Force of One

By Dash Jarrod

Published on May 28, 2004


Disclaimer: The characters of the X-men belong to Marvel comics. I do not know the sexual preferences of any of the characters herein except for those I made up. This story is complete fiction; any resemblance to real life is sheer coincidence. I do not know any celebrity that may be included in this story may or may not be gay. I also do not personally know any of the celebrities. If you are under 18, please don't read any further.

I thank my friends Dustin and Alex for allowing me to make them into characters. Also thanks to all of you who have written me about my story. I have enjoyed writing it; I just hope that you have enjoyed reading it as much.

Life returned to normal soon after we got back from Japan. Everyone got back into his or her normal schedules. We were once again a tight knit community. Of course, that is the way that every student is the happiest. Not too long after everyone's schedule had normalized, Professor Xavier asked me to show him what all I was capable of doing with my varied powers. He did this to make sure I retained what knowledge I already had. That entire afternoon, I showed the professor what all I had already learned. In fact, those seemed like second nature to me now. It took almost no effort at all to do most of what I knew. The only thing that really took effort was breaking through his mental barrier. Since he has had so much more experience with his telepathy than I have with mine, his barrier was just as thick as mine but it regenerated very rapidly. I had to apply constant psychic energy to break through it and establish my connection. But, once I was in, I had no problem doing what I wanted. The only things I did were, take control of his actions (even if they are limited) and cloud his mind so that he doesn't see me or even sense me in the room. After I was finished showing Professor X. what I remembered, I asked for some time to work on some thoughts I had running through my head. Those thoughts centered on what I could possibly do with my powers. There were some things I thought I could do but I had to work out before I showed anybody, let alone Professor Xavier. To work out what I was thinking of doing, I went down to the danger room. As soon as I got there, I asked, "Computer, can you please set up some targets that can absorb electricity and heat?" "No problem Prodigy." As soon as the targets were in place around the room, I started to do some martial arts routines. I did flips, tucks, and rolls to get to all of the targets. The only difference is that instead of punching or kicking the targets, I wanted to shoot a stream of electricity or fire at them. When I was about to hit the first target, I had to stop myself because I remembered I didn't actually know how to do what I wanted to. As this realization came to me, I made my way to the middle of the room. Once there I started to figure out exactly how I can shoot the streams. I did this by meditating on it. Doing meditation seems to focus my mind even more than it is anyways. It was during this time of contemplation that Bobby was looking for me. The first person he went to see about my location was the professor. He did this because he knew I was meeting with him. Professor X. told him, "Bobby, Matt showed me all that he remembered about his powers. This took quite a while because of all of the powers he possesses. He then told me that he had some ideas about a few new things he might be able to do but that he needed time to work them out. After that statement, he asked to be excused.

I let him go but I don't know where he went. But, if you give me a moment, I should be able to locate him for you." "Thank you. I would greatly appreciate it." With that, he closed his eyes and that classic look of concentration came over his face. In a couple of seconds, he opened his eyes and told Bobby that I was in the danger room. He also said I was probably working out what thoughts I had running through my head. With that thought in mind, Bobby came down to the danger room. But, of course, he entered the control room instead of the actual danger room. He came in when I was in the middle of meditating. He just sat there watching that which I do best. He watched as I figured out another aspect of my powers. He always liked watching my use my powers since I was so natural at doing it. During my meditative state, I focused on my control of the weather. Since meditating pulls more energy into my body, I can use that energy to try and shoot the beams of electricity from my hands like I want to. I knew if I had enough energy coursing through my body, electricity would come out from the corners of my eyes but I didn't know if I had enough control over the weather to do this. All I have to do now is figure out how to make it happen. After a few minutes of concentrating on my weather control, I had an idea of how to do it. But, of course, I had to try it out to see if it actually worked. Plus, if this did work, it should also work on my pyrokinesis. Since, I was concentrating so hard on my control of the weather to make my hands cover in electricity that I did not realize what side effects were happening in the room. My concentration on that power made a very dark cloud form above my head. It's not that the cloud was heavy with rain; it's just that it was a combination of both my psychic and weather control powers. Once my hand was glowing, the cloud above my head started to dissipate. As Bobby sat there watching my progress, he looked on in awe at the psychic weather cloud that formed above my head. He just continued to stare as I went about my business blissfully unaware. He was worried that it would start to release lightning on my head. But, as soon as he saw my hand get that film of electricity on it, he became less worried. And then when my hand was glowing, he was altogether relieved because he saw the cloud start to diminish in size. Once my hand was glowing that pure electric white, I just closed my eyes and visualized myself shooting the stream of electricity that I wanted to. When I opened my eyes, I did just what I visualized. The intensity of the electricity on my hand would have burned someone or electrocuted someone. When the beam of intense electricity connected with the target I was aiming for, it absorbed a little of it and then it started to crack. When I saw it crack, I stopped the beam but it was too late and the target exploded with all of the electricity I had been feeding it. As soon as the target exploded, I knew the intensity of the stream was more than the computer or I figured it would be. With this new thing factoring in now, I had to ask the computer to increase the strength of the remaining absorbing targets. Once the computer said the adjustments were made, I started all over again. I started my martial arts routines once again except I didn't stop when I was about to hit the first target. This time I was ready to hit it with one of my new electric beams. It was kind of liberating to be able to figure out a new aspect of my powers and then be able to use that aspect practically. I once again made my way to the center of the room to try and use my pyrokinesis to do the same thing as the electric beams. As I was trying to do this, I covered my hand in flame just like I did in the alley when facing the would be attacker. When I saw my hand was covered in that film of flame like before, I tried to shoot the beam right away. The only thing that happened when I did this was a brief moment of more intense flames on my hand. I realized then that the flames on my hand would have to be stronger than just showing off my power to someone who would be scared of it. In that instance that the realization came to me, the flames on my hand became brighter and hotter. I didn't really have to think about it, it just happened with this power because I was more used to using it than I was with my weather control. But, once again, when my hand was covered with the flames that were stronger than before, I just stuck my hand in the air like with my electric hand and thought of a beam of flame shooting out. Lucky for me it worked. With everything worked out, I sat down again. With this lull in what I was doing, I was now able to focus on the random thoughts that were running through my head when I was meditating. The most prominent thought was actually somewhat troubling. I was remembering the random attack by sentinels in Japan. They just came out of nowhere and with me not using my powers. It was then I resolved to talk with Professor Xavier about the attack. I would go see him this evening after dinner.

While I was focusing on the thoughts that were running through my head during my meditation, Bobby came down from the control room to ccongratulate me on what I had accomplished. Since I was in my head anyway, I could sense Bobby enter the room. When he all of a sudden put his arms round me, I didn't even jump. This surprised him but then he remembered how powerful I was.

Once he was done congratulating me, and we were done making out for a little while, we headed up to dinner. We sat down at our regular table when we had gone through the line and gotten our food. Not too long after we had begun eating, I contacted the professor. I said, "Professor X., I hate to bother you during dinner but I have some stuff I need to discuss with you. I was hoping we could maybe do it after dinner. Of course, I am at your disposal for timing."

"I don't mind talking with you after dinner. I am just wondering what you need to talk to me about. I am also looking forward to asking how your afternoon experimentation worked out."

"What time shall we meet in your office?"

"How about we go there directly after we finish the meal?"

"That's fine with me, I will see you then."

After our conversation had finished, the rest of the meal was just like every other meal. At the end of it though, I explained to Bobby that I was meeting with the professor to discuss some sttuff that has come back to my memory. He said that was fine and that he would see me when I got back to our room.

Since I wasn't in any real hurry, I took my time to get to his office. On my way there, I couldn't help but think about what I was going to be talking about. Hopefully with the professor's help, we will be able to figure out where those sentinels came from. What I am thinking is a very disturbing thought.

Once I got to his office, I just went right in. I did this because he telepathically told me to do so. That's the good thing about being telepathic; you don't always have to speak out loud. Anyways, as soon as I got in, I took a seat and we started talking telepathically.

"Matthew, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I wanted to talk to you about what happened in Japan. Not what happened to me personally, but the sentinel attack."

"Ah. I understand your concern about that. They seemed to come out of nowhere."

"How id you know that?"

"I checked in on you once in a while. Since I can't get through your mental barrier here, I knew I wouldn't be able to do it over there where you would be actively protecting your mind and powers. Because of this, I had to read the minds of the people around you."

"What did you gather from my fellow students and my sensei? And also, why did you check in on my when I was no longer studying here at the school?"

"I found out that you were progressing at an amazing speed. Also, that nobody knew you were a mutant because you never actively used your powers. Neither of these facts surprised me even one bit. To answer your second question, I checked in on you periodically because I still considered you a student here. I don't think your mind completely left the school."

"I don't think I will ever be able to completely leave here because this is my home. I think my psyche has become partially engrained in the walls here, if that is possible. I thank you for checking in on me. It is rather comforting that you were that worried about me and that you thought of me as a student still."

"With how strong your telepathy is; you might psychically protect any place you call home without trying. So, I think it is possible for your psyche to partially merge with the walls. Anyway, back to the original topic of conversation. There are only a handful of people with enough power to send those sentinels after you. And you would be considered one of those people."

"So basically, what you're saying is that you suspect Magneto for the attack."

"Yes, I do. I believe he wanted to see how powerful you have become without anyone there to protect you. It is kind of disconcerting how much attention he is paying towards you. You will have to be extra careful when you leave the school grounds in the future. I will also take care to not keep in touch with you electronically because he seems to be able to hack into our computer system."

"I would appreciate the lack of electronic trail. And I will definitely keep aware whenever I leave the school grounds. Although, I don't think it will be happening too soon anyway."

"Since it is getting late, why don't you show me what you wanted to show me."

"Considering the time, how about I just show you mentally. It would be a lot quicker and would involve less effort."

"That's fine."

With that, I showed Professor Xavier what all happened during my time in the danger room. Of course, this is all from my point of view. To say he was impressed with what I was able to figure out would be an understatement.

He even said he was continually surprised by what I was able to do with my powers, especially considering how varied they are. After I showed him my new talents, I went off to bed. As soon as I hit the bed, I was asleep. It had been an extremely long day for me, plus figuring out some new twists on my powers had taken a lot out of me.

Anyway, the next morning was exactly the same as all the others of the school year. I started the day by going to my morning classes. This didn't last too long because I all of a sudden got a very urgent message from Professor X. that said, "Matthew, can you please come to my office?"

After I received that rather urgent message from the professor, I got up from class immediately. My teacher just nodded as I walked by. I guess she got a message from Professor Xavier as well.

Once I was outside the classroom, I lifted myself up off the floor and flew very quickly to see him. Before I got all the way to his office, I received another message saying, "Just come right in when you get here Matt." So, that is exactly what I did.

When I got down there, I almost immediately sat down. What stopped me was the look of apprehension on his face. It almost seemed like there was something he did but did not want to tell me. It must be something that has to do with me personally.

As soon as I was settled into my seat, he began. He stated, "Matt, I just detected another mutant signature in your home town. The signature belongs to somebody named Eugene. Do you recognize that name? Is it someone you are friends with?"

"Of course I recognize the name. My hometown wasn't big enough to have more than one Eugene in it. He happens to be one of my best friends from high school."

"I figured that you at least knew who I was talking about."

"Yeah, even thought the school we went to was huge, I knew most of our graduating class. Also, the fact that we have been friends since elementary school doesn't hurt things either."

"I would like you and Bobby to go and talk with your friend. Maybe, if he is willing and wants to learn about whatever his specific power may be, you can bring him back here to finish out his schooling."

"It would be very cool to have someone else from Pennsylvania here at the school."

"Actually, there are a couple of students from Pennsylvania here other than yourself."

"What I meant by what I said was someone from my neck of the woods. Although, I suspect you already knew that."

"Whether I may or may not have known that is irrelevant at the moment. What is important is that you get to him before magneto does. Either that or he ends up hurting someone with his new found power."

"Did you ever, even for a second, think that I would not want to help someone? Especially if I knew that person already."

"The thought never entered my mind Matthew. I just wanted you to know where I was coming from."

"I thank you for that professor. When do we leave?"

"You will leave in an hour. You are allowed to take any of the cars you want on this trip. While you are there, you should stop in and see your parents. I am sure that they would love to see both you and Bobby."

"I will definitely visit my parents while in the area. It will be nice to be able to go home, even if it is only for a day. Of course, it will be nice to see Eugene again as well. I haven't seen him in over a year."

With that, I went out to tell Bobby what we were supposed to do. Before I entered the classroom where he was at the moment, I contacted his teacher telepathically. I told him that I had to talk to Bobby. I also asked whether it would be easier for him to send him out or for me to come in to get him. He replied that he would just send Bobby out to me because Professor Xavier already contacted him concerning Bobby leaving class to get ready for the trip. Once Bobby was out in the hall with me, I told him what our mission was.

After the explanation, we ran to our room to get packed and change. We decided to wear our uniforms when we confronted Eugene. I don't know if confront is the right word for what we were about to do, it is probably more along the lines of talking than confronting.

Once we were ready, we headed down to the garage. I decided that we would take the convertible. I did this because it would make a good first impression on Eugene about the school.

It took a few hours to get to my hometown. But, we enjoyed the ride with the top down.

Once we got close to the Pennsylvania/New Jersey border, I contacted my mom telepathically. I said, "Hey mom, Bobby and I are going to be in town for a couple of days."

To say my mother was surprised to hear my voice inside her head would be an understatement. Although, she still responded with, "I'm glad to hear it. We have been missing you."

"We're just about to enter Pennsylvania from New Jersey. So, it will be probably two hours before we get there. Although, we are just going to drop off our stuff at first because we have to go visit my friend Eugene from high school."

"Why are you two going to see him?"

"I will explain later depending on what happens."

Once I was done talking with my mother, I told Bobby what was said. With that over with, we drove on in silence just holding hands and listening to the radio. We were just reveling in each other's presence all the rest of the way.

As soon as we were in the state of Pennsylvania, I called Eugene on my cell phone. I called his house because he wouldn't be at school this time of the year. Anyway, I told him that I would like to see him when I get home if that were possible. He said to come over anytime that day. He was going to be home all day with nothing to do so I was welcome to come visit. With that, we hung up and I got back to solely driving.

When we got to my hometown, we took a quick pit stop at my house. All we did when we got there was use the bathroom and drop off our bags. After that, we headed over to Eugene's.

Once we got to Eugene's house, we rang the doorbell. To my surprise, he was the one that answered the door instead of one of his parents. Boy was I ever glad to see him again. It had been way too long.

While we were catching up and he was getting to know Bobby, I used my mini-cerebro to try and read a mutant signature on him. Professor Xavier was definitely right about him being a mutant. I just wonder if he knows it yet.

Anyway, before we got any further into reminiscing, I told him why we were there. At first he did not believe a word I said about mutants, let alone that he was one. Because of that, we had to show him our powers. Since Bobby only has the one power, his was easier to show than mine. As it was, I decided to demonstrate only two of my powers. Bobby covered himself in ice and I raised myself into the air a couple of feet from the ground and then covered both my hands in flame. Unfortunately, all this did was to make him panic.

When he did panic, he tried to run. This kind of made me mad. As far back as I can remember, he was always a very accepting person. So, when he started to run, I stopped his forward progression by lifting him up into the air.

Once he realized what I had done, he started to struggle against my hold. This made me say, "Now Eugene, even though you may have gotten stronger, you have no idea how strong my mind is.

"As soon as he heard my words, he stopped struggling. When I felt this, both Bobby and I went around to face him. Once we were in that position, I said, "We aren't here to hurt you. We aren't here to scare you either. We just want to talk to you and give you some options Eugene. Are you going to cooperate and listen to what we have to say, or do I have to keep you in the air all afternoon?"

"Ok, I am willing to listen to what you have to say. I don't guarantee that I willl agree with anything you say or that I will even like what you have to say but I will listen."

"I'm glad to hear it. But before we begin, I have to ask what you thought our uniforms were for."

"I thought that you and Bobby were just very enthusiastic X-men comic and movie fans."

"No, the X-men are quite real, although we are not quite what Hollywood makes us out to be. Anyway, our professor detected the mutant gene in you. Now we don't know what your specific mutation is, we just know that you are a mutant. That is true whether you want to accept it or not."

It was then that Bobby said, "I know it took me a while to come to terms with my being a mutant. It might take you some time, but we are here to offer you the help you will need to get control of your power whatever it may be."

"Thanks, I think. Considering that an hour ago, I was just your average twenty-one year old college student and now I am someone out of a comic book. Excuse me if this is a little hard to take in."

"We understand that. It happens to most mutants when they find out. I was lucky in that I wished at some points in my life that I had powers like I have now, so when I found out, I was overjoyed. As Bobby said, we are here to offer you the chance to study at our school. While there, you will be able to finish your college courses and learn about your power or powers. I would love it if you came to study with us but it is completely up to you. We will leave you alone to decide what you want to do. Call me when you have made your decision."

"Before you guys go, can you give me a greater demonstration of your powers. We can go into the backyard if you like."

Then Bobby stated, "We would be glad to give you a very in depth demonstration."

With that, we headed to the backyard. Nothing has changed in their backyard since I saw it last. Luckily for me, there was still lots of room to let loose. As soon as we arrived where there was enough room, I started to cover myself completely in flames. Once again, when the flames covered most of my body, I started to float. With my body covered, I decided to do what I had recently figured out. This time, it took less concentration but it still took quite a bit. I would have demonstrated my ability to charge things so that they would explode but I didn't want to impose on that aspect. After I had powered down, I started to use my weather control. I started up a nasty rainstorm complete with lightning and thunder.

"Hey Matt, why aren't we getting wet?"

"It's because I put a telekinetic shield in place around us. My telekinesis is what allowed me to levitate a couple feet off the ground earlier. It is also what allowed me to stop you and lift you into the air."

"I was wondering about that. What are you other powers?"

"Well, I am able to control the magnetic fields, have telepathy, and have a healing factor."

"Cool. Thanks for showing me your powers guys. I will give you a call in an hour to tell you whether I am going to be coming with you guys back to your school wherever it may be."

"Ok. I will be looking for the call. And by the way, our school is in New York. Bye for now."

As we were making our way around the side of the house toward the convertible, I sensed something big coming towards me. I couldn't describe it any better than big; I hadn't felt anything like that before. Before too long, this fiery bird-like thing came into view. When it got within a couple of feet, it sped up and flew right into my body.

When that happened, Eugene asked, "Bobby, what was that thing that flew into Matt? Also, will he be ok?"

"That thing as you so put it, is an ancient being known as the phoenix. It is one of the oldest beings alive. It is also one of the most powerful. It has inhabited Matt's body now. He will not be harmed but he may be out of it for a little while as it gets accustomed to his body and powers."

"As long as he is going to be ok."

"He will be, but we will leave you alone now so you can do your thinking."

As this conversation was going on, I was listening and yet I was not. Once we were moving again, I came back to my senses. Bobby asked if I was ok and I said that I was fine but a little tired. I also said that I was able to drive the couple of minutes it takes to get to my house.

When we got to my house, we went right in and I headed up to bed. Bobby took the time to explain why I was so tired to my parents then joined me upstairs. Since he wasn't tired, he just sat there watching me sleep. Anyway, one of us had to be awake for the call from Eugene.

Not even an hour had passed when Eugene called with his news. He told Bobby, "I would love to come to your school to learn about my power. As long as I am going to be able to continue my college courses that is."

"Of course you will be able to continue your studies. We will pick you up on Sunday about noon to take you to school."

"Ok. I will have myself all packed and ready to go then. Talk to you later."

Well, that is it for another chapter. I would appreciate some feedback from you this time, so please send me some emails. The more emails I get, the sooner the next chapter will be written and posted. You can send criticism or praise, either is acceptable to me. My email address is Also, my screen name for AIM is spdyeagl. If you want to give me feedback that way, I am all for that. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 20

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