For You

By Kathrine

Published on Jul 18, 2000


Legal disclaimer: this is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality or personal lives of the Backstreet Boys. This is fiction. If reading this causes you to break any laws, then don't read. For the rest of you; enjoy.

Author's note: not much to say, just that I hope you all will enjoy reading this story. I'm currently writing chapter seven of For You, so hopefully I'll get the other chapters out soon to catch up. Love and looneytunes, Kathrine.

Feedback is welcome at

  • For You -

Chapter one:

It had been a long day, all the Backstreet Boys were looking forward to having some days off. But they found themselves reluctant to split up and head to their own places. -So what are you guys up to for the next days? Howie asked while pulling his long, dark hair back into a ponytail. -Don't know, Brian answered. -It's been too long since we have gotten some time off, I forget how it goes. -I'll do as little of everything that I can! Nick stated, laughing a little. -As opposed to now? AJ teased and ruffled Nick's short blonde hair. -Hey, Kevin said, -be nice to my man, AJ. AJ simply stuck his tongue out at Kevin. -He's just jealous, Nick said, placing himself in Kevin's lap. -You know how he lusts after you, Kev. -But Nick, you know that I go for blondes! AJ said, grinningly, and started to let his hand slide slowly down Nick's chest. Nick swatted his hand away. -Go play with Howie or something! That caused Howie to look up from his conversation with Brian. -What, me? -Yeah, you, AJ answered from behind Howie. -Kev and Nicky doesn't want me, so I'm stuck with you. He placed his arms around Howie's neck. -That's sweet, Howie said, pretending to be angry. -So I'm like your third choice now? Brian merely chuckled, being the only straight and for the moment single bandmember, he had seen it all before. AJ and Howie had been together for two years now, they had all known from the start that they were gay. Through the years AJ and Howie had seen other people, but always ended up spending time in each other's company and enjoying it. Brian smiled again when he remembered how Kevin, Nick and himself had desperately tried to make them see that they were perfect for each other. Two years ago, Brian had the clearest memory of that day, Howie came to see him, looking all bewildered. -Bri, I just kissed AJ! he stated. -What am I going to do? -Are you sure you're in the right room? Brian asked. -I'm the straight one, remember? Besides, I didn't think you exactly were in need of lessons when it comes to that, D. -Huh? Oh, I know what to do, you jerk! But it's AJ, he's my best friend, and I just kissed him! -Did you like it? Brian asked smugly, like he didn't know the answer already. -Yeah, Howie looked a little dreamy. -So, did AJ enjoy it too? Brian asked. Now Howie just nodded. -It's not the kiss that's the problem, Brian, we both enjoyed that. It's what's coming now. Brian sat still and quiet for a moment. -Do you love AJ, Howie? I mean, love the boyfriend-kinda way, more than a friend? After some seconds, Howie answered. His voice was low, his look was nervous, yet certain. -I think I do, Bri. It nearly broke my heart to see him go out with that guy last week, and I was so relieved when he said he wasn't going to see him again. Brian was thinking. He had always meant that Howie and AJ was the perfect couple and wanted them to be together. Everything was set to go on Howie's end, he hoped it was the same with AJ. -You gotta go talk to AJ, Brian finally said. -You ran out on him, didn't you? -Kind of, Howie said, -I guess I freaked out some. I didn't plan to kiss him, but when I saw him tonight I just had to. -You just had to? Brain smiled. -That's real cute, Howie. -Now let's go find AJ and fix you two. Brian left, dragging Howie along. In the livingroom they found AJ talking to Kevin. They both looked up when Howie and Brian entered the room. Brian met Kevin's eyes and they smiled at each other, Kevin gave a little wink. He was doing exactly the same for AJ as Brian was doing for Howie. From then Brian knew that Howie and AJ would be OK. AJ looked up at them, first seeing Brian, than Howie. -Sit, Kevin said, motioning Howie to the chair in front of AJ's. -Talk. AJ met Howie's eyes. They held each other's eyes for a little while, then they both rose to their feet. With Kevin and Brian watching, Howie and AJ embraced each other and their lips met in a passionate kiss. -Well, Kevin said with laughter in his voice. -That'll do just fine, too! -Hey, B! AJ's voice took Brian back to the present. -Where did you go to? -I was just thinking about the night that the two of you got together, Brian said. Now he had them all thinking back. AJ was still holding onto Howie who put his hands over AJ's. -Come here, babe, Howie said, pulling AJ down in his lap. AJ was now comfortably leaning against Howie's chest, resting his head on Howie's broad shoulder. He was playing with Howie's hand, entwining his fingers with his own. Nick and Kevin were of a newer date, but that Kevin was gay was not news to the guys either. On the other hand Nick's coming out was, and understandable since he was very young when the group was formed. As he grew up he became more and more sure of his own sexuality, and his love for one of his fellow band-mates. Six months ago Nick had come out to all of them, telling them that he was gay, but not telling that he was in love. He had had a crush on Kevin for ages, but Nick were sure that he would never have any chance with Kevin as the older man still thought of him as a child, his little brother. That didn't scare Nick off though, he wanted to be with Kevin so bad. And so he set out to conquer his heart, an easier task then he was expecting as Kevin had begun to discover Nick in much the same way as Nick had with him. After some weeks trying to figure out what the other one was feeling, they confessed their love for each other and became a couple. At first the three other boys wasn't sure on how to take their announcement, Kevin and Nick wasn't exactly the two any of them had expected to see to together. But as long as they were happy, then what the hell. Now Nick and Kevin had been dating for three months and were still blissfully in love, everyday even more so. Kevin noticed his cousin's eyes falling on him and he knew that now Brian was thinking about the night Nick and him had told them that they were in love. He had been just as surprised as the rest of them at the thought of Nick and him. His thoughts trailed back to the day where he had first noticed that little Nicky wasn't so little anymore, that he actually had grown up into someone that Kevin was falling head over heals for. Now he was the one being sure that they would never be together, due to the fact that Nick saw him as a father figure, a big brother. They had fumbled around a bit, before the night Nick had told Kevin that he was in love with him. Kevin had thought he was dreaming, he had to be. Could anything that perfect happen in the real world? The look in his eyes gave away that he was lost in thoughts and memories. He could see the look on Nick's face like if it had happened yesterday. The bright blue eyes were unsure, but the insecurity couldn't hide the feelings burning in them, showing the intensity of what Nick was feeling. -I love you too, Kevin had said. Feeling a little nervous, quite giddy and very much in love they had kissed each other for the first time. From that moment on they both knew that they were meant to be together, the kiss was sweet, slow and passionate, making both Nick and Kevin feel like they had never been kissed before, untill now. -Now Kevin's zoned out, AJ's voice came back. -It must be a family thing. -Sorry, Kevin said, -must be the night for remembrance tonight. He pulled Nick closer to him, cuddling him in his arms. -It's getting late, Howie said, -and I'm beat. Why don't we meet up tomorrow and do something the five of us? It's been all work and no play lately. I think we need to spend some quality-, non-work related, time together. -I'm all for, Brian said, he shook his head. -You oughta think that I would have had enough of you guys by now, but I haven't. -Oh, you love us, Kevin said, -you'd be lost without us! -Sure would, cuz, Brian said with a smile. -So, when do we meet up tomorrow and where? -AJ's and my place, Howie said, getting out of the couch. -You all know that AJ gets a bit rowdy in the morning, so it's better if we all meet at noon. AJ playfully hit him on top of the head. -Watch it, or you won't be getting any at all! Kevin followed their example and got to his feet, pulling Nick with him. -Come on, love, I'll drive you home. Kevin and Nick still hadn't gone all the way. There had been a lot of kissing and fooling around, but they wanted to wait with making love till they both felt it was the right moment. Both being healthy young men, that decision had been put to many hard tests. They all got out to the parking lot, going to their respective cars. There were only three cars left at that time of night, outside the studio. AJ and Howie got into Howie's black Mercedes. -See you tomorrow, guys, Howie said. -Bye! AJ called from the passenger seat in the front, next to Howie who was doing the driving. Brian got into his Audi, wawing to them. Nick and Kevin climbed into Kevin's Range Rover and said goodnight to AJ, Howie and Brian. The night was dark around them, and the temperature was mild with a cool breeze coming in from the ocean. -I wanna go for a walk on the beach, Nick said. -Please, Kev? Just for a couple of minutes? Unable to deny Nick anything, Kevin pulled into a parking space close to the beach they were driving past and stopped the car. Hand in hand they began the descent to the beach, there weren't anybody else there. They were all alone. When they reached the sand, Kevin stopped and removed his socks and shoes, Nick did the same. Still hand in hand, they continued walking along the egde of the water, talking and laughing. Nick glanced sideways at Kevin, he still couldn't believe how lucky he was, that the darkhaired, strikingly handsome man walking next to him actually was his. The feel of Kevin's hand in his made him smile, being with Kevin always put him in an extremely good mood. The fullmoon reflected in the water, lighting the beach up in a silvery tone, along with the gentle washing and sounds of the wawes, the setting was very romantic. Kevin swung Nick around and into one of the sudden kisses that left Nick breathless and yerning for more. Nick dropped his shoes carelessly on the ground in order to put his arms around Kevin's neck. Kevin let go of his hand and placed his arms around Nick's chest, pulling them tightly together. The wawes splashed over their bare feets, making the legs of their pants wet. Slowly Kevin was letting his tongue play along Nick's bottom-lip, He could feel Nick letting one hand run through his dark hair before closing around his neck. After being with Nick for three months now as his boyfriend, Kevin knew that Nick kinda got carried away when kissing, which he didn't mind at all. And he wasn't surprised when Nick kept his one hand locked around Kevin's neck and let the other one travel down his lower back til it reached his ass. Feeling their bodies moving even closer together, Kevin let Nick take control. But he wasn't just going to stand around being kissed without giving Nick some pleasure too. And with that he let his hand pull Nick's shirt out of his jeans and slipped his hands underneath. That caused Nick to break their kiss for a little while and he put his mouth close to Kevin's ear. -You know what makes me feel good, baby, he said before nibbling carefully on Kevin's earlobe, a sure way to get him turned on. Kevin let out a soft moan. He continued to let his fingers run up and down Nick's back underneath his white shirt, wishing he could just dispose of the clothing completely. Nick was thinking about the same thing. Sure they had all seen each other with no clothes on, but he had never felt Kevin's naked body under his hands. Untill now he had just had a hard time keeping his hands to himself in the wardrobe or wherever they would change. But hey, having his hands all over Kevin felt good even if they both were fully clothed too. Since he was too occupied with his thoughts and with kissing and nibbling on Kevin's ear and neck, it took him some moments to discover that Kevin was in the process of unbuttoning Nick's shirt. This was new, and Nick liked it. He wanted to see how far he could take this and started to pull Kevin's T-shirt out of his pants, moving it upwards on Kevin's well-defined chest. Feeling his actions Kevin simply pulled back a bit and removed the T-shirt. Quickly he finished with Nick's shirt, sliding it down Nick's shoulder and arms before tossing both that and his own T-shirt further up on the sand. The water was now to their knees, and both were having too much fun to move. A minute their eyes met and they both smiled a little. -Love you, Nicky, Kevin said softly. -Love you too, Kev, Nick answered. They moved closer, letting their arms lock around each other. Their lips met in small kisses, as Kevin was speaking in between. -You (kiss) know (kiss) I've (kiss) wanted (kiss) to (kiss) do (kiss) this (kiss) all (kiss) night... -Me too, Nick admitted with a giggle. -I can't see why we shouldn't, he continued, -Howie and AJ could hardly look at each other in the beginning before they were all over each other. -They still can't keep their hands off each other, Kevin answered, -but they're a little less obvious about it now. Both Nick and Kevin, and Brian, had learned to recognize the special look between Howie and AJ which usually ended up with them running off somewhere together. This could happen two or three times a day, much to the management's frustration and the rest of the band's amusement. It had eventually slowed down a bit, much due to the fact that AJ and Howie had moved in together about a year ago. -Now we can go at it every time we want, Howie had said with a big smile, -and nobody can stop us! AJ added. -Now that's just plain scary! Brian had said. -So we'll probably never see you again then? Kevin had asked innocently. Nick had just smiled, at that time he was still in the closet and already deeply in love with Kevin. -We've got to think about Brian, Kevin's voice brought him back to the present. -With two couples in the band, I don't want him to feel left out. -Now there's an easier way to fix that! Nick teased, causing Kevin to look at him. -He's my cousin, Nick! Get your mind out off the gutter! Kevin struggled not to laugh. -Besides he's not batting for our team, you know? -Hmmmm, Nick said, -so we need to find Brian a girlfriend so I can kiss you all day. -What's with this obsession with Brian all of a sudden, Kevin asked, pouting. -I've got you half undressed here and you're thinking about Brian? Nick decided to tease him some more. -It's your own fault, he said, -you're so good to me, so I decided to see if your cousin was just as good. He met Kevin's eyes and couldn't withhold his laughter. -Oh, I'm gonna get you for this! Kevin said, taking off after Nick who was running for his life down the beach. Since Nick wasn't actually trying to get away from Kevin, Kevin caught up with him pretty soon. He tackled the younger man and they fell to the ground, both out of breath and laughing. Kevin got on top and pinned Nick down. -Now, he pondered, -what should I do to you...? A naughty smile crossed his face. -Knowing you, it would probably be worse for you if I didn't do anything to you! Nick looked up at him. -You're not gonna... -Yes! Kevin chimed and rolled of Nick. -Oh well, Nick said lying on his back with Kevin by his side. -Then I'll have to ravish you instead. Before Kevin could move, Nick rolled onto him, now the positions were reversed. -So what are you going to do to me? Kevin asked, looking up in Nick's eyes. -I think I'll just lay here for a while, Nick said, folding his arms on Kevin's chest. -Oh no, you're not! Kevin protested. -You're quite heavy, big boy, and if I'm letting you stay on top of me, you'll have to earn it! Nick let his hands slide from Kevin's shoulders all the way down to his hands, then he took firmly hold of both Kevin's hands. -Then I better kiss you, don't I? Kevin agreed. -Yep, you better. -OK, Nick murmured and bent down to kiss Kevin. As their lips touched, Nick let his tongue slip inside Kevin's mouth. Kevin met him with his own. Soon they were lost in another sweet kiss.

Chapter two: Kevin was smiling to himself as he was on his way home. Nick and him had just set a new record in the longest kiss goodnight ever. They usually took about half an hour, which was the reason that none of the other guys drove with them anymore. But tonight they had been saying goodnight for about an hour. He hated to let Nick go at the end of the night, but he didn't want to push him either. Kevin had been in other relationships, also sexually. But he would be Nick's first man, and Kevin wanted to make their first night together as special as possible. He didn't want it to be something they would rush into, it had to be perfect. While trying to keep his eyes on the road, Kevin searched through the CD's to find the one he always loved to listen to after being out with Nick. Only Nick knew about his fascination for country, if he had told the other three they would never let him hear the end of it. Finally Kevin found the CD he was looking for and put it in the player, seconds after the voice belonging to John Denver filled his car. It was especially the slow, romantic songs Kevin liked, he had long ago discovered that sometimes only a country song would express to the fullest what could go on inside someone's heart. They also could come in handy in a romantic situation. Nick loved it when Kevin would sing to him, he really preferred the sloppiest, misty-eyed ones. One of Nick and his favourites were playing, Kevin sang along to the lyrics, still thinking about his blue-eyed angelface.

Just to look in your eyes again, just to lay in your arms, just to be the first one always there for you, just to live in your laughter, just to sing in your heart, just to be everyone of your dreams come true, just to sit by your window, just a touch in the night, just to offer a prayer every day for you, just to long for your kisses, just to dream of your sighs, just to know that I'll give my life for you...

For you, all the rest of my life for you... For you, all the best of my life for you alone, only for you...

Just to wake up each morning, just to you by my side, just to know that you're never really far away, just the reason for living, just to say I adore, just to know that you're in my heart to stay...

For you, all the rest of my life for you... For you, all the best of my life for you alone, only for you...

Just the words of a lovesong, just the beat of my heart, just the plegde of my life, my love to you...»

The sun was set to come up over the horizont, it was early morning. After a look on his watch, Kevin shook his head simply. He wouldn't get much sleep before he would have to get up to get ready to drive to Howie and AJ's. But spending time with Nick was always worth it, even if it messed with his sleeping routines. Another, quicker-paced song started, causing Kevin to slightly tap the rhytm on the steering wheel with his fingers. He was soon home, then off to bed and sweet dreams of Nick. His thoughts had him smiling again, he didn't act this much like a lovestruck teenager even when he was a teenager. His mood would have been dramatically changed if Kevin had known that eyes were following him, listening eagerly to his singing, and this person were only inches away from him.

Brian sighed for about the thousand time. Unlike Kevin he wasn't too fond of the incessant stream of lovesongs that seemed to pour out of the radio. They were great when he had someone in his life, then he could sing along, just being happy and in love. When he didn't have someone in his life, they were just annoying. Brian hated to be lonely, which was what he was feeling now. Usually he loved being around Howie, Nick, AJ and Kevin, but when they would go into couple-mode every now and then, he would feel like the third wheel. He knew Kevin and Nick tried to hold back some, not to make him feel uncomfortable. But you only had to look at them to understand how much in love they were, Brian wanted them to be able to express that to each other even when he was around. Another sigh escaped him. A flashing light pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked ahead, and he saw a big blue car standing on side of the road. Otherwise the road was empty. At this time of night there hardly were any cars out at all. Against better knowlegde Brian decided to stop, hearing Kevin's voice in the back of his head. -Careful, Brian, you never know who'll be in the other car. -I'll be careful, Kev, he answered the voice. He pulled over and turned the engine off. Slowly he got out of the car. At first he couldn't see anybody. -Hi! he said, -anyone here? -Yeah, a voice answered him, -I'm in here...hold on. Brian locked around the car and the person who was sitting the driver's seat got out. Seconds later a woman were standing in front of him. -I don't suppose that you've got a spare tyre? she said with a smile. -Uhm, I..., Brian started, -well, I... -Christ, snap out of it, B-rok, he told himself. He regained his senses and flashed a smile. -Sorry, but if there's anything else you need, let me know! Now he could have kicked himself. The young woman just smiled back at him. -You know, that's a dangerous offer. Brian found himself lost in blue eyes. -I'm feeling like taking a risk tonight, he answered. -I'm Brian by the way, he extended his hand to her. A slender hand was put in his, with a surprisingly firm grip. -I'm Ingrid, she said, -and I do know who you are. -You like our music, Brian said, hoping and wanting that this beautiful creature would appreciate what he did for a living. She giggled, -I'm actually quite a fan, she said. -Now, it's out. Hope I haven't scared you! -You'll have to do a lot more that that to scare me! Brian said, unable to look anywhere but into Ingrid's blue eyes. His senses was still a bit shell-shocked after being hit by a blonde, blue-eyed, very attractive grenade. -So, what are you doing out here on your own? -Just driving, Ingrid said, -then all of a sudden the front tyre exploded. I think I hit a nail or something. Brian would be forever thankful to the nail in question. After listening to her speak, he said: -I can hear that you're not from around here. Ingrid leaned aginst the car. -I'm Norwegian, she said, -I'm visiting some friends of my here. -Of course, Brian thought with a sinking feeling in his heart, -the girl of my dreams couldn't be from the same country as me, she had to come from around the world. -Well, you speak pretty good English, he said. -Thanks, Ingrid said, -I spent a year here working some time ago. I really love your country. She pushed some blonde strands of hair out of her eyes. -So what are you doing out here on your own then, Brian? -I was on my way home, Brian said sheepishly. -I live not far away from here. -It's a nice neighbourhood, Ingrid stated and looked around, giving Brian a chance to look at her. For a minute they were both admiring the vue. All of a sudden a cellphone started to ring, startling them both. -That's mine, Ingrid said, -probably Kari wondering where I am. She answered the phone and started to speak in one of the weirdest languages Brian had ever heard. Obviously the person in the other end wasn't all too pleased with what she heard, Brian could hear the female voice all the way over to him. Smilingly Ingrid got off the phone. -That was my friend, Kari, I'm staying with her and her husband. As you probably could hear she wasn't very happy about me driving off like that and ending up here. -She is right, Brian had to admit, -you could meet somebody out to hurt you. -Then it's lucky that I met you, Ingrid simply said, looking him straight in the eyes. -Ahm.., Brian started, loosing the power to utter a complete sentence again. -Yeah. The wind had become a little cooler and Ingrid hugged herself to keep warm. -Where are my manners at? Brian thought aloud. -I'll drive you home, leave the car here to tomorrow. -The smile was back on Ingrid's face, playing havoc on Brian's heart-rhytm, but in a good way. -Would you? That is so sweet of you! -But, she said, the smile fading away, -I'm keeping you up, it's nearly morning. -Not at all! Brian hurried to protest. -I mean, it is morning soon, but you're not keeping me up. It will be a pleasure to drive you home. Just be sure to give me the directions. He had her laughing. -Cripes, he thought, -what is with this girl, everytime she smiles, I nearly forget my own name!?! Galant he opened the door for Ingrid who sat in with a giggle. -You really are a gentle- man, she said. Brian who was in the middle of admiring her long, wellshaped legs under the short skirt, had the decency to blush. After taking an unusually long time to go around the car, his face-colour was almost back to normal when he placed himself behind the wheel. As he started the engine, the radio kicked back in, still playing songs of love and romance. Brian suddenly didn't mind anymore.

At the same time, Kevin only had minutes left till he reached the entrance of his own neighbourhood. The last few houndreds metres were through a thick forest, one of Kevin's favourite places. He slowed down a bit, enjoying the drive. The first streaks of red and orange painted the sky, in a few minutes the sun would be up. Then a sound reached him from the backseat. Surprised Kevin looked into the rearwiew mirror and his heart raced from both fear and shock. Looking back at him was the figure of a man, in the darkness Kevin couldn't see his face. He wasn't going to wait for his un-welcome passenger to introduce himself though, he slammed the brakes down, and the car started to slide. -NOT a good idea, he thought to himself as he fought to keep the car on the road, leaving him open for attack. A large hand covered his nose and mouth. Kevin could feel a piece of cloth with an odd smell being pressed aginst his face. His sight became blurry almost at once, and he felt dizzy. The car was still out of control, sliding towards the ditch that separated the road from the forest. Kevin struggled to stay awake, but he could feel his body grow powerless. His hands let go of the wheel and he blacked out. By the time the car hit the ditch, Kevin was unconscious. The jeep plowed it's way over the shallow ditch and headed for the nearest tree. As of it's own mind it hit square on, making the stranger fall onto the floor. The back of the driver's seat kept him from getting harmed. He got up and peered around to the front seat. If Kevin hadn't had his seatbelt on, things would have been much worse. A trickle of blood was on his left temple from hitting the side-window when the car hit the tree. Now he was lying bak in his seat, unaware of the accident and what was about to happen to him. Slowly the man behind him got out of the car. He sniffed the air, but couldn't smell neither gas nor fire. Quickly he opened the front door, reaching over Kevin to unfasten his seatbelt. With his face close to Kevin's he paused for a little. -Just a little more, my love, he said. -Then you and I will be together forever, like we are meant to. He wrapped his arms around Kevin, practically lifting him out of the car. If Kevin was on his feet, he would be nearly as tall as the man carrying him, but the man was built as a bear. He showed no effort in carrying a man of Kevin's size. His pace was steady and quick untill he reached a minivan parked out of sight for everyone, on a narrow road hidden among the trees. Carefully he placed Kevin in the passenger seat. -Now we are going home, he said, looking down on the unconscious man. -You will like it, I promise. I bought it just for us. A little while later the black minivan was speeding down the narrow road, soon to be very far from the forest.

In a house across town, Nick put his cellphone down again. -That's weird, he thought, his face showing off that he was beginning to be a little worried. He had tried to call Kevin several times now. Nick couldn't get to sleep and just had to tell Kevin that he loved him once more before Kevin got home. Kevin never turned his phone off and always had it with him. And now Nick couldn't reach him. Something wasn't right. Nick was trying to decide whether or not to call Brian to hear if he knew anything. He checked his watch. By now Kevin should be home, he would try calling his house. He dialled Kevin's home-number, just to be met by the beeps that told him that the phone was ringing, then Kevin's answering-machine. -Brian's going to think I'm over-reacting here, Nick thought as he dialled the number to Brian's mobilphone, -but I have to make sure that Kevin's OK. Feeling a little afraid by now, Nick put his phone to his ear and waited for Brian to answer it.

Author's note: the song used in this chapter is John Denver's For You, written and owned by the same. (Except that he's dead, don't know who owns the rights for it now. But it's a great song anyway.)

Next: Chapter 2

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