Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Sep 16, 2009


The Football House Part 4. Copyright 2009 wrestlinboy

Ok, some people have asked me the validity of this being true. The events that are shared are actual events that have happened. Obviously, this has happened a while ago, so I can't remember all of the dialogue. I remember the gist of the conversations, but not the dialogue word for word, so I did `buffer' it a little to give you the idea of how the conversations went.

Again, it's based on actual events that happened in the football house during my time playing with the team.

Thanks for all the encouragement and such. It's fun reliving all of my adventures with all of you. To answer another question, No, I am not still at the U. I am now working at a business. Like I said I found Nifty a few weeks ago on the net and thought I'd share some of these events. If you like it, that's great. If you don't, please feel free to read something else. J

The Football House, Part 4 – The rest of the summer.

As we left the last chapter, this is what was written, "We went to sleep that night. His bed was closer to the window and I saw that he had gotten an A/C unit placed in the window. NICE, I thought, now I don't have to sweat while sleeping.

I fell asleep soon after we decided to call it a night. Sometime during the night I had this sensation or dream that something wet was on my cock. I opened my eyes really quick... `What the fuck?'"


I looked around to see what was happening as the room was really dark. I did feel someone beside me on the bed, only to find out that it was Kayla giving me a blowjob.

"Shhhh... you gotta be quiet, I don't think you want to wake up your roommate." She whispered.

"Holy Shit, I didn't know you were in town." I said, "I would have given you a call. I wish I would have known, it would have been awesome to spend a little time with you."

We decided to find an empty room and finish what she started. Afterwards, we went to my bed and fell asleep together.

I awoke the next morning before Kayla did. I was on the outside of the bed, facing towards Mike's bed. As I opened my eyes, I saw Mike was buck naked on his bed, sleeping on top of his sheets, with a massive hard on. Now, remember earlier I had told you I had seen him naked when he was soft and thought he was about 6"? You can imagine my surprise when I looked over and saw him hard. He had to be at least 9-10" long, but was thinner than Tim's cock. He seemed to still be asleep, but his hand was slowly stroking his cock. I couldn't believe that here I was interested in watching him stroke his cock while Kayla was laying next to me on my bed.

Shortly afterwards, he turned over so that his body was facing me. Now Mike is a big boy, heavily muscled in all the right places for a running back. His legs are freakin' huge and his chest and arms are also. He had a small amount of hair on his chest, mostly a little Triangle from the top of his chest to between his mounds. He also had a little hair around each nipple. He then had a little hair going from his belly button down to his waist. One thing I noticed, though, was that Mike shaved his pubic area pretty close. There was a little hair there, but not as much as the rest of his body.

I just sat and stared as Mike continued to stroke his cock. What I didn't realize was that he had awoke and was staring right at me as I was staring right at his cock. He picked up the pace of stroking it hard and started breathing a little shallower. It was then that I looked up his body and realized he was staring right at me.

"You have a good night with your lady?" He asked.

"Yeah man, we went to a different room so as to not bother you." I replied.

"I know man, I watched you leave. This may sound weird, but I followed you down, stood in the hall and listened to you two go at it. It sounded hot man, you must have drilled her pretty good." He said.

"What? You listened to us?" I asked.

"Hell yeah man. I don't have any ladies here, and I'm tired of porn, so I just got off listening to you two go at it. I just jizzed on the wall and then walked back up stairs. It sounds like you sure know what you are doing for such a young guy." He laughed.

"shhh... she's sleeping dude. I don't think she'd like to know you listened to us."

He was still stroking his cock and from the way his body was reacting, I knew he wasn't that far off from shooting his load.

"Dude, um, maybe you should go into the bathroom and finish that." I said, "She could wake up anytime and see you jerking that shit."

"Naw, it's all good. If she does, she'll just get a little show." He said with a smile.

At that exact moment, his body jerked and I saw cum start to dribble out of his head and down onto the floor. I noticed one thing; he didn't shoot like Tim always did. It just seemed to ooze out of the head. However, he did cum quite a bit.

He looked at me and I looked at him, then his cock, then at him again. "Did you like the little show?"

"Dude, what the hell? I can't believe you just came in front of me like that." I said with a pretty stern voice.

"Well, we're gonna be roommates. I figured we mind as well get it out of the way. You are going to hear my fucking some chicks, I'm gonna hear you fucking chicks. I don't care if you come in here while I'm banging some bimbo hardcore, and I hope the same is true with you. Hell, I might even beat off while you are banging her or some other chick. We can each bring a girl up and have a foursome or something." He stated.

My head was spinning. After everything that happened with Tim, I was a little confused. When I first saw Mike, he was naked and had definitely been banging a chick. I thought for sure he was 100% straight. Now, seeing him jerk off in front of me, and say that he'd get off to me having sex with Kayla or someone else, I didn't know what to think.

Shortly after Mike finished, he cleaned up his mess and then proceeded to get under the covers. I was happy because Kayla was starting to toss and turn a little, which I knew meant she was going to wake up soon. What I didn't realize is, watching Mike gave me a boner that was sticking up and I was really horny at that time.

Kayla must have seen it when she woke up because she just smiled and asked me if I didn't get enough last night. I just laughed and said, "you know how us young guys are, we can go at any time."

She laughed and said she had to get going because her parents were expecting her home and she had a 4 hour drive. We went downstairs and I made some eggs and toast for her before she left.

After she left, I realized I was getting a little confused. I really liked having sex with Kayla, but had to admit the times that I spent with Tim were actually kind of fun. Tim definitely gave better head than Kayla did and for some reason, it really turned me on to watch Tim cum. Seeing him spray his seed all over himself, sometimes on his face or over his head, got me aroused. Now, seeing Mike jerk and cum right in front of me also got me really excited.

Mike and I talked a little more before he left for the rest of the summer. He was a very touchy feely kind of guy, something that I was not really used to. The better friends we became, the more he seemed to enjoy touching my chest, back, slapping my ass, or just ruffling up my hair. It took me a while to get used to it.

We talked about the morning that he jerked off in front of me, with Kayla in the room. He said he is not afraid of his sexuality and is very open with it. He told me I needed to `open my horizons' and know that just because you jerk off in front of someone, or even with someone, it doesn't mean you are gay, just mean s you enjoy getting off.

That statement stayed in my head all summer long. I wondered about Mike and if he and Tim had done any exploring. I wondered if Tim had fucked Mike, or if Mike had fucked Tim. I wanted to ask Tim, but I knew he wouldn't reveal any of his male partners. But I also knew Tim knew the people in the house that would be open to sexual contact with other men.

"What am I thinking?" I asked myself, "You have a hot chick that loves sex with you. Don't screw that up!"

July seemed to fly by. Tim went home for a week and I was pretty much in the house all by myself. I picked up some extra shifts at work just to help ease the boredom. I knew the guys would be coming back in the beginning of August as practice would be starting shortly after that. I was excited to meet everyone who I would be living with in the house, and really be able to meet everyone on the team. I knew about 10 of the 80 or so guys, so I was excited to meet the rest.

When Tim went home, I really got bored. I decided to go down to the TV room to watch a movie or some stupid show that would be on. Nothing was really on any channel, so I decided to start looking through all the movies. I didn't see anything that was down in the room, so I decided to go up to Tim's room as I knew he had a full bookcase full of movies.

As I searched through the movies, most of them were ones that I had seen before. Boring, boring, seen it, don't want to see it, blah blah. I looked up at the top shelf and as I did, I also noticed a box that was on the top shelf. The box read, `burned movies'. So I opened up the box to see what other movies he may have burned to dvd.

As I opened it, none of the dvd's were labeled. So I decided to just grab 4 of them and head back down to the TV room. I popped the first one in and sat back with the remote control. As you can imagine, I was quite surprised to see that this was one of the movies that Tim had made of him having sex with another guy in his room.

I didn't recognize the guy, but Tim and him were in the bed. It eventually lead to Tim blowing the guy, the guy blowing Tim, then Tim mounting the guy and fucking him pretty hard. Tim didn't pull out and just grunted a few times, as I just watched his body jerk and him shooting his load into the guy's ass. He pulled out and I realized he had a condom on.

Another scene came onto the screen. I realized that this what I saw Tim jerking to earlier in the summer. Tim was getting fucked by some really built guy and seemed to really love it. What I didn't realize the last time that I watched the movie, was who was fucking Tim. It was one of the other guys on the football team that I had met when I visited. His nickname was Spike. They called him that because his hair was always spiked up, I guess. Spike played Wide Receiver and was about 5'11, 180lbs. He was quite muscular. He had a pretty nice chest and very nice sized arms. As I watched the movie, he seemed to really be enjoying the fucking he was giving Tim. He grabbed onto Tim's shoulders and waise at different times. He would fuck Tim quick and hard, and then slow down and do long strokes. I didn't know how large his dick was because when the video started, he was already inside of Tim.

I sat on the couch and watched as Tim was getting drilled by Spike. Tim was taking it doggy style, and Spike was on his knees behind Tim, with the rest of his body straight up. From the camera angle, Spike seemed to be enjoying this, but I could see a big grin on Tim's face with each stroke he received. Spike took quite a while and would switch up his strokes. Eventually, Tim told Spike to pull out, he wanted to be on his back. As Spike pulled out, I saw his cock. He didn't have a condom on, and his cock didn't seem to be huge, probably about 7" and average thickness. He had nice balls and they hung pretty close to his cock.

Tim turned over onto his back and Spike stroked his cock a couple times, applied some more gel to his cock and Tim's ass, and then buried himself in Tim's ass. He stayed there for what seemed like a minute. Both of them let out a big groan. "I like this position, I love watching your face as I fuck you hard." Spike said.

The fucking went on for what seemed like another 15-20 minutes and finally Spike pulled out, stroked a few times and shot his load on Tim's chest and stomach. What surprised me was Tim took his finger and scooped up some of Spike's load and then put it in his mouth. He then did it again, and put it into Spike's mouth. Spike didn't seem to mind and sucked on Tim's finger a minute or two. Spike then grabbed onto Tim's cock and stroked him quickly. Spike put his cock back into Tim's ass as he was stroking him and it didn't take long for the tell-tale signs that Tim's orgasm was building. A couple minutes later, his load jetted out of his cock, one shot going over his head, the others landing on his face, chest and stomach. Spike then pulled out and bent down and licked Tim's load.

I have to say at this moment, I was really turned on. The scene on the video ended and it went black for a minute or two. I thought the dvd was done. Just as I was about the shut the dvd off, another scene came on. This scene showed Tim's ass and lower back and he was pumping into someone in front of him. As I kept watching I saw an arm of the receiver come out and realized it was another guy. The arm was pretty big. From this angle, I couldn't see who it was in front of Tim, but I could hear the guy grunting with each forward push of Tim's ass.

The guy in front kept pounding his fist into the mattress and would at times yelp when Tim seemed to push in really far. "Ahh, Oh God" would mostly be the replies. Tim didn't seem to speed up or slow down, just kept a nice stead pumping. After about 10 minutes of this, Tim moved a little bit and I could see more of the guy that Tim was pumping into, however, I couldn't see his face.

Tim stopped a couple times to ask the guy if he was ok. The guy would reply, "Yeah man, just finish already."

Tim seemed to take that as an invitation to fuck the guy even harder. He would pull out quite far, and then just slam into the guy. "AHHHHHHHHH" the guy would respond.

I was hard as a rock watching this and decided what the hell. I started jerk off to the image of Tim fucking a guy.

Both of the guys on the screen seemed to be enjoying themselves as the grunts and groans became more frequent and louder. All of a sudden, Tim just pushed into the guy's ass and just stayed there. I knew at that moment he was cumming in the guy. A few seconds later he pulled out and got off the bed. The guy was still bent onto the bed, ass in the air and head on the mattress. His arms were out at his side. He stayed in that position for a few minutes and Tim came back with a towel and wiped the guys ass off. He told the guy to turn over, and he did. At that moment, I saw who it was. It was Mike.

Tim moved him so that his head was on the right side of the screen and his cock was on the left. Tim bent down and proceeded to suck on Mike's cock. Mike seemed to enjoy this as he put his hands on the back of Tim's head and started pumping up into Tim's mouth. After a few minutes, he just pushed Tim's head down as he pushed up and just froze. Mike came in Tim's mouth.

I sat there stunned. Mike had just been fucked by Tim and came in Tim's mouth. One of the guys I never would have thought would be into sex with men, had just gotten fucked hard by Tim. After Mike had finished his orgasm, Tim laid down beside him on the bed. They were talking back and forth and at times joking with each other.

Tim then said, "I'm glad I won this bet."

"What bet?" I wondered. How did this all take place? How did Tim get Mike into his bed? Did Mike enjoy it or was it all because of a bet? Mike seemed to be ok with it as he and Tim sat in the bed for a while, until Tim got off the bed and shut off the camera.

Ok, now I was really turned on, and really confused all at the same time. I really started to question my own sexuality, and the sexuality of guys I thought were straight. What about Mike? Was he gay, straight, or liked sex with both? (I didn't know about bi-sexuality at the time, was still pretty green behind the ears.) I also wondered how many guys did Tim have sex with? Did he have sex with a lot of the guys on the team or in the house? Why did I enjoy fucking Tim or being blown by him? (Yes, this was my time I REALLY started to question my own sexuality)

I went back up to Tim's room and returned the videos back in the box and shut it just the way it was when I had found it. I went into my room and jerked off to images of Tim and Mike fucking still fresh in my head. I was jerking to them, instead of my girl Kayla. What the heck? I shot one of the biggest loads that night.

The rest of the summer was pretty uneventful. Tim came back from being with his parents and was really chipper. He said he was excited for football to start and couldn't wait to see the rest of the guys.

We hung out a few times after I was done with work. He tried a couple more times to do things with me, but I declined his advances. Each time he would give me a questioning look. I would just tell him I wasn't in the mood. I was still very insecure and knew I liked sex with girls, but was confused as to why I also liked it with guys. I didn't want to go further until I really started to have answers.

"What's up with you man? You seem really distant and I can't really tell what is happening. Did I do something wrong or did something happen that I'm not aware of?" Tim asked.

"No man, it's all good." I replied, trying to brush it off.

"Then what? You seemed to like us having fun over the summer. Did something change?" I knew he would continue to bother me until I gave him the answer. I tried to just play it off that I was kind of depressed, missing home, etc. I could tell he didn't buy that. "That doesn't keep someone from having sex, if anything, they'd do it more. So what's really happening."

God, I didn't want to tell him! "Alright, I'm confused man. I really like having sex with girls, Kayla most recently, but I have to admit, doing the shit we did felt good too. I guess I just don't know. I didn't want to have sex anymore because I thought if we didn't, I would remain `straight' and not have to be so confused anymore."

"Ahh," he replied, "Yes, the struggle of our sexuality. Like I told you man, I enjoy sex with both guys and girls. It's not really a big thing. You can have sex with both and just ENJOY it. You don't have to worry about labels man, just enjoy yourself. Experiment, that's what college life is all about. You find out who you really are and that's the beauty of it." He replied.

I just shook my head. "I don't know man. I just don't know."

"what's not to know? You said you enjoy having sex with Kayla... have sex with her. You said you enjoyed having sex with me, Have sex with me or whoever you want. What brought this up, man? You really seemed to enjoy it when it was happening." He asked.

I proceeded to tell him about what happened when Mike was home. I told him that I was actually turned on watching mike jerk off and loved seeing him cum. I felt guilty though because it happened when Kayla was there. I then told him about my jack off session to his video.

He laughed, "I figured you'd find those. I left them there on top of the shelf so you would find them. I thought I'd leave you a treat." He said. "Well, how much of it did you watch?" He asked.

"I watched up to the part where you and Mike had sex." I said looking down at the floor.

"Dude, it's cool. I wanted you to see them otherwise they would have been in my secret place I keep them. So now you know about me and Mike. "He said.

I nodded.

"And you can see that it's ok for guys to have sex with each other and enjoy it." He said.

"Yeah, but, at the end of the video with you and Mike, you said you were glad you won the bet. So, did Mike really want to have sex with you, or was it something he had to do because of a bet?" I asked. Man did I feel bold at that moment.

"Dude, the bet was on a NFL game. He lost, yes, but it was something we were both ok with. Before that time, Mike and I had sex three other times. It started out much like it did with you and me. We've had sex off and on for over a year now. If he can't find a girl to bang, I blow him or he fucks me. In the video, since I won the bet, I was able to fuck him... all other times he fucked me. So that was my reward for winning the bet. I've fucked him a few times since. He doesn't seem to mind and still continues to have sex with girls as well as guys, and trust me, it's not just me."

That explained the show he put on for me the night Kayla was there.

Tim said he would give me room to think about it and not ask to have sex with me. It would be something that I would have to decide was alright for me and not something I felt obligated to do.

"Sex is sex man, and when you realize that, it frees up your inhibitions. You are then allowed to just freely enjoy having sex, whether it is with a girl or a guy."

He then just left me alone. We still talked during the summer, but he never made an attempt to have sex with me again. It was interesting because in some ways I was actually desiring him to.

As August arrived, the guys started returning to the house. I could understand why it was a `team' house. Often even though only 20 guys lived in the house, most of the team hung out there. It was never a dull moment, that's for sure.

One day as I was just chilling out in my room, my phone rang. It was Kayla. It was a call that I never expected. She said her father was killed in a car accident. Her mom was having a difficult time and she decided that she wasn't going to return to college this year. She said she didn't want to deal with a long distance relationship and therefore was ending our relationship. I sat stunned.

Shortly after I hung up with her, Mike walked into the room. He could tell I seemed quite depressed and I had actually been crying.

"What's wrong man?" He asked as he came over and sat down beside me on the bed. I told him what happened with Kayla and I just started crying. I don't know why, but I leaned over and placed my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I just sat there and wept.

After a few minutes of weeping into his shirt, I just looked up at him. He tilted his head down to look at me and had a questionable look on his face.

"Thanks man, I needed that. I'm not usually a person that cries around other people, but I just needed someone to be there."

"Not a problem, as long as you are alright. I'm sorry she broke up with you, but she's leaving a good guy. She doesn't know what she will be missing man." He said as he looked down into my eyes.

What happened next surprised me. He just continued to hold me and I felt comfortable in his arms. I also realized, as we stayed like that for a while, I had gotten a hard on just by having his strong arms around me. I hoped that he didn't realize it, but he just said, "You're hurt and horny at the same time, eh?"

I looked at him and he looked back at me.

Next: Chapter 5

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