For Richer or for Poorer

By Reese Simms

Published on Apr 17, 2014


The trip to Milwaukee for Bolingbrook usually took just over a little over two hours, so Davis and Bryce stopped to get some air and exercise and just walk around Chicago's iconic Navy Pier. Wholly unaware of each other's feelings for the other, that when the other wasn't looking, they would take sneak peeks at the other's tanned gym and football sculpted bodies admiring and wishing they looked like the other.

After spending a few hours on Lake Michigan swimming, goofing off, and throwing the football around. They could normally toss the football all day and not get tired with it, but there was a couple of girls that kept on trying to get their attention, by literally trying to hang all over them. One of them Melissa kept rubbing herself all over Davis' body, making him extremely uncomfortable and wanting to get rid of her.

"Hey sexy, why don't we do something more exciting?"

"Like what?"

"Like make out, go to your car and get nasty, how does that sound?"

Perturbed, Davis looks at his best friend and says calmly, "I'm sorry but I'm dating someone. So no thanks."

Bryce looked hurt, but quickly squashed it realizing Davis was trying to get rid of her. Melissa on the other hand couldn't hide her distaste for this rebuttal continued to flirt with him, "Come on baby, you know you want this," pointing to her big surgically enhanced breasts.

"I can't wait to slide your big cock up my pussy, stud," she said whispering in his ear grabbing his package.

Bryce's eyes bugged out and his mouth dropped at the girl's audacity to do this in public. "What a slut." He thought to himself. It was Davis' reaction stunned him even more.

"Listen slut! You're not getting anywhere near my cock, so keep your filthy hands off, OK? You're not even my type. You have no class."

Davis then turns to Bryce, who still looked shocked but smiling, said, "Come on, let's eat before I regret saying anything more to this sorry excuse for a woman."

The boys walk off, leaving a stunned and fuming Melissa and other shocked beachgoers in their wake. "I'll get you boy, even if I have to force myself on you," she threatened under her breath before storming off to join her friend.

"Man, that was intense," Bryce says, breaking the tension-filled silence.

"I know. Come on, I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry." Bryce laughs. Davis joins in breaking the tension caused by Melissa grabbing the picnic basket out of the car. They began to pull the food Yvonne packed for the both of them and began scarfing it down in comfortable silence.

"Dude, this lunch hits the right spot." Davis claims, wolfing down an Italian pastrami sandwich piled high with layers of cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, and thickly-cut pickles.

"Hell yea it does, I'm gonna definitely miss eating Yvonne's meals on a daily basis," Bryce declares, his mouth full of his own Italian Beef and Ham Sub.

After getting their fill they let their stomachs digest, and tried to catch some rays.This lasted about an hour, though, because the ever expanding crowds and unwanted female attention they were still receiving made them uneasy They picked up their towels and their trash and went to leave.

There was one person that didn't want Davis to leave. Upset by his earlier rejection of her and public humiliation, Melissa follow the boys from a distance. When Davis went to the bathroom to piss and Bryce went to put the stuff in the car, she followed into the men's room, where she confronted Davis, by grabbing his dick at the urinal.

Davis, freaked out by Melissa grabbing his cock, pushed her into the stall partition and screamed, "What the fuck??? Didn't you understand me telling you no? Are you crazy?"

Melissa, angry at this latest rejection, screamed, "What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you a faggot or something? What guy could resist this? I'm practically asking you to fuck me and you keep pushing me away. How can you resist this sexy body?"

"Why would you follow me in here? Are you insane?"

"I want to suck that fat cock and get fucked hard right here, right now."

"Listen, I gotta go. I want nothing to do with you. Bryce and I are leaving and heading to Wisconsin for school, so get out of my way."

"Is Bryce your little faggot boyfriend. You rather have his dick up your ass than fuck my tight pussy, you sick little fairy??"

"So what if I am? What's it to you? Besides even if I was straight, I wouldn't even date you. You're a slut, I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. Please!!! With the way you're pushing yourself on me, I wouldn't be surprised if I could drive a semi-truck up your vagina!"

Bryce walked in at the moment of his admission, and stood stunned as Davis spat angrily at the girl. Davis turned to walk out, only to stop dead at the expression on his best friend's face. "Perfect!!! There goes our friendship, where am I gonna stay now? He's gonna tell my parents. What the hell am I gonna do now?" Davis groveled silently.

"Come on Bryce. Let's get the fuck out of here!!" He said panicky.

"Yea, that's right fags! Get the fuck out of here! Your types make me sick, I hope you die of AIDS, go fuck yourselves!!!" Melissa screamed slapping Davis in the face scratching him.

"Shut the fuck up you pompous little slut, and leave us alone before we call the cops." Bryce screamed back at her.

"Come on Bryce, let's get on the road. You can't fix ignorance. The bitch is not worth it." Davis said venomously.

After an hour of uncomfortable silence on the drive to Milwaukee, Davis finally spoke up dejectedly. "I'll understand if you don't want to room with me.anymore. I'll find another place to stay, alright?."

"Why would you need to find another place to stay? You don't want to be my roommate anymore?"

"Well yeah, but I didn't think you'd want a faggot living with you?" Davis said scared.

"Don't you EVER call yourself that name again, you understand me?" Bryce said angrily, slamming on the brakes.

"Yes, I understand. It's just that I was scared you would reject me like my family will if I come out, I can't lose you."

"I'm hurt you would think of me being like your dead-beat parents or your asshole brother." Davis looks at Bryce sadly after this admission, feeling ashamed at his doubts of the guy he had fallen in love with. "You're my best friend, I would do anything to protect you and keep you safe. I love ya, bro."

"Sorry I doubted you. I love ya too." Davis said sheepishly.

"Don't be sorry. If I had your family, I'd be terrified of other people's reactions. Not to mention, that crazy bitch's reaction didn't help much. Don't sweat it, you're my bro for life. For richer or for poorer."

After the conversation silence returned to the car for the rest of the trip to Marquette, albeit a comfortable one. When they got to the apartment the exhaustion got to the both of them. They fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

On a street corner outside of Willis Tower, a silver BMW pulls up to a beautiful brown-haired prostitute. A man in a suit tells her to get in.

"What you want me to do for you tonight?" she asks

Turning to her, he punches her in the face, and says with an evil smile, "I want your blood, bitch."

Next: Chapter 3

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