For Always

By moc.liamlrug@18_eci

Published on Oct 17, 2000


Hello all you happy people! I'm back with another chapter. I know, I'm late with the updates but I haven't had a chance to post a lot lately. ::sigh:: Anyway, hope you all enjoy this, blah blah blah, again, this is for Jon because I know he wants t rip my head off. Love ya babe! Now, let's go to our very exciting disclaimer, shall we?

Disclaimer: Not real.

(Wow, that was so soulful.)

===== For Always - 3 Copyright 2000 Ice

Someone was calling his name. /Shut up.\ He tried to tell the voice. He was so tired, all he wanted to do was snuggle back into the arms around him and go back to sleep...

/ARMS AROUND ME?\ His eyes flew open and he looked up into JC's face.

"What... what the..." He started to sputter. JC laughed and released his arms from Justin's shoulders.

"You crawled into bed with me last night J, remember?" JC said with a hint of amusement in his voice. He sat up a little and the sheet fell away from his body exposing his smooth naked back. He stretched his arms out and gave a slight squeal which made Justin laugh.

"Yeah, sorry about that. And about acting like such a dick yesterday." Justin apologized quietly. JC looked over his shoulder and shifted so he was facing his friend.

"It's ok, it's just..." He trailed off. He looked down at his hands for a second, then back at Justin. Justin looked back up at him expectantly. "Nevermind. I'm gonna grab a shower." He said then jumped lightly off the bed.

Justin watched his friend saunter into the bathroom and shut the door before laying back down on the bed.

/I just wanna go home.\ He thought miserably as he grabbed JC's pillow and pulled it close. He was tired of touring... and the cameras... and the girls... and the rumors...

/Just take me home.\ He thought before he fell asleep holding JC's pillow.


JC came out of the bathroom shirtless in a pair of khaki cargo pants. He threw his towel in a corner and made his way over to the dresser. He was almost there when a sight in the mirror caught his eye. He turned around and couldn't help but smile.

Justin fell back asleep and was clutching JC's pillow. His mouth was slightly open and a few of his unruly curls dropped onto his forehead. He looked all of twelve years old.

JC threw on a dark blue muscle shirt before walking over to his bed and sitting on it.

"Jus?" He shook his friend. Justin groaned a little but didn't wake up.

"Curly?" JC prodded a little louder. He shook a little harder.

This time Justin lashed out with a hand and buried his face into the pillow.

JC rubbed his stomach where Justin hit and frowned at the kid. Finally, he pushed at the sleeping body hard.

"OOMPH!" Justin cried out as his body hit the floor. He sat up quickly and looked at JC, first in confusion, then with a glare as he listened to JC's laughter.

"Real funny asshole." Justin grumbled. He could still hear JC laughing at him as he walked into the bathroom and slammed the door.


"So wait, what time's out flight? I can't wait to get home." Justin asked Lance impatiently.

They had congregated in Chris and Lance's room after the concert and were sprawled around different parts of the room. JC was sitting at the table at the other side of the room, and Justin was sitting ON the table, right next to JC. Joey and Chris shared a bed, Joey laying down next to Chris's feet. Lance, who was propped against the headboard of the other bed, kicked his shoes off and watched them fly across the room.

"Our flight's at 8 AM," He stated tiredly. "That means we have to be up and 5 and out of here at 6." He said and slid down the bed so he was laying flat.

The rest of the guys groaned.

"That is so not fair!" Chris whined loudly. "I wanted to go out tonight." He said pouting from his spot on the bed. Joey just whacked Chris's legs.

"Oh shut up. You want to go home, doncha?" He said. He got a twinkle in his eye.

"Or we always can leave you here." He said smiling and watching as Chris glared at him. "As a matter of fact, go on out Chris, I'll wake you up in the morning."

"Very funny FAT one." Chris grumbled. "See if I ever leave random presents in YOUR bags again!"

"GOOD!" Joey laughed.

"Jo-ey! That was really a present!" Chris whined again. From their spots at the table Justin and JC winced. Chris's voice really didn't do much for their ears when he wasn't singing. Actually, it didn't do much for their ears when he WAS singing.

"Chris, I don't call covering my clothes with chocolate a present!" Joey raised his voice and sat up on his elbows giving Chris a incredulous look.

Justin and JC burst out laughing. Lance, nearly asleep, jolted up.

"It was a chocolate monkey!" Chris cried out in Joey's face. Justin fell off the table into JC's lap, he was laughing so hard. "It not only reminded me of you BUT it had a little red collar thing on and it was Godiva chocolate! I thought you would like it!" He pouted and looked down.

Lance just laid back down and closed his eyes again. JC and Justin were calming down a little now. Joey and Chris both looked over at them and glared.

"It's not funny! He ruined my favorite sweater!" Joey glared at them.

"Well I paid a nice little chunk of money for that damn monkey! How was I supposed to know it would melt?" Chris eyed Joey. Joey looked like he was going to explode.

"IT'S CHOCOLATE! How could it NOT?! Oh my God, I have to get out of here, I'll deal with you later!" Joey said and flounced from the room.

"Uh, I think that's our cue to leave." JC said pushing Justin off his lap. Justin got up and headed for the door.

"See ya bright and early buddy!" He called over his shoulder. He looked at Lance's sleeping figure in his clothes and shook his head before heading out the door.

JC laughed at Lance and said goodnight to Chris before following Justin. He shut the door, but not before hearing the phone ring in Chris and Lance's room.


"What?!" Justin growled into the phone. JC just came out of the bathroom in a pair of sweat pants and his leo necklace. He looked at Justin curiously.

"You've GOT to be kidding me! ... I just want to go the fuck home already... Yeah, I know... Fuck this shit... Yeah, I'll tell him... K, night old man." Justin hung up the phone quickly cutting off the "HEY!" that came from the earpiece. Justin sighed and kept his eyes on the phone after he hung it up.

"What was that all about?" JC asked cautiously.

"FUCK!" Justin burst out standing up quickly. JC jumped at the sudden outburst. "We fucking have to go do some goddamn segment for MTV. TOMORROW! I'm so fucking sick of touring and shows and cameras and I was so fucking happy to go home tomorrow. I didn't even care about getting up early!" Justin ranted. He threw himself down on the bed on his back.

"Which we still have to do." He said bitterly.

"It's alright Curly," JC said sitting down next to Justin. "It's just one more day. You can handle that, can't you?" He said as he ran a hand through Justin's curls. Justin sighed loudly. He pushed JC's hand away and sat up.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He mumbled and walked into the bathroom.

JC shook his head and climbed into bed. He rolled over and quickly fell asleep.


Justin came out of the bathroom a few minutes later. He watched as JC shifted in his sleep and rolled over so he was facing Justin. He had such a cute way of sleeping. His nose twitched every few minutes and his mouth constantly hung open.

Justin stood still watching JC for two full minutes before he saw the twitch. He laughed quietly and shut off the light before climbing into bed.


Yeah yeah yeah. If you liked it, tell me damnit. Hell, tell me if you didn't like it! Again, hatemail is more than welcome :-D. More to come!


Next: Chapter 4

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