For Always

By moc.liamlrug@18_eci

Published on Oct 13, 2000


Hey all. I'm back, the story's finally updated, and I hope you all enjoy it. Please, no autographs. Or flames. Damn. Anyway, to all you who've been bugging me to send this next part out (JON! LOL You lil...) this is for all you guys. Oh yeah, and Red and Wen who ROCK MY WORLD :-D You guys are the shit. Anyway, onto the exciting action packed disclaimer.

Disclaimer: Fanfiction. This is FICTION. By a FAN. Therefore if you believe it, you're a retard :-D

===== For Always - 2 Copyright 2000 Ice

"Seventy-six, seventy-seven, seventy-eight..." Justin panted. He was on the floor of his dressing room, shirtless, doing sit ups. They had about forty minutes till they went onstage.

The door flew open.

"Justin! Save me, SAVE ME!" Chris squealed running into the room. He threw himself on the floor and cowered behind Justin who sat up in confusion. Justin turned his head to the door just in time to see Joey run in followed by a hysterical JC.

Joey paused for a second, leaning on the doorjamb to catch his breath. Then he looked in and saw Chris hiding behind Justin.

"YOU!" He said and, without any other thoughts on his mind that didn't have to do with strangling Chris, jumped on top of Justin to get to Chris.

"GET OFF!" Justin screamed underneath Joey.

"YOU BASTARD!" Joey cried out as his hands circled Chris's throat. Chris fell back on the floor laughing as Joey pretended to strangle him.

"What the fuck was that FOR?! Nevermind, if you EVER put anything in my bag again I'll fucking KILL you!" Joey growled as he let go of Chris's neck and stood up. Chris raised a hand and looked expectantly up at Joey. Joey scowled, turned away and walked out of the room.

"Jo-eyyyyyy!" Chris whined following him. JC just shook his head as he heard Chris whine again before hearing a door slam. Then he looked down at Justin sitting on the floor, still shirtless.

"You ready?" JC asked Justin in a tight voice holding up the hackey sack. Justin just looked up at JC.

"Honestly, JC. Does it look like I'm ready?" Justin snapped. He got up from the floor and picked up a towel. He started to brush it across his chest and neck to get the sweat off. JC just turned his head.

"Sorry. Damn, you don't hafta get rude." He said quietly, but coldly. He turned to leave the room. Justin sighed.

"Josh..." He started. JC turned around at the mention of the name no one called him but Justin. He raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry." Justin shrugged. "I'll be ready in a bit. Get the others and I'll be right there." He said, then turned away to put his shirt on. JC watched as Justin's muscular back rippled, then was covered by the shirt.

"Sure, whatever." He said and left the room quickly. Shutting the door behind him, he leaned against it and sighed. Pushing himself up he went around to get the other guys.


Justin pouted in the backseat of the limo while everyone else conversed lightly. The concert went fairly normal. No one else seemed to realize the part where Justin tripped over his own two feet...

"I lose my mind just when you're speakin. I see you on the screen I get to freakin..." JC growled into his mic. They all slowly humped the floor, listening to the excited screams from the crowd.

"So get down babe... And I'll get down for you. I get so excited when I'm watchin girl..." JC kept right on singing and dancing. Justin glanced at his friend for a second and saw the suggestive way JC ran his hands down his body. He went to execute a turn but tripped slightly almost sending him into Lance.

He quickly played it off, but couldn't help the red blush that crept to his face out of embarrassment and frustration.

"Fuck." Justin said quietly to himself. Chris glanced over at his friend who was leaning against the window.

"You okay Justin?" Chris asked concerned, drawing stares from the other three.

"I'm fine Chris." He sighed, turning his head to address the other four.

"You sure Curly?" JC asked. Justin immediately scowled.

"I said I was fine Josh." He snapped back. Without waiting for a reaction he turned his head back out the window and watched their hotel get closer. JC just sighed.

"Whatever." He mumbled from the other side of the limo and took a similar stance to Justin's.

Chris just shook his head at them.

"So Joe, we going clubbin or what?"

"What? Fuck you old man, you stuck that shit in my bag! You can go out by yourself." Joey retorted with a smile on his face. He knew he would go out with Chris.

"Whatever. Be ready in about half an hour." Chris smirked.

The limo pulled up to their hotel and the guys, along with the rest of Sexual Chocolate, made a mad dash for the inside of the hotel, dodging the fans. The ride up to their elevator was rather uneventful, except for when JC caught Justin's eye in the mirrored doors. Justin glared at the other man and looked away, setting his face in a hard scowl.

JC sighed and looked the other way in frustration. What the hell had he done NOW? He hated having to walk around on eggshells around Justin.

The door opened and they got off, heading to their rooms. Lance to his own, Chris and Joey headed towards their room, bickering as ever, before their voices muffled as the door shut behind them.

Justin reached the room first and opened the door before going in and letting the door almost close before JC could get through.

"What the fuck Just?" JC called as he pushed against the door. He brushed angrily into the room and watched as Justin just shrugged him off.

"Sorry Josh, didn't know you needed help with something like opening a goddamn door." Justin retorted sitting at the edge of his bed to pull his sneakers off.

"Listen Curly," JC threw his bag and coat on his bed and faced Justin who sat up and looked at JC. "I don't know what the fuck has been up your ass lately, but it's pissing me off. You don't treat the other guys like you do me anymore, and yet I'm supposed to be your fucking best friend. You've done NOTHING over the past month but snap at me and give me attitude. And quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of putting up with your shit. So don't expect me to try and be nice to you anymore, it's just not worth it." JC said quietly in a cold voice. Seeing no reaction, he turned to his stuff and began to undress.

He pulled off his shirt and jeans harshly before picking up his bag and throwing it to the other side of the room, making Justin flinch.

In his boxers, JC made his way into the bathroom where he did his business. By the time he came out, Justin was laying in bed. JC walked to his bag and pulled out his pajama pants and pulled them on. He laid down in bed and reached up to turn off the light when he looked over at Justin.

Justin, half under the covers, lay in bed with his back turned toward JC. Justin was wearing only a pair of pajama pants so his tanned smooth back was exposed. JC just shot the back an evil look as he turned out the light.

JC had started to drift off when he heard a timid voice.


"Yeah?" He replied shortly.

"I... I'm sorry." Justin called out quietly. JC sighed and rolled over, facing Justin in the darkness.

"I know, I am too Jus. How bout we just call it a night?" He said tiredly. He heard a sigh from Justin's bed.

"Okay. Night Josh." He called out.

"Night Curly." He said sleepily. He felt himself dozing off when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. Too tired to protest, he snuggled deeper into them before falling asleep completely.


Yeah yeah, it's kinda short, but tough titty. It'll get better, so don't you worry. Love it? Hate it? Hate ME? God knows I love fan mail. So send me your comments :-) Here's the addy (again) so use it.


Next: Chapter 3

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