For Sale by Owner

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on Aug 15, 2007


The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblances to real people, alive or in the hereafter, is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons, in towns, cities, countries, nor governmental areas, which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most state and countries, you are not allowed to read this story, by law. Check with your local laws regarding such. % Sexual safety matters. Remember guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection.


"For Sale By Owner" 22 wriTten by T. Chase McPhee


On their way back to the Radisson, Alex had Kyle try a different route.

"I'll show you where my swimming career started. Make the next left."

Kyle turned left. The country road followed a bed of railroad tracks.

"Slow way down and make a left onto the next road."

After turning, Kyle mentions, "They call this a road?"

"Mostly we used to go there on foot."

"Where?" Kyle leaned forward to get a better look.

"You'll see."

Another minute into their travels and Alex blurts out, "Stop!"

"Thanks for the warning!"

"We're here."

"Where is here?"

"Wylie Lane."

"Wylie? Isn't Wylie your swim coach?"

"One in the same. C'mon."

Alex bails out, followed by Kyle, who meets him in front of the jeep. Using their arms, Kyle pushes away branches, flying back in his face, from his pathfinder-bf.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." In two minute's time, Alex was announcing, "Time to strip down!"

Kyle liked the sound of it, but was leery, claiming "What for?" Then, as he heard a splash, it looked as if Alex had dived off the end of a cliff.

"C'mon in. The water's soooo warm!"

Looking down ten feet, from a flat rock, Kyle sees Alex's head above the water, flopping his arms about to keep bouyant.

"One problem."


"I don't know how to dive."

"But you know how to swim, right?"

"Of course."

"Then cannonball in."

"Oops! Almost forgot to take my socks off!"

After striping his socks, Kyle stood on the ledge of the rock, protruding from the side of the cliff. He jumped, yelling, "Cowabunnnnnnnnnga!"

Alex laughed, but swam in the direction of the fountain of water.

"This is fa-reezing!"

"Feels good. Wakes a body up. That's what Coach Wylie used to tell us."

"W-wylie?" Kyle's teeth chattered, causing him to stutter.

"Yeah. C'mon. I'll explain it to you."

Alex lined up for another dive. Kyle went to the jeep.

"Not quitting so soon, are you?"

"I'll watch."


"I'm not catching my death-of-a-cold on some country swimming hole."

"Suit yourself."

Last thing Kyle saw was Alex's ass, his hands out in front of him, then the dive. He went to the edge, holding his shirt.

"Alex?" He waited a second. "Alex!"

"What?" came the voice directly behind him.

"Hell, you scared the fuckin' shit outta me!"

Kyle's shirt got soaked, as he hugged Alex tightly.

"Sorry. I was only joking."

"Don't you ever do that again!"

"Sorry," He said tenderly. "I won't."

"How did you do that anyway?"

"There's an underground cave. You swim through it and it comes up to the right over there," Alex throws his thumb over his shoulder.

"I suppose Coach Wylie throught it was funny."

"He actually was pissed."

"I can see why. C'mon let's get outta here."

Both used Kyle's shirt to dry off. Coming back to the hotel, Kyle shivered most of the way.

"Pull over here."

After stopping on the shoulder, Alex peeled his shirt off, passing it off to Kyle.


"It's the least I can do to make it up to you, Kyle."

"You don't have anything to make up. Just don't scare me like that again, okay?"

Holding up three fingers, Alex said, "I Promise. Boy Scouts honor."

"You were a scout?"

"For a few months, then bailed."

"Didn't like it, eh?"

"They made fun of people, unlike themselves. I should've said something, but I wasn't ready to come out, so didn't."

"Somewhere there's written, `there's a time and a place for everything'."

"I think it's from the Bible. Are you religious?"

"I don't think of myself as a religious person. I go to church on Christmas Eve and Easter. Why? Are you?"

"My mom likes us to go, but I did't too much this past year. I spent a lot of time on manufacturing briefs."

"Maybe when I settle down with the right guy I'll think about getting into church."

"What about `this guy'?"

"I meant you, Alex, but I think we should wait til we get through college for... you know."

"Maybe," Alex accepted Kyle's statement, especially the part about being his guy to settle down with!

Getting back to the Radisson, Rick wondered what happened to Alex.

"Lose your shirt?" Rick asked.

"Kyle's wearing it. We were up at Wylie's swimming hole."

"Nice place, huh Kyle?"

"Yes, but I didn't get the story of why it's named after your high school coach?"

"Easy. Not much to it actually," Rick starts out. "It's where Coach Wylie finds all his swimmer superstars. Heck, he doesn't even have to worry about tryouts. He goes up there, stands behind a tree and watches guys dive into the swimming hole."

"So that's it?"

"Yep, only he doesn't wait for a guy to sign up. He picks guys out and you're obligated to sign up."

"Oh? How's that go?"

"Either you sign up for the swim team or you fail gym!"

"Not much of a choice, but I like his logic."

After slipping Rick a nice tip, he peeled tar, taking away Kyle's jeep.

"What'd I say about new tires?"

"You give him too much tip, Kyle."

"Nah. Like us, he's just a teenager getting his road kicks!"

Going back to their room, they decide on an early evening dinner, at six o'clock.

"Oh!" Alex blurts out.


"I haven't anything to wear except shorts and a shirt."

"We can go buy some things."

"What about dropping me off at home, I'll throw something on and come back?"

"It'll take too much time. We have to meet Devon and Dominic in fifteen minutes. Here, put on this."

Kyle hands Alex a dark blue crew shirt.

"And these pants, this jacket... you'll look real nice."

"I think I should shower off the swimming hole."

"Me too."

"But we've gotta make it quick. We don't want to leave Devon and Dom hanging."

"What do you think about those two?"

Alex drops his shorts, his briefs, kicks his leg up and catches his briefs, he peels his socks. Kyle tries to do the same, casting his briefs too far up and over. Alex catches them.

"More practice... what do I think of them. I think they're cute."

"Cute? That's it?"

Alex runs the water and steps in the shower.

"Hey, will this necklace rust?"

"No. So what do you think?"

"I told you. They make a cute couple."

"Dominic is like four or five years older than Devon."

"Four. I find nothing wrong with it. Dominic is established. He's got a job and.... hey, where did he mention he lived?" Alex questions.

"He didn't. I saw an address on his application, but I couldn't tell whether it's a house or apartment."

"Do you think Dom is going to go back to Eden to work?"

"It's hard to say. I don't think Knapp will like it very much. I'd say no, but it's up to Dominic."

"You're right. I mean there's plenty of clubs around."

"Eden is one of the nicer ones. One with a hotel attached."

"Yeah. The Impressario is a nice hotel."

"But I'll prolly go back the city for the summer," Kyle says. "Why does Knapp have to be such a jerk?"

"Siblings can be like that. You have to face your brother sooner or later."

"Oh that I'm sure of. But I'd rather have it later. Wait for him to cool off."

"You mean til he gets over Devon."

"Get over Devon? Hah! I bet he's got a guy sleeping with him now."

"What? But it seemed like he and Devon had something special going."

"You don't know Knapp very well."

"Apparently," Alex says, turning off the shower.

"It's funny."

"What is?"

"How this shower didn't seem as romantic as the last one."

"Because we're talking about something. If you want something romantic, we've got to try one of Sean Braakman's `couples massage'," Alex informs his lover.

"Two at once?"

"Yeah. Erotic, huh?"

"I don't know. How does it go?"

"C'mon. I'll tell you as we're dressing. We've got only a few minutes."

Dressing, Alex tells how Sean has them hug each other, for one of the position, then does a back rub, sometimes reaching in between.

"He doesn't get `involved' does he?"

"No. Of course not."

"Wait! Is Sean gay?"

"I don't know. It's hard to figure out."

Before any answers are met, there comes a knock at their door.

"Devon and Dom, I bet," Alex says.

Sure enough, the two walk in, donned in dress shirts, dark slacks and jackets.

"Debonair there, guys!" Alex compliments.

"I hope we're not over-dressed for you two," Kyle says, with sarcasm.

Suddenly Devon sees Alex's chain, plastered against the navy crew.

"Nice chain!" He says, fingering the tiny links.

"A present from Kyle. Like it?"

"It's bee-u-ti-ful!" Devon replies. "Take a look, Dominic."

"It is very nice. Such delicate links. Did you get it here in Lake Quinn?"

There's a reason Dominic is asking. For future reference!

"No," Kyle says, "I picked it up at Braddock's."

"High class," Dominic replies.

"Like Braddock's other jewelry selection, no two are the same," Kyle rebounded with.

"Yeah," Alex says, "you should see the chain and earrings we got my mom."

"Maybe we should have picked up something for your folks, Devon."

"My folks? I don't have any real folks. Just my uncle is nobody special to waste a buck on."

Dominic felt bad. It's one subject they hadn't talked about, but Dominic figured something was up, when they arrived at the Radisson and Devon didn't say anything about going home.

"Yeah, I wouldn't go there if I were you," Alex keyed in Dominic.

"We'll save the subject for another time. Anybody hungry?"

He needed a quick change of subject, some brought up the empty stomach issue!

"Starved," Alex said, rubbing his stomach.

Dominic hung back, talking with Kyle.

"Guess what you're getting for Christmas, Devon?"

"I know. Do you think Dominic could be any more subtle about the chain?"

Entering the diningroom, Dominic signaled the quartet, holding up four fingers, so he could keep on talking. The maitre'd took them to a place surrounded by plants.

Kyle crushes something into his hand, saying, "Got some place with a view?"

Being on the upper floor, the maitre'd says, "sure," smiling.

Following a serpentine route, they walk single file around tables, coming to a plate glass window.

"How much did the view set you back?" Alex whispered to Kyle.

"My secret."

Alex made a mental note to later try out some tickle-torture!

The maitre'd rambled off some specials, while handing out the menu's. They were leather bound, big and bulky.

"Would you like to start with cocktails?"

Dominic ordered, "I'll have a screwdriver."

"Same," Devon says.

"I'll have a beer," Alex states.

"Me too... make it a Deus Brut des Flandres."

"A what?" Alex asks.

"Sweet tasting Belguim beer. Try it?" Kyle suggests.

"Why not? As long as it's under five bucks," Alex says softly to Kyle.

Kyle whispers back, "It's $25 a bottle."

"Forget it. I'll have a Michelob, please?"

Insistent, Kyle says, "He'll have what I'm ordering."

"You remind me of somebody we know?" Alex suggests the behavior of Knapp.

The maitre'd scribbles off the Michelob.

"Okay. Have the Michelob."

He erases the entry and rewrites `Mich'.

"No, that's okay. I'll have the Das Brut de Flanders."

Giggles came from the other side of the table, regarding Alex's pronunciation, more like German.

"Yes, sir."

Quickly notated, the maitre'd didn't give Alex a chance to change his mind again.

"So, where do you live in Asbury Park, Dominic?" Kyle inquires.

"Actually I have a house in Asbury; an apartment in New York City."

"You dooooo?" Devon says. "I'm hoping to go to school next fall in the city."

"That's good. I use the apartment mainly on the weekends, but you might as well get some weekday use out of it. Y'know, I had a border, but he moved out."

"A border?" Devon sort of said with a challenge behind it.

"Not what you're thinking. He was straight."

"Whew!" Devon said.

Even though he already figured out, since Dominic is twenty-two, he might've had some dating or other gay encounters. Yet, Dominic figured an explanation was in good taste.

"Frank was his name. Tell you though, if he was gay, we might have had something going!"

They laughed it off.

"The house is not actually in Asbury, but not faraway, in Deal."

"Deal?" Kyle came out with, accidentally saying, "How can you afford it, on... "

"Kyle!" Devon scolded.

"Sorry. None of my business."

Dominic chuckled, so as not to make Kyle offended.

"Actually, it comes up more times when I mention the trendy apartment in New York and the home in Deal. `How do I afford it, on a teacher's salary?" Dominic brings up.

With a flow of humor, Devon says, "It `had' crossed my mind!"

"My old man was an architect. Can't be explained simpler, as when he passed on, I inherited his fortune, plus the summer home in Deal. Since then... it's been over five or six years, I've converted it over to a year round home. I did the same with his apartment in New York."

"Where is the apartment?" Kyle asks.

"A Townhouse not far from Lexington and 77th St. subway," Dominic replies.

"It's gotta be near us."

When Kyle mentioned us, it dawned on Alex whom the `us' was. Even though yesterday he mentioned going in with five other guys, with an apartment, a day has made such a difference.

"We have a garden out back."

"Same here. I raise a few tomatoes."

"The gardner comes in once a week and waters the flowers."

"Small world," Dominic adds.

"So, we're going to be almost neighbors," Devon opens up the subject.

"It's definite you're staying at Dom's place?" Alex asks.

"That's what we plan."

The way Devon talks, of plans and everything else, it's seems his heart is rooted in Dominic's camp.

"By the way, Alex, I forgot to mention your tan looks great."

"Can you tell?"

"So was the shave," Dominic relays. "It's good for swimmers to be shaved down."

"Maybe I should get one? Kyle did it?"

"No, this guy named Raj, on the hotel staff shaved Alex's bod."

"Dominic, do you think I should get a body shave?"

"That or waxed."

"Which is smoother?"

"Waxed, but it doesn't tickle, as I've heard."

"Yikes!" Devon exclaims, "I forgot. They rip your hair right out, right?"

"That's the gist of it," Dominic explains. "Especially your..." he brought his voice way down and leaned in, "balls."

"Balls," Devon says, a little too audible, then whispers, "Balls? I just wanted my chest and stomach done."

"Of course," Dominic says. "But if you're going to the expense of having a waxing done, you might as well go all the way? No?"

"I guess," Devon replies.

Kyle asks, "I wonder if Raj knows somebody to do a waxing?"

"There's a lovely fellow, in Deal, who does it and is very reasonable."

"Yeah, but the swimming competition is day after tomorrow and I doubt you want to run to Deal and back."

"Right. So we'll have to go on whomever Raj has for us," Alex states.

Just then, a waiter shows up, with a tray of their drinks.


Copyright 2007 T. Chase McPhee This story may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author. 2744 wds % % Other stories by T. Chase McPhee FOR THE LOVE OF MICHAEL /nifty/gay/highschool/for-the-love-of-michael/ SENIOR CUT DAY /nifty/gay/highschool/senior-cut-day/ STRIPEs /nifty/gay/adult-youth/stripes/ NATURE'S TRAIL (NATURE WALK) /nifty/gay/adult-youth/nature-walk/

Next: Chapter 23

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