For Sale by Owner

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on Mar 10, 2010


You know the drill: The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblances to real people, alive or in the hereafter, is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons, of continents or islands, in countries, counties, cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, streets, cul-de-sacs, nor governmental or non-governmental areas, which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if guy-to-guy sex stuff makes you barf or is going to screw up your mind, you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this story, by law. Check with your local laws regarding such.

% Sexual safety matters. Remember guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection.

FoR SaLE By OwNEr: CK's STuD MuFFiN PaRTy 18 wriTten by T. Chase McPhee


"You look like shit, Alex!"

"Without the smell," Alex agreed, the two returning to their bungalow.

Even though Alex had been the key player in the mud fights, Kyle still experienced being splattered on the sidelines. So, they both headed right for the shower.

"Y'know none of this is what I expected it to be?"

"What did you expect Alex, other than seeing a hundred half-naked boys not behaving themselves?"

Alex had different opinion of at least 'one' of the boys, "Other than a few too many Mai-Tai's I think you're behaving yourself quite well?"

From the waist down they still had some residue, but for the most part, as the shower cascaded over their bods, their skin had returned to their sun-bathed color.

"I guess that's a compliment," Kyle replied. But then he also realizes, "Hey, guess what?"


"You and I are like... doing our natural thing."

"Meaning?" Alex asks.

In confession, Kyle states, "Didn't it feel cumbersome to you always having a third person around to help me in and out of the shower and doing other things for me?"

"I thought maybe you rather enjoyed the extra attention!" Alex joked.

"Did I 'look' like I was?"

Again, a cheerful attitude, Alex explains, "Um, like I wasn't fully aware of your erection status the whole time?"

"Me neither," Kyle replies. "I think I was trying to be careful not to hurt myself, though there were a few moments..."

"Out with it," Alex demands, his curiosity waiting out all of two seconds.

"Sometimes I pretended it were you holding me."

The smile, attached to Kyle's meaningful response made Alex tell, "Oh how sweet. How about when we were in the water with Nalin?"

"Then and now," Kyle says.

It made Alex sport an instantaneous grin, his hand automatically sliding down Kyle's slick side, around the front. "Oh my... I would indeed say so," he patronized.

"And what's this?" Kyle likewise asks, feeling up Alex's shaft.

"Like when we first met!" Alex leaves room for question.

"Oh? And how does that go, Alex?"

"Hey, you don't think I was leaving it solely up to my brain to decide whether I should go after that hot blond!"

"I think I was probably way ahead of you. I think I saw you before you saw me."

"Do you think it matters now?" Alex surrendered, rather than one thinking who saw who first.

Kyle drew himself closer to Alex, the two kissing like it was the first time.


"One more fuckin' day!" Geoff says as he and Swifty return to their room.

"More like a half a day, Geoff?"

"Believe me, seeing every one of those little troublemakers out the front gate by noontime, will seem like the whole day!"

"Oh c'mon now Geoff, I'm sure there's a handful of boys who hadn't given you any trouble whatsoever? A few darling dears?"

Rolling his head back and forth, from shoulder to shoulder, Geoff admits, "Yeah, maybe one or two dreamy little studmuffins!"

Swifty didn't like the answer, figuring he pushed things too far, but he knew Geoff, if anything wouldn't provoke anything which would make those specific studmuffins turn on him. Still, he made him stray from his thoughts, "Maybe between now and then I can make your life a little more 'liveable'?"

Already, Swifty was on the gun, pawing Geoff over. Up until this weekend their relationship has been one of mutual give and take. However, with this being Geoff's 'job' and Swifty left to the vices of vacational relaxation, he's taken it upon himself to be the remediation between his partner's work and rest time.

"Oooooh you really know how to please a man!" Geoff acknowledges Swifty being his shifty self, dropping to his knees, his hand taking Geoff's speedo with him and instantly sucking Geoff in.

His mouth was too full to answer Geoff, but he was thinking of how his lover wasn't receiving all the benefit. Even though he's sucked off Geoff's nine inches before, Swifty has shown renewed interest, slowly tonguing up the hard shaft, winding his tongue around the bulb, digging tongue into the slit, engulfing the whole mass till feeling his tonsils stretch to the max for accomodation.

"Mmmm... feels so nice," Geoff said, standing there, wavering about as if being serenaded by a sweet melody, occasionally a little jut forwards from the torso.

After about a minute of this sweet cock-sucking, Geoff opened his eyes and thought how more relaxing it would be to lie down. As he took to the bed, Swifty opinioned, "Hey!" After having Geoff's cock ripped from between his lips, "Where you going?"

"Sorry to deprive you Swif, but...."

Tumbling into bed was all the explanation Swifty needed and like a hunt dog, his nose found its way back to Geoff's pubes. Too, Geoff's speedos had been at his ankles, which made it easy to step out of. As for Swifty, it was no imposition to peel his from his ass before going back after Geoff's tender loins.


"I don't see anymore dirt on either one of us?"

"And just what are you suggesting, Alex?"

"Oh, did it seem I was trying to suggest something like... maybe we dry off and lie down for awhile?"

"You can lie down," Kyle says, playing along.

"Oh, but what about your injured arm?"

"Works good. What do you think?" Kyle says, making an effort to move his arm as his hand strokes Alex's stiff tube.

"Great! Um, how does your neck feel?"

"My neck?" Kyle questions Alex.

"Yeah... I wonder if it aches bobbing up and down?"

"Nope!" Kyle responds, almost touching his chin to his chest, uprighting it, "Seems to be in fine working order!"

They both play on words, knowing where all this headed and at the same moment, stepped from the shower, reaching for towels.

"Allow me Alex. After all, look at all you did for me!"

Alex let it be, allowing Kyle to swab off his chest. They both looked down after connecting at the eyes, while Kyle took extra effort to bone-dry Alex's pubes.

"Watch it!" Alex cautioned. And when Kyle looked up to him, Alex replies to the questioning look on his face, "Just trying to save you from missing out on all that gooey protein drink!"

Avoiding drying off Alex's cock, Kyle replies, "Always looking out for me, huh? Not to mention how you would probably like feeling your cock blast off up my ass than into the towel, Alex?"

Acting out, Alex replies, "You saw right through me!"

Kyle showed Alex how fit he was now, giving both nips a tug and then hightailing it out of the jon. He crashed into the bed, rolling over to allow Alex to be next to him. At first they went at it, kissing and then after getting all that mushy stuff over with, Alex lay there as Kyle worked his way down Alex's bod.

"Oh wait!"

"What?" Kyle asks Alex.

"I didn't get even!"

Kyle, on all fours, only stares at Alex, as Alex's hands wade through the light hair fibers of Kyle's chest, seeking retribution.

"Feel nice?" Alex asks as he gently massages Kyle's nips with his thumbs, the rest of his fingers at the sides of his pecs.

"My cock does my bidding for me!" Kyle rendered as he, with purpose, grinded his cock to the side of Alex's inflated erection.

"Feel any harder?" he asks, teasing Kyle more.

"What do you think?" Kyle asks, stabbing Alex more intently. "But if you keep it up too much I'm going to wind up blasting you before you blast me!"

Alex immediately stopped, asking, "Should we do a '69' just in case?"

"What is this sudden surge of '69' Alex?"

"I dunno," he simply stated.

Being Alex has asked, Kyle figured it's something he really wants. "If you say so," he responds with saying, but also walks his bod around so his cock and balls were in Alex's face. "Are you sure, Alex?"

He couldn't see Alex's face, but felt a pair of hands on his balls, Alex using them as a handle to guide his cock into his mouth. For quite awhile the two lay there, turning side to side, upside down to each other as they tantalized each others pubic regions.


"Are you done cooking?"

Scotty was pretty much feeling the downsides of planning a big meal, executing it, then adding some direction to the cleanup, but when he heard Michael's voice he perked up, "Michael!" he met him with open arms.

"What'd I do now?" he joked about being recognized.

After kissing Michael on the lips, Scotty says, "You're being 'you'... that's what!"

"Is that good?"

Looking around, Scotty made sure he wasn't in hearing distance, but keeping his voice mum, "Not as good as if we were alone and in bed?"

Being melancholy, Michael says, "Oh, you still hunger for me sucking your cock?"

"Among other things," Scotty replies, and feeling up the bulge between them, "which I'm sure you will be able to take care of for me?"

"Cool!" Michael said it. Then, with probably one of the few really, really serious moments of his love life, he says in a calm tone, "Scotty, I love you and hope I never screw up again so we don't have to think of ever being apart!"

"Me too," Scotty replies, kissing Michael on the lips.

"Probably what I was really saying is I don't want anybody else's cock up my ass except yours. Does that make any sense?"

Scotty smiles, replying, "I think it makes perfectly good sense and after I finish cleaning up here..."

But almost behind Scotty, was Jeremiah saying, "I can handle things for you Scotty, if you want to go?"

Breaking away from Michael, it seeming awkward in front of Jeremiah, he walks over by his helper, and presenting him to his lover, "Jere here has been my right hand man all morning." He presents him to Michael.

"Nice to meet you," he says to Michael, shaking his hand and saying, "Scotty is really a great chef to work for."

"Really?" Michael asks, without the bubbly cheer he just had.

Because Jeremiah had been near when the two were exchanging sweet formalities, he senses the drop in Michael's attitude. With a feeling of maybe stepping on toes, Jeremiah relegates, "But I want you to know, Scotty and I have always worked with the strictest professionalism and nothing more." As a formal gesture, Jeremiah turns Scotty back over to Michael, telling him, "We've become good friends over the few hours we've known each other and I hope you and I can be the same Michael!"

"Sure," Michael says.

With Jeremiah excusing himself, Scotty says, "Gracious man."

"Yeah. Nice to have as a friend," Michael replies.

To set the record straight, because he too had the same feelings as Jeremiah about Michael, "And that's exactly what Jere and I are to each other. There was never anything more."

"Okay," Michael says, smiling.

And to reinforce it, "Believe me, I've learned my lesson from the head chef, other than stuff about cooking!"


Even though it was early afternoon, earlier Alex had dimmed the custom shades so the light in the room replicated almost nighttime. When Wattie gently knocked on the door, because he sensed either no one present, but just in case the silence dictated the inhabitants napping, he was quiet in his approach. "Hello in there," he whispers through the crack in the door. "Anybody interested in afternoon cocktails and h'orderves?"

"Hmm," he heard an almost inaudible tone. "Um, what'd you say Wattie?" Same time, Alex gave a pull on the sheet, covering up Kyle's ass as he lay in the pocket of Alex's arm.

"Out on the lawn by the pools and tennis courts, everyone is gathering for the final cocktail party. It would be most advantageous if you attended on account of this is where Cayman bestows prizes and I have two tickets right here."

He was making it sound awfully triumphant, especially emphasizing tickets for prizes. Alex wondered, "Oh yeah?What kind of prizes?"

With a lilt to his voice, Wattie replies, "Like door number one from 'the Price is Right'?" Wattie giggled, hearing Alex more than stir Kyle awake.

"C'mon Kyle! Get up! We've got a party to go to!"

Wattie allowed the door to close.

Kyle combats Alex, "Ohhhh, but we just came from a party!"

"I know. I'm kind of getting tired of the parties too, but soon we'll be home in our sweet little loft!"

It set off a melancholy moment, the two smooching, until they hear from behind the door, "I'll just leave your tickets here on the table in the hall!"

Alex yells back, "Okay Wattie! Thanks!"

"For what?" Kyle slowly says.

"C'mon. We gotta get up and get to the cocktail party because we might win an SUV, or washer and dryer, or a trip to the Bahamas or... or... we gotta get there!"

All Kyle could do is lay there and watch Alex jump into action, tilting a blind open, which made him shade his eyes from the sunset shooting right on in. But Kyle also smiled, seeing a silhouette of the man he loved, his balls bouncing around.

Tossing a speedo on the bed, Alex says, "C'mon! Get ready!"

It was right there, so Kyle props his ass up and slowly feeds his feet into the speedo.

"It's on backwards, stoopid!"

Taking it off, Kyle wraps it up like a baseball, heaving it at Alex, saying, "If you're so damn smart, you put it on me!"

Catching it right between the pecs, Alex says sweetly, "Okay."

Kyle was on his guard. Alex had something 'up his sleeve'. And true to his thinking, Alex kneels on the bed, inserts his toes, then begins lifting the speedo higher up his legs. Saying something he didn't mean, he prods Alex on, "And if you want to get to the cocktail party, don't make any sudden moves!"

"Sudden moves? Now what's that supposed to mean?" Alex smiles as he nears Kyle's thighs.

"Just what I said."

Finally, Alex couldn't budge the speedo any further, waiting for the obvious, for Kyle to lift his ass. "Well? Are ya gonna?"

"Gonna what?" Kyle counters, not budging the uplift of his ass.

Stalemated, the two gaze at each other, a smile adorning their lips.

"Make me?" Kyle suggests.

"Sure!" Alex says, dropping his chest to the bed. His mouth falls, open, right over the tip of Kyle's cock.

As he softly sucks on the head, Kyle makes comment, "I really liked the 6-9. You?"

Very seductively, Alex holds Kyle's cock and licks up the side. "Mmm..."

Kyle laughs.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing," Kyle says, "only it's already seasoned with your sauce!" It even made Kyle laugh more. "Alex, you're so funny!"

He was sort of trying to be a wise guy, but says, "I wasn't trying to be. I mean, sucking a guy's cock is serious business!"

"Not when you're 'not' sucking it!"

Getting the message, Alex pushes the speedo down so it is more stations Kyle's lower legs together. In order for him to get in between, because the gap is more narrow, he has to get up, lowering his shoulders, bending his neck, as he zeroes in on Kyle's cock.

"Oh, now I see something I want!" Kyle was tickled as he turned his bod, once again the two in formation for a 6-9, Alex's mouth down on him the whole time. When he got situated, his mouth in contact with Alex's balls hanging in his face, he mentions, "Pretty good Alex."

Alex stops, licks his lips, asking, "What's good?"

"The whole time I turned around you didn't once come off my cock."

"Oh," is all Alex said before going back to work. And just as he gets his lips around the meaty treat he's popped off, exclaiming, "He-e-e-e-ey!"

"Move over!" Kyle yells after slapping Alex on the butt.

"You could've asked nicely!" Alex replies, feeling up where Kyle slapped his ass.

"Not as much fun. Now would you quit yer sqawking and get back to work!"

Kyle did, get back to work, but for Alex he complains, "Geesh! I better watch it or I'm going to have an alpha male on my hands!"

Rethinking things, Kyle pops off and with honest regret, replies, "Oh I'm sorry Alex. I didn't meant to be so bossy."

Both lay there, side by side, only Kyle's feet to the side of Alex's head and vice versa. Likewise, they both sit up on their elbows. Alex is the first to say, "I kind of lost my taste for cock!"

Since Alex's head was at the top of the bed, Kyle surrenders his position and does the crawling, kneel-walking up to Alex, straddling him and lying his head down right between Alex's pecs, on the soft pillow of his chest hair. "Alex?"


"6-9 is okay, but I really like being the one to pamper you?" He turns his head to look into Alex's face.

Looking down at Kyle, brushing his hair from his forerhead, he asks, "Who else am I gonna get?"

"I didn't mean that."

Giggling, Alex says, "I know. I know what you meant." Then, sensing a moving of arms, hands, then fingers he states, "Oh no... don't you do that!"

But it was too late, Kyle doing some finger work, teasing Alex's nips.

"Owch! Owch! Owch! Oh! You're gonna make me hard!"



Copyright 2010 T. Chase McPhee

`For Sale By Owner: CK's Stud Muffin Party' may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

The more you stretch, the more you can fit in... 'spread' happiness! TCMcP.....

Next: Chapter 108: Cks Stud Muffin Party 19

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