Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Nov 13, 2009


The Football House Part 8 Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved.

The Football House Part 8. Spring Practice.

I did go over to Tim's place for New Years. It was a blast and a fun time had by all. There were a lot of people at the party, so Tim and I didn't spend any alone time. I could tell that this deeply disappointed him, but I was totally ok with it. We had been spending a lot of time together and I was afraid some of the other guys on the team might catch on to what was really happening between the two of us.

After the winter break was done, it was time to start my second semester in college. Most of the classes that I wanted to take had been filled up, so I ended up taking more general education courses. I had to re-take biology too, because I got a C- in the class, and it is one of the courses that requires a C or above to meet the criteria of the general education requirements.

I dreaded the idea of this. It consisted of an 8am lecture three times a week and two – two hour lab sessions on the off days from 11am to 1pm, of course, right during my lunch time. With being in football, I really continued to try to eat on a regular schedule for lifting and energy, this might definitely mess that schedule up a little bit. I also wasn't looking forward to dissecting any animals. I did find out this course was more of `general' biology, so there wasn't a dissection to be had, it was more of just knowing plants, species, and the like. We would be studying chromosomes and sexual reproduction. Now this was a course I could maybe do much better in.

I returned to the house the Friday before classes started. Of course, there was a party that was being held that night, and all newbies were required' to be present at the party. I wasn't feeling it too much, but knew that if I didn't go, I would catch hell from Tim and Mike for sure, if not more. I didn't drink at all but attended the party anyways. I was again assigned' players to watch out for and to make sure they never had to get a drink themselves. This time I was quite surprised that I was teamed up with Mike, Tim, and the QB, Kevin. They seemed to go real easy on me, which I really liked. Some of the other guys had seniors who were assholes to them, making them carry the drinks on their heads and not spilling it, etc.

During the party, Kevin put his arm around me and walked with me outside to the backyard. There weren't too many people out here because it was kind of chilly and people wanted to stay warm. Kevin just said he had to take a piss and was going to go outside instead of waiting for the bathroom to open. People were notorious for having sex in a bathroom and it not being available for 10-20 minutes.

We walked outside and indeed Kevin did have to take a piss. It surprised me because he still had his arm around my shoulder and just pulled out his cock and started pissing. I of course couldn't help but look. I had seen it in the locker room, but there was something about seeing it up close. From what I could see outside in the dark, he definitely had a nice piece. He let out his stream of piss and started to ask me about my upcoming biology course.

"I heard you didn't do so well in Bio last semester. I told you if you needed help, you should have come and talked to me." He said.

"Yeah, I know, but I didn't want to bother you man. I know you are a busy guy with your own work and all the ladies you get." I replied.

"Eh, it wouldn't be too much to help out someone. I struggled in classes when I first started and had some of the players help me out too. It's not a big deal. I know you have to take another bio course, and I would be happy to help you out man. We can meet in the library or something if you don't want the other guys to know I'm helping you out."

"That'd be cool Kevin, I'd really appreciate it. We can talk football stuff from time to time or something too."

"Yeah, JT, that'd be cool too. It'd be my honor to help you out. Plus, from what I hear, you are a really nice guy to hang around. A lot of guys on the team are idiots or just plain assholes. I'd rather hang out with people that appreciate hanging out with me, instead of taking it for granted." He said.

With that, he reached down and grabbed some snow. No, not the yellow stuff he just pissed in. The next thing I knew, I had snow in my hair and down my back. He just ran into the house, laughing the whole way.

"Damn you!" I said as I chased him into the house. He continued to laugh all the way. Of course when I come into the house, I didn't realize my pants somehow got wet in front and back and it looked like I had pissed my pants and someone had pissed on my backside. Kevin just laughed as did the rest of the guys who saw. I ran real quick up to the room and changed into some sweatpants.

The semester seemed to fly by pretty quick. I took Kevin up on his offer to help and was getting an A- in the class through spring break. I was very happy and told Kevin that I really appreciated his help and didn't know how I could repay him for taking the time to help me out. He kept saying, we'll find a way, but it really wasn't a big deal. He again reminded me that other players had helped him out when he first started, and that's what being on a team was all about.

We met in the library three times a week for a couple of hours at a time. We'd talk about football; he'd quiz me on things that I'd need to know, and then we'd just talk about girls and sex and other things. Kevin is a really nice guy. Very humble and very willing to help with anything and everything you might have problems with. He told me when it came to sex; he'd rather be in a relationship than do the normal one nighters that are common place with the football team. He still did one nighters here and there just to let off some steam if he wasn't in a relationship, but that's all they were to him was just sex and nothing more.

As I continued to get to know Kevin, the more that I really wanted to be his friend, not just a teammate. I couldn't believe my luck that he wanted to invest so much time in my life. He seemed to genuinely care about how I did in life outside of football, as with playing football. He tried to hook me up with different girls to see if I could get into relationships with them. I had sex with a few of them and had short relationships, but they didn't seem to last because of one thing or another. Mostly, the chemistry just wasn't there.

Kevin was a senior, but I found out he redshirted his freshman year, so he still had one more year of eligibility left to play. I was excited to know that he'd be around for another year. We definitely became good friends and often times were told we were inseparable. We did a lot of things together including lifting, going to movies, hanging out, making food together, or just bullshitting around. I was happy I found a really good friend outside of Tim and Mike.

Spring practice started right after spring break. It was a time for us to go over plays, continue to keep fresh and to get chances to show off for the coaches to get a starting position. Kevin was pretty much assured his spot on the team, but I had to work my ass off to just stay on the roster. The Defensive coach was a decent guy, but could run you ragged. I had to learn new plays and continue to know the ones I already learned. Often times, we'd practice against the offense, and I'd have Kevin in my sights from time to time.

When we practiced, it was forbidden to hit the QB because they wanted him to stay healthy. So when we'd go after the QB on a blitz, it was just touching him and not tackling him to the ground. I was usually on the second or third string squad so I never got to go after Kevin; it was mostly after the second or third string QB. I lit up when I was able to actually practice with the first string and go after Kevin. At times it was all in fun to just go up and hit him on the shoulder or on the back. I loved blitzing the QB!

About mid-way through spring, I was able to practice with the first squad more often. I think the coach liked my ability to hustle and make plays. I went after Kevin more often and he was surprised the number of times I was able to get through and hit him.

Then it came. Three weeks left of practice squad and the coaches decided to do full hitting drills. I was on the first squad and had Kevin in my sights. I knew as much as I was able to get through the Offensive line before, I should be able to make a couple sacks. The o-line definitely knew I was capable of breaking through, so they seemed to block me more. This got me more frustrated as I just wanted to go in and hit him to show him I could play. For some reason, I felt I had to prove it to him. It was kind of like having to prove to your dad or big brother that you could hit something and weren't a pussy.

After about thirty minutes of playing, I was finally able to break through the line and was running after Kevin. He saw me out of the corner of his eye and started to run away from me. I caught up to him and grabbed his jersey and pulled him down, with him landing on top of me. While this happened, his ass was literally laying across my crotch and I felt a little spark in my cock.

Now, for those of you that don't know, jock straps aren't worn as much in football as people might think. Even in my time, the compression shorts were the thing to wear as they were more comfortable and easier to run in. If you don't believe me, take a look and count the number of straps you see compared to just plain shorts. I just happen to like the shorts myself. The thing about the shorts is, they are fairly thin, and you can feel pretty much every sensation through them too. So when I felt Kevin's ass on my crotch, I could feel my cockhead nestle right in his ass crack.

I could tell I wanted to get hard, so I got him off of me quickly and stood up and started to walk away. As I was walking away, I heard Kevin say, "Bet you won't get another hit for the rest of the day."

The challenge was out there and I knew I had to rise to it. I struggled against the line several times when I was called to have a blitz. Most of the time I was in coverage, but a few times, I was called to blitz in. I was getting frustrated that I wasn't able to get through. I would look at Kevin and he just had a big smile on his face and would laugh because he could tell I was getting angry.

It was getting dark and I knew I wouldn't have much of a chance left. The play called in was for me to be in coverage, but I knew it would be probably my last chance to sack Kevin and prove to him the player I am. I decided to go outside and blitz him instead of going through the line. The play started and sure enough, I went around the line untouched and sacked Kevin again. This time I took him down and he landed on his knees with his ass in the air and me right behind him. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear he pushed his ass back into my crotch.

The coaches were livid. I disobeyed their orders and went for the blitz instead of coverage. The end result was the wide receiver scored. I went back to the sideline and got an ear full of what I did wrong etc. I just told the coach I read the play wrong and thought I was supposed to blitz outside. That seemed to calm them down a little and they knew it was still my first year, so it was quite possible I had indeed made that mistake on accident.

As the guys went off the field, I was required to run a mile for my mistake. I didn't mind because I knew it kept me in good shape and would delay me seeing all the other players naked. I didn't want to be caught checking them out, even though I did my best to be as discrete as possible. I returned to the locker room after I finished my mile and most of the guys were finishing in the showers. Tim, Mike, Kevin, and a few others were still in their pads and shorts and hadn't showered yet. I came in and just undressed and headed into the shower. As I found my place, the others walked in. Wouldn't you know it, they all stood around me. Now, Tim and Mike were behind me, and Kevin decided to take the shower right next to me.

I bent my head lower to put shampoo in it. This was one of the times I used to check the guys out. It gave me about 30 seconds to look at Kevin's cock and admire it.

"Nice hitting out there, JT" I heard and looked up.

"Thanks man. Go hard or go home, right?" I replied.

"Yeah, I hope you make the first squad on D man, you definitely deserve it." He said.

"Well, I'm still young, but you never know." I replied.

"Well, if it was my choice," Kevin said, "You'd be on first and taking down the other QB." He said.

I looked at him right in the eyes and he had a big smile on his face. To say he was ripped would be an understatement. He had muscle all over his body, but not huge muscles, just nicely put together. His body was the work of a lot of workouts and time put in, that's for sure.

"What am I thinking?" I asked myself. "He's straight as straight can be."

"What are you doing tonight, JT?" Kevin asked.

"Probably just doing homework." I replied.

"On a Friday night? Come on man, relax a little. Let's play some video games and have some beers together. What do you say Tim and Mike, you in?"

"Hell Yeah" was their reply.

"Alright." I said, "I guess I can take a break and relax for a while. Just means you'll have to help me more later this weekend."

"That's no problem. It would be my honor to help you out, you know that." He said with a big smile on his face.

At that same time, Tim and Mike started laughing. I looked at them with a quizzed look on my face and they just turned around to face their showers. Did they know something about Kevin that I didn't?

I bent down to wash the shampoo out of my hair and as I did, I snuck another look over at Kevin's cock. I noticed something different about it and was amazed. His dick had grown a little and he was sporting a half hardon. I looked up at him, but as I did he just turned away. Oh man, could it be that my new friend was actually interested in the same things that Tim and Mike were?

Tim and Mike started to towel off and left the shower room. It just left Kevin and I in there alone to finish rinsing off. He told me he was very impressed with my playing and was glad that we had become friends. He snapped my ass with the towel he began to dry himself off with and started to laugh.

"Oh and don't forget, I made a bet with you that you couldn't hit me again and you did. So, you won the bet, I'm curious as to what the payoff will be." He said as he wrapped the towel around his waist and walked out of the showers.

I literally stood there with my mouth open wide. Was he flirting with me or just playing around? Was he interested in sex, or just having fun as a lot of guys do in the locker room? I was so confused!

Next: Chapter 9

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