Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Oct 31, 2009


Football House Part 7 Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved.

The Football House Part 7 -- Fall Season.

Practice started shortly after the last party where Tim fucked Joe. We started with two a days. For those of you that don't know this terminology, it means you practice twice a day. You also take time for lifting weights and then meetings to discuss plays, and such. Pretty much from 5am till about 8pm, you eat, breathe, and live football. The team pretty much hangs around all day, eating meals, and then preparing for each practice. I can honestly say, I have never been more exhausted in my life. I thought practice in high school was bad, this was worse. One thing that I really liked about practice and such was the shower room. Wow, most of the guys were not afraid to show off their bodies, except most of the guys with the bellies. J

The locker room was a place where most of the guys decided to goof off and play around. Many of times you might find two or more guys wrestling around in the locker room, often with just underwear on. It was a place where guys were able to show who was the alpha male, but also just to release some of the pent up aggression that wasn't always released on the practice field.

I often just got undressed, grabbed my towel and made my way into showers to get rinsed off. The Shower room had three rows of showers, and then the showers on each of the walls. I would usually take one more towards the back corner, trying to just stay away from the goofing off. My body was sore and I just wanted the hot water to massage out some of the soreness from my body.

I found myself at times sneaking glances at the equipment that some of the guys carried. I of course had seen Joe's, Mike's, Tim's, and a few other guys junk, but I wanted to measure it up to see how the other guys compared. Most of the guys were soft, so you couldn't tell exactly how large most of the guys were, but you could tell some of the guys hung out longer than others, even as they were soft. A few of the guys were sporting half wood, as many of the guys called it. They of course would get teased like crazy because they weren't limp.

I looked forward to seeing Kevin's cock. I wanted to see what he was sporting. I wasn't surprised to see that he actually had about five inches as he was soft. He had a nice set of balls also. Kevin was muscular, but not overly. His body was just ripped as hell and he had hair around his nipples and in the center of his chest, with a trail running down his stomach into his crotch. Another thing I noticed about him was that it appeared he shaved his legs. This caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting that.

The other guys were between the really small to about four to five inches soft. Another guy that I accidentally bumped into was nick, our wide receiver. He was a junior and was majoring in biology. A very smart guy and really knew the game of football well. The guy was about 6'4 and 204lbs. He had a nicely cut body. He had bigger arms, a nice chest, and a six pack to die for. He has blonde hair and a muscular ass. I watched as he was showering, and he would clench his ass to where the dimples would just pop out. I also did see his cock. He was probably about 3 inches soft, and a nice set of balls. They weren't huge, but did hang lower than most guys.

I heard stories about Nick. I knew he was a really good football player, but heard from a lot of the guys that he might be gay. No one had seen him with a lady, and he seemed to prefer hanging out with the guys, over finding a lady and getting laid. All I could think to myself was, damn, if he is, it'd be fun to fuck that ass.

Back to football. Practices continued to be long and days of the fall practice were brutal. Often I would come home, and just lay in bed and go to sleep. Weekends were nice to have, but most of the time many of us would just lay around and watch movies, play some video games, or just relax doing something else. There were some parties, but I didn't want to participate in them as I was usually so tired and just wanted some alone time.

Fall semester started the end of August and I had 14 credits that fall. Most of my classes were general classes, including biology. Now, out of all the types of classes that I could take, science was not my forte' at all. To be honest, I SUCKED at science! I just couldn't wrap my head around it and hated memorizing terms that in my mind, I knew I would never use again.

Classes were good, but when you are a student athlete, it can be brutal. The saturday after classes started was our first game. I of course didn't play, but was still required to be there and suit up, just in case. It was fun playing against a non-conference team and we won by 40 points. That night was a huge party at the football house and I found some girl and took her up to the room and banged her twice. I put the towel out on the door, of course. It was funny because half way through banging this chick the second time, Mike just walked in with his girl and proceeded to make out and eventually fuck her. It was weird having sex with a girl, when your roommate is in the same room screwing the chick he was with.

As the sex was continuing, it was almost like we were communicating with each other. To explain this... we were talking dirty to our `girls' but it seemed like we were talking to each other. As the sessions went on, Mike just asked out, "Are you gonna cum?" At first I thought he was asking his girl, but when I looked up he was staring at me with a question on his face. "Soon" I replied. We both then continued to pound our girls, and I heard Mike say, "Here it cums... cum with me!" Again I looked at him and he was looking at me. Sure enough, we both ended up cumming at the same time, dumping our loads into the condoms we were wearing. It was almost in a weird way, like we were having sex with each other.

The fall semester continued like this. We had games on Saturdays and if we were home, we had a party at the house. I usually ended up getting some slut to have sex with, as did most of the guys. If we were on the road, it was usually the road trip back home, so nothing would happen.

The road games were pretty nice. We often stayed in a hotel room the night before to allow us to not have to worry about travelling to the venue before the game. The hotel room was 4 to a room, 2 to a bed. This was something I had experienced in high school and wasn't that big of a deal, that's for sure. It allowed ya to actually lay close to another guy without it being `gay'.

I was quite surprised that often on the road trips I would end up sleeping in the same bed with either Tim or Mike. I understood Mike, because he was my roommate at the house, so I could see how it was just nothing to have me in the same room or bed with him. Tim was across the hall, so that wasn't a surprise. What I didn't know is that because they were seniors, they had their choice, and they chose me. The fourth person was usually different each road game.

Usually, nothing happened during the hotel room times. We would just want to sleep and get ready for the game the next day. The game was usually at 11am, but we did have a few 3pm games and a couple night games. If it was a night game, we'd stay in the hotel that night also.

One week that surprised me was when we were playing a team in the south. The hotel rooms were nice and the beds were king sized, usually they were just full sized or queen sized. The King sized beds were nice cause they offered a little more room on the beds to spread out a little without touching the other person.

This week in our room was Tim and Mike as usual, but also there was Nick, the wide receiver. Now like I said, Nick was a decent looking guy, but a lot of the guys on the team didn't want to sleep in the same room with him in fear that he was gay and would want to try something on them. Most football players are really scared of being `homo'. That night, Tim and Nick were in the same room, Mike and I were in the next. We had all went out to eat together and Coach had told us to just hang out in our rooms and relax as this was a big game. We were 4-1 in our conference at this point and if we won this game, we had a chance of being conference champions. Most of the guys stayed in their rooms, including the four of us.

I decided to call it a night and laid down on the bed to get some shut eye. Mike and I had an agreement that one would sleep under the covers, the other would be under the sheets. That night I slept under the sheets. The other three were at the table playing cards, and I just dozed off to sleep.

I woke up to something I wasn't expecting at all. I felt something on my cock and realized I was quite hard at that point. I was on my back, which is unusual for me, because I usually sleep on my side. I realized as I woke out of my daze was that someone was giving me a hand job. I thought it was just Mike being horny and deciding he wanted to play around a little. As I opened my eyes, the room was dark and I really couldn't see much, just some shadows.

Whoever was giving me a handjob was doing a decent job. I was definitely feeling the effects of it and knew I wasn't going to last too much longer. One hand was pumping my shaft, the other was playing with my balls. I laid out one of my arms and felt someone to my right in bed next to me. I realized it was Mike. So it wasn't Mike giving me the handjob, so it had to be Tim. A few minutes after the pumping I unloaded my balls all over my chest. The person who gave me the handjob then put his fingers into it and I heard slurping, so I knew he was tasting my cum.

I reached out a little and felt for whoever it was. I put my hand on his head and whispered, `thank you'. He responded, "No problem. I enjoyed it." He started to stand up, and as he did, I just reached out and grabbed him. I pulled him close to the bed and reached for his crotch. I felt his dick and it was definitely hard. I let it loose out of the boxers he was wearing and put it in my mouth.

The cock I was sucking was longer, about eight inches, and was thinner, like Mike's. I then realized who indeed I was sucking. It was Nick. I reached down and felt the balls as they were hanging. I grabbed onto his ass and pushed his cock into my mother and got a rhythm going. He definitely knew what he was doing and grabbed onto my head and stroked his cock in and out of my mouth slowly at first, the faster. I could feel his balls pull up closer to his body, and I knew that he was going to cum.

"Here it cums man, here it..."

And with that, his load spurted into my mouth. It tasted nice and wasn't coarse at all. There wasn't a lot, but was a nice amount, that's for sure.

At the moment that Nick was pulling out of my mouth, the lights went on. Here was Tim and Mike with bit smiles on their faces. I about jumped out of my skin as I wasn't expecting them to turn the lights on and `catch' Nick and I having sex.

"Don't worry man." Said Mike as he grabbed my shoulder and assured me it was alright.

"We knew about Nick and knew that he is gay. We invited him to stay in the room with us because we knew one of us would probably end up having sex with him. We had to play it cool. Nick has had sex with both of us, and we told him we wanted him to try to see if he could get you to have sex with him. By the way Nick, both Tim and I have had sex with JT."

Nick seemed to have a surprised look on his face.

"JT likes to have sex with women too, like Tim and Me, but doesn't mind having sex with us either from time to time." Mike told Nick. "In fact, we might have to have you stay in our room again and all four of us have sex together."

Nick's cock definitely gave his response. It was hard again and was sticking straight out from him. I looked over at Mike and Tim and saw that both of them were hard also. I decided I wanted to have sex with Mike again, so I just bent over and took his cock into my mouth. Nick went over to Tim's bed. That night blowjobs were had and given by each of us.

The season went fast. We ended up not winning the conference, but ended with a 9-3 record. We had some hard fought games. I got to see a little bit of playing time. This mostly happened when we were up by at least 20 points. God did I enjoy just getting into a game and hitting someone! A few of the guys on my team said I was going to do well as an Inside Linebacker.

The last game of the season was awesome. We beat the team by 30 and I got an interception. I was able to keep the ball and it went up in our room. My first collegiate interception! I ended my freshman season with 2 tackles and 1 interception. I felt like a stud. I also seemed to get the eye of some of the ladies. At the parties, I started getting some of the girls to come up and talk to me and want to be with me. It definitely wasn't hard to get laid, that's for sure.

(by the way, I was asked about initiations. Our school had strict no hazing rules, so initiation was actually quite simple. We had to dress up in shorts and go in front of the team and sing a song of the team's choice. There really wasn't an initiation that I'm sure many of you were hoping. Sorry)

Our fall season came to a close in November. The House had a weekend party. It started Friday night and ended in the wee hours of Sunday morning. Alcohol flowed freely and sex was had by many. I got laid 3 times that weekend by different girls through the 2 days. I was worn out and ready to just focus the rest of my semester on my studies to make sure I got the gpa that I need to keep dad paying for the expenses.

I came to realize I didn't oppose having sex with guys, but still preferred having it with women. I had my times with the ladies, and did have sex with Tim and Mike twice during the fall also. I still did not allow them to fuck me yet, but Tim was pressuring me to move towards it. He said it was fair game since he and Mike had allowed me to fuck them a few times now. I told them I would someday, but it still didn't feel like this was the time.

The weekend before semester ended, everyone was getting ready for finals. The house was pretty quiet and quite a few of the guys headed home. Mike and I were hanging out in our room and just shooting the bull when Tim came in. We joked around, talked about girls, the season, and just looking forward to going home for the winter break. Tim asked Mike and me to come up to his place for New years to celebrate. I told him I would definitely like to, but would have to run it past my parents. Tim told me he would pay for my trip, all I had to do was get there.

We decided to go down to the tv room and watch a movie. We watched X-men and relaxed on the couches. After the movie was done, Tim said he was feeling a little horny and wanted to watch a skin flick. He popped one in, and sure enough all of us got excited. Mike was the first to pull out his cock and start beating off. Tim and I followed suit shortly afterwards. After a while, Tim said, "Guys, why don't we take this up to your room?"

We decided it was a good idea, so we went up to Mike and my room and stripped our clothes off. Football season really treated the guys well. I didn't think they could get more built than they already were, but their muscles definitely had more definition to them. All three of us were excited and wanted release. I just stood up and kneeled in front of Mike and Tim and took their cocks into my mouth one at a time and played with their balls also. When I sucked one of them, the other would jack his cock and then pull me to his cock.

I really enjoyed giving both of them head at the same time. There was a difference in each of their cocks, in texture, width, and length. After a few minutes of blowing them, Mike moved behind me and I was sucking Tim. I felt Mike move down and I felt his tongue around my hole. I wasn't expecting it and jumped up a little. Tim grabbed onto my head and pushed it back onto his cock as Mike continued to tongue my ass. With his tongue came a finger going in and out.

"Yeah, I think he's ready." Mike said.

I pulled off of Tim's cock and turned to look at Mike. "All right guys, I know you've wanted this for a while. I know it will hurt, but alright, go for it."

That was all the encouragement that Mike needed. He grabbed a condom and some lube from his drawer. Tim kept pushing and pulling his cock from my mouth and encouraging me to enjoy it. A couple seconds later I felt Mike move behind me and then I felt the blunt head of his cock at my ass. He tried a few times to put it in, but it just didn't go in.

"Relax man! It will hurt a little at first, but I promise you, after a bit, it will feel awesome!" Mike said. "Push out a little like you are taking a dump."

I did as he instructed and suddenly felt him enter into my ass. The pain was unlike anything I've felt before. I would have screamed out if I didn't have Tim's cock in my mouth. I just kept grunting and trying to pull away from his cock entering in. He then just grabbed onto my hips and pushed a little more into me. He went slowly but it felt like an eternity.

"There man, it's all the way in."

"That a boy! That a Boy!" Tim said as he patted me on the head. I had tears rolling down my cheeks.

Mike slowly pulled out and pushed back in and it was true, the pain went down. It didn't fully go away, but it became bearable. After what seemed like minutes, Mike started to get a motion going of fucking in and out of my ass. He grabbed up onto my shoulders and would go long strokes, and then quick stabbing strokes in and out. Tim pulled out of my mouth saying he wanted to watch me get bred.

Mike's pace seemed to quicken and I could hear his breathing start to get faster.

"Yeah, man, Tim, this boy is definitely not a virgin anymore. God his ass is tight! You're taking this cock like a man JT, keep doing it!"

Mike continued to pound my ass good and hard. The pain did start to turn a little into pleasure and I knew I was being fucked well. Mike started to grunt and his strokes became quick and hard. Then all of a sudden Mike let out a big groan and I knew I had my taken the first load in my ass. Shortly after, Mike pulled out and he was quickly replaced by Tim.

Now, Tim's cock was thick and he stretched me out a little more than Mike's cock did. I felt pain again as Tim slowly entered in for the first few, what seemed like hundred, strokes. He got a good rhythm going quickly and I knew from his breathing he wasn't going to last long. The he pulled out of my ass and told me to turn over. He wanted to watch my face as he fucked me. I did and soon we were watching each other's face as he fucked me. Tim didn't go slowly at first then build, he just started fast and continued fast. One thing about Tim's cock, it had a long vein going on the top to the side of it, and I could feel that thing each and every stroke.

Mike reached down and started to stroke my cock as Tim continued to fuck my ass good and hard. I don't think I ever felt so turned on in my life. I never thought I would ever be fucked by another guy, but here I was taking Tim and Mike's cocks like a champ.

Tim's pace started to go faster and I could tell by his face starting to change that he wasn't going to last much longer. At the same time Mike took my cock into his mouth and I lost it, I pumped my load into his mouth. Tim came into the condom shortly after that.

After his orgasm was finished, Tim fell on top of me like a sack of potatoes. He kissed me on the lips and Mike tried to entwine his kisses into ours also. Tim slowly took his cock out of my ass and I can honestly tell you, I felt empty after he did.

"So, now you know what it's like to get fucked as well as fuck another guy's ass. What do you think?" Tim asked.

"It was better than I thought it would be, to be honest. It hurt like a bitch at first, but knowing it was giving you pleasure made it all worth it." I replied.

"Merry Christmas bro. I'm glad we could give you this present." Mike said.

Tim and Mike both had big smiles on their faces. I ended up getting to fuck both of them that night and Tim and Mike fucked each other also. We ended up as a pile of bodies on the floor with my head right in Tim's crotch. I woke up the next morning with his hard cockhead slipping in and out of my mouth.

(to be continued...)

Next: Chapter 8

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