon. So I took it upon myself to tell you."

"I thank you for telling me about the change in my teachers, I have another question for you though. What am I going to be learning now?"

"You are going to be learning mind control, followed by erasing of memories when you have learned to control someone's mind."

I got very quiet after I heard that. It got me thinking about the fact that I was finally going to learn something practical for battle. I was kind of glad about that but at the same time I was upset about how hard it was going to be to learn it.

After I had let that bit of information settle into my brain, I finally just asked, "Do you think I am ready to learn who we have in Hollywood to help our cause and keep it from being believed to be true?"

He answered, "I don't know yet, I will have to confer with the rest of the teaching staff and see what they think on that matter. I know that Jean has trusted you to search around her mind and keep her secrets but our secrets are a bit more of a serious nature so we keep them well. I will let you know next week what everyone thinks."

"I thank you for being honest with me Professor. It is all I expected you to be. If I wasn't ready I would have continued to do my best to earn your trust, and that is what I plan on doing all week long. I was kind of hoping that you would think I was ready but I had a feeling I wasn't. I will wait patiently for your answer next week."

"That is a very adult way to handle the response I gave you, although, I would have expected no less. You are considered an adult by society even though some adults won't treat you like one. You will always be treated like an adult here as long as you act like one. There will be certain times, of course, when you can freely let the child within out for a while but just make sure that you keep it in check. You seem to be able to keep a mature face on almost everything. I am glad to see this."

"I am glad to hear that you have such faith in me. I don't usually hear words of encouragement from anyone." He then said, "If you continue to do well here, you will continue to get praise from your teachers. You will probably get praise from your friends as well when they hear how well you are doing. I am sure that there are people already who praise what you are doing. All you have to do is listen."

With that I was dismissed until our afternoon training session. I was on my way outside to sit and relax and think about my meeting when I stumbled upon Bobby and some other student I didn't know. Now, I like Bobby a lot, I might even ask him out at some point if I think he will say yes. I don't know though, that will take a lot of courage for me to even get to that point. But back to the situation I came across. I found Bobby kissing some student I didn't know, and it wasn't just a peck either. It was a full-blown kiss. Now, this made me mad to find out that the person I liked was kissing someone else. This is just my luck. First, my original crush doesn't have the same feelings I have, and then Bobby is kissing some other guy. I don't know why but this really got my blood boiling. The one person I would ask out and risk getting rejected by is kissing another guy. When I saw them, I started to run past them with one of the worst looks on my face that I probably have ever had. When I was running, I looked down at my hands because they felt warm all of a sudden and they were glowing red. I don't think this is a good thing at all. My power must have manifested so that it's active as well as my telekinesis and telepathy. The power I am talking about now is my pyrokinesis. I just felt like hitting something at that point. I am sort of glad that I didn't because I don't know what would have happened if I did. With my hands glowing like they were, I probably would have caused something to either explode or start on fire. After running for a little bit, I started to fly because it was faster for me. I flew to the edge of the property and just sat under a huge tree.

While I was sitting under the tree, I started to meditate because it seems to calm me down. While I was meditating, I could sense that someone came up to me and was just standing there watching me. When I opened my eyes, it turned out to be Bobby. He had this look on his face that made me want to forgive him right away, but I just couldn't do that yet. I had to hear what his side of the story was. After I hear that side, then maybe I can forgive him but it all depends on what he says.

He started out by saying, "I am sorry you had to see that, but it was necessary. I wanted to see what your reaction would have been if you saw me with another guy. You reacted kind of like I hoped you would have. I was kind of expecting you to get upset but then I thought you would confront me about the whole thing. Instead you ran away. I only kissed him because I wanted you to know I wasn't scared to do that. He is a very old friend, we have kissed before but that was when we were still exploring our sexualities. I approached him to see if he was willing to help me with you. He agreed because he wanted to see me happy. I hope you aren't going to be mad at me long for what I did to you. I didn't mean to hurt you as bad as I did, I meant for you to get upset enough to confront me about it and then we would have talked it out. I just hope that we can still be friends."

I then said, "As soon as I saw the look on your face when you were just looking at me, I wanted to forgive you. I just couldn't do that until I heard your reasons for what happened, and your account of what had happened. The reason I ran was because I seem to have the worst luck in guys. My first crush here at the school didn't have feelings for me beyond friendship. Then I found you kissing another guy and I just couldn't stand it. It made me mad to see you kissing him. I so wanted that to be me instead. I am glad to hear that you aren't afraid to show your emotions in public. But you must know one thing first about me. Not many people know that I am gay, and I don't know if I am ready to show my affections in public just yet because this is all too new to me. I will most likely end up forgiving you by the end of the day, but I need you to give me a little time to think over what you said."

He then said, "That's fine with me, I just needed you to know what I was doing and why I did it. I also needed to tell you that I actually like you a lot even if we don't know each other that well. I would like to get to know you better if at all possible."

"I thank you for filling me in what you were doing and why. I also thank you for telling me how much you like me, even though we don't know each other that well. I will most likely look forward to getting to know you more but at the moment I have to think about what you did and the reasons behind it. But since you were honest with me about it, you will probably have no problems."

After I had said that, I stood up. I then started to fly to the school building to think and for my afternoon lessons. I wonder if the professor's teaching style is very different from Jean's. I wonder if I will be receptive to it if it is. I don't have any doubts that he will be a big help to me though because of the fact that he is just a telepath.

As I was at the school building I decided to touch down and walk because I had enough time. Its not that I am a slow walker, its just that flying is faster. I then walked back to my room, it was empty as usual. Once I was there, I sat down on my bed and started to meditate about what I had just learned. When I was meditating and thinking on what Bobby had said, I remembered that he was one of my first friends at this school. This means a whole lot to me considering not many people went out of their way to get to know me. I have a feeling they don't like new people here. It means more people for them to learn to trust. I have a feeling that trust is something that is valued very highly around here. If you have someone's trust, you better keep it because you probably won't get it back if you lose it. I also remembered my initial reaction to Bobby. He was this very very cute blonde I met walking to a meal one day. I started talking to him because he was very handsome and I hoped that he might possibly be gay. I then learned that he was in fact gay and that he liked me. This made me happy but I was more interested in Andrew at the moment. That infatuation turned out very well, yeah right. I then wasn't really worrying about finding someone for myself, but I couldn't help but think about Bobby and the fact that he liked me. Then I found him kissing some other guy (even if that guy was an old friend). That made me mad which made my hands start to glow red, like hot metal red, which freaked me out. I have to talk to the professor about that or to Dr. McCoy. Either person would be good to talk to about that. In the end, I guess it really all comes down to whether or not I want to stay mad at him or if I don't think I can. There is what I was dreading would come up; I kind of knew that I couldn't stay mad at him for long. I was just waiting for my mind to tell me that. Its not just him that I can't stay mad at, I don't seem to be able to stay mad at anyone. I am not that kind of person; I am way too nice to pull that off.

After all that thought, I guess I will have to forgive him. I wasn't really convinced that I wouldn't forgive him; it's just that I had to think about it first. I knew that I shouldn't just jump up and forgive him. He is extremely charming and caring, he makes me just want to trust him with everything. I think I will have to try that. We shall have to get to know each other, and then maybe I can start to open up to him. I don't really let people know me. It takes a lot for someone to get to know me. I am a very shy person, and I don't let people into my life easily by my nature. It takes a lot of time for someone to even get remotely close to knowing me thoroughly.

Wow, I was thinking about that for a long time. Its now time for my lesson and I missed lunch. Oh well, I will just have to wait until dinner for food. I have done that before so it's not a problem.

As I was heading to my lesson, I wasn't really paying attention. I was too busy thinking about my power and Bobby. When I got to the room where my lessons are held, I just walked in. As soon as I was in, I asked the professor if I could ask him something about one of my powers or if I should talk to Dr. McCoy. He says that either one of them is fine. Then I just ask, "Today I got really upset and when I was running from my problem, my hands started to glow. They were glowing like red hot metal. It sort of weirded me out. What does this mean?"

"I am not sure what that means. It could mean that your power just manifested itself so that you can now use it whenever you like. Or it could be nothing at all. You would really have to ask Dr. McCoy about that. I will make an appointment for you tomorrow afternoon. He will check you out and let you know why that happened. Today we will start learning how to control people's minds. This will allow you to make them do whatever you want. It will be especially helpful in battle because you can make people on the other side turn against their leader or their fellow comrades. I will also be checking your mind to see if you are actually as talented as Jean says. In fact, I would like your permission to search your mind. I am going to be searching for your memories about your lessons with Jean. I also ask that you drop your shields so it is easier to get in."

I just nodded my head towards him and he started towards me. When he got close enough to me, he told me to relax and that it wouldn't take long. Once again I just nodded. I could feel him looking around my mind. It was a strange feeling. You know that feeling you get when someone is watching you, well, this feeling was about ten times worse then that. It was a feeling like I have no privacy at all. I knew this wasn't true because I had agreed to let him read my mind, but it still felt that way because I could feel him in there.

When he was done reading my mind, I just looked at him looking at me. It was a few minutes before he finally said something. He said, "Well it seems Jean's account of your talent was accurate. Although it might have been a little understated. I think you might be as good as I am when you learn everything. That is a huge compliment to give a new student. I don't say that lightly either."

"I am well aware of the severity of your compliment. I will not ever forget your words. They are so encouraging. I just hope that I can live up to your expectations. Those are high and I will try my best to live up to them."

"I am very sure that you will live up to our expectations. We only set them high like that when we feel that the student is capable of reaching them. Remember that this is only the expectation for your telepathy. Jean says that you already surpassed her expectation for your telekinesis. Just wait until you start to learn how to use your pyrokinesis, your magnetism, you control over the weather. You will most likely have to reach our high expectations for those as well. I am fairly sure that you will make a great addition to our team when the time comes."

Well, that's it for another chapter. Please, please, please tell me what you think. I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me at Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 9

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