Force of One

By Dash Jarrod

Published on Sep 19, 2002


Disclaimer: This story is totally fictional. If the character resembles anyone from your life, that is just coincidence. Any celebrity involved in this story may or may not be homosexual. If you are under 18 please don't read.

After the phone call with my parents, I was shown around the school. It was really big and I was totally confused about most of it, although I didn't voice my confusion. I figured it was best, at this point, to put up one of my facades and act like I knew what I was doing. I seem to put up facades a lot; they mask what I am really feeling at the time. Now, let me clarify something about myself. I am gay but not that many people know that about me. I don't let anyone get close enough to me to know that fact. I think I do that because I don't want to get hurt, but it could also be because I am way too shy to let people into my world. I guess that is why I value what little friends I have.

After my little tour, I was led back to the professor's office because he had more he wanted to say to me. I was apprehensive about that considering who he was and what his power was. It turns out I had nothing to fear, all he wanted to say was that he was going to have Dr. Henry McCoy have a look at me. I asked what for. He said it was to determine what exactly my power or powers were. I understood why he wanted to know this, and I wanted to know as well. I think he wanted to know for a different reason than I did but that's fine.

The tests were very complicated. And there were a ton of them that had to be done. It took the rest of the day to complete them. After the tests, I asked the doctor when he would know the results. He said that he would know the results by tomorrow this time. He also said that he would let me know as soon as he found out. For this I thanked him and then headed back to my room. I did this without getting too lost, although I did stumble down some wrong hallways once or twice. But in the end I got to the right place.

For some reason, the dream did not come back this night. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Because of that dream I became aware of my powers. I don't know for sure but I believe that the professor became aware of my dream and sent wolverine and gambit to go and find me. Now that is only speculation on my part though. When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I did was try and find out where they served breakfast. While wondering around trying to find this place, I ran into wolverine, he was able to explain to me where I was supposed to head. Although, he went with me this time because he was heading down that way as well.

It was during breakfast that I found out just how varied my powers were. It turns out that I have the ability to control the weather, I am telepathic as well as telekinetic, I am pyrokinetic, I was able to control the magnetic field and I also had a healing factor. This was all that was known at the time. Although as I got older, more powers might develop. I asked how they knew this. Doctor McCoy explained that sometimes mutants have latent powers that develop over time. Sometimes stress or other things like that cause a power to show itself. I was like oh great; depending on what is going on in my life at the time I could develop a power that I have no way to control. This excited me to know end. Oh well, I would deal with it when and if it came up.

After I talked with Dr. McCoy, I went up to Professor X and asked him what I was supposed to do today. He then gave me my schedule. In the morning I had classes to deal with and in the afternoon I would be working with some older mutants to become adept at using my varied powers. I knew I was going to dread my morning but my afternoon would prove to be interesting. The only good thing about my morning was that I got to see some of the cute students that were going to the school. There was this one kid named Andrew that really caught my attention. I sat next to him in my chemistry class and was really taken with him. I must say that he was hot, and he had amazing eyes. I just love his eyes. I don't know if I will be able to get him out of my mind. He is just so awesome. Hopefully I will be able to manage in the rest of my classes and in my training sessions. As it turned out, Andrew was in a few of my other classes. This did not help me much, but it gave me quite a few chances to stare at him without his knowing it. Hopefully I won't get caught staring. I don't know him well enough to be able to determine what his reaction would be if he were to find out I was gay. Of course I hope it would be positively, but if he reacted badly I would just ignore him as much as possible.

The morning went well, for the most part. When I got my lunch, I had no idea where I was going to sit. I was all set to sit by myself, but Andrew came and asked if I would like to sit at his table. I was like sure. Even if I didn't have a major crush on him, I would have loved to have sat with him considering he was basically the only person I knew at that point in time. I was trying not to let myself read too much into his action. He is probably just being nice to the new kid.

The afternoon was interesting. The first person I met with was Jean Grey. She is the person who is going to be helping me with my telekinesis and telepathic abilities. Although, every once in a while the professor will take the telepathic part of the instruction. I had to ask whether it was true that she was one of the most powerful minds in the world and she said it was. This awed me because she was so down-to-earth. She was probably one of the nicest people I have ever met. It was then that she started to try and teach me how to use my telekinesis. The first thing she said was to memorize where everything was in the room right at the moment. The next thing she said was to close my eyes and picture any one item in the room in my mind. After I had done this, she told me to imagine lifting it with my mind. To further explain this she said that I should imagine putting an invisible hand under it, that invisible hand was the telekinesis at work. I did just as I was told, and all of a sudden I heard her say good job. I opened my eyes and saw a table floating in midair. She said I was a natural and that I should try more than one object now. I did and it wasn't any more difficult than only one object. She was surprised at how fast I got the concept of telekinesis and that that was all that she had planned to do for today so I was free to go and hang out with the students if I wanted. Right as I was leaving she mentally said that I had done a great job for my first day using my powers. I thought back a thank you and left, but if she got it I don't know.

I decided to outside and see what the students were up to at this point. When I got outside, I was amazed to see just how many students there were. I saw most of them doing normal teen stuff, but a few of them were using their power to do that stuff. I just went and sat down at one side of the yard and started to think about my life and how much it had changed in such a little time. One week I was your normal teen in college and the next I was a mutant with quite a few talents. I was sitting there for a while just thinking and observing when all a sudden there was a hand on my shoulder. It startled me and I visibly jumped a few inches. After I had settled down, I noticed that it was Andrew. This surprised me. I wondered why he wasn't out playing with his other friends. He seemed to have so many friends I was amazed. I must have been projecting my thoughts because he all a sudden answered that I looked lonely and he thought he would cheer me up by coming and joining me. I was very grateful and told him so. I then told him that all I was doing was thinking. This seemed to interest him. It was then that I asked what his mutant ability was. He said he was a mild telepath. This made me smile because that was one of my abilities. I then figured I might as well list for him the abilities I was told I have. To say the least, he was impressed with the list I gave him.

A thought crossed my mind as we were heading to dinner. The thought was that I should tell him that I was gay. I was really scared about doing this, especially after just meeting him. I decided to bury my fear and tell him. I finally just said, "Andrew, I'm gay".

Well, that's the second chapter. Please email me with your comments. I would love to hear from everyone. Who do you think the celebrities should be? In what way will Andrew react to Matt's statement, you will just have to wait and see next time.

Next: Chapter 3

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