For You

By Kathrine

Published on Jul 30, 2000


Legal disclaimer: this is fiction. If you're not allowed to, don't read.

Author's note: if you wanna say something about the story, or just anything in general, then mail me at

Chapter five:

The morning passed in silence. All of them was too unsure about what to do. Lack of sleep and utter shock had them not yet grasping what had taken place in the last 12 hours. The sun had come up, bringing light and activity to a day sure to bring them more pain.

Hours earlier Kevin found himself looking into the face of a man he once thought he knew. His thoughts raced like ten racing cars caught in a giant puddle of oil. -Why...? he got out, with a shaking voice. A set of blue eyes were fixated on his. The hand was still on his shoulder.

-We belong together, Kevin, the man said. -I have known that for a long time, I just had to get everything ready for you. -What?!? Kevin asked, his mind was too confused to let anything but one-word questions come out of his mouth. The man leaned in closer causing Kevin to try and back up further. -Just relax, my love, the man continued. -Everything is going to be allright. You are finally here with me. -This is crazy, Kevin said calmly, his mind still struggling with this new revelation. -You can't hold me here. He set a pair of piercing green eyes on the other man. -I don't love you, Daryl.

There was a shift in the steel-blue eyes as Daryl leaned over Kevin. He took firmly hold of Kevin's chin and forced the younger man to look at him. -That doesn't matter, he said as if discussing the weather. -You will learn to love me, you and I were meant to be. Kevin was getting really angry. He took hold of Daryl's hand to try and remove it. Only to find out that he couldn't.

Daryl smiled as he saw the shock and fear start to creep into Kevin's eyes which had been icy with anger. He had to admire Kevin's persistence. It was just too bad that he didn't know what was good for him. Daryl removed his hand and before Kevin saw it coming, he slapped him hard across the face.

The sharp pain from being hit, mixed with the headache he was already suffering from, had Kevin lying still for a moment. He turned his head away from Daryl, not wanting him to see the tears of anger and pain in Kevin's eyes.

-LIke I said, you will learn, Kevin, Daryl's voice came back. -Get some rest now, I will be back later. Seconds later the darkness was back. Kevin let himself fall back on the bed. His eyes stared into the blackness. He just couldn't believe that this was happening, it all seemed like a nightmare.

When he had found out that Daryl was his kidnapper, Kevin had been too surprised to even wonder. Daryl had been working for them on the latest tour. It was a short one, just around the states. He had been doing some electrical stuff, Kevin couldn't remember exactly what. Kevin had been too caught up in his relationship with Nick to notice much of what was going on around him. Management had been happy for and with them, as the concerts really threw sparks. With a sigh Kevin closed his eyes. He really couldn't remember Daryl all that well, but he had been around the five of them pretty often. Not for any apparent reason, he just was around a lot. Despite that, Kevin had no idea that the big, blonde man had these kind of feelings for him, and that they would drive him to do something like this.

Desperately trying to stay calm and collected, Kevin made an attempt to sort out this whole crazy situation. He didn't know where he was, but he knew who had kidnapped him. Unfortunelately the same person seemed to be more than just a little nuts.

Lying there in the darkness, Kevin had no idea about what time it was. His wristwatch was gone, and there were no windows to judge by the light of day after. He was scared, even though he tried to surpress it. And he was also completely in someone else's mercy. Kevin hated that, the fact that he, at least for the moment, was powerless, made him frustrated beyond what he had ever been.

The thought of Nick comforted him again, as it always did. For a moment he let himself linger on in pleasant memories of his sweetheart, it made him relax to the point where Kevin found himself dozing off again. -I love you, Nicky, he thought on the verge of deep sleep. His headache seemed to slow down to a mild discomfort and Kevin got some much needed escape from his nightmare in a waken state. He slept for what he imagined must have been a long time, the real world still creeping in on him in form of fluttering dream-images.

Waking up was not as bad as the first time, Kevin at least felt physically better. Somehow being here made him feel like someone had ripped a little part out of the world and put him in it. It didn't feel real, it didn't even feel connected to reality.

A low noise woke him from a light slumber, it took a little while before he recognized it. It was thin, almost wailing and ended in a high-pitched shriek. Old wooden boards on the floor, like if they were protesting to something heavy coming along them. Kevin laid completely still on the bed, the sound were somewhere near. The darkness made him more aware of his other senses as he couldn't relay on his eyes anymore. After listening closely for a while, Kevin noticed other sounds too. A silent humming vibrated in the air, almost to faint to hear. But to Kevin it was a familar sound, it came from a electrical aggregate. Wherever he was, the place was small enough to carry it's own need for electricity.

Yet another sound caught Kevin's attention, this one was a little different. It was soft, nearly sad, it had Kevin instantly thinking of woods at night. It came back, and Kevin had to smile to himself as he realized that what he was hearing was an owl. By the sound of it, a rather lonely owl too. The sound was soothing, an evidence that the old world still existed outside his confinement. The owl stayed for a while, still calling softly to whoever might be hearing.

Trying to relax again, Kevin pictured the owl in his mind. If he didn't think of anything else but his own situation, he would go mad in no time. Of course it all made him think of Nick again. Some time before they got together, they had been at a hotel near this big nature-park. A while after it had gotten dark, Nick had wanted to go for a walk in the park and convinced Kevin to go with him. It was around the same time as Kevin discovered his deep infatuation for his young friend, something that was to evolve into the love of his life.

At that time of night they had been the only humans in the park, Kevin remembered that night so well. The setting couldn't have been more romantic, they were wandering along in a heavy pine tree forest, hanging over the tretops were a glowing moon and the rest of the sky were sprinkled with stars. Suddenly a large Great Horned owl came sweeping over them, startling Nick and making him reach for Kevin's hand. He had kept it there for a while before blushing ever so sweetly when he realised that he still held onto Kevin's hand several minutes later.

Another one of those shrieking noises, this time closer. Daryl was coming back. Soon the door would be opened again. Suddenly the light felt bad, a long as the dark remained Kevin would be alone, and safe. When the light came, with Daryl, Kevin didn't know what to expect. But being in the dark, with Daryl, would be twice as bad, he told himself. -At least I can try to figure out where the hell I am and how to get out of here when the lights are on, Kevin thought, trying to reassure himself. He knew that the string of thought didn't make much sense, but he needed to focus on something. A heavy clicking-sound came and a lock was opened. This time Kevin tried to see where the light came from, but after being in the dark for so long, he was blinded by the sharp light.

The room he was in was lit again, Kevin made sure to get a good look around when his eyes had adjusted more to the light. It wasn't a big room, and the walls were of a dark, wooden panel. Now he could also spot two doors in the corner, placed opposite of each other. In the roof of the corner closest to the bed there were some sort of metal supporteres like if something used to hang there before, something heavy if Kevin were to jugde by the size.

Daryl was indeed back. For a moment there was a silence. Kevin didn't know what to anticipate. The other man looked at him, Kevin felt very aware of his clothing. He had on a T-shirt and jeans, both giving away the outline of his body in a generous way. -Did you have a good rest? Daryl asked, keeping his eyes now on Kevin's face. -Sure, Kevin said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Yeah, he had been kidnapped and was chained to a bed in God-knows-where. Wasn't that what all sweet dreams were made of?

-I thought you might like to clean up a little, Daryl continued and moved closer to the bed. For a moment Kevin froze, but then he realised that Daryl was going to unlock the chain. Hope flowed up in him as he saw a chance for escape, but it quickly died down again as Kevin felt something cold and smooth being pressed into his neck. The chain was off maybe, but the egde of a big knife was at his neck. Everytime Kevin moved just a little, the knife bit into his skin, slicing small marks that were just big enough to let a drop of blood trickle down the blade.

-It is for your own good, Daryl said. -I can not have you try to leave will like it here soon enough, Kevin. Then you will not be able to understand how you once wanted to leave. His hand took hold of Kevin's arm and guided him to his feet. Kevin got out of the bed all right, but as his feet touched the floor he hesitated a little. Slowly he tried his legs, wondering if the feeling of weakness would let him be able to walk at all. The whole idea of not being able to stand and having Daryl help him or worse, carry him, made Kevin use all of his iron strong will. Biting down on his lower lip as always if he was consentrating, he started to walk, feeling the strain in both his legs. -This isn't right, Kevin thought, getting a little alarmed, -even though I haven't used my legs for a while, it shouldn't feel like this... For every step, Kevin wasn't sure if he could make another one.

They were heading towards one of the doors. The route seemed endless, but in reality they were there in an instant. Daryl was still holding the knife close to Kevin's skin, now the drops of blood had began to stain the neck of Kevin's T-shirt.

Reaching forward Daryl pushed open one door. What appeared to be a bathroom came into view. Daryl led Kevin inside. -You will feel better after you have freshened up a bit, he told Kevin, -take as long as you will. Finally the pressure of the knife's blade were gone from Kevin's neck and he breathed a little more freely. His legs had regained some strength, making him stand up without the fear of falling to the ground, without anything to lean on.

Kevin looked around, it was a normally equipped bathroom, with a small shower. No windows, only an outlet for ventilation under the roof. The thought of cleaning up was extremely tempting, Kevin felt dirty both on the outside and the inside. -Everything you should need is in here, Daryl's voice was invading his thoughts. -If it is not, I will get it for you. That statement, in all it's absurdity, had Kevin nearly smiling.

He turned to look at Daryl. -You're leaving me as I get cleaned up, he said, -I'm not doing anything if you're going to watching me. For a moment Daryl seemed to be thinking about Kevin's words. -That is fine, he said in the end, -I will be right outside if you need me. -Don't count on it, Kevin thought. His back was turned to Daryl as the other man walked back outside and closed the door. Kevin couldn't hear any locks being turned, but as long as Daryl was outside the door, it really didn't matter. He didin't have the strength to fight anybody right now, anyway.

Sighing Kevin let his eyes roam around the bathroom. A shower would be heavenly, but he wasn't sure if he dared. What he ought to do was finish up quickly and get back outside where there was a slight chance of getting away. This room was as closed as a tin can. For the first time Kevin noticed the things laying around in the room. Every item was the same as he normally used, right down to the same brand of toothpaste. Kevin hugged himself tightly as he felt the sharp jolt of fright again. Daryl wouldn't have known this just be being around them at tour-time, he had to have been in Kevin's house to know all this. In his home.

The thought of Daryl being there, maybe when he was there himself, and Nick, had Kevin almost in tears. How was he supposed to protect his boyfriend if he was locked up in here? Daryl knew about Nick and him, everyone who worked for them had to sign a paper stating that they wouldn't reveal anything of what they heard or saw behind the scene. Both AJ and Howie and Nick and him tried to be a little careful, but it didn't always work. Even if he hadn't mentioned it yet, Daryl knew about Kevin and Nick being a couple.

Kevin was scared almost to death as he thought of the fact that Daryl could get close to Nick, closer than he could at the moment. Deeply absorbed in his thinking Kevin absentmindly decided to go for the shower, needing to wash Daryl's touch of his body.

The water was warm, flowing freely over his body. As Kevin let it soak his dark hair, he felt the dull pain as his fingers touched the place his head had hit the car-window. The water was slightly coloured in red when the dried blood was washed away. Once finished in the shower, Kevin dried himself of with a towel, searching for his clothes. They were no where to be fond, Kevin was getting a little nervous. Then he could see a pile of clothing near the sink. -How long has he been planning this for? Kevin had to ask himself as he looked through the clothes. He had the exact same items in his wardrobe, same size, same colour. Slowly he got dressed.

His mind was far away as Kevin finished up in the bathroom, doing everything a little slower than usual as the prospect of being chained to the bed again was coming closer at each second. In the end he couldn't stall anymore. Kevin looked at the closed door. -I don't want to go back in there! he thought. -I can't stand the way he keeps looking at me, like he owns me... Thank God he hasn't tried anything yet. It's bad enough that he must have been in here while I was in the shower.

With the feeling of signing his life away Kevin reached for the door and opened it. But he was going to fight with every bit of him to get away from Daryl, even if it meant killing him in the process. Kevin knew that it could go both ways too, he could just as easily end up as the dead one. Daryl seemed calm now, but the way he had hit Kevin earlier, showed that he could get a lot meaner than he looked.

-So, Daryl said at the sight of Kevin, -there you are. I must say you look good wearing that, you have good taste, Kevin. Kevin could have screamed at the idea of having this conservation with Daryl . It seemed too normal, and nothing was normal with this whole, damn situation. Biding his time, Kevin let himself be led to the bed and chained down once again.

Next: Chapter 5

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