Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Oct 25, 2011


Football House Part 21 Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved.

Football House Part 21 Standard rules apply, if you are too young, don't read, yadda yadda yadda...

Christmas break was actually quite boring at home. I had to go over all my grades, carrying a 3.25gpa, and how everything was going by living in the football house. Dad was very happy and said he would continue to help pay for the house seeing that the grades were good and I seemed to be really doing well. I told him that I was doing very well and I also accepted a position in the house to help decide rooms and such. He seemed proud and knew that I was getting along with the guys well. Boy he had no idea.

After New Year's Day passed, I told dad I wanted to head back to campus to see if I couldn't find a different job and while the campus was empty, it was the perfect time to try to find something good. The weekend after, I made the trek back to campus and the house. I was surprised to see a couple of the guys there. They said that being home was really boring and they would much rather be on campus.

I did try to find a job and actually got one that would work with my football schedule. It was 15 hours a week, so it gave me a little spending money, which is what I really needed it for anyways. I just had to give my boss the schedule for practice and my school schedule, and he would work in the hours, even if it was a two or three hour shift. I was truly thankful and it was at a gas station, so it wasn't really that bad. During the remainder of break, I was putting in thirty hour weeks because I really had nothing else to do until school started.

One thing I remembered as I was back for break was that Josh would be wrestling over break and a match was going to be on campus. I called him and asked him when and where it was again. He told me that it was the upcoming Saturday and that he would really like to see me there. I arranged it with my boss and I attended the match. Seeing guys in those singlets really didn't leave anything to the imagination. The singlets were white and you could see every guys package and even to the point if they were circumcised or not. One guy who was wrestling from the other team must have gotten a little turned on by the match because at the end he was definitely not soft.

Josh looked so hot in his singlet. I could see every muscle on his body and couldn't take my eyes off his ass that was shaped so well in the singlet. He saw me and waved before his match. I sat in awe in watching him grapple with his opponent and seeing some of the positions that he was in looked somewhat sexual. The guy he was wrestling with had a pretty large bulge in his singlet and a couple times I swear that Josh had grabbed it during the match. Josh eventually won 11-9 by points, without a pin. I was happy and cheering him after he raised his arm in victory. Man he looked so hot!

After the match was done, Josh came over to me and told me he had to shower, but he had the rest of the night off. He asked me if I wanted to go get something to eat and hang out afterwards. I told him I didn't have anything else planned, so it would be fun to just chill out for a while.

I waited for about twenty minutes before he arrived back with a couple of the guys on the team up to where I was waiting. Both of the guys I had seen wrestle earlier. One was Justin. The guy was blonde haired, blue eyed, and was built like a brick house. He was about five foot ten inches and was 189 pounds. In the singlet I knew that he probably didn't have an ounce of fat on him, and his package looked to be a decent size, actually kinda more on the thick side. The other guy was Adam. Adam was tall and lanky and was their 171 pounder. He was cute but wasn't as built as Justin was. He had a smaller bulge in his singlet. (I told you I was taking inventory.)

Josh came up and asked if it would be ok for Justin and Adam to join us for a meal. I told him I was totally cool with it and we went off to a family restaurant that is about two miles away from campus. The guys were definitely hungry and it was funny watching them just eat like pigs. The amount of food they ate was surprising, but I am sure they were fairly hungry. Josh told me later it was due to them having to cut weight to make their weight class. So, after the match, they could eat again, and would need to get some of the energy back in their system.

After the meal was done, Justin asked Josh and I what we were up to. He said they had some movies at his house and we could join them if we wanted. I really didn't have plans, and I told Josh it was up to him. Josh said he was kind of tired but wouldn't mind hanging for a little while. Off to Justin's place we went.

Justin lived in a three story house with six other guys. Each guy had their own room, which was nice. Justin gave me a tour of the house as Adam and Josh had seen it plenty of times before. Justin showed me his room and I was pretty stunned. It was very clean, and on the walls were pictures of bodybuilders, and other muscular guys. There was a couple pictures of guys on the walls too, but not in the typical straight guy way, they were of actresses in dresses and such, no nudes, no swimsuit pictures from Sports Illustrated. As I was looking in Justin's room, I became aware that he was literally standing right behind me and it felt like his groin was pressed into my butt area. As I turned to go back into the hall way, my hand had dropped to my side and slid right across his groin. He was hard. I couldn't figure out what he was thinking, but I wasn't going to take a chance at that moment.

We joined Adam and Josh down in the living room and put in a movie on the tv. Ferris Buhler's Day Off was a great choice and we all enjoyed watching it. Josh had actually fell asleep on the chair he was sitting on. Adam was sitting on the other side of the couch that I was on, and Justin was sitting on a chair to the left of him. After the movie was done, Adam said he was tired and headed up to his room in the house. Josh was sleeping soundly in the chair, even snoring. Justin asked me if I wanted to watch another movie. I told him I wasn't tired, so sure. Imagine my surprise when a porn flick popped up on the tv.

Justin didn't sit back down on the chair he had been sitting on, but instead sat down on the other end of the couch I was sitting on. I finally put two and two together and realized that Justin was looking for something tonight, but I was going to play it out and see how far he would go before putting the moves on me.

The Flick amazed me. The first couple of scenes were straight fucking. The chick and the guy in the first scene were hot as hell and I could tell my dick was responding to it. The guy squirted all over her face and it was a major turn on. My surprise came when I felt Justin's feet on my leg as he had stretched out. He was massaging his cock through his sweatpants he was wearing and it was quite obvious that he was hard and it wanted release.

The second scene wasn't as hot. The guy fucking a girl wasn't necessarily my type, but the guy had a huge dick. She sure seemed quite pleased by it and he pulled out and dripped his cum into the girls mouth. I turned and snuck a peek at Justin. He now had his cock out and was stroking it pretty good.

"Dude! What the Fuck?? I am sitting right here and you are going to stroke it off in front of me?" I said quite surprised.

"Sorry man, it hasn't had any action in a while and I haven't cum in over two weeks and I need a release. Come on, it's not like you haven't jacked off with someone before." He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Well yea, but dude, we just met. Come on."

"Well, you can be a prude or you can take yours out and jerk it to. Don't let me feel like I am doing this all by myself here dude."

What could I say? I looked at him stroking his cock. It was definitely impressive. I would say about nine and a half inches and was thick.

"Dude, do you even get girls to go down on that monster? Geez, they probably complain about it hurting."

"Yeah, girls have a hard time with it, but I've had a lot of girls say it makes them cum because it hits them in all the right spots." He said with a grin.

So now, I wasn't only turned on by the scene on the tv, but now was also very turned on by this super built guy stroking a huge cock right next to me. I decided I would join Justin and I pulled out my cock and started to stroke it too.

"Whoa dude. You said I'm big, wow, you got a quite impressive piece there yourself." Mike said with a small whistle.

"Not has huge as yours." I said.

"No, but is still a very nice piece, I'm sure you've never had complaints." He said.

"Nope, every one has left quite pleased." I said with a big smile.

The third scene came on. It was two guys and girl. It started off as straight as most straight flicks would be. The guys were college age and looked to be jocks for sure. Nicely built bodies and above average sized dicks. The girl was giving them both head and stroking. They were fingering the girl and kissing her tits. One guy decided to mount the girl and fuck her hard. What surprised me was after a few seconds, the second guy got behind the first guy and mounted his ass as the first was fucking the girl.

"Yeah, that's fucking hot!" I heard Justin say as he was stroking his cock with a nice stroke.

The next thing I knew, Justin sat up and sat right next to me. I was leaned back on the couch while I was stroking and a couple seconds later, I felt Justin's hand push my hand away and he proceeded to grab my cock and give it strokes. I wasn't going to say no and allowed him to stroke me. After a few minutes, I decided to return the favor and grabbed onto the beast. I couldn't wrap my hand around it all the way, but I made sure I stroked it into a way that I would want to be stroked if I was him.

There we were on the couch giving each other a hand and I was all of a sudden surprised when I saw Josh move. He was waking up and I am sure he would be surprised to see Justin and I giving each other hand jobs. Josh rubbed his eyes, looked at the tv, then looked at us. He had a big smile on his face.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Said Josh as he started to giggle.

"What does that mean, Josh?" I asked.

"Well, I always knew that Justin was bi-sexual. He had tried several times to get me to have sex with him, but I declined because at the time I was still a virgin and I didn't want to lose it to that monster he has wagging in front of him." He said with a smile.

"What? Wait? Are you saying you aren't a virgin anymore Josh?" Justin asked.

"Umm.. nope. The guy you have your hands on is the one who cured that for me." Josh said with a smile.

"Dang, I knew that there was something between the two of you. I caught it in the way he was looking at every guys package while we were wrestling. I had always known, Josh, you were interested in guys, but this one, I had to kinda set up, I guess." He said as he looked at us.

Josh got up from his chair and came over and bent over right in front of us on the floor. He put his right hand on Justin's cock and his left on mine. Justin and I released our grips on each other's man meat, allowing Josh to have his fun.

I was quite surprised when Justin leaned over and kissed me square on the mouth. I returned the kiss and let my tongue invade his mouth. He accepted it with a grunt. I looked down and saw that Josh had put Justin's cock in his mouth and was taking about two or three inches in his mouth. His mouth looked quite full. Josh was trying as hard as he could to take it the best he could. Justin was enjoying it by the look on his face.

Josh then let go of his cock and proceeded to slurp my cock down about half way. God, this guy sure knew how to suck a dick and wasn't scared to show it either. We moved down to the floor and Josh had my cock, I had Justin's, and Justin had Josh's cock in our mouths. I had difficulty with Justin but with all the practice I had, I was able to take him down after a while.

"Whoa there.. no one has ever taken me that far down. I'm in love!" Justin exclaimed.

I just raised up and gave him a smile. "The goal is to take this mother fucker down my throat." I said with a laugh.

"Anytime you wanna have a go at it, you are more than welcome. Man, to think I thought you might be straight." He said.

"Nope, bi like you, but I am really seeing I prefer guys. Especially big guys with nice dicks and are athletes with a hot ass body." I said as I returned to take as much of Justin's cock down my throat. Josh was doing a phenomenal job on my cock and I could tell I was getting close to orgasm. I pulled out of his mouth and pulled off of Justin's.

"I gotta have a piece of that ass Justin! To have your hot body under me would be a dream come true." I said to Justin.

"I've never let anyone fuck me. I usually do the fucking. I don't know with a big gun like that if I want to experience that. I've only let three guys fuck me in the past and they were smaller like Josh, no offence Josh." He said.

I got a clever idea in my mind. "Well, why don't we let Josh start you off, and then after you are stretched a little, I can have my fun." I said.

He just seemed hesitant, but I convinced him with this, "and... after we are done, you have my ass to fill as much as you want."

He got a big smile on his face and said, "Hell yeah, now that's what I am talking about. You have a hot ass and I can tell already it's going to be a hot fuck! Josh go up to my room and get some condoms. I have your size and I have the magnums for us."

With that Josh ran up to Justin's room. I didn't want to wait to long so I bent him over and proceeded to start to rim his hot muscle ass. It truly was a piece of art and it was amazing. I knew that he had just taken a shower not too long ago, so it would be fairly clean. "Holy Shit! That feels amazing! I've never had anyone do that to me." Justin said.

Josh returned and I had slobbered enough spit onto Justin's ass to make him slick. Josh didn't wait; he pulled on his condom and proceeded to mount Justin slowly. As Justin became more accustom to Josh's penetration, his muscles relaxed and it was obvious after Josh started his strokes in and out, that Justin seemed to enjoy this more than I am sure he wanted us to know. His groans and grunts were telling me he was feeling the cock push and pull against his prostrate. Justin's cock seemed to be even harder than when we were doing our simultaneous blow jobs, and it was leaking pre-cum. I reached down and stroked him in time with Josh's pushes in and out.

It wasn't long and Justin came all over the blanket that was on the couch. Josh wasn't far behind and pushed all the way in and just collapsed on top of Justin. Sweat was glistening all over their bodies and I loved the way it really highlighted Justin's muscles. Did I say this guy was built, Holy crap, brick house wasn't even giving him justice.

Josh pulled out and right away I pulled on my condom and mounted Justin right away. I pushed into him slowly and got about half way in before I felt his ass muscles clench. He gave a little whimper and I knew at that moment I had to stop. I pulled out slowly and eased back in. I proceeded to work this ass the best I could. Slowly but surely I was able to enter more and more into him and finally bottomed out inside of him. I was surprised when I reached under him and found he was rock hard again.

"Holy crap mister, you must be enjoying this if you are hard as a rock already." I said with a big laugh.

"I didn't know it would feel this good. Wow, no wonder why girls like big dicks. Keep going, because I can honestly tell you I won't last much longer. I can feel your cock hitting something and each time you do, it makes me feel like I am going to cum!" He replied.

"That, my friend, is your prostrate, and it is where a lot of your seminal fluid starts to flow to create your cum. It's a good thing to have it hit, because it will help you create more cum and give you an intense orgasm, as you noticed by your first orgasm." I said.

"Yeah, I have never cum that hard or that much in my life. I can tell already this one is going to match or exceed the first." He said.

With that, I pulled out of him and pushed him onto his back. I pulled up his legs so his feet were on my shoulders and entered into him again. This time I wasn't using the slow strokes I was prior, I was really giving him a hard fuck. He grabbed onto his cock and I could see the pre-cum flowing out of it. His balls were big and I knew they had a lot of juice to give. As he was stroking, I started up my efforts and started to pound him faster and stronger. I put my arms down on each side of his head and let my body get fully into it. I was feeling the first pings of a pending orgasm and knew with this rate, it wouldn't take long.

I was surprised with after a few minutes of this, Justin exploded! I mean, cum flying everywhere, hitting me in the face, going over his head, all over his chest and stomach, everywhere! I was surprised at the amount and volume of it. It wasn't much longer and I could feel my cum start to rise up into my cock. I pulled out of Justin's ass and took off my condom. I stroked my cock a few times with my right hand and with my left, I grabbed onto the back of Justin's head, pulling his mouth towards my cock.

He got the idea and opened his mouth just as my cock started to dribble. I knew this orgasm wasn't going to be small because it had been a while since I had some action and had beaten off. My cum started to fly and it went all over his face and hair. Like a trooper he started to lick it up and started to swallow. I was really surprised when he took the head of my cock in his mouth as I hadn't finished shooting yet. He swallowed it like a champ.

The orgasm had subsided and I ended up laying on top of Justin. He wrapped those huge pythons around my body and giving me a tight hug. I could feel all the air being squeezed out of my body and had to breathlessly say `oompf' and ask him to release me. I was ok, but he literally could have squeezed all the air out of my body and killed me, it felt like.

We all sat down on the couch and just laughed about the fun we just had. I was surprised that Justin was willing to give up his ass so readily, but wasn't complaining because it was one of the tightest I had ever fucked. I knew I would probably have more of this ass in the future and having him beg me to fuck him again.

"I don't know if I am going to be able to get it up again to fuck your hot ass." Justin said, "but, I would definitely love to have fun again with you two. Josh I want a try at that ass, since you aren't a virgin anymore." "Well, since you were awesome enough to let me have a go at yours," Josh said, "I guess turnabout is fair play. I think we should get going though; I'm tired and ready to fall asleep. That wore me out!"

"Yeah, I think I could sleep well tonight. I am sure if Adam came down and saw this, he would probably freak. Where do you live?" he asked me.

"I'm over in the football house. Nice place and it's really awesome to be around everyone. Good parties and is fun as hell!" I said.

"Well, maybe I can come over and spend the night sometime." Justin said, "We will have to bring our buddy here too." He grabbed onto Justin and put him in a headlock and proceeded to rustle his hair.

"Sounds good to me. Most of the guys won't return til a few days before break is over, so we have a couple weeks. Plus, it'd be cool to have you come see the house, maybe get someone to get us some alcohol and have a little 3 man party." I said with a wink at both of them.

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