Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Oct 10, 2009


Football House Part 6 Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved

The Football House Part 6 -- The Party.

Practice started on Monday, so we had a couple days to just enjoy hanging out in the house and making asses of ourselves. As promised, the Thursday before the start of practice, there was a huge party at the house. Pretty much the whole team was there as well as many many ladies. I know that many of the ladies were hoping to hook up and have possibly enter into a relationship with a football player. Many were also hoping that, maybe, just maybe, one of them would go on to play pro. We definitely had a few guys that could quite possibly make it to a pro team, they were that good.

The party was a blast. So much alcohol it wasn't funny. The rookies were all required to put in at least $40.00 to help with the cost of the party. I didn't care as long as I was able to partake in the fun.

Tim and Mike both hooked up with a couple ladies during the night. I ended up having to stay out of my room for a couple of hours. They were both known as `studs' on campus with the ladies. I thought to myself, if they only knew the other side of their sexual lives. I just laughed to myself.

I met quite a few of the other guys. Mostly, I hung around the defensive players to get to know them more and form the bond that we'd need to be on the field together. I also met the starting Quarterback of the team. Kevin was 6 foot 3, about 215 pounds and just pretty much a solid body. The guy just oozed sex and it showed cause he almost always had about 5 to 10 girls around him at any given time.

Being a rookie on the team, I was also given `duties' during the party. Mostly to make sure that certain senior year players never had to worry about having a drink in their hands. I was assigned to four guys, Scott -- Senior Starting Inside Linebacker, Justin -- Defensive End, Joe -- Outside Linebacker, and was surprised that I also had Kevin, the starting QB. Most of the guys were very appreciative of me running around and making sure they all had their drinks. It was a job to keep track of each of them, but my duties were fulfilled very well.

As the evening wore on, several of the players paired up with ladies and left the party to go do what they do. Two of them were Scott and Justin, so it made my duties very easy after that. I only had to worry about Justin and Kevin. Kevin of course continued to catch the eye of many ladies, but that number dwindled after Kevin seemed to make his choice for the night. He proceeded to take one up to a room in the house, so I was just left with Joe.

I lost sight of Joe for a few minutes and didn't know exactly where he went. I searched through the house for him. At this point I was already feeling a little tipsy from the alcohol I had been drinking also. I searched through the backyard, the main areas of the house, and the basement. I still couldn't find Joe at all. It's not like he's hard to miss. Joe is about 6 foot 5 and about 245 pounds. He's a big guy with blonde hair which he kept pretty short.

I kept asking people if they had seen him, but no one could say that they had. I was about to give up my search, thinking he had just taken off with some lady, when I checked the one room I hadn't yet, the tv room. Sure enough, there was Joe, all by himself. When I walked in, he was in one of the chairs towards the front of the room. The room was set up with about four rows of chairs and couches, him being in the front row. His back was to me, so I couldn't see him, other than the top of his head.

"What are you doing in here? You should be out chasing the ladies." I said.

"I just felt like chilling out, so I came in here to see what was on the tv."

I then saw what was on the tv. It was a porn movie. I closed the door real quick to not let other people know we were in the room. I walked up to the row behind where he was sitting.

"Need another drink?" I asked.

"No man, I think I've had enough for the night. The way you kept bringing them to me, I swear you wanted me to be good and drunk." He replied.

"Well, it was my job to make sure you didn't have an empty cup... So I made sure of it."

He then was quiet and I just paid attention to what was on the screen. The video was showing a girl giving a guy a blowjob. The guy on the screen had to have had at least 8 inches of meat. The girl was also very attractive. I found myself turned on, but wasn't sure which was turning me on more, the girl or the guy.

I decided to get up and go join the rest of the group of people partying. As I stood up, I was able to look over Joe's chair and noticed he had his cock out and was beating it pretty hard. He had a good solid 6 to 6.5 inches. He was definitely turned on because I don't even think he noticed me moving around behind him. What I also noticed was that he wasn't circumcised like all the other cocks I had seen. That intrigued me. I had seen a couple on porn movies, but never one in person. As soon as I was turning to go, I heard Joe grunt. I turned back to see him cum. He had moved his shirt up so he wouldn't cum on it, but he did cum a good load on his stomach.

"Go get me something to clean this up, will ya?" He said.

I was surprised he even realized I was still in the room. "Sure, I'll be right back."

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a wet cloth and brought it back into the tv room. I made sure the door was closed, but this time I made sure it was locked. I didn't want Joe to be embarrassed if someone came in and saw his stomach covered with cum.

I handed him the cloth and he started to clean himself off. I looked up at the screen and noticed the guy who was enjoying a blowjob from the girl had pulled out of her mouth and shot all over her face. Wow, just my luck, seeing two cumshots in a matter of a few minutes.

"It's ok if you want to jack off too man. We all know each other does it, it's not a huge deal. I will be leaving in a little bit." Joe said.

"Naw... I'm good. If I'm horny later, I'll just find a girl to fuck." I said.

He just started laughing. "Yeah, I tried my best out there tonight and had one girl all up on me and was rubbing my junk, that's what made me so horny. Her friend then pulled her off of me and said they had to go. So I decided to just come in here and get some release, otherwise my pants might have been a little wet."

I just started laughing with his joke. He put himself away and we both walked out of the tv room together towards the kitchen area to get ourselves another drink. "You're alright kid, You're alright!" He said.

I kept an eye out for my other teammate I was supposed to take care of tonight. I didn't see Kevin return, so I figured he was just givin' it to some girl upstairs.

The party started winding down at about 3am. Most of the guys who could find a girl to take home and get their nut with had either left or went upstairs to find a room to have their privacy. A few of the guys were still downstairs playing beer pong, as were a few out in the backyard. The place was a mess, so I started to just pick up a little bit here and there, throwing away cups that were obviously not being used anymore. I was just trying to make it easier for tomorrow's cleaning that would need to take place.

Out of nowhere, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was and it was Kevin. He had a huge smile on his face. "What are you doing man?"

"Just thought I'd get a jumpstart to cleaning." I replied.

"Forget it man, it's all good. We'll take care of it tomorrow. Just relax and enjoy yourself." He responded. A couple seconds later I had another beer in my hand and Kevin's arm around my shoulder.

We went outside to the backyard and sat in some lawn chairs, staring at the fire that was still burning. We talked about football for quite some time. He told me he held several records in his state for football, and his team had won state championship two years in a row. He said he really enjoyed playing, but didn't think that he would want to play professional, just mostly cause he knew the abuse that players go through, and wanted to stay healthy for a long time.

We made jokes and just enjoyed each other's company as the party had died. It ended up just being him and I out in the back yard. Kevin looked like he was either really drunk or just really tired. I told him I was getting tired and was thinking of heading to bed soon. He said he too was tired and should head up to his room.

We both started to our separate rooms. As I started down the hall towards my room I noticed the signal: the towel on the door handle. "DAMN" I said out loud.

"What's the matter JT?" Kevin asked me.

"Mike's in his room screwing some chick. I will just go down to the tv room and crash on one of the couches down there."

"Alright man, sleep well." He said.

I made my way down to the tv room and it was dark. I didn't turn on the lights and just found my way to one of the couches in the back row. That way if someone came in to watch a movie or something, I wouldn't be bothered.

As I started to fall asleep, I started to hear noises in the room. I didn't know what it was at first, but after listening for a little bit, I realized the noises were that of two people going at it. Damn it, I can't escape it anywhere, I said to myself.

I listened to the sounds of kissing and laughing and a guy groaning. I figured that a girl was giving him head and he would soon just mount here and get his nut. What startled me was as time was going, I didn't hear a girl's voice, but two guys voices.

"shhhh..." one of them said, "We don't want to wake up whoever came in the room."

As time went on, it became more evident that indeed there were two guys in the room having fun with each other. The groans were distinct by each guy and it was clean they were truly enjoying each other's company.

By this time, my own cock was getting hard at the thought of two guys getting it on in the same room that I was in. I just proceeded to listen to the happenings on the other side of the room. They were definitely sucking each other off and playing with each other. I then heard one of them say to the other, "Just fuck me man."

I could only picture in my mind one guy putting his cock in the other as the guy getting fucked just gave out a hiss and an `awwwwwwwwwww fuck'. After a couple minutes I could hear the sound of the slapping of skin as the guy on top was giving the guy on the bottom one hell of a fuck.

I was so hard I decided to take my cock out of my jeans and start beating off. This was such a turn on and I wasn't going to let this go. The pace of the guys had quickened, then slowed down, then quickened again. It was obvious whoever was getting fucked was enjoying it by the sounds and words that were coming from him.

I couldn't take it anymore and decided I wanted a part of this action. I walked quietly over to where the noises were coming from. Making sure I was feeling along the way, cause I didn't want to hit any furniture to let the guys know I was awake and walking around.

When I had made my way to the area in which I was certain they were, especially cause the sounds were right in front of me, I just peeled off my shoes, jeans and shirt and let my cock move closer to the guy in front of me.

I reached out and found a head. I was certain it was the guy who was getting fucked. "What the Fuck?" I heard him say.

"Shhh." I said, and then felt for his mouth. I found it and brought my cock to his mouth and put it on his lips. I wasn't too surprised the he started licking around the head and a couple moments later started taking some of it into his mouth.

"Who's there?" Asked the guy who was fucking. I have heard that voice before and was scrambling in my head to recognize who it was. I had a funny feeling I knew who I was, but wasn't for certain.

I deepened my voice and said, "Don't worry about it, just someone else wanting to get his nut."

He just grunted and the sound of slapping continued as I knew he was fucking the guy sucking me pretty damn good. The guy sucking me was doing a hell of a job. I then grabbed his head and pushed my cock deeper into his throat, feeling it contract, and then pulled out to give him some air. He didn't spit it out, so I figured he didn't mind me doing that, so I continued the action a few more times. It wasn't long before I started to feel the knowing signs that I was going to lose my load quickly. I pushed my cock into his mouth again and wham, my load came flying out He started to choke a little, so I pulled out, but my load was still shooting and must have hit him in the face cause I heard him say, "Damn, my eye." I grabbed his head again and just put it back in his mouth to let him finish taking the load and then to lick me clean.

A short time afterwards I heard the guy in back grunt deep and heard silence. What I wasn't expecting was to all of a sudden feel his head come by the head of the guy who was sucking me. I all of a sudden felt hands on my legs and grab my ass. Those hands felt good there and pushed me again deep into the mouth in front of me. My cock was then taken out of that mouth and I felt another mouth on my cock, licking around the head and then taking me deep.

I was starting to feel sensitive, so I pulled out and pulled away from where these guys were.

"Where are you going?" I heard someone ask.

"Nowhere, it's just sensitive and need a break for a couple minutes." I replied, again in the deep voice.

"I don't recognize the voice, who are you?" The voice asked back.

"Don't worry about it. If I want you to know, you'll find out." I replied.

I didn't know it, but someone had stood up and was right beside me. Next thing I knew, I felt a hand on my arm, that made its way up to my shoulder. It was obvious, I wasn't going anywhere as the guy's other hand came on my other shoulder. I was being pushed on by my shoulders down. The next thing I knew, there was a cock that hit my nose. It was hard and the head was already wet. I reached up to grab it, and realized it wasn't as long as the other cocks I had touched - Tim's and Mike's.

"Come on man, I sucked you. Please return the favor."

Well, now I knew who it was that was asking for me to give him head. I decided turnabout was fair play. I reached out and grabbed onto the cock and played with it a little bit. One thing I did notice was this guy had a bunch of foreskin over the head of his cock. I took the cock in my mouth and started bobbing up and down on it. I reached underneath and grabbed onto his balls. Whoever it was, they may not have had a huge cock, but they surely had some big ass balls.

He grabbed onto my head to hold it still and proceeded to fuck my mouth. It wasn't bad and I found if I relaxed the back of my mouth and throat, I could take him all the way in.

I was really surprised that it didn't take too long for this guy to cum. After about two or three minutes my mouth was being filled with his load. It was definitely a decent sized load too. I couldn't hold it all in my mouth and some of it dripped from my mouth onto my arms. I continued to lick around his head and shaft to make sure that I had cleaned him up as much as I could.

I heard him go back to the couch and the couch creak a little bit as he sat or laid down. "Dude, he's not half bad at sucking cock." He told the other guy.

"As good as me?" The other replied.

"Damn near close." The first said.

As they were talking, I decided it was my time to exit the room as to not be discovered. I stood up and walked my way to the wall, and then to the door. Thankfully the lights in the hallway were shut off, so when I opened the door, there wasn't much light that came into the tv room. The other two noticed I was leaving.

"Where are you going? We're just getting started." I heard.

"I have to go home man." I replied. I thought if I said that, they wouldn't think that I was someone who lived here, maybe just a straggler that was invited to the party.

I made my way out to the living room and found a couch to pass out on. I laid down and grabbed one of the blankets that are always kept under the couches for just this case. As I laid down and started to get comfortable, I heard the door to the tv room open. I shut my eyes really quick to pretend that I was passed out. In reality, I had them open slightly to see who came out of the room. I was curious as to who the two guys were.

Imagine my surprise when I saw Tim and Joe walk out of the hallway into the living room area.

"Shit." Joe said as he noticed me laying on the couch.

"What?" Tim asked Joe. Joe then proceeded to point me out.

"Do you think it was him?" Joe asked Tim.

Tim walked over towards me. I had to do my best to pretend that I was indeed passed out. Tim came up and shook me and shook me to see if I'd wake up. I did as much as I could to stay with my eyes shut tight. After he quit shaking me I just turned over and mumbled as if I were talking in my sleep.

"Naw dude, he's out cold." Tim said.

"Whew." Joe replied.

"Well, I'm going to turn in, I still have that chick in my bed, I better return to her." Tim said.

"Alright, I might go back and pass out on a couch in the tv room." Joe said.

I heard Tim walk up the steps towards his room, but didn't hear Joe move any. I decided to play it cool and try to just fall asleep. I swear he was just standing there staring at me.

"Hmmpf" I heard him grunt and then finally walked down the hall. I heard the door open and then close to the tv room.

After about five minutes, I decided I was going to check out my room. As I walked down the hall, I noticed the towel was still there. I remembered, though, that Mike had said guys walk in on each other all the time. So decided I wanted to sleep in my bed. I opened the door and saw the shadow of Mike and some chick on his bed. I just made my way over to my bed and laid down.

As I laid there thinking, I realized two things. I had just received and given head from Joe. The other was, Tim had just fucked Joe. All I could think of was, who else do I need to know about on the team?

Next: Chapter 7

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