For Always

By moc.liamlrug@18_eci

Published on Nov 10, 2000


Well, goodness me, people wanted part six. ::grin:: I just hope after this that you all don't hate me. Anyway, this is for the wonderful Red, Jon, Wen, Marcus Lycus and Angel who inspire me with their beautiful stories and hound my butt to keep posting when I forget. And for the lovely Jaci... Kiss my ass. And Nate? This is 'SO' for you :-)

Disclaimer: Okay, this definitely isn't real. If it is, then love me tender and call me Elvis. And I feel I must warn you now... There's a LITTLE hetero sex in this part, but it's crucial to the story and can't be taken out. If you don't want to read it then uh, sorry! And yeah, if you DON'T want to read it then :- on you. Reading a little hetero for less than a minute isn't gonna kill you. Promise.

===== For Always - 6 Copyright 2000 Ice

Justin was sitting at their table they grabbed along with Chris and JC. Joey left them for the dance floor almost immediately after they got there. Justin sat bopping back and forth in his seat, unable to stay still. Finally, he grabbed JC's arm.

"Dance with me." He shouted loudly over the music. JC shot Chris a pleading look. Chris just laughed and shook his head at him. JC just sighed and downed the rest of his drink.

"Fine." He muttered following the blonde out to the dance floor, losing him almost immediately.

Eventually, JC began to loosen up and have some fun. He even found a cute little blonde to dance with.

"You're JC from Nsync, right?" She asked as she danced with him.

"Yeah," He said with a smile as he pulled her closer.

"I'm Jordan." She said into his ear, letting her lips brush against his earlobe. Then she turned around quickly in his arms.

He began dancing with his chest pressed to her back, and she hooked her hands around his neck over her head. She took his hands away from her waist and put them right at the front of her skirt, holding them there. Letting the liquor get to him, he turned her around in his arms and picked up one of her legs, throwing it over his hip. He pulled her close and grinded with her. The music blared in his ears, and he felt dizzy from the alcohol. He leaned forward and began to hungrily suck on her neck while she wrapped her hands in his hair.

/This isn't right...\ A little voice in his head sang at him.

/Shut up.\ Another voice in his head answered back.

Jordan let her hands wonder down JC's back and let them rest on his ass.

/Both of you shut up,\ A third voice told the first two as he brought his head back up. /I'm getting some ass tonight, you got it you guys? So what if it's not...\ His train of thought was broken as he felt Jordan lightly start to lick his earlobe.


Across the room at the bar, Justin clutched his drink so hard his knuckles turned white.

/What the FUCK is going on out there? That chick is all fucking over Josh, and he's just letting her grope him!\ Justin fumed.

/What the hell do you care? You're just jealous that he's gonna get some ass and you're not.\

/No, you're just jealous that SHE'S gonna get some ass and you're not.\

"Shut up." He muttered.

"Excuse me?" The bartender asked him smiling. 'Jon' His name tag read. Justin blushed and turned to the bartender.

"Nothing." He said quietly. He turned back around and watched with narrowed eyes as JC latched his mouth onto her neck. He slammed his glass onto the bar and made his way back out to the dance floor. He didn't know what he was doing, but he wanted to get that girl...

/...away from JC.\


JC squeezed his hands, eliciting a small moan from the blonde girl whose ass he held. He grinded his hardon into her pelvic area. Jordan moved her head down from his ear and began to lick his neck.

JC was brought out of his daze when he saw a body come up behind Jordan. He felt another body press into his hands which were resting underneath the back of Jordan's skirt.

Jordan turned her head around startled, and then smiled brightly.

JC's eyes rested on the body that was pressed into his hands. He glanced at the arms that encircled the girl from behind her. He let his gaze travel over the other person's body.

/And what a body it is.\ JC thought to himself distractedly. Strong arms, flat stomach, narrow waist, sexy legs... JC raised his eyes up from the body to meet with a pair of

/Gorgeous. Shocking. Intense.\

blue ones.

/Justin?\ He thought as he unwillingly moved his hands.


He was playing his game.

/Fuck you JC, I'M gonna get this girl tonight.\ He thought as he wrapped his arms around the blonde from behind. He rested his hands on her exposed stomach and grinded himself into her backside. He felt something move underneath his hands.

/What the fuck?\ He thought. Then he realized he couldn't see JC's hands.

The blonde grinned at his friend.


He caught the smile. Then he caught something else completely. Justin moved his head to the side of the Jordan's. Catching JC's eye, he licked the earlobe he found, causing Jordan to gasp and JC's arms to tighten. JC glared at his best friend evilly. Justin just smirked back at him. JC pulled Jordan closer to him and moved a hand so it rested on the leg that was wrapped around him. His body language screamed "MINE!".

JC glared at Justin and dared him with his eyes to try something else. Justin just shifted his gaze onto Jordan for a moment and met the dare. He moved his hands down the front of the stomach to the skirt she wore, grinning at JC the whole time. His hand moved lower, until it reached it's target.

Jordan sighed heavily.

JC nearly jumped out of his skin. Sure, his hand was under her skirt, and rubbing HER, but at the same time...

He watched as she closed her eyes and leaned back into Justin. His eyes narrowed dangerously as he felt the hand move up and down.

/Fuck.\ He thought. He didn't think it wasn't possible to be any harder than what he was. His eyes were halfway shut now, but not from anger anymore.


He grinned as he saw the look on JC's face.

/Take that you bastard.\ He thought as he rubbed her underneath her skirt. He saw the anger pass on JC's face. He leaned down to Jordan's ear once again, watching JC watch his every move.

"Come back to my place with me."


/What the FUCK?!\ JC thought to himself. He didn't watch as Justin brought her leg down slowly from JC's hip as he turned her around in JC's arms. He didn't watch as Justin put his arm around her shoulder and speak into her ear. He didn't even watch as Justin moved his hand to rest on the ass he should've been taking to the hotel. No.

He watched the teeth come out and bite the bottom lip for the quickest of seconds. He watched the tongue lick the full pouty lips. He watched the intense blue eyes fill with lust.

He watched the eyes that hadn't moved from his own.

/What the fuck...\

He watched as the eyes tore away from his and then were suddenly on the other side of the club, going through a door with a blonde girl.

His body stopped moving in the middle of the dance floor, suddenly alone.


"Yeah, I didn't care that her mother wanted to meet me at the TIME but then..." Chris trailed off as he saw JC stalk up to the table. JC took the drink from Chris's hang and downed it, startling the two at the table as he slammed the glass on the table. Joey and Chris looked at each other not sure what the problem was.

"You okay?" Joey asked tentatively. JC just looked towards the door to the club and sighed before dropping into a chair.

"You guys mind if I leave?" He asked dejectedly. Joey just looked at Chris worried while Chris nodded back at his friend. "You don't have to go with me but I just... I just gotta get out of here." He managed to get out that last sentence before pulling his keys out of his pocket and stumbling to the door.

A long minute of silence passed between the two men left sitting at the table.

"What the hell was that about?" Chris spoke first looking at Joey as if he held some clue.

"Who knows?" Joey said glancing at the empty chair just recently vacated.

"You think he's gonna be okay?" Chris asked Joey. "You know, driving home half wrecked."

"JC's a good driver, and he's not that bad..." Joey said thoughtfully. Chris just shook his head.

"Whatever it was about, the only thing I hope is he doesn't go home right now. Justin took that blonde home."


JC stumbled out of his car, holding onto the door for support. He stood up and didn't move for a minute. When his vision cleared he shut the door and made his way to the front door of his house. He turned the knob in question and in response it turned easily in his hand. He opened the door silently and took two steps in the living room then abruptly stopped, his eyes widening... Then filling slowly with tears.

Justin had Jordan bent over on the couch. He was furiously pumping into her from behind and she was moaning out his name while burying her face into the armrest. JC vaguely noticed a sweater of his hanging off the armrest she had her face pressed into. He made a mental note to himself to never wear it again.

"Uhhhh... Oh fuck..." The boy groaned out with his eyes closed. JC couldn't take his eyes off of Justin's face. There was something... odd laying underneath that look of passion.

Justin's eyes were shut and his mouth was slightly open, but his eyebrows were knitted closely together. Almost as if he were concentrating on something else. A thin layer of sweat covered his chest and stomach.

JC stood shock still for another full minute then, deciding he couldn't take any more of the passion filled cries, stalked out of the house slamming the door behind him on his way out.

/Fuck that curly haired fucking prick bastard whore ass mother...\ JC stormed out to his car losing his train of thought. He threw open the car door and sank into the drivers seat. He didn't know where he was going but he knew he had to get out of there. Away from the sound of Jordan calling out Justin's name, away from the blue eyes that were squeezed shut in ecstasy. Away from his best friend fucking some GIRL on THEIR couch in THEIR house.

JC started his car up and subconsciously drove to Chris's house. Parking in the driveway, he slowly let himself out of his car. He walked up to the door and knocked lightly. He heard a low yipping sound which could only be Chris's dogs Busta and Korea. The door was thrown open to reveal Chris still in his clothes holding a can of Pepsi. The instant he saw JC, he pulled him inside the house.

"JC, what the fuck is going on?" Chris said as he raised his free hand to wipe at JC's face. It was only then when Chris's hand came away wet that JC realized he was crying.

"Can... Can I stay here tonight?"


After a cold glass of water and a trip to the bathroom to clean up, Chris guided the upset JC to his guest room and tucked his younger friend in where he almost immediately fell asleep. Chris sighed and leaned forward to kiss his friend's forehead, sitting on the edge of the bed. As he pulled away, JC grabbed his hand in his sleep and pulled him down.

"Justin..." JC mumbled out as he wrapped his arms around Chris's stomach. Chris's eyes widened as realization slowly crossed over his face.

/Oh God...\ He thought to himself. /You've got to be fucking kidding me.\

"Why Justin?" JC cried out quietly in his sleep. Chris just watched his friend sadly as a tear leaked out of the younger man's closed eye.

/Yes, why Justin?\ Chris surprisingly asked himself.


Alright, alright ::ducks the eggs and tomatoes being thrown at her::. I know, I'm a big ole meanie, huh? Well if you want to see what else happens, how about you email me and tell me you're interested?


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