Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Sep 23, 2009


The Football House -- Part 5 Copyright 2009 wrestlinboy

The Football House -- Part 5 Mike

What happened next surprised me. He just continued to hold me and I felt comfortable in his arms. I also realized, as we stayed like that for a while, I had gotten a hard on just by having his strong arms around me. I hoped that he didn't realize it, but he just said, "You're hurt and horny at the same time, eh?"

I looked at him and he looked back at me.


Mike just got a big smile on his face. I couldn't believe that I was still being held by him. Usually guys will just be like, "You're good? Good." And then let go. Not mike. He rustled my hair and laughed that I had a raging boner.

In some ways I think Mike was the one who was expecting me to make the first move. He didn't make any one me, that's for sure. I made a couple adjustments to my crotch, hoping and praying that it would just go down, but knowing that I was in his arms, and smelling his scent was driving me wild. I didn't know how to really let him know that, yes, I was horny but it was because of him holding onto me.

"Mike, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure, little man, anything." Mike replied.

I didn't know if I wanted to be bold or not, but our door was closed and it was just Mike and me in the room. He was holding me and my head was on his big chest. Man, he was a monster of size.

"What was up with the little show you put on when Kayla was here?"

I looked up at him to gauge his response. He just had a smile and didn't seem to know what to think. He just rustled my hair again and started laughing. Hearing his laugh through his chest was like putting your ear against a speaker with a lot of bass. It just rumbled through his chest and vibrated through my head.

"Eh, I was horny dude. You didn't seem to mind, so I decided to finish myself off. We're roommates man, we'll catch each other jacking it or other shit. It's no big deal. I don't care if you watch me, it actually kind of turns me on." He said.

I just looked down from his face. I didn't know how to reply. When I looked down though, I realized I looked right down towards his crotch. He looked like he was getting a little excited. Holy Shit. Could this be happening?

I did something until now, I would have never thought I would or could do. I put my hand on his thigh with my fingers wrapping to the inside of his thigh, literally an inch away from his cock. At the moment I did that, I heard a little grunt rattle through Mike's chest. I knew that both of us were interested, but knew that I was going to have to be the one who took the step. I think Mike was too scared because I was just a freshman and he didn't want to push anything. I am sure at this point he was probably thinking I was straight as an arrow and would never do anything with a guy.

I decided to sit up and look at Mike straight in the face. He looked back at me with a question written all over his face.

"Mike, um, I don't know how to say this, but I saw some stuff." I said.

"Like what, little man?"

"This summer, everyone was gone and I went into Tim's room looking for movies and saw some dvd's. I watched them and, um, saw you and him having sex." I didn't know how he was going to react, so I prepared for the worst. I was ready to run out the door and away from Mike at a moment's notice.

At that exact time, my cell phone rang. It was mom.

"I gotta take this man. I'll be back in a bit."

I answered the phone and talked with mom. You know the same old questions mom's ask about school, work, roommates, are you ok? Etc, etc. We talked on the phone for about 15 minutes. Mike had gone over to his bed and was folding some clothes he had out of the wash. As I was talking to mom, I was just admiring this hulk of a man. I couldn't believe how massive he really was musclewise.

I had to cut the conversation short with mom; I wanted to get back to talking with Mike. I made up a story that the guys were all going to supper together and I needed to get going. She seemed to buy it and I told her I would call her some other time.

I hung up the phone and looked at Mike. His back was to me and he had taken his shirt off. Man this guy was ripped beyond all hell. He didn't say anything to me at first. I thought he was really pissed off at me so I decided to give him a little space. I started heading for the door.

"Where are you going, little man?" He asked.

I turned to look at him and he was staring right at me. It was obvious that he didn't want me to leave so I turned around and went back to my bed.

"So you saw Tim's movies, huh? Did you like what you saw?" He asked.

What do I say now? I mean, he couldn't really get angry with me if I said yes, because he had sex with Tim. But, I think if I said no, he would have maybe thought I was angry at him or didn't want to be around him. Again, at this point, I thought he thought I was straight.

"Honestly, Mike, yes. It really did turn me on. I was amazed that you and him had sex."

"Have you done anything like that?" he asked.

"Not until I came here." I replied.

He looked at me to try to gauge my response. He let out a little laugh. "Typical." He responded. "So, if you don't mind my asking, who did you have sex with?"

I proceeded to tell him about the few times Tim and I had sex and how it all started the Saturday night I woke him up that morning of my visit. He just smiled and shook his head.

"Little man, I already knew about it all. Tim had already told me about that night. Being that we are comfortable with stuff like that, we talk to each other about girls and guys that we have sex with. You told me you slept on Tim's floor that night, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that was a lie. I knew you were in bed with him. It's interesting, Tim always seems to find the guys who are willing to have sex, hands down."

"So you knew?" I asked, "Why didn't you say something?"

"Well, at that point it wasn't much. But Tim called me during the summer too when you two had done things. He told me you fucked him and he gave you head. It's totally cool, man. It's kind of funny because when we decided to become roommates, I had no idea you were interested in man sex, but now that we're roommates, I'm kind of excited to tell you the truth." At that moment, he turned around and I could honestly tell HOW excited he really was. It was obvious all of this was turning Mike on. And to see Mike's cock pushing through his shorts made me just wanted to have sex with him. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Mike, I don't know man. I had sex with Tim and yes I'm turned on, but I just don't know if I can have sex with another guy. I really loved having sex with Kayla and other girls." I said.

"Dude, I totally understand, I love pussy as much as you do, but there's nothing wrong with buddies helping each other out. I went through the same thoughts when Tim and I had sex the first time. I thought I was completely straight. Turns out, I enjoy having sex with guys and girls and there's nothing wrong with that. Sex is sex, its' meant to be enjoyed." He replied.

He pushed me down onto my bed and the bent down and grabbed my crotch. "And by the way you are hard as a rock, I can see you need some enjoyment."

Next thing I knew, we were both naked and Mike's mouth was on my cock. He didn't give as good head as Tim, but he definitely did a decent job. I was very aroused and it didn't take me long before I was going to cum. "Mike, I'm gonna..." And tried to push his head away. He pushed further down on my cock as to tell me not to worry about it. I just let loose and shot my load down his throat.

It was a good orgasm and I grabbed onto the back of his head as I came. Mike didn't swallow it all and some of it ran down my cock and balls. He surprised me though, because after he licked it all up.

"How was that little man?" He asked.

"Damn good man, damn good." I replied.

He then stood up and let his cock show in all of his glory. I have given some descriptions of Mike, but it's hard to really tell you of how his form was just power. Mike was about 5' 9" and I want to say about 180lbs. I know there wasn't an ounce of fat on this guy. His muscles had muscles, I swear. He had a little hair on the top part of his chest and then the treasure trail down from his belly button. His cock was long, but thinner than mine or Tim's. His balls were nice but hung low below his cock.

"Want to help me out now?" He asked.

"I have only given head to one person. I don't think I can do as good of a job as you or Tim" I replied.

"Well, there's a learning curve here. Just give it your best shot. I won't complain, trust me." He said.

I bent my head down and took the tip of his cock in my mouth. He let out a groan and I just licked around the head. I tried to think of all of the blow jobs I've received and what I really liked. I grabbed onto his balls and played with them in my hand as I slowly took more of his cock into my mouth.

After a couple minutes of this, Mike put both hands on the back of my head and started to fuck my mouth. His cock was hitting the back of my throat and I could feel that I wanted to gag. I pulled off of his cock and was coughing.

"You gotta learn to control the gag reflex man. Just relax your throat as the head goes in."

So, we tried it again. He again put his hands on the back of my head and was thrusting in and out of my mouth. What I didn't realize was that I was taking almost all of his cock in my mouth. He started to pick up the pace and I knew that meant that he was going to cum soon. His breathing got a little heavier and all of a sudden he just froze and his cum started to fill my mouth. I swallowed. His cum had a different taste than Tim's. It was a little sweeter and had a different texture, almost smooth. I swallowed it down and licked around the head to make sure I got it all.

Mike pulled his cock out of my mouth. I looked up at him and he had that post orgasm look on his face. He was happy and I knew that I just had opened the door to him and I having sex more often.

"Well, for not sucking cock that much, you sure did one hell of a job." He said.

"Thanks." Was all I could muster as a response.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok." I said.

He looked at me to make sure. I am sure I probably had a look that he wasn't expecting. I was thinking to myself, man, I did it again and do I really want to be doing this. The thoughts and feelings of guilt came flooding back into my mind. Why was I so hung up on this?

"Dude, did you enjoy it?" He asked.

"Yes, I really did. It was different, but was ok." I said.

"Remember, sex is sex and it's all good." He said.

He sat down on the bed beside me and put his arm around my shoulder. "You'll get used to it dude. You'll like having sex with guys and gals and it will be ok."

Feeling him so close to me again, smelling him, made me a little excited again. Mike just laughed. "Ready for round two already, huh?"

"I guess. I wasn't expecting it, but for some reason, just you holding me and being close to you kind of turns me on." I replied.

"Good. But I'm hungry as fuck and I really want to get something to eat. Let's finish this later." He said.

We both got dressed and he said he'd buy if I wanted to go out to eat.

We went to a nice restaurant and had a steak dinner. Mike was really cool and we chatted about our lives growing up, love lives, sex, parents, siblings, and all that other stuff. We didn't talk about us having sex, even though I could tell we both wanted to.

We ended up back at the house and went into the movie room and watched an X-men flick. Most of the guys in the house all came in to watch, but I was sitting with Mike on my right, and Tim on my left. I felt pretty good knowing that two of the biggest studs in the football house had taken me under their wing and were sitting close to me. I also thought of how I had sex with both of these guys, and they have had sex with each other too. Wow, was this crazy.

After the movie, we went into the basement and played some beer pong, did some shots, and just got rowdy. It was the Tuesday before Fall practice and there was a lot of anxiousness in the air. Guys being guys, there were wrestling matches that broke out. Being that I was the young gun, everyone wanted to test my strength it seemed. A couple of times I ended up on my back, pinned, but most of the time, I pinned the guys. (I did wrestle in high school too -- hence the name)

It was a warm night so the guys were around the house with shirt off and just in shorts. I was able to take in everyone's body and was amazed at how well kept most of the guys were. There were a couple of guys who were smaller, not hugely muscular, but still nicely toned.

All of this wrestling and seeing all these guys was really getting to me. That and the alcohol mixed in, I'm sure. A couple of times I would look at Mike or Tim and just got a huge smile back from them. They were enjoying this as much as I could. I snuck glances at their crotch, and was amazed that neither of them were hard. I thought for sure they would be. I wasn't hard, but I definitely wasn't soft either.

As the night wore on, the guys started getting tired and by 2am, the basement thinned out. Mike, Tim, Pete, Dan, Aaron, and Nate all remained in the room. We went back to pong and just joking around.

The topic of pussy came out and how we all wished there were girls there. Every one of the guys talked about how horny they were and just wanted to get laid. The jokes about this person not getting laid cause of their looks, or the last time they had pussy was when pussy had them, all came out. It was typical guy banter and I knew that there wasn't much to it. It was funny too, because you'd see the guys `adjust' their crotches, and they definitely were filling out a little more than what they were earlier.

By 3am, we all decided to call it a night. As Mike, Tim and I walked to our rooms, we joked how pretty much everyone in the house was going to beat off that night.

Tim said that it looked like Mike and I were getting along really well. I told him that we really hit it off and I was glad that he was my roomie. I gave him a big smile and told him not to worry, I wouldn't forget about our friendship.

Mike and I went into our room and he just proceeded to completely strip naked. Man, even with the A/C, it's hot in here. He laid down on his bed. His hands went behind his head and he just had a smile on his face. I looked over his body. As I did I realized Mike was getting hard and it was growing quickly.

"Ready for round 2?" He asked.

"Damn man." Was all I could say.

"How about you come over here and help me out." He said.

I went over to his bed and sat next to him. I looked at his face and he was looking back at me. We smiled at each other. "Go ahead man, it's not gonna bite."

I grabbed onto his cock and started to stroke it. Man, he was long. I continued to give him a hand job and stoke him a different speeds. I still had my shorts on, and with my boner, they were becoming a little uncomfortable. So I stood up and took them and my underwear off.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." He said. "Lay down on the bed with your cock by my head."

Ahh, the good ol' 69, I thought. So I did and Mike took my cock into his mouth like a trooper. I then proceeded to take him into mine. We were laying on our sides. I was a little bit taller than him, so I had to bend a little bit to get him into my mouth.

A few minutes into it, Mike turned over onto his back and pulled me on top of him. He was grabbing my ass and pulling me deep into his throat. Damn, this boy could suck cock. Not bad for a `mostly straight' guy, I thought.

What surprised me though, was every now and again, a finger would run past my hole. I got shocked and just stopped sucking his cock. "Not the ass man. Not ready for that yet dude."

"You don't know what you are missing." He said, "But how about you fucking me tonight?"

I didn't have to be asked twice. Mike was a hulk of a man, and to fuck his ass might be tighter than Tim's. I wanted to know.

So I got off Mike and he proceeded to raise his legs. We didn't have any gel. "Just spit on my ass and your cock, it should lube us a little." Mike said.

I did as he told me to. I aimed my head to his hole and pushed in a little. What amazed me was that my cock literally went in with no problems. It went all the way to the hilt without much reaction from Mike. In this position, I was able to see Mike's face as I was pushing into him. He winced a little, but didn't seem to bother him that much.

"Fuck me like you did Kayla." He said.

So, I obliged. I started ramming him hard and fast and then slowed down and just did some deep strokes. Mike was taking it like a trooper, egging me on. Man, he was quite vocal with what he wanted and kept telling me to keep going.

He reached down and started stroking himself fast. I knew it wouldn't be long until both of us came. I just stopped pumping. Mike gave me a questioned look. "I want to make this last." I said.

I started going slower and enjoying each stroke going into Mike's ass. He was tight, but yet I was able to move freely in and out. I looked down at Mike and saw the face of pure ecstasy on his face. A couple minutes later he came.

He didn't shoot like Tim did, his cum just seemed to ooze out of his cock, forming a nice pool onto his stomach and the side of his cock base. When he game, his ass tightened its grip on my cock and was felt like it was trying to massage me to orgasm. "Come on, fuck me hard, cum for me."

I kept fucking Mike. I was surprised to see his cock never really went down. He kept stroking it even after he had just came.

The next thing I knew, my orgasm was upon me. I pulled out because I didn't have a condom on and came on Mike's stomach and chest. Almost immediately, Mike came again. He then grabbed my head and pulled it down to his face and proceeded to kiss me. Now, I had never kissed a man before, but I can honestly say, it was hot. I just laid down on top of him and we kissed for what seemed like an eternity.

We were interrupted by the sound of clapping. I turned to look and here was Tim, naked as a bird and hard as a rock, clapping for us. "Nice show." He said and then came over and started jacking off. About a minute later he came onto my back, Tim's side and onto the A/C unit. "That was hot."

Mike and I just looked at each other and just started laughing.

Next: Chapter 6

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