For You

By Kathrine

Published on Jul 28, 2000


Legal disclaimer: this is fiction, I'm not implying anything about the sexuality or personal lives of the Backstreet Boys. Don't read if they'll put you in the jail for it, or chop something off.

Author's note: really nothing to say but...enjoy!

Chapter four: Kevin woke up to what was far from the best time of his life. He gently touched his forehead, grimacing over the pain.

Slowly he opened his green eyes, seeing nothing but darkness in front of him. Which was OK for the moment as he had the original headache from hell. Kevin let his hand move from his forehead to his left temple, feeling something making his hair a little sticky and tangled. A small whince came from him as he felt the broken, swelled skin underneath his dark hair.

A little uneasy he shifted on the bed, the last remains of the sedative was leaving his thoughts and he was realising that something was very wrong. His fingers warily felt the blankets on the bed he laid on. It didn't feel known at all, Kevin wanted to sit up, but quickly fell down on his back again. The room didn't stop spinning for a long time, the headache had also brought a friend. Never in his life had Kevin felt more naucious, just a tiny move made him feel like he was either going to throw up or like his head was going to explode in shattering pain. Neither was any desirable options, so Kevin decided to just lay still and think of his situation.

His eyes became a little more adjusted to the dark, but the near complete lack of light made it close to impossible to see much.. .How did I get myself into this? Kevin thought, -what happened? Before that moment he didn't actually feel any fear, he just was confused and felt really bad.. It felt like his breath got stuck in his throat as Kevin remembered what had happened. The image of the man in the backseat, the car spinning out of control, himself blacking out...

Kevin's breath was still at a quicker pace and his body was tense as he knew what had happened to him. He had been kidnapped. For what reason he was not sure, but whatever it was, it couldn't be good. A thought was forming in Kevin's mind, surpressing all the other thoughts. -I have to get outta here!

The nausea was surpassing a little by little, making Kevin able to sit up. His head still hurted like hell, but he had to move, he had to get out of this place, wherever he was. Being in a hurry, Kevin nearly fell out of the bed as something tightened around his left ancle and stopped him in his movements. The feeling of someone running an icecube down his spine, couldn't have been any colder than the chill of fear and shock as Kevin let his hand reach down and felt that he was chained to the bed. A solid chain and what appeared to be a big padlock secured Kevin's leg, to make sure he stayed where he was.

-Damn...Kevin whispered to himself, running a hand through his dark hair. His thoughts all of a sudden shifted to Nick and that put a small smile on his face. Things never got so bad that the thought of his baby couldn't make things a little easier. He also knew that Nick, and the other guys, probably knew that something had happened to him by now. A slight frown replaced Kevin's smile, he hated the idea of causing them to worry.

Feeling powerless, Kevin laid back on the bed again. The last thing, or more precisely, the only thing he remembered, was the man, suddenly appearing in the backseat of his car, and the feel and smell of the piece of cloth on his face. The car had been out of control, Kevin felt the bump on the side of his head and the dried blood. That must have happened after, maybe the car had hit something... His thoughts trailed off.

A small sound from the outside room had him on full alert, he looked all over the room but still couldn't see anything. Kevin's heartbeat started to pound all through his body, the sound came closer. It was footsteps.

Kevin hated being trapped, but that was what he was. An attempt to move just made the chain dig forcefully into his ancle. The pain snapped him out of the near panicky state. The footsteps were coming ever so close. A low creaking and a flicker of light told Kevin that a door had been opened. It was shut before he could see who was coming in. Somebody was coming closer to him, Kevin fought to see who it was. Witout even knowing it he moved up against the headboard of the bed as much as the chain allowed him.

All of a sudden the room was filled with a sharp light. Kevin covered his eyes, jumping at the feel of a hand on his shoulder. -I'm glad to see that you are awake, Kevin, a voice said. Very slowly, Kevin removed his hand from his eyes. His green eyes shifted upwards untill he was looking at the man next to him. His eyes widened, and with a sinking feeling, he said: -You!

The silence remained for a couple of seconds, then all hell broke loose. -Nick! Brian cried, falling on his knees next to his unconscious friend. Howie and AJ held each other tight, both looking pale and scared. Ingrid leaned down next to Brian. -Wake up, Nicky, Brian pleaded, pulling Nick up in his lap. -We'll get Kevin back safe and sound, I promise you. Come back to me, Nicky... Now Howie and AJ were kneeling beside them too, Howie still holding AJ close to him.

The policechief was giving orders in every directions, the place was filled with activity. One of the medical personell came over to Brian and the others. -It's the shock, he said calmly, checking Nick's breathing and pulse. -He'll come around soon. Just get him away from here and let him have some rest.

Nick stirred a little in Brian's arms, his eyebrows wrinkled in a look of worry and disbelief. -Kevin, he stated simply before he opened his eyes. One look at Brian's face had his own blue eyes brimming with tears. -I want Kevin! Nick said, looking like a lost child. Brian didn't say anything, just pulled Nick close as the younger man started to cry in hard, painful sobs.

Ingrid who now had met all the Backstreet Boys, besides Kevin, already felt as part of their close-knit family. She leaned in and put her arm around Brian's shoulder and felt him leaning a little against her touch. AJ and Howie joined them in a desperate hug as they all shared their worries for Kevin.

-Excuse me, boys, policechief Larson's quiet voice reached them, -but I really need to ask Nick some questions. He was the last one to see Kevin tonight. Ingrid who had her arm around Brian's shoulder felt him tense up in anger. Quickly she looked up at the man standing looking at them with a business-like look on his face. -I know you're just doing your job, and it is important to get to things as early as possible, but could you give us a few minutes? Nick can't answer any questions now. -OK, the policeman said and backed off a little. Ingrid just nodded. She felt someone looking at her and met Howie's eyes. He flashed a quick smile at her, with respect in his dark eyes. -Thanks, he said. Ingrid smiled back. -No problem, she answered.

They both turned to look at Nick who was silent now, holding onto Brian as for life itself, his body was shaking. -Nicky, Brian said softly, stroking the blonde man's back. -They have to ask you some questions, do you think you'll be able to answer them? He was so heartbroken to see his friend like this, and knowing that his cousin was taken away from them. -I'll try, Nick got out and pulled himself to his feet, all he could think about was Kevin. His one true love, his soulmate, the very reason he was in this world. -I love you, baby, he thought, looking up at sky. The sunrise was almost complete. -Wherever you are, Kevin, I'll find you and bring you back home to me. With that silent promise, he walked up to chief Larson, mentally steeling himself for what to come.

Going over the night he had shared with Kevin was painful. Normally the memories would have brought a smile to Nick's face, but now he was too busy blaming himself for letting Kevin go. -So the car was left unlocked for about an hour? -Yeah, Nick answered, hugging himself to keep warm and to keep from shaking. Thinking about Kevin and his kiss goodnight brought new tears to Nick's eyes. -And someone could have gotten into the car at that time, the questions went on.

Nick went through every moment of his night with Kevin, his eyes going shady and withdrawn. He didn't feel comfortable at all letting this man in on his relationship with Kevin. This man symbolized what Nick still couldn't believe, that someone had stolen his boyfriend away from him.

They were done. Now they were all being asked questions. Did they, or Kevin especially, have any enemies? Had they, or Kevin again, received letters or threats indicating that this could happen. Was there someone in their past out to hurt them? At this point AJ flinched just a little, making Howie pull him in closely to him. But this ghost was in their past, none of the other guys knew.

After a long and exhausting session they could all go home. Brian gave the policeman all their phonenumbers. He didn't need to tell him to call them if anything happened. Chief Larson watched them leave for their cars, five people looking lost and defeated. The two darkhaired men got into the black Mercedes, the young, blonde man and the woman went into the Durango while the redhead took the Audi. All after a little discussion first.

-I want to go to Kevin's, Nick said. -Please take me back to Kevin's house. Looking down at the road, there was a lot of willpower in his voice. Telling them, not asking. A few looks later, Brian nodded. -OK, Nick. We'll all go. Ingrid, would you drive Nick, take the Durango. AJ and Howie will show the way, I'll follow in my car. -Sure, Ingrid answered, giving his hand a light squeeze.

The cars started to move slowly. In Nick's Durango there was a silence, though not an uncomfortable one. Ingrid kept her eyes on the road, following the black car in front of them. Nick had retreated into his own thoughts for a while.

As the cars continued out of sight, the policechief watched them disappear. He had been through too many of these scenes. He knew that the young man in question could have been kidnapped for a number of reasons. Somehow he hoped there would be a ransom-note delievered, or the phonecall stating the same. But the chance that someone had sedated and kidnapped Kevin Richardson for many other, darker reasons, was still there.

The slow cortege of cars drove in silence to Kevin's house, looking all dark. AJ punched in the security code and let them all in through the tall gate. Not many words were spoken between them as they approached the large house. It was an old villa, full of odd ends and corners, with even a small tower on one side. Kevin had fallen in love with the house and the park-like property the minute he laid his eyes on it. After purchasing the house, he had spent a lot of time decorating and adding his own personal style to it. The house reflected in many ways Kevin's personality, which was why Nick needed to be there now. Feeling both physically and emotionally exhausted, Nick went upstairs to the bedroom.

Not bothering to turn on the lights, he collapsed on the bed. The room was filled with shadows around him. He remembered this room from much happier times. Kevin and him lying in each other's arms, watching a movie, playing a silly game or just talking. Some nights they would talk untill the sun chased the shadows away, having them fall asleep in each other's embrace. Somehow the room felt colder now, but Nick still felt closer to his love by being there.

Clutching a pillow tight, Nick curled up on the bed, letting all his emotions loose in a flood of tears. His heart ached, his whole body ached. He felt powerless, scared, lost... And he missed Kevin with every fibre of his whole being.

The rest of the gang drifted into the livingroom. AJ turned on some lights, letting a soft golden glow fall over the interior. Ingrid who didn't know any of them well, except for maybe Brian, looked around. It all looked exactly as she would have pictured it. The room was held in dark tones, mostly dark brown wood and dark red. Still it wasn't gloomy. Some strategic placed lights, some lighter coloured curtains and of course the large paintings helped make the room a cosy, warm retreat. The paintings were mostly motives from the sea, but there were also a few landscape scenes, most of them by night.

Ingrid had to herself labelled Kevin as a romantic at heart, and was also pretty right in that statement. Her thoughts were interupted by Howie silently saying: -I'm going to check on Nicky. -OK, Brian said, he was curling up on the sofa, Ingrid walked over and sat by his side. Her mobilphone went off again, startling them all. With an excusing look, Ingrid answered the call.

Brian could hear a very upset female voice talking very loud, very fast and very much. He felt sorry for Ingrid who was obviously in trouble. To his surprise the voice was cut short. In her native tongue Ingrid simply stated something, mentioning Brian's name. She quickly finished the call. -Sorry, she then said, turning to Brian. -If you want me to, I'll get a cab to come pick me up. -No! Brian surprised himself with the intensity the word came out with. He looked her straight in the eyes. -Please stay, Ingrid, he said sincerely. -Having you here makes this whole thing just bearable, I need you here with me. There was a pause as Ingrid looked into Brian's sapphire-blue eyes. I'll stay, she said. Brian embraced her and pulled their bodies together in a close hug. They remained in the position, both feeling comfortable.

Howie was deep in his own thoughts as he went up the stairs to the bedroom. -Where are you, Kev? he thought. -Who did this to you? The bedroom was dark, the door slightly ajar. -Nick? Howie asked. No response. He went inside, immedeately seeing Nick's sleeping form in the bed. -Poor baby, Howie murmured as he saw Nick's tear-stained cheeks. Carefully he pulled a blanket over Nick, tucking him in like he would do with a child. Making sure Nick was OK, Howie let the door stay open and went back down to his boyfriend and the two others.

Next: Chapter 4

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