For Justins Love

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Jun 17, 2001

  • This story is a work of fiction. I claim NOTHING as fact in this story, so if I have some off-colored ideas, you're already forewarned. You all know the drill.*

"DAMN that was a long year," I moaned to my friend Tom. "I never thought it'd be that bad."

He grinned a shit-eating grin and said, "Hey, I always told you that you sucked."

I punched him in the arm and laughed. "Yeah. You're not the only one." We joked around for a while and he got on the train home.

Let me sum up more or less what happened since I left San Diego. I finished my job and went to school in New York to study acting. I studied musical theater, so I spent a lot of time training in singing and dance as well. When I was finally situated, I managed to build the nerve to call Nick and see if he was still angry with me.

It was an emotional three hours. In the end, we both apologized, and he admitted that at first he started making passes at Justin because he knew that I liked him and he wanted to get back at me. But then, he said, he really started to be connected with Justin, so much so that they were basically a couple.

I said that I was wrong to act like a tease and that I never wanted to hurt him, but that I was still confused as well. We agreed that we'd keep in touch from then on, and we had done so. I called in a major favor later, actually, but I'll talk about that in due course.

After that, I kept going to my classes and over my Christmas break, I had a long phone call with Justin. (I'd been keeping in touch with the others, especially Lance, via e-mail.) It was exhausting, but by the end, I found that he felt the same about Nick as he and I felt in my story. After hanging up, I cried myself to sleep.

I came back to school already tired, but ready to work. The second semester was much more difficult, especially emotionally, as a boy who I'd had a fling with in the first semester informed me that he had cancer. Everything went downhill from there. The only plus was the fact that I managed to secure my own apartment and a job at a bookstore near school. The job paid decently, and it didn't suck up all my time. Thanks to e-mail I was well aware of he work on the new CD and personal lives with NSync and Nick. In late June, my friend died of his cancer, leaving me a small fortune. I couldn't believe he did that. We'd discussed that he would leave me something to help me pay my school debts (he insisted, despite all of my protests), but it never changed to two houses and six figures-at least, not what he'd tell me, anyway. But that was the case, and though I was no longer a starving artist, I wasn't exactly rich, either. I tried to put money out of my mind in order to make arrangements for the funeral. I called NSync and Nick and asked them if they'd be willing to do me a favor and come sing something at the funeral. I also wanted to know if any of them knew Kylie Minogue, Devon's favorite singer/actress. They agreed to come, but didn't know Kylie, although Joey said he'd have their people call her people. I had to smile. It was so hollywoodsy that it was almost ridiculous.

But sure enough, they pulled through, and she showed up at his funeral to sing "Bittersweet Goodbye." Her words were a double entendre for me, as I could apply them both to Devon and to Justin: "Here we the dead of night...will you keep me warm and hold me tight? All we until the morn. Let the night be long and ease the dawn. I love you more...than you'll ever know. It hurts to see you...go."

"So darling a lullaby. Ooh, bittersweet goodbye. Don't think about the future now...these few hours. Let the night time envelop us...take us under...bewitching spell...bewitching spell."

"Here we the dead of night. Won't see you past the morning light. So darling, sing me a lullaby. Bitersweet...good-bye....remember me when you're away..."

We all walked away with tears in our eyes, and I asked the artists who came and performed (and those who didn't, like Devon Sawa and Madonna, two friends of Devon's) if they'd be willing to come to a more private wake. I needed their general advice, and was hoping they'd be able to give it. They all agreed, and we went to my apartment, which is small, old and lacking of lots of things, but is private, and I found seats for everyone, as well as drinks and food.

"I really thank you all for coming, and for not saying anything about the crappiness of the apartment. I know you're all busy and used to better. Kylie," I said to her before anyone could comment, "you were his favorite, and it means a lot to me that you could be here." She gave me a hug, I wiped my eyes, and I looked at the rest of them. "I asked you here because I need some advice. Do any of you know what charities do what?"

"Anything in particular," asked Joey.

"Yeah. Devon was a major proponent against child abuse, especially molestation, and I don't feel right keeping this money, so I was gonna give it to any or all charities that focus on that." I shook my head helplessly. "But I've never had to sponsor a charity before! I don't know where to begin, and I was hoping that all of you would be willing to make a suggestion."

Madonna spoke up first. "Prevent Child Abuse America might be a good one for you. My label does some things with them."

I nodded.

Kylie added, "Or, you could do ICAN. That's the international child abuse network. Devon spent time with that one, as well."

The others threw in suggestions and we talked well into the night with everyone wishing me well in my career and telling me to call them if I needed a break. NSync was the last to leave and I hesitantly asked if anyone would be willing to stay. They looked at each other. JC, Chris and Lance all agreed. Justin hesitated, but in the end he and Joey left to go back to the hotel and call their label saying they needed a few days off in New York.

I hadn't expected three, so I offered two of them my bed, a double, and whoever wanted the singled could have it. I pulled out a lot of blankets and a sleeping bag, since the carpet in my room isn't exactly plush. We played some cards, hung out listening to music, watching movies. It was really nice, actually. I hadn't had anyone to do those ordinary things with in ages, and they were there to do them with me.

Around two in the morning, the emotional day had finally taken over and I fell asleep while we were sitting around watching Labyrinth. The last thing I saw was "SMELL BAD" with everyone laughing before I closed my eyes and dreamt.

I was back in highschool, out with some of my best friends when Devon came up to me and, ever the drama queen, made a huge scene about my not being with him. To make matters short, he didn't know I was in the closet, and when he stormed off, most of my "friends," got up and left without another word or glance. The rest called me a faggot and left, adding they never wanted to see me again. I died that night. Some 16th birthday.

"God no," I cried out as I woke up, tears streaming down my eyes. Those friends had been the most important people in my life up to date, and even at this point, their good graces were worth anything to me. It was strange, because I hadn't had a nightmare in years. I usually warded my sleep against such things. It was then that a warm pair of arms hesitantly drew me into a hug. I jumped, startled, and looked over to see Lance sitting on the floor next to me, calming me. No knowing or caring what else to do, I pulled him in and sobbed my eyes out. He was shushing me, telling me it would be all right, that it was only a dream. After a few minutes, I finally stopped crying, and Lance released me. I gave him a tearful smile and thanked him.

"No problem, man," he smiled back. "You've had a tough day. You gonna be all right now?"

I hesitated for a second. He saw and asked, "what? Still upset?"

I nodded and said, "Will you stay with me for a little while? I just don't want to be alone right now. Please?"

This time he hesitated. "I know it's weird, but," I shuddered, "I've never felt this scared before."

He nodded and I pulled some of the blankets aside to let him in. In the dim light of the room, I'd only been able to make out his face, although I'd felt his bare chest when he'd hugged me, it hadn't dawned on me until he joined me under the covers that he was wearing only his boxers. My mind raced down the ways it shouldn't and it was only my own fear and exhaustion that stopped any noticeable reaction. He came under the blankets and put his right arm around me. "Like this," he asked?

I nodded and we just lay there in the darkness. Unconsciously I began stroking his arm lightly. I fell asleep soon after, comfortable and secure. Lance stayed up, troubled, but eventually, he, too was comfortable enough to sleep.

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