Force of One

By Dash Jarrod

Published on Oct 17, 2002


Disclaimer: This story is totally fictional. If the character resembles anyone from your life, that is just coincidence. Any celebrity involved in this story may or may not be homosexual. If you are under 18 please don't read.

Thanks to Matt, Alex, Luke, and all of my friends that have read the story and sent back positive comments.

During dinner, I wasn't that active in the conversations going on around me. The reason for this is because I was wondering what the professor found out in my mind. I hope it isn't anything bad. If he found out something bad, I wonder if I will get kicked out. I guess I will just have to wait and see.

That night however, I didn't have a single dream that I could remember anyway. I am very glad about this because I don't think I would have liked the dream if I would have remembered one of them. The next thing I knew my alarm was waking me up and I had to go to breakfast.

Today when walking to breakfast I met this really cute blonde. He is a little bit shorter than I am, but really cute and has a nice body. I couldn't help but look at him out of the corner of my eye. When he introduced himself, he said he was Bobby. I couldn't help but ask what his power was.

He responded, "My power is the ability to produce ice."

I then commented, "That's an interesting power, do you like it?"

He answered, "It has its perks. For instance I will never run out of ice for my drinks. Hehehehe. What is your power?"

I responded, "The powers I am aware of are: telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, control over magnetism, control over the weather, and I have a healing factor."

He sort of gasped at the powers I had listed for him. Then he asked, "Why did you say that those were the powers you were aware of?"

I answered, "Dr. McCoy said that sometimes mutants have latent powers that develop over time. Sometimes stress or other things like that cause a power to show itself."

He smiled at that. He had a really nice smile. I don't really know why, but I liked him a lot. I hope we get to become friends. Right before we entered the dining room, he asked me if I would like to join him at his table for breakfast. To this I said sure.

During class this morning, I was thinking about my powers and not paying any attention to the lectures that were going on at the time. Somehow I got through the morning without getting called on so that I was never questioned why I wasn't paying attention. As I was leaving for my training session Andrew came up and started talking with me.

He asked, "Where were you during breakfast and why were you zoned out during all of the lectures?"

To this I responded, "During breakfast I was sitting with Bobby and the reason I wasn't paying any attention during class was because I was thinking of my powers."

He then asked, "What exactly were you thinking about concerning your powers?"

I answered, "I was thinking how I could use my other powers, the ones that I haven't been taught how to use or that I don't know instinctively how to use. Like I was wondering if I could bend metal or create a gust of wind or charge something up so it blew. I don't know why I was all of a sudden thinking these things but they just entered my head and I couldn't help but think about them."

He then said, "Well I hope that you found some answers to your question. It unfortunately is time to go to our training sessions. I will talk to you later. And if you ever want to chat about anything, you know how to contact me. If you don't want to talk telepathically, you can come and look for me, I will be around."

To this I said, "Thank you very much, at some point I will probably take you up on that."

After our brief talk I had to run to my training session hoping to get there before Jean. Without really thinking about it, I just started to float and flew to my training session. I wonder if this was due to my telekinetic abilities or my weather ones. I guess I will ask Jean this when I meet with her. The reason I ran or rather flew to class was I wanted to see if I could actually bend a piece of metal right now. Unfortunately I didn't get the chance because as soon as I was ready to try, the door opened and in walked Jean.

Without actually speaking any words she told me, "Its time to begin training you in to use your telepathy. You are already ahead of where we would normally start because you can already mind-speak. I guess I will start off with telling you how to read minds and how to build up barriers to shield yourself from other people reading your mind."

I responded in like manner with, "That is fine with me. I am just glad to be learning how to use my telepathy. But before we begin do you mind if I ask you one quick question?"

She responded with, "Only if you hurry and ask."

I then asked, "When I was on my way down here, I was running late and I started to run but then I started to float and sort of flew down here, do you think that had to do with my telekinesis or my ability to control weather?"

She answered, "Honestly I don't know. It could have been either but because there is no wind for you to shift to make you fly I don't think it was your ability to control the weather but you would have to ask Professor X to get a definite answer."

I responded with, "Thank you for answering my question, and now I am ready to begin learning."

She then stated, "Since you are already sort of inside my head, all you have to do is reach out with more power and search around. Do you know what I mean?"

I responded with, "I have an idea as to what you mean but I will have to try it out to see if I actually understand."

She then said, "I will temporarily lower my shielding for this lesson because you need someone's mind to read, and mine would be the easiest because I am the closest person. Whenever you feel you are ready, try and read my mind."

I then asked, "What should I look for?"

She responded with, "Try and find out whom I eat with for the meals or see whom it is I am with. If you can do both right away, I will be really surprised."

I then started looking around for those two bits of information. I didn't have to look very long for who she eats with at meals considering we just had one not too long ago, but whom she was with was giving me a little trouble.

I spent some time searching and finally found it after like ten minutes. I then told her, "You eat with Scott, Ororo, and Professor X. And you are with Scott, in fact you are married to him."

I think I really shocked her, when I told her both tidbits of information. I don't think she thought I would be able to get both. Honestly, I was kind of surprised that I could get both bits of information because I don't think she wants everyone to know she is with Scott. If everyone knew and someone wanted to get even with her, he would be a target then. I am kind of glad I could do both; it means that I am actually kind of good at using my powers. Now all I have to do is figure out how to build up a barrier to protect some of my most private thoughts and memories and information about myself.

While I was standing there thinking about how well I did, she didn't say a word. This kind of scared me because she doesn't seem like the kind of person to stay quiet when in the room with someone like me. Plus, she would have given me some praise at a time like this.

All of a sudden Jean said, "You ate breakfast with Bobby this morning and you have two crushes. Although, the crushes are on people I wouldn't have thought they would have been on. Since no one is anywhere near this room, I will just come out and ask. Are you gay?"

This shocked me. I was totally unaware of the fact that she was reading my mind, just like the first time I met the professor. I guess she will have to teach me how to tell when someone is trying to read my mind as well as teach me how to put up barriers. It also means that I am not as good as I thought I was. I am just a quick study. I must remember not to let myself get too egotistical. When I finally came back to my senses, I responded to her question with, "Yes Jean, I am gay. And although very few people know this, I have accepted it whether other people will or not. It is just a part of who I am. Its not the whole me. If people like me for who I am, then I don't think it should matter that I am gay."

She then said, "I don't care if you are gay or straight, it's just that some people can't understand how a guy can like guys. When you learn how to put up barriers, that is something you might want to protect a lot. By the way, I was very shocked that you could get both bits of information in such a short amount of time. And also, you are kind of good at using your powers and are right to not let that fact go to your head. You aren't the best at using your powers yet, but you will get better as time goes on. Although it seems that you are quickly adapting what knowledge you do have of your powers to use them in different ways than you were taught, for instance floating or flying to class. I have to be honest with you; you are probably the quickest study I have had yet. Most of the students who are telekinetic take a while till they figure out that they can fly using their powers. That's how I fly if I need to."

I was kind of embarrassed by her nice words. I haven't received that many nice words of praise, so this made me blush. As if you couldn't tell, I am not that good at taking compliments. When I was in junior high school, I got picked on and one never really recovers from being picked on. At least I didn't. Emotional scars don't heal as fast as physical ones. But I am so used to being put down that I don't even notice really anymore.

All of a sudden, she said, "Why don't you try and read my mind again. This time just search for something you are interested in learning about me. This information can be anything from how old I am to how long I have known how to use my powers. Its up to you."

When she said that I could go at anytime, I just stared at her. We didn't speak a single syllable for a little while. I was searching around her memory for how long she has known how to use her power. It only took me a couple of minutes before it found it and blinked to end my connection. I then said, "You have known how to use your power since you were my age."

To this she nodded and then replied, "You are getting better at reading my mind. Tomorrow, we will cover how to protect your mind from telepaths. We will also invite one of your fellow students in so that we can see if you can read other people's minds as well as you can mine."

With that she let me head off to do whatever I felt like before dinner. Since I had to go see the professor, I headed that way but I didn't walk. I once again flew to the meeting. When I got to his office, I telepathically asked, "Professor X its Matthew. You asked me to stop by again today. Are you ready for me?"

He responded with, "Yes Matthew, you may come in."

When I heard this, I turned the door handle telekinetically then flew into the room and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. As I was sitting down, he looked up from his desk and noticed that I didn't walk in. To this he smiled. He only smiled for one brief moment before he got down to business. He started by saying, "Matthew, when I was looking inside of your head the one I noticed almost right away was that you are gay. Now, you don't have to worry about getting kicked out for this. We would have let you enter the school even if we knew this before we enrolled you. Sexual orientation doesn't matter here. However, the one thing I was looking for I couldn't find. I could not find anywhere in your mind why Magneto would want to recruit you. You are an extremely nice guy, not the type that Magneto usually recruits. The only thing I can come up with is because he wanted your wide range of powers on his side instead of having them added to ours. I couldn't' find any reason as to why you would all of a sudden switch sides. So I am sorry to inform you that I am still not sure why Magneto wanted you exactly."

To this I responded with, "That's fine. Maybe it's just the fact that I was giving off such strong telepathic waves that he could pick them up as well. Is it possible for Magneto to pick up telepathic waves?"

He then said, "Magneto helped me build cerebro so I don't see why he couldn't have a machine similar to pick up mutant signatures. Well that is all for today, you can go and do whatever you want until dinner. I will probably be stopping by your learning session at some later point in time."

I then said, "Thanks for letting me know what you found. I really appreciate it. I will talk to you later then. Bye."

With that, I stood up and flew out of the room after I telekinetically turning the door handle and then closing it after me.

Well, that's it for another chapter. Please, please, please tell me what you think. I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me at Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 6

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