Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Sep 12, 2009


The Football House Part 2

Copyright 2009 wrestlinboy

Thanks everyone for the kind words. I, indeed, and basically writing my memoirs of being in the house. About 90% of this is based on actual events. Yes, I will add a few lines/things to make it more interesting than just WHAM BAM Thank you sir sex.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent. The name of the school shall remain un-named.

PART 2 -- First night in the house.

So, after my fun time in the house during the spring, I couldn't help but keep thinking of what would happen if I moved into the house early this summer. I talked with my parents about being offered to stay in the house. My mom said she didn't think it was a good idea and that every freshman should stay in a dormitory for their first year. I talked to my dad and told him that by being in the house, it would allow me to develop good relationships with the members of the team, solidifying my place on the team.

As my high school season was coming to an end, my dad pulled me aside and gave me a check for the deposit and summer rent. I was so excited to know that he was on my side. He told me he had talked to mom and told her that it was really a great opportunity for me to be part of the house. She finally gave in and said she would stand by his decision, but... if my grades were to suffer, she would ask for me to live in the dorms the following semester.

I had Mike's phone number and decided to give him the good news. He said he was excited to hear that I was going to be a roommate. I told him of the stipulation that I needed to get good grades, or I would have to move into the dorms. He said not to worry. The team studies together and the older guys help the younger guys to make sure they do well. He said being part of the team required them to maintain a 2.5gpa, but being in the house required a 3.0. I was a little shocked that information wasn't given to me at first, but I knew that I would have to work hard with my studies and learning football too. I also gave mom this information and she seemed a little more at ease knowing that the team house was so strict.

My thoughts also turned to Tim. I knew he was staying in the house this summer and wondered if he would continue to try to get me to have sex with him.

High school graduation finally happened. I was a man now, able to get away from being under my parent's rule, and become my own man. I graduated from high school with a 3.6gpa, and in the top 30 of my class. The graduation party was a blast. A lot of my friends were talking about the colleges we were going to. I was the only one from our high school going to my college. That kind of made me happy as I would develop new friendships. I knew I would be able to keep in touch with my high school friends through Facebook and MySpace.

At the grad party, mom and dad just had huge smiles on their faces. I knew it was because I graduated and they were probably excited to see me become a college boy. Only my brother would be at home now, and he was a freshman in high school. Towards the end of the party, mom and dad asked me to come up as they had a surprise for me. Dad told me as long as I maintained a 3.0gpa in college, they would pay for my rent and food. I was so happy. I got a scholarship to play football, so that was all paid off, and gave me some spending money too. Then dad said he had another surprise for me and told me to go out in front of the house. I did and everyone followed. They had their hands over my eyes, so I couldn't see what was really happening. As they removed their eyes, there in front of me was a new Mazda RX-8. I was so surprised and happy. My friends and I got in the car and went cruising for a while, then came home.

On with summer, I thought.

The day finally came for me to move into the football house. Mom and dad of course had to come to campus and help me move in. Mike had told me which room was going to be his and mine in advance, so I was able to find everything ok. As we were moving stuff in, Tim came walking down the steps. I was scared he'd be buck naked like always, but he had shorts on and shoes. I stopped for a second to take in his body and frame. I didn't think it was possible for him to get any bigger, but he certainly did.

We finally got all my things moved into the room and the rents took me and Tim out to dinner. I had introduced them to Tim earlier and he had helped move my stuff in. I told them he was one of the guys I hung out with most when I visited the first weekend. They really liked him and as I was walking up the stairs, I heard my mom tell Tim to take good care of me and watch out for me. Tim told her it wouldn't be a problem, the team watches out for each other.

Whew, the finally left. I couldn't believe I was on my own. It seemed weird. All of high school you want to get out and be your own person, and when it finally happens, you are a little amazed and scared at the same time.

Tim came up to the room and helped me put my posters up on the wall, put my clothes away, and get everything else situated. The whole time we were doing that, I felt his body brush by mine a few times. At first I thought was just by mistake, but then I realized after a couple times, he was purposely putting his body near mine so they'd rub against each other.

"What are you doin' man?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he replied.

"You are rubbing your body against mine. What's up with that?" I asked, with a tone of being a little annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I thought you'd like it a little." He replied.

I just gave him the look and reminded him I was straight. He just got a huge smile on his face and reminded me that I told him I was a little `curious' about the other side. I asked him if he was gay or what?

"I play both fields, but I definitely don't mind the boys more than the girls." He said.

"So you do have sex with girls?" I asked.

"Absolutely! I have to keep somewhat of a facade going to make it appear that I am straight! Not everyone in here knows about my enjoyment of the male body and wouldn't appreciated it all that well either. If a lot of the guys on the team knew I'd like to suck them off of have them fuck me or me fuck them, I don't think they'd appreciate it that much."

"Ahh, I see."

"So, what do you think of Mikey?" He asked.

"He seems pretty cool. I felt bad because I disturbed him and a chick when I went to grab my stuff." I said.

"Eh, it's no biggie. That happens a lot in the house. Guys will walk in on you in the morning and if you have a chick in your bed still, they'll just whoop it up!" He said.

"Ahh. Mike seems like a pretty cool guy. He asked to be my roommate, so we are going to be living in this room." Of course, the room he chose was right across the hall from Tim's room.

Tim just started to chuckle a little. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"Ahh, Mike's just a cool guy, but there's more to him than he shows." Tim said.

I gave Tim a quizzical look. "You'll see" Tim said, "You'll see."

After our conversation we went down stairs. The house was empty and it seemed like no one was there. I asked Tim where everyone was. He said actually everyone went home this week and no one would be around until probably next week or the week after. It was just him and I in a huge house. We got some beers and went out in the back yard and played some beer pong against each other. He said he was quite impressed with my skills and should be his partner during the school year. "We'll kick ass at this game!" He said.

I started to get tired so I told him I was gonna crash because I was tired and it had been a long day. "Ok," he said, "have a good night's sleep."

I fell asleep in my bed. I didn't realize an old house could make so much noise. I was in my room and it was a little hot in there. I opened the window and put a fan in it to get some air flowing through my room. Finally I decided it still was too warm to wear any clothes, so I stripped and laid down on top of all my blankets and sheets.

I awoke a little later; the clock said it was 3:30am. I realized I had to piss. So, I just decided to walk to the bathroom down the hall and release. As I was walking down the hall, I heard some noises coming from downstairs. After taking care of business, I decided to creep downstairs to see what was happening. As I approached the main floor I was hearing moans and groans. I thought, holy cow, Tim works fast.

I looked around and didn't see anything. I realized he wasn't in the main room. On the main floor was a separate room that was pretty large; the house TV room. It was sweet; a huge TV with surround sound. The door to the room was open a little so I decided to peek in. On the TV was the reason I was hearing the sounds. Tim was watching a porn flick. I decided to take a little closer look. I was feeling a little horny and could go for a good wank.

It was then I realized, the flick that was being watched was grainy and not a professional flick. It appeared to be an amateur video. I walked in and saw Tim stroking his huge cock and playing with his balls. He was so intent on the video, that he didn't realize I had walked in. I watched a little longer to see that on the video was actually Tim's room. It was Tim fucking someone, and then realized he was fucking another guy. Here was Tim, wanking it to a video he must have made with him and some other guy. I had to admit, this video actually turned me on a little. Tim was on the bottom this time and some pretty built guy was nailing him from behind. I didn't get a good look at the guy on top, but I had a feeling I had seen him before.

I cleared my throat a little and Tim jumped. He quickly turned off the TV and turned and looked at me.

"What the fuck man?" He yelled.

"Sorry dude, I was going to take a piss and heard some commotion. I decided to check it out and found out it was you in here."

"What did you see?" He asked.

"Umm... not much." I lied. I didn't want him to think I had seen it all, when in reality I had seen about a good 10 minutes of the video.

"You lying sack of shit. I can see you were watching the video. If you weren't, why is your dick hard?"

I looked down and realized indeed my dick and hard and was dripping pre-cum already. How was it that I was so turned on by that video? I am straight remember?

Tim just got a huge grin on his face. "Yeah, that's what I thought" He said. "I think you liked it a little and are afraid to admit it."

"No man, I was beating off upstairs before I heard everything. That's why it's hard man." I said.

"Right." He then proceeded to get up from the couch and walk straight in front of me. His huge dick led the way. I of course had to look down at it. Not only was it lock, but it was thick and I was mesmerized by it. "I think you like it more than you are willing to say. Dude, don't worry about it. I think every guy is at least a little curious." He said.

He then did something I wasn't expecting. Of course remember I was naked as a bird. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his cock. It was hot to the touch and unlike anything I had ever felt. He curled my hand around it. I couldn't get my fingers to make a complete circle around it, but almost. He then encouraged me to beat him off by moving my hand up and down his cock with his hand. At the same time, he reached over and grabbed my cock.

"That's a nice piece you got there. What is it about 8"?" He asked.

"I don't know, I haven't measured. But I have never heard a complaint. It's definitely not as big as yours." I replied.

He then started to stroke my cock with good pressure and I knew it wouldn't take long for me to cum. I think he realized it because he said we should sit down on the couch. I sat on his left, never taking my hand off his cock.

We stroked each other for a few minutes, and I realized he was leaking pre-cum pretty good. He also seemed to really be getting into it as I saw his muscles start to tighten up. "Are you going to cum?" I asked.

"Pretty soon. You really turn me on dude." He replied.

I started to take my hand off his cock, but he quickly grabbed it and placed it back on it. "Don't stop now." He said. I started stroking it again and saw his face start to show the signs of an impending orgasm. He had stopped stroking my cock and all the focus seemed to be on him. I figured since he wouldn't let me take my hand away, I should stroke it faster, like I usually do when I know I'm gonna cum.

I stroked it faster and faster and then put my other hand under his balls and grabbed them, like I prefer to do to myself. He then let out a huge grunt and wham, his cum started flying everywhere. It splattered on his forehead, hair, his left eye, left cheek, then down his chest and abs. Boy did he cum a lot! I couldn't believe how much had sprayed out of him.

After he came down from his orgasm, he looked at me and smiled wide. "How was that?" He asked.

"It wasn't so bad. Damn dude, Do you usually cum that much?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's usually quite a show." He said with a huge smile. He then proceeded to start wiping it off his face and licked off his fingers. He then grabbed the stuff on his chest and abs and offered it to me. I took his fingers in my mouth and licked and sucked them clean.

He then looked at me and smiled and said his thanks. I thought the night was over because he had gotten his nut. I thought for sure I would have to go upstairs and release the load I know had been building this whole time. Imagine my surprise when he looked at me and said, "Ok, now your turn."

He then quickly laid me down on the couch and proceeded to take my cock in his mouth. Boy was I surprised when he started working on my cock and giving me a nice blowjob. I had to admit, he definitely knew what he was doing. It felt so good to have my cock in his mouth, to feel his tongue sliding up and down as he was taking me deep and then coming up and just sucking the head. His hands started playing with my balls, which is usually something that gets me very hot, very quickly.

Tim just looked at me directly in the eyes and then proceeded to take me all the way deep in his mouth. He kept it there until I could feel his throat start to contract like he was gagging. Now I have had blowjobs before from girls, and trust me a few knew what to do, but NOTHING compared to this. I told Tim after about 5 minutes of him sucking, licking, etc, that he better stop or I was gonna blow.

"Let it go big man, today you become a man again!" He said.

He proceeded to take me deep in his mouth a couple more times. What really surprised me was feeling his fingers start to play around my butt. I didn't want this and started to pull out a little and told him no, not the butt. He said ok, and then just grabbed my butt cheeks to push me deeper in his mouth. I was ready to cum and told him again, "watch out man, it's gonna blow." He didn't budge and I came the hardest I have ever came in my short sexual life. He proceeded to swallow my load and then licked up every remaining strand that he missed earlier.

I came down from my high and looked down at him. He just looked up at me and smiled, licking his lips.

"Well, what did you think?" He asked.

"Dude that was the most intense orgasm I had ever had." I replied

"The most intense orgasm so far." He said with a big smile.

I looked at him with a questionable look on my face. He said, "Trust me, there's more to experience."

We cooled down from our little episode and just made some small talk. He told me he was from a small town in Ohio, but went to a bigger school about 20 minutes away from his town. He said he wouldn't have gotten recognized if he played football at the school in his town. He was 21 and was a going to be a junior in college. He redshirted his freshman year and so that explained why he was a junior at 21.

I told him I was from a city in Illinois and played football all my life. I told him football was my life.

We talked about past sexual experiences, when we lost our virginity, etc. He said he lost his to a girl at age 17, but to a boy at age 15. I told him I lost mine to a girl at age 16, but just now lost the `guy virginity' to him tonight at age 18. We talked about favorite positions, etc.

Before we knew it, the sun was starting to rise in the distance and realized it would probably be a good idea to get some sleep. I told him my room was really warm. He said his had Air conditioning, so he didn't have to worry about it.

We proceeded to make our way up the stairs to our rooms, both naked and both of us happy from our little escapade earlier. As I started to turn into my room, he gave my ass a quick slap and then followed me in.

"Yeah, I'd say it's quite warm in here dude! I think you should just sleep in my room." He said.

"Naw dude, I think I will be able to make it. You just want to rape me." I replied with a smile.

"You can't rape the willing." He said with a huge smile. "Naw, I'm tired and worn out. Come on, I promise I won't do anything to keep you awake. It's much cooler in my room and I promise nothing will happen before we fall asleep."

"Ok man, but hands to yourself." I said with a stern look on my face.

"You got it chief." He said.

I lay in the same place on his bed that I had laid on about 3 months earlier. I turned and faced the window enjoying the air conditioned room. It was indeed nice and I knew I would be able to fall asleep easier. I just then realized I didn't put any clothes on before coming in here. I was about to get up to put on some shorts, when Tim laid down right beside me, putting his arm around me and snuggled right next to me.

"Good night." He said.

"umm... I think I'm going to get some shorts on." I replied.

"Nonsense. You're fine!" He said and then pushed me a little closer to him. I then felt his cock nestled in my butt. "Mmmm... this feels good."

I realized I wasn't going anywhere and decided to just try to get some sleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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