
By Silent One

Published on Jan 26, 2014



This story is a work of fiction. Any names referenced in its writing that bear resemblance to actual people is purely coincidental. I only hope that more is written about male pregnancy/transgender pregnancy. Thank You and Enjoy.

Forbidden – Chapter 06

"NO! I will not let my son get pregnant, much less have me be the one to do it!" Paul rants at his son in the kitchen. Tommy, simply sitting on the counter, responds, "You seemed pretty keen on it a few days ago. In fact, as I recall, it was that very thought that made you cream in my ass when we were right here in this kitchen." As Tommy's father turns around for a rebuttal, Tommy cut's him off. "Doesn't just the thought of it make you want to do it?" Tommy gets off the counter, and starts to sashay himself over to his father. "Having me waddle around with my belly full to the brim with the baby you fucked into me." Adding a swing to his ass, Tommy starts to circle his father, like a tiger ready to pounce. "We would have to go shopping to get me new clothes simply because of my belly alone. As we walk through the mall, I'd wrap my arm around yours, and everybody would know who knocked me up. Everybody would know who was doing me every night in bed." Tommy pauses to rub his father's dick through his pants. "They would probably never guess what kind of a beast knocked me up though. In fact, you'd probably have to keep fucking me while I'm pregnant, so my asshole can get stretched enough for the baby to fit through."

Once again, like a tiger ready to pounce, Tommy sees the desire in his father's eyes, almost ready to give in and fuck his son on the kitchen floor. "You ready daddy?" Tommy asks. As Paul looks down at his son, he feels uncontrollable lust, but also a slight twinge of regret at having sex with his son in the first place. In this case, the regret won out, and Paul pulls away from his son, mumbling something about how they shouldn't be doing this. With a combined look of sexual frustration and annoyance in Tommy's face, he thinks to himself, `not this again'.

Later that night:

Tommy had had the pairs of fuzzy handcuffs for a little while now. He recalls NOT getting an odd look from the Adult Store clerk when he bought a 4-pack of cuffs, one for each limb. He considered using them initially on his father the first time they were together, just in case he needed a little extra "encouragement". Fortunately, Tommy didn't need them and kept them as his "ace-in-the-hole" as it were. He wondered if it was this difficult for women to get their men to put a baby in them.

Tommy chose the usual time to visit his father's bedroom, when he was fast asleep. As he goes to open the door, he finds it locked. Laughing to himself, "We learned did we. Well, we've got a solution to that too." Tommy goes to the laundry room, and gets the hide-a-key that opens all the doors in the house. Being as quiet as possible, Tommy unlocks the bedroom door, and slowly opens the door to reveal his father, asleep like usual on the bed. Grinning to himself, he takes the handcuffs, and carefully puts each of his father's limbs in them, and then attaches each to the bedpost. As Tommy pulls back to admire his work, he sees his father spread eagle on the bed, unable to do anything to stop somebody from "taking advantage" of him. Although, it's hard to say if it can be referred to as "being taken advantage" of; both of them wanted Tommy pregnant after all.

Putting one last detail in place, Tommy puts a piece of tape over his father's mouth to muffle the sounds that will soon be coming out of his father's mouth. Tommy was genuinely afraid that the neighbors would make another call to the police of "strange" noises coming from the house. Little did they know what was really happening.

Tommy, runs his hands over his father's broad chest, with Paul's breathe begins to quicken from the physical contact. Moving his hands down to his thighs, Tommy begins to knead his father's thigh muscles, admiring how toned they are. The familiar tent in his father's pants begins to grow just as Tommy's own pulse quickens at the anticipation of what's to come. With his own cock already dripping from anticipation, Tommy pulls his father's waistband down, exposing his 12 inch dick to the world, standing ready for the task at hand.

Unable to control himself, Tommy closes his lips around the head, taking it in his mouth. He receives a groan of pleasure from his father, unable to resist the steaming hot mouth that has slipped over his dick. Paul starts to squirm when Tommy sticks his tongue as far down his father's cock slit as is possible. The result is an ever increasing stream of pre-cum, both from Paul's dick and Tommy's as well. Tommy loosens his mouth-grip, and lets the saliva drip down, coating the shaft down to its base. With the mixture of spit and pre-cum lubing up the monster, Tommy takes his hands and starts to jack his father's dick, eliciting more groans of pleasure from his father. Taking the opportunity, Tommy slips his hands down the cock, and down to its balls, filled with the batter that would make him pregnant. Kneading them in his fingers, Tommy suddenly feels a twitch, and looks up to see his father awake and looking at him.

"Hello Daddy. Had a good nap?" Tommy asks. Paul simply mumbles something in response, tugging at his restraints, testing what is preventing him from getting up. Giggling like a schoolgirl, Tommy replies, "You can try that daddy, but it won't work. It's not easy to break out of handcuffs even for you." With the brief pause, Tommy returns to pleasuring the monster that's going to put a baby in him. Once again teasing the cock slit, precum starts to flow like a river, coating Tommy's mouth as well as Paul's cock.

With a free hand, Tommy starts to pump his own dick that's almost as hard as his father's, maybe even harder from the anticipation. Paul keeps pulling at his restraints in vain attempts to break free. Pulling his mouth of his father's cock, Tommy gets up on the bed over his father, his own cock dropping precum on his father's chest. "You can struggle all you want daddy, but one way or another, I'm getting pregnant."

With that declaration, Tommy lowers his asshole just to the point where the head is touching his rosebud. With a push of force, Tommy forces the head into his cavity, stretching it to its limits. With each of the pair groaning, Tommy slides his body down, his insides engulfing every inch of his father's cock. Finally, with a final groan by both parties, Tommy feels his own balls resting on his father, proof that he had completely taken him inside. Slowly, Tommy begins the familiar riding action associated with trying to coax cum out of his father's dick.

With his father groaning in a combination of protest and lust, Tommy closes his eyes. "Oh, come on daddy. You know you want to do it." Tommy gets into a good rhythm that's typical of their lovemaking. As his father's weapon assaults his son's asshole, Tommy lays on the talk even more. "Don't you want it daddy. Wouldn't it be a sight to see? Your son, swelling by the day with the baby you put in him." Paul, unable to help himself any longer, starts to thrust upwards, fucking his son's ass the best he can. "Come on daddy, do it! Make your sON PREEGGGGOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" the rest coming out as a moan as Tommy's cock spews cum all over his father. Simultaneously, Paul's weapon erupts inside his son, coating every inch of his insides with cum.

Between the two of them, they could have probably filled an entire sperm bank. However, at the moment, there was only one person looking to get pregnant. Tommy collapses on his father, falling in his own cum, and cum leaking from his asshole. As the pair catch their breath, Tommy manages to mutter out some words, "You know daddy, I don't think anything couldn't have gotten pregnant after they took a load like that." Gathering his strength, Tommy manages to get off the bed, and unlocks his father's cuffs, "I think that should do it. If I'm not pregnant by now, we'll have to try again later."

As Tommy turns, cum pouring from his asshole, to clean himself up, Paul uses his newly freed hands, and grabs his son's hand, turning him around so Paul can look him in the eye. "No. We're going to make sure you're pregnant now." Paul locks his mouth over his son's, pushing his tongue deep into his mouth. Surprised by the aggressiveness of his father, Tommy is unsure how to respond, but it's his own dick that responds. As Tommy responds to the passionate embrace of his father, he can feel his father's dick hard once again, leaking all over his leg.

Paul turns his son around, and Tommy gets on all fours, eager to accept his father's cock once again. As Paul pushes his weapon into his son, both of them groan out loud. Once Paul bottoms out, he starts an aggressive pace, eager to fuck his son's tight ass. With his own cum leaking out of his son from the last fuck, Paul starts to return the talk he got earlier. "You know Tommy, it's not nice to tie people up and fuck a baby into yourself. I think you need some serious punishment for that." As Paul picks up the pace, he starts to hit that sweet spot within his son. "That's right daddy, I've been a bad son. I need to be punished like the bad boy I am." Moaning into the bed sheets, Tommy's ass clenches around his father's tool, his own dick spewing cum into the bed. "That's a naughty boy, cumming from your own father's cock like that." Paul says, slowing down temporarily until his son can recover.

Being close to cumming again himself, Paul flips his son over into the missionary position, and resumes his thrusting, staring his son in the eyes. "You like that Tommy? Do you like seeing my dick fuck your asshole?" "Yes daddy, I love your dick. I want you to use my poor asshole every day until I can't even sit right anymore." "You want to get big and swollen with my baby?" as Paul quickens his thrusts. In a haze of lust, Tommy responds, "Yes daddy! I want to be pregnant forever. I want to be your baby momma and birth kids out my ass FOREVEERRR!!!" the last portion coming as a moan as Tommy's dick spurts cum for the third time. "You want me to keep you barefoot and pregnant forever? Then TAKE IT!!!!" Paul erupts for a second time deep within his son, filling him beyond the brim.

As father and son collapse together on the bed, they share one last passionate kiss before both of the drift off to sleep. Deep within Tommy, two sperm had found their target.

To Be Continued.

Other stories by the same other:




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